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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Dr. Oz

Asmo says...

Umm, I'm not sure how your response is relevant to my comment...

Thalidomide was a drug given to pregnant women for nausea iirc which caused horrible defects in children. It was a classic case of a drug that was not regulated properly and should never been allowed on the market.

The reason why drugs undergo testing is because sometimes the side effects are far worse than any benefit they might provide. ShakaUVM was going on about deregulation, but if he'd watched the vid he would have seen the segment on a homeopathic remedy (ie. unregulated) which caused deaths and severe reactions. Perhaps if there was regulation, those people wouldn't be dead...

RedSky said:

Not true, at least not the primary reason.

The reason they're high is because pharmaceutical companies can get away with charging high prices and reaping high margins, because of their strong competitive position, margins some 50% higher in the US than the EU.


See page 12 - Pre R&D margins are 65% in the US to 43% in the EU.

A big reason for this is the lack of a universal public option, only Medicare exists for the elderly, Medicaid for the poor. With a universal public option like in most developed countries, the monopsony buying power of the government for a much larger part of the population would force down margins.

What happens if you push someone wearing Oculus Rift?

budzos says...

This is a bit of an overblown reaction but yes the Oculus is great. Too bad I can't even think about putting mine on anymore without getting a bit nauseous. I will want the consumer version though.. apparently the nausea will be much less of a problem.

How To Order McDonald's Secret Menu Items

Orz says...

Not that I really wanted to eat at Taco Hell anyway but your use of the words "glop" and "wad" have 'refreshed' the feelings I have about that eating establishment. And yet, the bit of nausea I feel is still no comparison to experiencing the real thing.

chingalera said:

It's like Taco Bell yellowc, whenever the introduce some new glop it's simply another variation of of the same 7 ingredients they have on hand in some new shape or wad.

Container ship OOCL Belgium taking 40 degree roll

rebuilder says...

Ugh. I'm starting to realize I'm susceptible to psychosomatic nausea...

This reminds me in a bad way of the one time I was in anything approaching rough seas. It was a ferry from Finland to Sweden, with winds around 30m/sec. In Stockholm, trams were thrown off their tracks by the wind.

I'd just had dinner when the waves hit and was lying down in my cabin, thinking that might be the easiest way to weather the ship's rocking. It wasn't. Decided to go out on deck to get some fresh air, a task slightly complicated by the way the floor kept falling out from under my feet while I was trying to walk. This on a ship built to transport some 3000 people.

End result, I might as well not have paid for the dinner, plus I self-diagnosed myself with an ear infection that really flared up about the same time. And this is almost an inland sea we're talking about, nothing like an ocean. I think I'll stick to planes for transcontinental travel, thank you very much.

The World's Scariest Drug (Vice Documentary)

shang says...

I am prescribed Scopolomine patches which you wear behind your ear.

for motion sickness or I take it cause I am on high doses of oxycontin as well as 24/7 opiate patch called Fentanyl

and scopolomine patches reduces nausea and dizziness associated with high doses of opiates

works great

Intense Drum Solo Barf - Not one F**k was given!

Newt Gingrich wants child janitors?

Kirsten Schaal on The Daily Show - Big Mouth Billie Vagina

marbles says...

>> ^spoco2:

>> ^marbles:
>> ^spoco2:
Ha! She really got him with that last comment...
Where's marbles to arc up about vaccines then?

When you've got liberals quoting Rush Limbaugh as the authority, then you know something is seriously fucked up.

OR, if everyone INCLUDING Limbaugh admits that there is ZERO evidence for the claims then you know the claims are utter bullshit.

Ok pal. Gardasil contains aluminum, polysorbate 80 and sodium borate.

aluminum: Toxic. Linked to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Can cause memory loss and speech problems. Linked to a wide variety of other health problems. Side effects and severe allergic reactions include rash, hives, itching, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue, loss of appetite, muscle weakness, nausea, slow reflexes, and vomiting.

polysorbate 80: Carcinogenic as well as mutagenic. When injected into prepubescent rats, it caused abnormal growth of reproductive organs and made the rats sterile. When used intravenously with vitamins it has been known to cause anaphylactic shock.

sodium borate: Roach pesticide, i.e. poison. Listed side effects include: vomiting, collapse, coma, convulsions, low blood pressure and twitching of facial muscles, arms, hands, legs, and feet.

According to VAERS – the following reports have been listed for HPV, HPV2 & HPV 4 and "mental disorders." This is an estimated 1 to 10% of the vaccine-injured population reporting:

    VAERS Analysis / HPV, HPV2, HPV4 – U.S. & Foreign / HPV4 U.S. Only

  1. Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) / 21 / 7
  2. Encephalitis / 53 / 27
  3. Demyelination / 60 / 28
  4. Psychotic Disorder / 14 / 5
  5. Abnormal Behaviour / 49 / 41
  6. Cognitive Disorder / 22 / 19
  7. Mental Status Changes / 41 / 38
  8. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging Brain Abnormal / 132 / 95
  9. Speech Disorder / 90 / 67
  10. Myelitis Transverse / 30 / 21
  11. Facial Palsy / 138 / 105

But hey, the government and big business says it's perfectly safe, so all those victims are probably just full of shit.

Congrats Drug Warrior-in-Chief President Obama!

Ryjkyj says...

Pain aside, one of the most important roles for a cancer patient that marijuana can fill is to give them back their appetite when the nausea of chemotherapy sets in.

The fact of the matter is that marijuana is proven to benefit patients in this way. That's the reason we have Marinol. I watched my uncle die a slow and incredibly painful death from melanoma and I would've happily given him anything he asked for. The fact is, he asked for weed and it helped.

I say this as an ex-pot smoker. I don't do it anymore but I think it should be legal. The fact that it's not at least a legal medicine everywhere is a crime.

Alternative Medicine Medic...

criticalthud says...

and the answer is: because i work in the field, somewhere in the middle of alt treatment and mainstream treatment. i'm quite mainstream in many parts of the world, alt in others. it's really pretty stupid.
i work mostly with fairly severe spinal issues. i'm particularly fond of somatic theory, from a structural perspective, and i practice and teach manual therapy utilizing a neurological approach focusing on rotational distortion. On the whole, what is often dismissed as alternative in treatment turns out to be the most innovative, that pushes mainstream treatments into new and more effective territory. "Touching" a person was pretty out of style in the accepted medical practice until late, -- PT's are actually starting to get a clue.

i'm quite aware of the fluff that is out there, the weird, the barbaric, the hippy dippy, the downright stupid. both the alt side of things, as you might define it, and the mainstream side of things, often fall into these categories. There are however, powerful lobbies that make one form of treatment more acceptable than others.... Big pharma is insanely powerful, and insanely profitable... we're drugging our kids for fucks sake.
and lets put it this way, the profit margin is very small in what i do. it's just too time consuming and labor intensive.

And while the business side of things has thoroughly poisoned mainstream medicine, there tends to be more, but not necessarily all, of "alt" providers, who purposely shy away from it. we'd all be better off in a socialist medicine system that was not for profit. In every socialist system, some form of what i do is commonplace, mainstream, accepted science...goddamn common sense.
anyhoo..., would you like some figures on iatrogenic death?

I worked in an acupuncture clinic for a bit, mostly treating cancer and HIV. The acupuncture was most effective for treating nausea, pain, and other symptoms that came with the chemo.
In china it is combined with herbs to treat the cancer. I don't know the success rates. i know they take their acupuncture very seriously, and very scientifically... and western docs are starting to wake up to it.
For chronic pain issues (back, neck, pain) etc...i probably bat somewhere in 80-90%. That destroys mainstream. I'm an anomaly, but i shouldn't be. more talented people should be in this field. and being able to spot and work with spinal issues at young ages would save billions of dollars in lost labor, workers comp, SSI, medical expenses, drugs...a shit ton of pain and suffering.

foresight. preventative medicine.

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:

I'm not arguing for the sake of arguing, I'm arguing because you seem to think "alternative medicine" is superior to medicine. What point are you trying to make about chemotherapy, exactly? In many cases it's a very effective treatment. Do you know what the success rate of, say, acupuncture is for treating cancer? How about therapeutic touch? Or chakra realignment? Or ground turtle shell? Or homeopathy? Or vitamin megadosing? Or evening primrose oil supplements? Or magnetic wristbands? Nil. Nothing. No demonstrable effect. And there's a reason for that. There is no alternative to medicine. There's medicine, and there's "crap that doesn't work".
You're right that the major difference between scientific medicine and "alternative medicine" is the degree that it is run purely as profit generating business. Except that you have it completely the wrong way round. "Alternative medicine" has no chance of curing you, and costs money. Medicine has a chance of curing you, using products and medicines backed up by science, and costs money. I know which I'd rather go for. "Western medicine" (as you call it, though you should note that the practice of science-based medicine isn't limited to the Western world, thank goodness) is interested in cures because the effective interventions are the ones that get used, thereby generating income. It's only in the field of "alternative medicine" that "crap that doesn't work" can be sold for a profit without anyone ever questioning it. If a medical intervention or treatment doesn't work, the scientific method roots it out eventually, but tellingly there is no such self-regulatory framework in place when it comes to "alternative medicine", and the practitioners don't care.
Put it this way: if it were true that science-based medicine didn't "know their ass from a hole in the ground" when it comes to chronic pain then what the hell would make you think that the pseudoscientific bullshitfest that is "alternative medicine" would stand a chance at solving the problem?
>> ^criticalthud:
alright there. not really getting the gist of the statement, are you?
you're arguing for the sake of arguing.
do you know what the success rate of chemo is for curing cancer? pretty much the same as not having it
back surgery? the same
there's plenty of crap out there, and no "medicine" is immune from it. the one major difference between what is labeled as alt and what isn't is the degree that it is run purely as profit generating business. Do you get it? western medicine isn't necessarily interested in cures. doctors might be, but the biz side of it ain't. it's quick fix, in and out, write the latest scrip that has been peddled to you by big pharma, and do the treatments and tests that you are allowed to do by the insurance company.
western medicine doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to chronic pain, because treating something that typically has it's roots in the structure of the body isn't profitable.

The real cost of faith - Matt crushes poor caller.

kceaton1 says...

That's what started my journey was when I didn't wish harm unto anyone, yet my faith talks about it all the time.

I could never with any conscience level of understanding submit someone to hell; NO MATTER WHAT THEY'VE DONE. Ever.

So many variables create a human. So many variables interact and sometimes FORCE you to think the way you do. This is the modern understanding of the brain. True, free will has and will always be an utter joke. People claim they would not do something in someone else's shoes, but if you impose the same biology and conditions--YOU WILL do EXACTLY the same thing (except for random quantum mechanical variations). In fact when it is said and done your mind will be indistinguishable from theirs.

Throw your old self in your body afterwards and after the nausea and vomiting and the absolute horror of realizing you are nothing but the same thing is gone, you might begin to understand love and empathy. If you already can see this, you have an actual chance to be a moral person. If I sound crazy to you, then you have a lot to learn and live for.

That's it. Faith won't make a decision; reality does that.

What's in an Ecstasy Tablet?

cybrbeast says...

This is bullshit

40-50 people dying a year of MDMA? Lies:

"Not only are MDMA related cases a small percentage of all drug-related emergency room visits, but a large percentage of MDMA cases are not life-threatening. In a recent study conducted by the physicians in the Emergency Department of Bellevue, (Rella, Int J Med Toxicol 2000; 3(5): 28) regional hospital ecstasy cases phoned into the New York City poison control center were analyzed. There were 191 cases reported during the years 1993 to 1999 inclusive. This is a rate of fewer than thirty cases per year. 139 cases (73%) were mild and experienced minor or no toxicity. The most commonly reported symptoms were increased heart rate (22%), agitation (19%), and nausea and vomiting (12%). In these seven years, only one ecstasy-related death was reported, which was due to hyperthermia, or overheating. Ecstasy is simply not the "killer drug" the media would like us to believe."

Just 8% contained MDMA, WTF? I find that very hard to believe. In the Netherlands levels have been monitored for years and in the worst year only 50% contained MDMA.

Also CCP, I think this guy means mCCP

TDS: Happy Meal Toy Ban

dystopianfuturetoday says...

What a terrible strategy to combat childhood obesity. Banning the 5 cent plastic toy that kids throw away the next day isn't going to do anything, it's just going to save fast food joints 5 cents, which will be added to the advertising budget, which will entice more younglings to pad their little bellies with fat and clog their tiny little ateries with toxic sludge.

Banning high fructose corn syrup would be much more effective. Limiting advertising that targets children would be much more effective. A junk food tax would be much more effective. Enforcing stricter nutritional standards at public schools would be more effective.

At the Federal level, stopping the subsidies of HFCS would be much more effective. Not appointing members of Monsanto to the FDA would be much more effective.

Also, that is one disturbing screen shot. Thanks for the nausea, vaporlock.

Fox news, more childish behaviour.

Penn & Teller on the Anti-Vaccination Movement

GeeSussFreeK says...

Quorum sensing seems like a more mechanical version of smell. Smell doesn't cause anything to directly occur (though it has very potent indirect triggers like nausea). Though, they could be exactly the same if the bacteria are counting the presence of communications. I want to know if the receptors are unable to take in signals unless the volume of communications cause a pressure that forces the receptor in the slot. In that case, it would be kind of like smell, but more like a trigger. If, however, the cell is just keeping track of how many communications is receives (keeping track of the volume of communications), then it is a programed response that resembles our own feelings of illness when a foul smell is in the air. In other words, from what I got out of that video, I think you are right; quorum sensing is nearly identical to smell.

What they pointed out rightfully in that other video, current antibacterials actually bread for stronger bacteria. If you could dumb down, bread out, or otherwise interfere with their order you wouldn't encourage such evolutions. That was a very great video there flech, I thank you for it.

And everyone take it easy on Yogi. I think a healthy dose of skepticism keeps us from making bad assumptions. Look at all the people that took radium as a cure all then later died. Vaccinations came in and took over without a real study to show if they had negative long term or unexpected consequences. They were adopted rapidly because the results of less kids dead from polio was viable. And, because of the recent speculations, we have real data now that shows they are indeed, mostly benign. If it wasn't for people being skeptical, we wouldn't have put the science forward to finding the answer to a question we should of asked a long time ago. Since then, we have about 3 different good studies that show vaccines are a non-factor in cancer, and other more neurological disorders.

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