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Most consecutive arrows shot through a keyhole - GWR

noims says...

If you're going to make a video showcasing most consecutive arrows then:
1) don't cut after each arrow
2) don't stop firing just because you ran out of arrows - show the first miss

What To Do When Someone Parks in the Access Aisle

newtboy says...

Missed opportunity.
The proper solution is to pretend it’s not there and extend your ramp through the offending car, then crawl through into your own. Problem solved!

Pelosi gets under Trump's skin in the most brutal way

newtboy jokingly says...

If you actually are gullible enough to believe that ridiculous easily debunked nonsense, you will believe literally anything, so let me warn you of the super secret plot to hurt Americans….
….tyrannical constitution ripping Biden just made a secret proclamation that anyone over 55 who casts a vote will lose their social security and Medicare/Medicaid. Be sure to tell the cult. Don’t want them to miss out on their socialist handouts. I hear robocalling gets this kind of message out well, target West Florida. Warn them…Don’t vote!
Voting for Dems means the secret plan goes into effect and steals their benefits, voting for Cons means the MAGA congress will steal their benefits by ending the programs altogether and keeping the money they already paid in.
Totally real secret plot, Bobby. Look out!

bobknight33 said:

That was a ligit hearing because she turned her back on Americans and they died.

"Flip Flop Killer"

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So, this morning, by projection, Trump admitted he’s lost multiple classified and nuclear secrets “All over the place”.
He admitted this by making the false claim that the national archives has lost massive amounts of nuclear secrets from former presidents (all of whom turned over ALL documents and records to the national archives, not one STOLE classified documents, so of course none hid the stolen nuclear secrets and lied about having them. Never. No one but Trump…and the archives NEVER lost nuclear secrets, he’s exaggerating and misrepresenting a 20 year old report that said they could be better organized, not that any classified documents were missing.).

They haven’t….but EVERY time Trump makes an unsubstantiated accusation it turns out he is guilty of what he’s projecting. EVERY SINGLE TIME. This time it means he’s lost classified secrets.

Edit: also, Walker admits he paid (at least one of) his baby mama the $700 check she says was to pay for her abortion he insisted she have. His excuse? “She’s the mother of my (abandoned) child, of course I sent her money.” (The payment was from 2 years before she got pregnant again, this time refusing his insistence that she abort it, so she was NOT the mother of his child then).

Ready to discuss Ashley Babbitt yet?

InsurAAAnce & Rick Astley Never Gonna Give You Up

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So apparently Trump’s final (secret) move in office was to erase the “red flags” on 2.7 million PPP loans that would have caused the recipients to be investigated, and most would have been forced to return the money. All loans over $2 million had red flags erased, apparently the smaller loans didn’t get the same treatment, the most common red flag was that the companies didn’t exist in February 2020. (They were created on paper to defraud the PPP loan process set up by Trump’s administration with no oversight intentionally to allow fraud.)

$190 BILLION worth of flagged >$2 million loans to millionaires he demanded not be investigated for obvious fraud and instead be totally forgiven.

Kinda puts a damper on the “we can’t afford student loan forgiveness” of loans in the tens of thousands to the needy when we can afford fraudulent millionaire loan forgiveness of loans in the millions to millionaires, and tax giveaways to them in the millions at the same time.

More Republican crime covered up by Trump. Another $190 BILLION handed to millionaire crooks by their public spokesman….after $2 TRILLION in tax breaks.

In case you missed it, Trump’s Proud Boys are pleading guilty to seditious conspiracy, admitting they were attempting a coup for Trump at his direction and with some direct assistance and communication directly from highest ranking members of his administration (Stone, Giuliani, secret service agents) that knew what they were doing ahead of time.
They stood back and stood by until Trump called them to help with his coup. That’s treason. All parties complicit in the conspiracy are guilty too…that includes Trump and his family.
The sentence for treason is death. America may soon inherit a number of deep in debt golf courses! (Unless some nut with high powered guns they shouldn’t have takes matters into their own hands)

Mouse Jumps Into Fryer At WhataBurger in Texas

newtboy says...

All 3 of those employees thought this was the funniest thing, look at them smiling and laughing. If that isn’t enough to make you not eat fast food cooked by school kids for minimum wage, you deserve all the mouse tails and rat turds you eat.

Side note, miss you @Mordhaus

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy jokingly says...

He’s always had the best words…

Next you’re going to attempt to say Biden isn’t faithful to his wife….or is a failed business con man who intentionally built massive debts only to escape them with planned bankruptcy at least 6 times (think “student debt relief”, but instead of ten thousand it’s tens of millions in debt he shirked, 6 times, and didn’t even get an education or otherwise improve himself for all the money he took from society, unlike students)….or runs a fraudulent school….or is a charity thief totally banned from involvement in any charities……when will you understand that any insult you lob is an admission, every charge lobbed a “mea culpa”, every complaint a self loathing attack on yourself. Any insult that sticks only degrades Trump as the loser to Biden…any fault he has is a nothing burger compared to the same traits in Trump. So silly, so delusional, so infantile…like pointing to Biden falling off his bike and not getting hurt as some indication he’s frail, but Trump could never ride a bike in a million years with training wheels and 4 large men holding him up….morbidly obese 8% muscle mass Trump can’t go DOWN a ramp without assistance, and he’s afraid of stairs. 😂

Keep ‘em coming….I’ve got ten examples for every one you dig up.

BTW- what are your thoughts on the missing $150 million from GOP donors for campaign commercials? They raised over $178 million, by June they had $28 million left and were cutting funding for tons of campaigns that are also struggling to compete with Trump’s constant requests for more donations, donations he’s only spent on hiring his own family so far….at a rate of $30000 per minute!

Lock Him Up Yesterday! - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

newtboy says...

You miss his point….he’s saying the law is just for show.

He’s saying absolutely nothing should keep Trump from running in 24, not stealing and selling nuclear secrets, not killing 1 million Americans, not trying to end democracy in America, not a dozen separate vote frauds, not even his sex/pee tapes with Ivanka from when he fathered Barron with her….in fact his sex tapes with Barron won’t even do it, there’s absolutely nothing possible that should stop Trump from running….nothing. No matter who tells bob about crimes, it doesn’t matter. Trump is above the law (to cultists) and should just be dictator for life until he hands the nation to cokehead Jr.

You know that’s what he really means.

Fox admitting Trump committed treason only means Fox is now leftist and not to be trusted….fake news. Finally they got one right.

bcglorf said:

Good news Bob, in something of an anomaly, you've got an opportunity to read the truth about this incident on foxnews(I know, it's opposite day in the world):

Link is above, but choice quote from FOX themselves follows:

If this were a mere issue of simply recovering unclassified presidential records, though, there likely never would have been a criminal element to this matter. But buried into those boxes were countless properly marked classified documents. Those documents lacked any markings indicating that Trump had ever declassified them. No actual substantiated evidence indicates Mr. Trump ever declassified them. No one viewing those records would have any reason to view them as anything other than properly classified documents.

The government tried to recover the documents peacefully and quietly. They spent one year discussing the matter with Trump’s staff, and 15 boxes were sent back to NARA in February.

After identifying more missing records, the government returned in June with a subpoena and found more boxes of records that should have been returned. Both times, properly marked classified documents – up to and including documents marked as Top Secret and requiring Sensitive Compartmented Information access eligibility – were located within the boxes.

A Trump lawyer swore out an affidavit promising there were no more documents. The government gathered evidence that the Trump lawyer was not being truthful, and on August 8, 2022, a court-authorized search warrant was executed that, sure enough, located several more classified documents.

That is not an abuse of law enforcement processes. That is how the law works.

Now I'm going to repeat the last statement there for emphasis, but even FOX stated it: That is not an abuse of law enforcement processes. That is how the law works.

Lock Him Up Yesterday! - A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

bcglorf says...

Good news Bob, in something of an anomaly, you've got an opportunity to read the truth about this incident on foxnews(I know, it's opposite day in the world):

Link is above, but choice quote from FOX themselves follows:

If this were a mere issue of simply recovering unclassified presidential records, though, there likely never would have been a criminal element to this matter. But buried into those boxes were countless properly marked classified documents. Those documents lacked any markings indicating that Trump had ever declassified them. No actual substantiated evidence indicates Mr. Trump ever declassified them. No one viewing those records would have any reason to view them as anything other than properly classified documents.

The government tried to recover the documents peacefully and quietly. They spent one year discussing the matter with Trump’s staff, and 15 boxes were sent back to NARA in February.

After identifying more missing records, the government returned in June with a subpoena and found more boxes of records that should have been returned. Both times, properly marked classified documents – up to and including documents marked as Top Secret and requiring Sensitive Compartmented Information access eligibility – were located within the boxes.

A Trump lawyer swore out an affidavit promising there were no more documents. The government gathered evidence that the Trump lawyer was not being truthful, and on August 8, 2022, a court-authorized search warrant was executed that, sure enough, located several more classified documents.

That is not an abuse of law enforcement processes. That is how the law works.

Now I'm going to repeat the last statement there for emphasis, but even FOX stated it: That is not an abuse of law enforcement processes. That is how the law works.

bobknight33 said:

All just for show.
Just to keep the Trump war drum beating.
Just to keep Trump from running 2024.

The real question is why is the deep state so afraid of this man?

Nothing will come of this because Trump has done nothing wrong.

Beto O’Rourke “It May Be Funny To You, Mother F*#ker”

luxintenebris says...

possible the putz was being pedantic. 'heh heh 500ft heh heh'
kvetching about the details is missing the point; the gun was meant for combat - not killing school children. his knowledge of the weapon was adequate.

as an example: beto didn't know the guy's actual name - but he called him what everyone else would. i.e. close enough

but the people w/abbott signs? what is so powerful about protesting a peaceful meeting? wouldn't sitting, listening, and asking tough questions make more of an impression than holding up signs that people read as: "oh, lord. a dimwit."

in short: beto took the feathers out of that peacock.

Biden and the June job reports

Spacedog79 says...

It feels like Biden has divided opinion so comprehensively that the two sides can't find any common ground. They each think the other side is the work of the devil and so are unable to take legitimate concerns seriously.

Speaking from a UK perspective I don't like either side, but I see what Biden and his crew are doing around the world and they seem to be an incredibly dangerous administration. Lighting fires and inflaming tensions in countries across the world.

He's upset the Russians, the Chinese, the Indians hate him, so do most of the middle east and Latin america.

Europe has a bleak future ahead of it thanks to Biden and his energy sanction push, and no one seems to have a clue what to do about it.

I'm really starting to miss Trump.

"A Fourth Car Absolutely Buggered!" - Deadly Mexican Street

luxintenebris says...

Lived near an intersection where one got used to hearing auto crashes. Whenever it sounded like someone dropping a refrigerator off the back of a truck - it was time to call 911.

Know of a house in CA that was hit 7 or 8 times because of the road design. Took years for homeowners to get the officials to improve it.

cut'n'paste link:,+Highland,+CA+92346/@34.1190144,-117.1469675,3a,75y,100.67h,88.23t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sX-h_b08ZKiuka1

it'd be the home to the right of the 'turnaround' area behind the rock (which might have been the homeowners' first solution to the problem - a few deaths just might get officials to take it seriously). Also if you zoom in on the north side of the house, there is a patio doorway. That's the area where it got hit last. Maybe it was easier than fixing the wall?

the high traffic street use to just slope off into a residential street. some folks didn't know the road ended despite some signage. most just travel not knowing it ended couldn't stop in time or missed the turn at high speed.

How to survive a knife attack

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