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New App Invades Your Sense of Smell, Taste

Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warning System

CBS reporter Serene Branson messes up Grammy news

CBS reporter Serene Branson messes up Grammy news

moodonia says...

Wow do I feel like a wretched human being after breaking my ass laughing at this. Figured it was just someone stumbling over words, panicking and then making word soup, as I frequently do myself in stressful moments, when my mind gets more than two steps ahead of my mouth, glad I dont have to do live tv.

Also there seems to be no basis as yet for saying this was something medical, at least her station are saying shes fine and there was no cause for concern. Shes not the first person to do something like this on live tv.

60 Minutes Interview with Julian Assange

NetRunner says...

>> ^RedSky:

Judging by how detailed most of his answers usually are on live TV interviews, I have no doubt that this was heavily edited.

Everything's edited, but according to this, the actual interview lasted 6 hours.

Maybe someday we'll get to see all 6 hours released by Wikileaks.

60 Minutes Interview with Julian Assange

Keanu Reeves talks about the "sad keanu" photo

probie (Member Profile)

You're On Private Property...The Wonders of Live TV

rychan says...

>> ^rottenseed:

How the fuck did he just rise from the behind the reporter?

The reporter was on the bed of a truck (which was on the side of a road). The "fuck" guy then proceeded to attack the camera man and break his wrist. Somehow this makes him an Internet legend

You're On Private Property...The Wonders of Live TV

You're On Private Property...The Wonders of Live TV

Grimm (Member Profile)

deathcow (Member Profile)

dag (Member Profile)

deathcow (Member Profile)

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