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KronosPoseidon cuts off son's balls, finds a diamond inside! (Sift Talk Post)

KronosPoseidon cuts off son's balls, finds a diamond inside! (Sift Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

Thanks everyone! You all REALLY love me, don't you?!

Yes, my secret is that I do my best to keep my queue full. It also helps if you have no life so that you can hyper-monitor your queue at all times. Insomnia is a plus, as well as obsessive-compulsive disorder. Interpersonal relationships, personal hygiene, and a social life: Those are the demons you must slay to be a successful sifter.

Maatc: Does Germany have volcanoes? If not you can throw the 250 goats in the Danube. By the time they wash ashore they'll be Austria's problem.

Zeph: Yes, I am a fundamental force of nature. You'd have better luck trying to split an atom with your bare hands than to stop me.

Dag: I haven't nailed down any specific channel ideas yet, but I am leaning towards either a 2 Girls 1 Cup channel, or a Mentos channel. I think the 2 Girls 1 Cup channel would be less controversial.

Jonny: Actually I think this one is my best video, but after I posted it a short bus stopped in front of my house every morning waiting for me to get on it, so I had to discard it.

berticus: That's what all my lovers tell me.

DFT: I can't remember, but I think it's your turn for the reach-around.

gorgonheap: My psychiatrist concurs with your second statement. About me.

Zifnab: Watch out; I'm coming to git ya!

Fjbnk: LOVE the new hairdo!

Thylan: Thanks for publicly pointing out that DFT indeed has no sack.

Sarzy: How's Dr. Zaius doing?

And Gunny: You sly boots! You * promoted the video that dares not speak its name. I'm on to ya! The least I can do for you is urinate away a *quality point in return.

You're all beautiful. Now where are the hookers?

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

JAPR (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Mentos, The Freshmaker (and no Diet Coke)

KronosPoseidon cuts off son's balls, finds a diamond inside! (Sift Talk Post)

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I'm already over it. Issykitty is my personal barometer for right and wrong, and she had no problem with my comment.

Thanks. You are a prince among men.


In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Well, it's been over 8 hrs since ercell or bamdrew wrote something in the thread that dares not speak its name. Does this mean the storm has past? Fuck, I don't know. You can never tell with these crazy internets. However I wouldn't worry about it. Seriously. Some people thought I was a misogynist for posting a certain Mentos video that dares not speak its name, but I weathered the storm. I know you can too.

Think of it like this: You've built up a pretty substantial bank of good will with your fellow sifters, so I think most of them know you well enough to cut you some slack. If you were a n00b whose first comment was that one it might be a little different. Yet again, I survived my controversy while I was still a n00b (I know I was no more than a bronze star at the time), but I think it was mainly because I took the time to explain my position. You also took the time to explain yourself, so I think you have all your bases covered.

Again, I wouldn't worry about it. I'll still check the thread tomorrow some time just to see what's happening (it might be late, because I anticipate a long work day tomorrow), but I forecast with a reasonable degree of certainty that there should be no further controversy for you on that post (that dares not speak its name).

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Well, it's been over 8 hrs since ercell or bamdrew wrote something in the thread that dares not speak its name. Does this mean the storm has past? Fuck, I don't know. You can never tell with these crazy internets. However I wouldn't worry about it. Seriously. Some people thought I was a misogynist for posting a certain Mentos video that dares not speak its name, but I weathered the storm. I know you can too.

Think of it like this: You've built up a pretty substantial bank of good will with your fellow sifters, so I think most of them know you well enough to cut you some slack. If you were a n00b whose first comment was that one it might be a little different. Yet again, I survived my controversy while I was still a n00b (I know I was no more than a bronze star at the time), but I think it was mainly because I took the time to explain my position. You also took the time to explain yourself, so I think you have all your bases covered.

Again, I wouldn't worry about it. I'll still check the thread tomorrow some time just to see what's happening (it might be late, because I anticipate a long work day tomorrow), but I forecast with a reasonable degree of certainty that there should be no further controversy for you on that post (that dares not speak its name).

rottenseed (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

You best not, or I'll do something TELL YOUR MOM!! (Dun DUN DUN!!)

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
HAHAHAHA! I've never seen that post! DAMNIT! Oh, when I get my 100 abilities you'd better believe I'm pushing that one.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Don't worry about my testes, rottenseed. I've already experienced what it's like to have a video of mine being despised, and I survived with my boys intact. Just ask jonny. He knows what I'm talking about.

So my balls are safe and sound. In your mouth.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Dystopianfuturetoday DARED me to post this video....

Dystopianfuturetoday DARED me to post this video....

Brain Science Is About To Fundamentally Change Computing

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
LOL! Like I said, you write some of the best comments. But I think CaptWillard and raven are right, i.e., * quality stars have been given out here lately like Lindsey Lohan giving blowjobs after AA meetings.

Bwahahahahahha, LOLRPMLMAO

Nonetheless, recognition is due, and you deserve it. You're one of my favorite sifters, so keep up the awesome work.

Gawrsh (blushes)

Even if you have to whore a video by mocking my early trials and tribulations here at the Sift. It's okay.


Hey, I hear you're on the short list for the next roast. I wonder WHOSE idea that was?

Bring it! If I were gonna roast me, I'd target run on sentences, and way too many commas, commas everywhere, and sentences that just don't end with; semi colons in the wrong place and, just, way, too many, commas (and don't forget overuse of parentheses (and paranthetical parentheses FTM))

I suppose I have it coming.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
Thanks kp. I think that every knows that 'Don't give me a quality star' is code for 'please give me a quality star'. It's kind of like when you go to a birthday party and the host says, "No presents, please, just bring yourself" and then you get there and he's all like, "Hey, why are you the only one here without a present?", and UR all like "OMG, you totally said not to bring one", and he's all like........

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