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Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

Chaucer says...

Again, you are making this out as they are being treated inhumane. In my example of the bakery. They couple that owned it didnt have any problems with the people. They just didnt want to be associated with a gay wedding due to their beliefs. LGBT in turn, ran them out of business because they didnt believe in their lifestyle.

The LBGT is nothing but a mafia type organization. Eventually they will be exposed for what they are.

I also dont want this topic to be about me vs the gay community. I could care less if some dude wants to suck another dudes dick or two ladies scissoring. If gays want to get married, godspeed. However, dont you dare tell me what I should or should not think about that. To me, the bigotry within the gay community is running rampage. They SHOUT that they arent being treated fairly but yet they do most of the persecuting.

StukaFox said:

If they say someone is a second-class citizen because of how they were born, then yes, the belief is invalid trash and should be treated as such. Not accepted, but outright rejected.

Hiding bigotry behind religion is still bigotry.

Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

Chaucer says...

Not forcing you to be gay. They are trying to force you to believe that its a natural thing. Not all religions believe that is natural. Gays should respect that.

Well.. Assault for the threats. Extortion for threatening their customers. I'm sure there are numerous other laws they are breaking but nobody wants to persecute in fear of the mafia... excuse me... LBGT turning on them.

Ah. A lame statement for somebody who has a weak argument.

VoodooV said:

how exactly are they forcing you to be gay?

what laws are they breaking?

answer: they're not.

still afraid of catching "the gay" I see. So paranoid. So stupid. I agree, you need to move to Iran obviously

Bill Maher says Shuck it to seniors

Asmo says...

Now factor in all the people in early life going without quality healthcare/dental and the chronic conditions it might lead to later in life that will eventually bite the taxpayer in the ass...

That's the part that never breaks the surface of this debate, keeping your populace healthy (and happy) pays itself back in a more healthy mid-late age person, capable of staying in the workforce (and ergo generating tax revenue) longer, self funding retirement as opposed to "leeching" off the system, less sick day absenteeism (or alternately, sick workers showing up, working below par and infecting co-workers) etc.

That's not socialism, that's smart.

I'd be amazed if no one ever actually quantified this as a cost/benefit analysis, but it wouldn't play well so I guess the point is moot.

And yeah, the state should regulate the medical and pharmaceutical industries against ludicrous profit taking from the most vulnerable. The current state of play in the US seems more akin to a mafia extortion racket than a service dedicated to maintaining and enriching the health of it's clientele...

TYT - A Great Way To Save USPS, But Will It Happen?

chingalera says...

Payday loans EDB, in the United States: Fast-money strip-center locations have been popping-up all over in every city now like warts on a leper, for the past 25 years, operating in a regulatory blind spot. They loan you money at an exorbitant, unfair interest rate fully expecting and banking on the person loaned not being able to pay back the loan according to contract then penalize with fines when the debt can't be repaid. Criminal organizations have relied upon USURY as a means of extracting money from helpless or uneducated and desperate people for centuries. Mafia organizations the world over have relied on this practice since they began. I don't expect the federal government to do anything much different as much of their activity has been criminal for quite some time.

Inhumane, predatory, sick.

SO it looks perfectly reasonable at face value??I call bullshit when I see it before it happens usually... Cenk here sees it as a wonderful way to create revenue out of thin air by taking the model of the payday loan places that already exist over, not unlike a mafia organization takes over territory of another criminal's organization.

If you think I'm skeptical you are correct, if you think I am wrong that is your prerogative. If you choose to block my comments or 'ignore' them, I don't care at all-It simply proves the point I make continually here, that those who chose to place their hands over their ears, or their heads in a sand-bucket are minion, and the few dissenting opinions are met with torch and pitchfork, either because of the language used to do so is too caustic, or perhaps that the truths in my babble that are too horrible and painful to consider are much easier to deride and deny or to even consider, to damaged sensibilities combined with an ego the size of Asia.

I also consider that your stance on guns and gun ownership as equally skewed, as is much of your political rhetoric. But hey, there are a lot of folks here who think the way you do. I happen to be one of the other people.

And again, Cenk, yer a pompous git whose ego is also bloated beyond fat, and your smarmy, smug delivery makes me want to hack-up my lunch.

Video Game Locations

Payback says...

Quite a few have fallen past me, I have no console, only play PC.

New Austin - Red Dead Redemption
Bullworth Academy - Bully
City 17 - Half Life 2
New York - Mafia
Trevelyan's Bunker (Cuba) - Goldeneye
2Fort? - Team Fortress 2
Nos Astra, Illium, Crescent Nebula - Mass Effect
Mario somethingorother
Panau - Just Cause 2
Rapture - Bioshock
San Andreas - GTA:SA
Skyrim - Elder Scrolls V
USG Ishimura, in orbit around Aegis VI - Dead Space
Vice City - GTA-VC
Midway - Battlefield 1942
XEN - Half Life

Meh. Keep yer X-Playwiis.

Kevin O'Leary on global inequality: "It's fantastic!"

ChaosEngine says...

And if you look at the comment above, you will see this mindset in action. The reason that "mafias" can't exist without governments is because they weren't necessary. Prior to democratic governments with a monopoly on aggression, the "state" (at least in the form of the nobility) was the mafia.

Stormsinger said:

And why they seem to hold onto this unsupported belief that if we'd just get the government out of the way, the plutocrats would just be great people for the rest of us. Ignoring all the history that says they'd just screw us over even harder without -something- to stand in their way. The only thing we've ever found that has any ability to actually moderate the behavior of the plutocrats is government...more specifically, some form of democracy, where the voice of the multitudes counts as much, or more than the voice of the 1%. Yes, it can be coopted, but having nothing at all is not going to make then into nice, caring individuals concerned with the rest of us.

Kevin O'Leary on global inequality: "It's fantastic!"

Kevin O'Leary on global inequality: "It's fantastic!"

enoch says...

i always agree with you to a point and then you lose me.
i agree that commerce and free markets (with non-aggression) can be a good thing.
i agree that a bloated and corrupted government,bought by those who wish to game the system,a bad thing.
i also agree that inequality is not necessarily a bad thing.

but as @newtboy pointed out.history is a great teacher.
so while inequality is not really my main issue.fairness and justice IS a main issue.

the new global mafia principle only serves the powerful.
and while it may create prosperity for some,it emiserates far more than it helps.
so we both agree that this plutocracy HAS to go,what do we put in its place to keep the scales of fairness and justice equal? giving ALL an even playing field?

we both agree on the problem.
what do you suggest is a fair a just solution?

i know what mine would be but i curious what you envision the solution to be.

Taps and 21 gun salute at JFK's funeral.

chingalera says...

Tomorrow marks the 50th anniversary of the assassination of a president that while horrifying, kept him and his brother from becoming some hardcore gangster-brothers running the place. Who's to say we wouldn't be equally as fucked now, without the CIA or Vietnam? My only regrets were that Warren and his lackeys (who mostly still had careers in politics after acting like mafia thugs during the investigation) are protected cunts, and that asshole LBJ's legacy may never be exposed. I blame dumb-ass sheeple, mostly of whom went on sleeping to create all of you here today

Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Republican Shutdown Threats

chingalera says...

Here's a bigger picture of mandatory " health insurance" , one that resembles another failed institution's successes and failures through extortion with the goal of diverting capitol to private coffers.

Fuck birth control, I don't feed myself as influenced by the corporate media machine's saturation diet of shit food but the majority of unhealthy, overweight, drones in sector EVERYWHERE do-The bulk of health care expenses in the U.S. are squandered on correcting or marginally forestalling the inevitable cascading failures associated with these poor diet habits fostered by the machine. The SAME machine owns the insurance companies, the medical establishment, down the fucking line.

Chicago 1921-1923- New York, Boston, hell pick a city on the east coast.
The mafia invented it, gangster fucks perfected it, it continues under the guise of the Affordable (fuck you, I have my own insurance) Care Act.

If people, were not such fucking imbeciles, they'd see through the simple veil of graft and extortion these suited, elected (joke) criminals use to continue to divert attention away from the obvious criminality of their ruse.

Get me started on eating healthy and the lack of availability and inaccessibility of the healthiest of raw materials...of how staple crops have been hijacked and genetically coded with ONE goal preeminent: To increase the profits of the monopolies that control the food supply.

The fastest way to fix the problem of affordable health care, is to fix the broken habits of dumb-ass humans who allow themselves to be bent-over and ass-fucked into thinking they need insurance AT ALL!

Teach people that their diets are being being systematically and fundamentally altered to keep them in this loop and the insurance companies and the cunts who make the laws that benefit them, will collapse under the weight of their own, orchestrated illusion.

Cop Fired for Speaking Out Against Ticket and Arrest Quotas

When US Slams Russia, Press Conference BACKFIRES Big Time!

EMPIRE says...

No he does not. Or he should not.

That's like saying: "hey that guy was working for a company who was just a front for the mafia, and one of the employees denounced it. Does he not need to stand trial?"

He came forward to present a terrible crime being commited (and IT IS a crime, and huge violation of the american constitution, not to name a the constitutions of a few other countries as well), and now he's being intimidated and bullied by the criminals, who are saying HE's the criminal for having the audacity to come forward and present to public what they have been doing.

VoodooV said:

hate to deconstruct the binary thinking of "is he a hero or is he a terrorist" (he's neither)

but regardless of what you think of Snowden, does he not need to stand trial?

Superfast Slotcar Race!

chingalera says...

There was a place near my house as a kid that was a mafia front business-You could bring your 1:32 scale cars and race them on their tracks.The whole place was full of kids and their dads and Buncha Italian guys hung out in there alla time prolly' organizing more crimes, while playing with their slots like teenaged boys.
Took us about a year to tire of that then on to new father'n son gigs....

SevenFingers said:

My dad bought me a bunch of slot car stuff and I was into it for like a month then did nothing with them and my dad eventually threw it all away. I feel bad about it now.

Democracy Now! - Jeremy Scahill discusses "Dirty Wars"

I Am Not A Bum

hpqp says...

Good point, and I love your freudian typo, "legal and legal immigrants" (if you have a link to the doc...). The problem of homeless immigrants here is a complicated one: there are shelters for asylum-seekers but they a) are not numerous enough to keep up with the growing influx, b) try to prioritize women/children, c) have trouble with interethnic squabbles (which can grow to full-fledged knife-fights, thank FSM we don't have guns in easy circulation), d) have to deal with the profiteers/criminals giving them a bad rep.
In addition to this, those who have been denied permission to stay are less likely to show up at state-run shelters where they are liable to be found out and escorted out (of the country). Finally, criminal tourism* in Europe (especially the richer countries, like CH) is a real problem, one the US does not experience.

*a huge topic of its own, but some examples in CH are French car-thieves, Romanian mafia-organised begging/breaking-and-entering (often using children so as not to get penalised), North African drug-dealing (the hard stuff), etc. None of these make it easier for the population to be more accepting of the vast majority of non-criminal foreigners from these parts, because it is as usual the criminals who are the most visible.

aaronfr said:

@hpqp I completely agree with what you were saying but I know that I have seen a documentary recently about the problems of homelessness in Switzerland. IIRC it is not driven by mental illness but rather the attitudes of the government and the society towards immigrants both legal and legal from southern Europe and northern Africa. You fully acknowledged that Swiss society was not perfect, but i thought it interesting to raise a counterpoint to how empathetic the Swiss are towards some sectors of their society while turning a blind eye to others.

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