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chicchorea (Member Profile)

How the Media Failed Women in 2013

bareboards2 says...

Thought of this comment stream when I read this. The last line.

It's been clear to me for decades that men have a rough go of it -- societal expectations and pressures that I would find crushing.

As a feminist/humanist, it has always been clear to me that men have to tackle that on their own. Women have been fighting against societal crap, men have to fight their own fight.

Our fights are different, however. (And we need to hold each other accountable. We need to get up in each other's grill about how we compartmentalize each other, and react to each other from our "lizard brains" -- the non-thinking part. Women do it, too -- example -- as much as I say I like a man to show his feelings, when a man cries, sometimes I recoil instinctively. Operative word -- "instinct". Not reason.)

It doesn't help when someone speaks up about their own problem, and someone else says -- yeah? well? I got it bad too. Shut up!

That isn't going to fix either problems.

If we could talk about how these problems are interrelated, that would be grand, rather than turning it into some kind of competition.

New Year's Card Trick

overdude says...

Seen several vids of this guy now, and I just gotta say.

This man is such an effing stud. I award him many Monkey, Lizard, and Man points; 50 in each category. Win!!!!

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Small-Scale Ant Genocide Yields Small-scale Alien Artifact

grinter says...

1) Don't be confused, and think that I've decided the casting of ant colonies for art is justified. I'm pointing out that the issue is more complex than many, including yourself, may realize. I find the video disturbing... and unlike our resident @ant have not voted for it.
2) Please look up Godwin's law. Using Nazi analogies generally undermines your argument.. it just makes it hard for people to accept that you have thought things through.
3) But hey, assuming that you have thought things through, let's continue with your analogy:
Perhaps the holocaust analogy does work, but to be sure the fire ants are not the Gypsies, they are the Germans. Fire ants are rapidly spreading across the world, drastically reducing both the abundance and diversity of native species. This includes native ant species, as well as a huge range of arthropod prey, potentially plants (through seed consumption), and even small vertebrates (e.g. lizards and ground nesting birds).
If you are arguing from a pacifistic stance, that violence against another creature is never justified, even if it is in the defense of others more helpless or in self-defense, I thoroughly respect that position. Although any violence turns my stomach; I cannot say that I agree.. for sure, the next time I get an infection, I will take antibiotics; the next time I see purple loosestrife, I will tear it from its roots.

A10anis said:

And, setting aside the "obvious arguement" that there are "invasive" religions, cults, armies, colours and creeds, does that justify the extermination of ANY that cannot defend themselves? Your justification for mass extermination on the grounds that it is; "not a particularly nasty way to do it," is quite disturbing as, you may recall, the mass killing of "invasive" species has already been attempted. It was called the Holocaust.

Godzilla - Official Trailer 2014

garmachi says...

If we're going to criticize the realism of it, let's start with the THOUSAND FOOT TALL FIRE BREATHING LIZARD.

artician said:

If we're going to criticize the realism of it: How about the fact that the paratroopers were obviously falling several times faster than terminal velocity?

And also the fact that it's another American Godzilla (cause what could go wrong?)

Lawdeedaw (Member Profile)

Joseph Gordon Levitt is the Lip Synch King

lucky760 (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

Barseps (Member Profile)

Blurred Lines (uncensored)

dotdude (Member Profile)

oritteropo (Member Profile)

mindbrain says...

Thanks for the tip on power points you monitor lizard-esque komodo dragony beast you! I never use PPs so I didn't realize that my so called powers are confined to the videos that I've made unclean with my underprivileged caress.

I wasn't being serious at all with that second post, in fact I've come to realize the dark truth of the skillful channel in my lurking time on the sift. And knowingly fail invoked skillful in the shallow hopes that the specific channel lord would see it and be stricken with befuddlement. Also I wanted to attempt to get the goat of the impenetrable toaster-bot.

Take care.

silvercord (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Kitten Freaks Out Over Lizards, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

This achievement has earned you your "Golden One" Level 5 Badge!

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