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The Great VideoSift Coming -Out Thread (Happy Talk Post)

ctrlaltbleach says...

Hi I don't usually pay attention to these sift talks but I'm bored tonight. My real name is Judah. No scratch that my real real name is Robert and thats pronounced Row-Bear. Wait no thats not right would you perhaps believe Guy? Pronounced Geeh? Oh well your right my real real real name is Travis. I live in Texas where we ride horses everywhere we go, and the streets are not paved but covered in dirt and mud. We all listen to Country and your put to sleep if you had'nt killed you someone by your fourteenth birfday. (special exception to those who have fathered a child.) Which is why Im still here today!

Well in all seriousness I work in IT and mainly do data processing. Thats because Im good at the keyboards especially the ten key. I do have a son (shh hes going to be Megatron tomorrow night because he wants to scare everybody!) I never finished college, I am constantly stressed, I worry to much about things I cannot control, I have never been addicted to anything but food, I'm not terribly overweight but I do need to lose weight which I'm working on. Hmm well my life is pretty dull! I guess I'll leave it at that!

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

Throbbin says...

1. I am arrogant.
2. I can make anyone laugh IRL. Anyone.
3. I wet the bed until I was 11.
4. I almost drowned in Hudson Bay when I was 3. My mother tells me she's never seen anyone run as fast as my father did that day.
5. I am supposed to have an older sister named Stephanie. She died 3 hours after birth.
6. After Stephanie, my parents tried to conceive for over 3 years, gave up, adopted my older sister, then found out they were pregnant a week later.
7. I have 13 siblings (most are adopted or fostered, 3 half-siblings, including 1 I've never met). I have no full siblings.
8. I am not fluent in my native tongue, and this has been a source of shame for me my entire life.
9. My wife is teaching me more of my native tongue living in southern Canada than I ever learned back home.
10. I tested (twice) in the 97th percentile for IQ in all of Canada. I took "enrichment" classes until high school, when we moved back north (no enrichment classes there).
11. I used to play D&D and Magic the Gathering, but was always on at least 1 sports team throughout school.
12. I had my first child when I was far too young.
13. I am overweight (but losing weight).
14. My wife tells me my best feature is my forehead (I'm not kidding).
15. I am going into Law School next year.
16. I smoke.
17. I take a certain pleasure in making people look like fools if I think they feel superior to me.
18. I am very self-conscious and I may try too hard.
19. My Inuktitut name is Nuliajuk, after my grandfather.
20. I make friends easily but rarely maintain relationships. I only have 5 'buddies'.
21. I have a very high tolerance for cold. My skin gets cold, but I don't feel cold.
22. People have guessed I am: Native American, Mexican, Phillipino, Samoan, Hawaaiin, Portuguese, Chinese, and Korean.
23. I have very little cartilage in my nose.
24. I procrastinate (thanks videosift).
25. I have abnormally strong legs. (I once maxed out a leg-press machine with 1 leg).

Wii Fit Plus Review

FOX's Shep Smith: Was that Canadian Health Care Story Fair?

Razor says...

>> ^schlub:
Yeah, Canada has waiting times and other issues, but, you know what? If I need to see my doctor because of some issue, I walk in to the office do what needs to be done, then walk out. I don't get a bill. I need an MRI? Yeah, I have to wait, but it doesn't cost me anything. Need an X-ray, blood tests, flu shot, hospital stay, my wife has a baby and gets a c-section, is in hospital for 3 or 4 days,.. yeah, we still don't have to pay a bill.
The system's not perfect (and needs work), but not having to fork over cash for every visit is pretty sweet and usually makes up for many of the short-comings.

Amen. It has it's problems but is way ahead of a pay-for system like that in the States.

I love how these Fox reports are often devoid of tangible facts. So a lady was told she is too heavy for a hip replacement? Doesn't surprise me. For all we know she is a 600 lb fatty and the real story is that she was told she needs to lose weight before such surgery is practical.

I wouldn't trade the system we have in Canada for what is had in the US. Not a chance.

quantumushroom (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

Liberal Lies in National Health Care: Second in a Series
Ann Coulter
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

With the Democrats getting slaughtered -- or should I say, "receiving mandatory end-of-life counseling" -- in the debate over national health care, the Obama administration has decided to change the subject by indicting CIA interrogators for talking tough to three of the world's leading Muslim terrorists.

Had I been asked, I would have advised them against reinforcing the idea that Democrats are hysterical bed-wetters who can't be trusted with national defense while also reminding people of the one thing everyone still admires about President George W. Bush.

But I guess the Democrats really want to change the subject. Thus, here is Part 2 in our series of liberal lies about national health care.

(6) There will be no rationing under national health care.

Anyone who says that is a liar. And all Democrats are saying it. (Hey, look -- I have two-thirds of a syllogism!)

Apparently, promising to cut costs by having a panel of Washington bureaucrats (for short, "The Death Panel") deny medical treatment wasn't a popular idea with most Americans. So liberals started claiming that they are going to cover an additional 47 million uninsured Americans and cut costs ... without ever denying a single medical treatment!

Also on the agenda is a delicious all-you-can-eat chocolate cake that will actually help you lose weight! But first, let's go over the specs for my perpetual motion machine -- and it uses no energy, so it's totally green!

For you newcomers to planet Earth, everything that does not exist in infinite supply is rationed. In a free society, people are allowed to make their own rationing choices.

Some people get new computers every year; some every five years. Some White House employees get new computers and then vandalize them on the way out the door when their candidate loses. (These are the same people who will be making decisions about your health care.)

Similarly, one person might say, "I want to live it up and spend freely now! No one lives forever." (That person is a Democrat.) And another might say, "I don't go to restaurants, I don't go to the theater, and I don't buy expensive designer clothes because I've decided to pour all my money into my health."

Under national health care, you'll have no choice about how to ration your own health care. If your neighbor isn't entitled to a hip replacement, then neither are you. At least that's how the plan was explained to me by our next surgeon general, Dr. Conrad Murray.

(7) National health care will reduce costs.

This claim comes from the same government that gave us the $500 hammer, the $1,200 toilet seat and postage stamps that increase in price every three weeks.

The last time liberals decided an industry was so important that the government needed to step in and contain costs was when they set their sights on the oil industry. Liberals in both the U.S. and Canada -- presidents Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter and Canadian P.M. Pierre Trudeau -- imposed price controls on oil.

As night leads to day, price controls led to reduced oil production, which led to oil shortages, skyrocketing prices for gasoline, rationing schemes and long angry lines at gas stations.

You may recall this era as "the Carter years."

Then, the white knight Ronald Reagan became president and immediately deregulated oil prices. The magic of the free market -- aka the "profit motive" -- produced surges in oil exploration and development, causing prices to plummet. Prices collapsed and remained low for the next 20 years, helping to fuel the greatest economic expansion in our nation's history.

You may recall this era as "the Reagan years."

Freedom not only allows you to make your own rationing choices, but also produces vastly more products and services at cheap prices, so less rationing is necessary.

(8) National health care won't cover abortions.

There are three certainties in life: (a) death, (b) taxes, and (C) no health care bill supported by Nita Lowey and Rosa DeLauro and signed by Barack Obama could possibly fail to cover abortions.

I don't think that requires elaboration, but here it is:

Despite being a thousand pages long, the health care bills passing through Congress are strikingly nonspecific. (Also, in a thousand pages, Democrats weren't able to squeeze in one paragraph on tort reform. Perhaps they were trying to save paper.)

These are Trojan Horse bills. Of course, they don't include the words "abortion," "death panels" or "three-year waits for hip-replacement surgery."

That proves nothing -- the bills set up unaccountable, unelected federal commissions to fill in the horrible details. Notably, the Democrats rejected an amendment to the bill that would specifically deny coverage for abortions.

After the bill is passed, the Federal Health Commission will find that abortion is covered, pro-lifers will sue, and a court will say it's within the regulatory authority of the health commission to require coverage for abortions.

Then we'll watch a parade of senators and congressmen indignantly announcing, "Well, I'm pro-life, and if I had had any idea this bill would cover abortions, I never would have voted for it!"

No wonder Democrats want to remind us that they can't be trusted with foreign policy. They want us to forget that they can't be trusted with domestic policy.

Youtube poster is upset by the comments he gets


gwiz665's awesome texas adventure (Blog Entry by gwiz665)

gwiz665 says...

Had a proper sift-up last night, with me, inflatablevagoo and peggedbea. It was good. We talked about loads of stuff, including our addiction to the sift and drank Shiners and wine. I also inappropriately grabbed infvag's boob for no real reason. Good times.

I think I got a bunch of pictures of it, but I gotta get them uploaded first.

Today we went to Six Flags over Texas and went on a bunch of rides. Lots of fun, was scorching hot. It got to about 105F (40ish C) so I'm losing weight by the minute because I sweat it all off.

Oh and people here eat chips with their subway sandwich... ie. they're nuts!

A Bit of Fry and Laurie: Oprah Winfrey

Glenn Beck - Saying one thing, doing another

The Heaven's Gate Diet Suit.

CaptainPlanet420 Opens New Web Store

Raw Food : the ultimate diet!

anyprophet says...


We have been cooking food for a very, very long time and it has been a factor in our evolution. Eating raw food isn't better for you than eating cooked food. You can eat a very healthy diet of cooked food. This dumb bitch's problem was that she was eating a lot of junk food.

And, yes, there are currently raw food vegans in prison because they killed their or endangered one or more of their children. There was recently a couple who wouldn't even feed their newborn breast milk.

Raw Food : the ultimate diet!

rougy says...

It's hard to stick with it for me.

I've tried it a few times, and it works. I usually feel better, lose weight, and have more energy, but then one day I'll just have to have a hamburger or some pizza or stir-fried rice, and once I've done that, it's hard to settle for just veggies again.

Is Google's advertising nuts or what? (Wtf Talk Post)

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