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The High Stress World of Snapple's Cap Facts!!!

pipp3355 says...

#36 A duck's quack doesn't echo

#37 A snail breathes through its foot

#38 Fish cough.

#39 An ant's smell is stronger then a dog's

#40 It is possible to lead a cow up stairs but not down

#41 Shrimp can only swim backward

#42 Frogs cannot swallow with their eyes open

#43 A cat's lower jaw cannot move sideways

#44 The bullfrog is the only animal that never sleeps

#45 Elephants are capable of swimming 20 miles per day

#46 Elephants are the only mammal that cannot jump

#47 Giraffes have no vocal chords

#48 Cats can hear ultrasound

#49 Despite its hump...camels has a straight spine

#50 Mosquitoes have 47 teeth

#51 There is 63,360 inches in a mile

#52 11% of people in the world are left-handed

#53 The average women consumes 6lbs of lipstick in her lifetime

#54 The average smell weighs 760 nanograms *

#55 A human brain weighs about 3lbs

#56 1/4 of the bones in your body are in your feet

#57 You blink over 10,000,000 times a year

#58 A sneeze travels out of your nose at 100mph

#59 Brain waves can be used to power an electric train

#60 The tongue is the fastest healing part of the body

#61 Pigs get sunburn

#62 The lifespan of a taste bud is 10 days

#63 The average human produces 10,000 gallons of saliva in a lifetime

#64 Strawberries contain more Vitamin C then oranges

#65 A one-day weather forecast requires about 10 billion math calculations

#66 Americans on average eat 18 acres of pizza a day

#67 There are 18 different animal shapes in the Animal cracker zoo

#68 The longest one syllable word is "screeched"

#69 No word in the English language rhymes with month

#70 A "jiffy" is actually 1/100 of a second

#71 There is a town called "Big Ugly" in West Virginia

#72 The average person uses 150 gallons of water per day for personal use

#73 The average person spends 2 weeks of its life waiting for a traffic light to change

#74 You share your birthday with 9 million others in the world

#75 The average person makes 1,140 phone calls per year

#76 The average person spends 2 years on the phone in his/her lifetime

#77 No piece of paper can be folded more then 7 times

#78 Alaska is the most eastern and western state in the US

#79 There are 119 grooves on the edge of a quarter

#80 About 18% of Animal owners share their bed with their pet

#81 Alaska has more caribou then people

#82 August has the highest percent of births

#83 Googol is a number (1 followed by 100 zeros)

#84 Oysters can change genders back and forth

#85 The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows

#86 Until the 19th century solid blocks of tea were used as money in Siberia

#87 A mile on the ocean and a mile on land are not the same distance

#88 A ten gallon hat holds less then one gallon of liquid

#89 The average American walks 18,000 steps a day

#90 The average raindrop falls at 7mph

#91 There are more telephones than people in Washington D.C.

#92 Fish can drown

#93 A Kangaroo can jump 30 feet

#94 Lizards communicate by doing push-ups

#95 Squids can have eyeballs the size of volleyballs

#96 The average American will eat 35,000 cookies in his/her lifetime

#97 A turkey can run at 20mph

#98 When the moon is directly over you, you weigh less

#99 You burn 20 calories an hour chewing gum

#100 In a year, the average person walks 4 miles making their bed

#101 About half of all Americans are on a diet at any given time

#102 A one-minute kiss burns 26 calories

#103 Frowning burns more calories then smiling

#104 There are more then 30,000 diets on public record

#105 You will burn 7% more calories walking on hard dirt then pavement

#106 You way less at the top of a mountain then sea level

#107 You burn more calories sleeping then watching TV

#108 Licking a stamp burns 10 calories

#109 Smelling apples and/or bananas can help you lose weight

#110 Frogs never drink

#111 Only male turkeys gobble

#112 At birth, a Dalmation is always pure white

#113 The fastest recorded speed of a racehorse was over 43 mph

#114 The oldest known animal was a tortoise, which lived to be 152 years old

#115 Bamboo makes up 99% of a panda's diet

#116 The largest fish is the whale shark - It can be over 50 feet long and weigh 2 tons

#117 The starfish is the only animal that can turn its stomach inside out

#118 Honeybees are the only insects that create a form of food for humans

#119 The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards

#120 The only continent without native reptiles or snakes is Antarctica

#121 The only bird that can swim and not fly is a penguin

#122 A duck can't walk without bobbing its head

#123 Beavers were once the size of bears

#124 Seals sleep only one and a half minutes at a time

Pornography Myths (Femme Talk Post)

K0MMIE says...

Ugh, this again? Why all this hate for men and the things we do? Everything you hate about men and porn, I hate about women and shopping.

Let's do some women myths/truths:

1. Women shop as a creative outlet, because they have no creative outlet of their own, and believe that spending money is the equivalent to painting or sculpting.

2. Women purchase clothes that are too small, not because they are losing weight and will need it, but to entice themselves into a healthier lifestyle. They purchase their reward to incite the means!

3. Women judge other women on their shopping choices, and believe that cloth sewn together defines you as a person.

4. Women need 100 pairs of shoes, because they have thousands of tendril feet hiding up their skirts.

5. Women group together to shop, to empower themselves to be better consumers, without this power grouping they are vulnerable and may make poor decisions. Because the only decision worth making, is a decision supported by 3-4 espresso caffeinated air-heads.

How does it feel to be lumped together with a group of dumb people? Not good? Yeah, so don't lump us all in the same category. Thanks.

America is disgusting. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

10444 says...

The sad part is that most Americans don't know what it feels like to be healthy, and aware of their bodies the way healthy people are. And trying to tell them that 'I feel so much better after losing weight!' won't really motivate them. They'll go eat some cookies and play a few more games, and drive over to the neighbor across the street to watch their favorite TV show, because that's something they already know that makes them feel better.

It's the lifestyle.. They've grown up with it, it's accepted. Blame the system, not the people that are following it blindly ( because they don't know how to live anything else ). You have to introduce it to them without being some health nut. People aren't comfortable with drastic change, and no matter how small it might seem after you take a step, it was hard to take it before you knew that. You can make a difference. But then again, it's not really your responsibility is it?

And that's why this kinda stuff stays. It's never anyone's responsibility..

Ricky Gervais - On Fat People

spoco2 says...

I completely agree with you... the prescribing of medication to children is another thing that really, really angers and saddens me...

"My kid is hard to control"
"He must have ADHD, here take these drugs, they'll subdue the little f*cker"
"Thanks doctor... I feel so much better now that I can pretend it wasn't my piss poor parenting and lack of attention or discipline that is to blame"

And yeah, I speak from some experience here, my parents used to be foster parents while I still lived at home, and they'd often get kids labelled 'problem children' (young, under 5s), and actually labeled as having ADHD etc. A WEEK, a friggin' WEEK with my parents and they were MUCH quieter, more content, able to sit and do puzzles or draw or play with lego... SO much better behaved, so much happier, more smiles, more engaged.

Then they'd have a visit with their parent out somewhere, and when they returned they were as insane as they used to be for a set amount of time until the rules were reset again.

It's all a cop out... society (western) is scarily, horribly going down the route of 'it's not me, it's something I can't control, give me medicine/surgery to fix it'.

And I hate it.

>> ^Shepppard:
I can see your arguement Spoco.
But basically we can just say the world in its entirety is changed. Children are being diagnosed for Ritalin left and right because their parents/doctors think the fact a 8 year old can't sit still is a problem, and therefore something's wrong with the child.
More and more 'Intolerancies' are popping up, my mother is a larger woman, she's not Obese, but she's up there. Her massage therapist told her to stop eating dairy for a week, because maybe some of the fat around her stomach is there because her intestines are swelling, causing extra bulk because MAYBE she's lactose intolerant.(I'm glad to say she told him that sounds like a load
of bull.)
Ricky pretty much has it on the nose, people with some form of problem are always looking for a quick way to fix it, or say it's there for a reason.
Everybody wants to lose weight, but nobody wants to eat less, or healthier.
Obese people(With the exception of very few. Again, I point to prader willi syndrome, the one Jimms mother has, i'm assuming). just don't want to admit they're lazy and not doing anything to help fix it. Since they're too lazy to fix it, they want something to say in their defense. "I can't stop eating, it's a disease."
Basically, if you've missed my point, because i'm tired and probably not getting it across clearly, is that basically nobody want's to own up to whats real anymore.
and now, because i'm a fat bastard Diseased, i'm going to go get some pie.

Ricky Gervais - On Fat People

Shepppard says...

I can see your arguement Spoco.

But basically we can just say the world in its entirety is changed. Children are being diagnosed for Ritalin left and right because their parents/doctors think the fact a 8 year old can't sit still is a problem, and therefore something's wrong with the child.

More and more 'Intolerancies' are popping up, my mother is a larger woman, she's not Obese, but she's up there. Her massage therapist told her to stop eating dairy for a week, because maybe some of the fat around her stomach is there because her intestines are swelling, causing extra bulk because MAYBE she's lactose intolerant.(I'm glad to say she told him that sounds like a load
of bull.)

Ricky pretty much has it on the nose, people with some form of problem are always looking for a quick way to fix it, or say it's there for a reason.

Everybody wants to lose weight, but nobody wants to eat less, or healthier.
Obese people(With the exception of very few. Again, I point to prader willi syndrome, the one Jimms mother has, i'm assuming). just don't want to admit they're lazy and not doing anything to help fix it. Since they're too lazy to fix it, they want something to say in their defense. "I can't stop eating, it's a disease."

Basically, if you've missed my point, because i'm tired and probably not getting it across clearly, is that basically nobody want's to own up to whats real anymore.

and now, because i'm a fat bastard Diseased, i'm going to go get some pie.

CalamityKate (Member Profile)

dannym3141 says...

In reply to this comment by CalamityKate:
"Sorry, but wtf? They feel they can't afford to be vulnerable, themselves, real? Are you saying that their need to remain attractive forces them to act in a certain way? That's just vanity." [quoting dannym3141]

in my experience, the need to remain SAFE (sometimes emotionally, sometimes physically) forces me to act a certain way at times, closing off my natural openness in meeting people for one thing. gaining weight or losing weight at different times to try to be invisible, body modifications that put people off, not taking care of my appearance at all -- those are some of the options i've exercised to avoid "flattering" attention based solely on my looks. i'm NOT saying i've ever been one of the uber-hot, btw. but i can empathize with them based on my own experiences.

sorry if that was TMI, but that's a lot of what i like at VS: real thought-and-discussion-provoking videos, not *just* cute kittens, though that's great too.

Just read this, it's months old

EVERYONE needs to protect themselves and be careful to be safe. That you think you have more to lose, or more at risk, just reinforces your vanity.

If you want to come back and say "i have a greater risk of being raped than this fat girl" then i'll say sure - but you also have a lower risk of being attacked, a higher chance of being defended if you're attacked, etc. etc.

And if you say "i have a higher risk of being raped than you (you're a girl, i'm a boy, no that isn't a chat-up line!)" Then i'll say fine, true, but you also have less chance of being attacked in pretty much any situation which can lead to an attack. That's huge.

I'm not calling you vain, i don't know you, and you could be speaking "on behalf" of some imaginary hottie. But if a hot person says to me that they are at greater risk of being safe, that is indicative of them being vain and THINKING they have more to lose. "If you get punched in the face you're good to go, but me? Well that's a big loss baby!"

I'm only sending this because you enjoy sift discussion, it's old and past and i'm just sadly bringing it back up.

World's fastest Boxing KO 18 seconds

Penn and Teller -Bullshit! - Self-Helpless

videosiftbannedme says...

I agree that certain aspects of the self-help market are absolute BS, but as I can attest, it does work. I've been a long time advocate of Tony Robbins (or at least only his Personal Power II series, which is the only one of his seminars I've ever listened to). 5 years ago my life was a mess, I was overweight, I was a *severe* video game addict, I was breaking up with my girlfriend of 8 years, and I wasted my 20's not really doing anything constructive with my life.

Today, I'm on my way to getting my BA in Theater, I have a 4.0 GPA, I'm starting Improv classes, no longer addicted, I'm losing weight and I've got a great job. It may not work for everyone and everyone may not agree with it, but it works for me. You just have to be smart about it.

"Only 9 grams of fat" (Blog Entry by jwray)

jwray says...

Unfortunately a lot of foods marketed as "low calorie" or "low fat" have no nutritional value and cause people's muscles to atrophy, slowing their metabolism, making them fatter. Nutrient-sparse high-glycemic-index carbs are the worst thing to eat if you are trying to lose weight, yet lots of them are marketed that way. I recommend milk and boca burgers. My weight has stayed at 138±5 lbs from age 17 to age 23.

People can become deficient in fat. Getting some kinds of fat from food is absolutely essential.

rembar (Member Profile)

legacy0100 says...

yea i got the feeling that this exercise had that 'lose weight in 5 days!' kinda false advertisement promise to it lol

I'm happy with my current routines that I came up by myself, and I know my body's physical limits. So I'm in good hands. Thx for the info

In reply to this comment by rembar:
Hey there, Merry Christmas and happy holidays and ho ho ho and all that. Santa's here, bringing Christmas cheer, and warning you not to do this workout. Not sure what your routine is, but if you're dilligent enough to be doing a proper weight lifting routine, you should be doing weighted exercises, like weighted sit-ups and weighted reverse sit-ups, and the like, the kind of things that will increase your functional strength. This workout is so screwed up that it will likely end up weakening your core.

The Barbie Drug ~ Melanotan

9058 says...

I'm sorry but I dont see anything good about this, its all bullshit to me. Yes some medical conditions could be helped with it but that is a small minority, thats like saying all abortions are ok no matter what because they help rape and incest victims. For the most part if you want a tan go the fuck outside like Persephone said go out at times where the sun isnt as intense and slowly work up your tan (i for one didnt see much difference at all between day 1 and day 20 with this girl). Also why the hell are humans fasinated with not eatting. It supresses apetite not burns off fat meaning you are starving yourself. Do excersise you lazy ass, still the only proven way to lose weight effectivly. Finally why the hell are we so obsessed with sex drives. I mean senior citizens aside I dont know many guys below 40-50 that have any problem. Yes there again is that small minority of medical conditions that it could help but the vast majority of us seem to me riding the wave of "helping them" just so we can get it in the end. A study showed the biggest user of Viagra was not old men but men between 18-24, college age, that were using it for party purposes. Well thats great, most dumb kids making dumb choices. If you cant get it up, try experimenting with things other than chemicals in your body. Hell and if you want to be Barbie maybe you shouldnt be breeding anyway.

The Hot Sauce Diet

dannym3141 says...

"I guess if you don't quite have enough will power, it's not that bad of an idea."

But that's the point - he wanted to lose the weight, he got the idea and the will in his head that he wanted to lose weight, and he went and did it. It's just a tool to help.

Just as you have to will yourself not to pick up that piece of chocolate and eat it, you have to will yourself to put tabasco sauce on it. Same thing.

ART OF SEDUCTION: Not Pretty, Really

CalamityKate says...

"Sorry, but wtf? They feel they can't afford to be vulnerable, themselves, real? Are you saying that their need to remain attractive forces them to act in a certain way? That's just vanity." [quoting dannym3141]

in my experience, the need to remain SAFE (sometimes emotionally, sometimes physically) forces me to act a certain way at times, closing off my natural openness in meeting people for one thing. gaining weight or losing weight at different times to try to be invisible, body modifications that put people off, not taking care of my appearance at all -- those are some of the options i've exercised to avoid "flattering" attention based solely on my looks. i'm NOT saying i've ever been one of the uber-hot, btw. but i can empathize with them based on my own experiences.

sorry if that was TMI, but that's a lot of what i like at VS: real thought-and-discussion-provoking videos, not *just* cute kittens, though that's great too.

Cops say legalize drugs, ask them why

yaroslavvb says...

drattus -- an often cited argument for drug legalization is that it would lower prices significantly, hence preventing property crime. This implies that prices with drug prohibition would be higher than prices with legalization. Basic economic principles tell us that unless the market is completely inelastic, higher prices imply lower usage. You can view this as a main objective of drug war -- keeping prices higher than they would've been if the drugs were legal, an objective that even drug-legalization advocates admit it fulfills.

cybrbeast -- I find utilitarianism more coherent than philosophy of "freedom at any cost." Suppose a child demands to eat ice-cream for breakfast, lunch and dinner, should we abridge his freedom to spare his health?

The argument against complete freedom for children is that they are often unable to make rational decisions. The same holds for adults. A drug addict may know that drugs are bad for him, but will continue to seek a hit. Or consider a person on a diet that keeps breaking his promise to lose weight.

You can view this myopic irrationality as a side-effect of humans evolving in a different environment. Small reward now is preferred over large reward later because future has been inherently uncertain. Life-spans were short and you could easily die before getting to that large reward.

People can live much longer nowadays, so this mechanism is no longer inappropriate. In addition, artificial chemicals can hijack the natural reward pathways, and that's another vulnerability. People coming together
to outlaw drugs are essentially making an effort to protect themselves from their own weaknesses.

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