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Leon Redbone ~ Sheik of Araby

chatting with a flat earther

newtboy jokingly says...

The conspiracy theorists say that the Earth is flat, but I know that it is round. For I have seen the shadow of the earth on the moon and I have more faith in the shadow than in the crazy.

Ashenkase (Member Profile)

Tour of the Moon in 4K

Can you dodge Space Lasers ?

A New View of the Moon

RFlagg says...

*promote the beauty of people being in awe of seeing something so simple as the moon through a telescope. Perhaps people like me who have a telescope (though I can only dream of having one that nice) are spoiled. The universe is an amazingly beautiful place, it's nice he was able to help share even a simple bit of it with random people.

How politicians troll the media

00Scud00 says...

Not entirely true, if you're douchy enough you can still wind up like Roy Moore.
I hope there's no rules against someone named something other than Alice being sent to the moon, I'd hate to see this ruined by a technicality.

ChaosEngine said:

No, Charlie needs to learn from his mistakes and ignore Lucy.

Kicking her will just allow her to cry "victim".

And that is EXACTLY what happens with the politicians.

2099 Opening Reboot

AeroMechanical says...

I'd be down with a Space 1999 reboot, but the fundamental premise of a nuclear explosion pushing the moon out of orbit and then somehow to another star system for a new episode each week is so ridiculous l it would have to be replaced, but by that point it's hardly a Space 1999 reboot. I guess you could have the same basic setup with a moon base but use wormholes or string magic or quantum whatever and that might be okay. A show taking place on a moon base that keeps jumping randomly through alternate dimensions could be kind of interesting for a while maybe. Like Sliders, except they take the moon base with them and have Eagles to fly around in.

Dealing with a scammer

moonsammy says...

I like messing with scammers. Had someone try to get me to accept an "award" cruise. I asked if it could go anywhere, because I've been hearing a lot about space tourism and have always wanted to see the moon. They said it was a cruise, and I asked to visit Nebraska.

Years ago when trying to get people to switch long distance carriers was a thing, I told someone from AT&T that they'll have to beat free, as I sold my soul to Satan for free calls.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

L.A.’s Best Indian Food Is in This Gas Station

StukaFox says...

If you live in the California Bay Area, here's a little secret:

Half-way between Santa Cruz and Half Moon Bay is the little town of Pescadaro. Hidden in the gas station there, across the street from Duarte's Tavern, is a tiny Mexican food place. Like a counter and two tables.

Order the carne asada tacos. They're the best tacos in northern cali.

Understanding Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here Album

shagen454 says...

I couldn't stand Floyd when I was in junior high and high school because of the Wall, Dark Side of the Moon & Wish You Were Here. Then I eventually found all of the stuff that came before all of this stuff and became a fan. Live at Pompeii is a fantastic document of the post Barrett era before these albums and of course Barrett era Floyd is ace.

The Game that is pissing off the Alt Right

nanrod (Member Profile)

nanrod (Member Profile)

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