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Comey Testifies Under Oath That Trump Lied Repeatedly

bobknight33 says...

Boo hoo...

Comey best testimony is that Trump lied on why he was fired... Boo hoo..
Trump is Comey boss. he can be fired for any reason or for no reason. Grow up this is the same in any business.

The testimony also indicated that Trump IS NOT under investigation. Flynn was looked at but not as a primary target of the investigation.

Comey was one of the inside leakers. He leaked his own memo.

Ad Attacking Comey Before He Testifies

bobknight33 says...

Boo hoo...

Comey best testimony is that Trump lied on why he was fired... Boo hoo..
Trump is Comey boss. he can be fired for any reason or for no reason. grow up this is the same in any business.

The testimony also indicated that Trump IS NOT under investigation. Flynn was looked at but not as a primary target of the investigation.

Comey was one of the inside leakers. He leaked his own memo.

newtboy said:

Here's just a taste of why Trump needs Comey to be dismissed as a political hack and liar......


I'm certain this bit of his testimony will turn out to be one of the less damning bits of info about Trump's never ending lies and dictatorial style that will come out of today's hearings, but it is clearly indicative of how Trump operates....which is a mirror of how most dictators operate. Their guy is the best, most trustworthy, intelligent, and honorable person who could hold a position....until that person disagrees with the dictator in any tiny way, then suddenly they're liars, idiots, and traitors that should probably be put to death for treason.
How on earth do you not see it?

enoch (Member Profile)

radx says...

Remember Scott Ritter? Arms inspector, made the rounds with Seymour Hersh about a decade ago with "Target Iran", when the Bush administration was in a very bellicose posture vis-a-vis Iran.

Interesting guy, often amongst the first to call out attempts to fabricate a casus belli on Middle Eastern nations.

He had a go at the NSA document supposedly leaked by Leigh Winner. Check it out: Leaked NSA Report Short on Facts, Proves Little in ‘Russiagate’ Case

"In many ways, the rush to blame Russia for attempting to undermine American democracy by meddling in our election system has become a self-fulfilling prophesy. The damage done to the credibility of our democratic institutions as a result of the politicized congressional proceedings has been incalculable, and by all accounts the worst is yet to come.

The Russians barely had to lift a finger—the wounds derived from this political maelstrom have all been self-inflicted. The fact that the mainstream media have been unable to accurately report on the issue only underscores the depths to which institutions and agencies will fall to deride and destroy that which they detest and abhor, namely President Trump."

Bernie Sanders shows support for aims of Jeremy Corbyn

radx says...

As much as I'd love to see Corbyn's Labour win the election, it depresses me to think how the nightmare that is Brexit would then have to be "managed" by them. In the end, the inevitable disaster might very well be laid at Labour's feet by the press, thereby discrediting Corbyn's policies for years to come.

Or does anyone see any way Brexit could be done that does not end in disaster? From where I'm standing, it's a five-year process in the best of times, yet neither are these the best of times, nor have the Tories done anything of substance in the time since the referendum. In fact, they don't even seem to be aware of what enormous undertaking these kinds of negotations are. Judging by the "leaks" from Juncker's meeting with May, she seemed completely unprepared, even delusional and misinformed about the process.

Greg Gianforte, Trump and the First Amendment

newtboy says...

Yeah, Fox is the bastion of fairness and balance.......and the sky is a lovely shade of green. Edit: Fox can't even stop claiming Clinton/DNC murdered a man over leaks the Russians made, the best they can do is pause while indicating the story is still true but out of respect/bowing to pressure they'll stop covering it for now.

He originally claimed he never touched the man, even though he knew the Fox reporter saw him. The only sane conclusion is he expected them to go along with his lie because he's Republican.

That's not what I read, both before and after the attack. The point is, this is not acceptable behaviour, and that made little difference because 1)early voting before it happened and 2) Republicans will vote for any frothing idiot if they just put an (R) in front of their name.

Nope, not kidding. They elected Trump, a womanizing, racist, classist, classless, serial philanderer, proud liar and deceiver, falsely pious, groper, repeatedly failed businessman that never reads the contracts he signs who is the worst kind of partisan con man. 8 years of hating Obama screwed with your heads. You're so incredibly deluded you still think Trump is winning big time. You probably repeated the bullshit about child slave pizza, you buy into every other insane conspiracy theory Alex Jones dreams up. Who promotes the worst again? You know, like baseless accusations of murder and child slavery being repeated for months on national tv? Like frothing rage over Benghazzi, but total head in the sand over Trump's imploding administration and his Russian ties involving every person in his administration it seems, all angrily lying about it until recordings surface then going silent? Yeah, using an unsecured email server, that's much worse than just telling our enemies state and intelligence secrets and leaking far more while creating enemies of the press and intelligence community (both ours and our allies). Worse than setting up a secret communication channel through the Russian consulate because you don't trust American intelligence agencies but do trust Russia? Much worse. Lock her up...Lock her up....Lock her up.

Democrats represented more Americans than Republicans if you go by if one party represents Americans and the other doesn't, you have it backwards. (Truth be told neither represent their constituents, but democrats come closer).

bobknight33 said:

""Fox reporters would lie with him, but they didn't"". ??? On what grounds do you state this ??? Fox is more fair and balanced than CNC/MSNBC and others.

HE was not expected to wing by a land slide It was to be close, which it was.

" Republicans have totally sacrificed their morality " Are you kidding. Democrats are the party of Debauchery. Democrats are a joke. Republicans have slipped to a new low but democrats promote the worst of society.

Democrats are American but they represent the blinded sheep degenerated by its politicians.

Is Trump Secretly Recording In The Whitehouse?

bobknight33 says...

Trump is punking the shit out of liberals. Too funny.

Trump Tweet...
"James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!"

Even Comey's Firing Was All About Trump

bobknight33 says...

No evidence of wrong doing from trump.

The only Russian involvement is Podesta emails leaked by a news source and the DNC was hacked confirming Clintion was cheating to win primary. And Flynn, $ for speaking for RT news and a conversation with a Russian and then lying to Pence about it, for witch he was fired.

No real evidence or facts. just "sources" for liberal media false hype to continue its 24/7 anti Trump narrative.

newtboy said:

As usual, you have it all wrong.
The left wanted Comey fired for making false statements designed both in tenor and timing to harm Clinton's chances.
They are up in arms because it's blatantly obvious that Trump didn't fire him for his statements last June or July, they thought him their hero in November and said so clearly right up until yesterday when he moved to expand the investigation into Trump's campaign. If he was going to be fired for his actions last summer, that would have happened in January, not yesterday.
Trump IS under investigation. First, the only evidence he isn't under investigation is Trump's unsolicited self serving claim that he said that, second, do you think the investigator tells the target they're being investigated? Not unless they are colluding, like the house committee did.

The FBI and house committee both said there is clear, undeniable evidence, but it's classified so far. Trump could fix that today, but he won't, he's too busy having closed door meetings with the very Russian diplomats he's accused of colluding with. (Edit:and they just released in house photos of the meeting, no press was allowed, showing smiling and laughing Trump and the diplomats arm in arm clearly having a great time, a pretty stark contrast to his meetings with allied presidents and diplomats that were often decidedly unfriendly and standoffish) That's not snark, it's fact.

If the investigations were a witch hunt, Trump would want them publicly investigated thoroughly so the evidence would prove it....not stymie them at every opportunity and repeatedly fire the investigators while clearly being caught lying about the investigation and why he fired them all when he did.

Even Comey's Firing Was All About Trump

RFlagg says...

If Comey was fired after the investigation was over, then nobody would have been upset. It is the timing that upsets people, and should upset those on the right too who want to put the Russian thing behind them.

There is clear evidence that Russia interfered with the election. Now does that mean, Trump, or people closely connected to him and his campaign, were directly involved? No. And most liberals would be okay if that was the end result of an independent investigation, so long as we found the means and methods of the interference and were able to learn actions to prevent further interference with future elections from any outside nation. However, the Republicans refuse to take the investigation into Russian interference seriously. The House investigation led by a guy who was on Trump's transition team, the Senate investigation seems more concerned about who leaked info about Trump than the fact a foreign threat to the security of the United States interfered with the election. They worry about leaks in a White House that looks at top secret information in a very public place, but the actions of a hostile state doesn't seem to concern them like it should.

Now we got Comey, who Trump and his people praised up and down during the campaign and soon after election, being fired right after he says he's going to devote more resources to the Russian investigation. We got a President who broke clear ethical rules (though perhaps no laws) in asking if he was under investigation, in a call which may have been about if he'd keep Comey on. Even the hint of Clinton being involved in even a far less serious offence made the right shout "lock her up", but for Trump the reaction seems to be "he's the greatest President ever, let me suck the chrome off his cock".

He, and the Republicans keep trying to distract the American people from the Russia investigation, which let's remind everyone, is mostly about the interference, and only possibly about his administration's complacency. It is more about the actions of a hostile state than him. It's almost as if they know the Russians interfered, and don't care because they won. If Democrats had won, thanks to the actions of an outside state, especially one as hostile to the US as the Russians, and there was even less proof that Clinton or her team may have been involved, the size of the committee and the depth of the investigation would be many times bigger than it is now. The outrage on the right would be larger than the outrage on the left as it stands now.

And, then right after the firing, Trump goes the extra step of letting only Russian official state media in on the meetings between him and Russian officials. He won't release visitor logs to the White House. He won't release visitor logs to the far more accessible Mar-a-logo, where he looks at top secret documents in the wide open. (Side note, he's cost the American tax payers about a 1/4 of what Obama's vacations cost in 8 years, in just 100 days, and all those people who bitched about Obama vacations, including Trump who complained about how much Obama played golf, are perfectly fine with what Trump has cost the American tax payers in his vacations.) So without those logs, and those of Trump Tower, we can't be sure there aren't more clandestine meetings like that blatant one in the White House. The refuse ANY degree of transparency. Again, if this was Clinton, the right would be demanding she be sent to Guantanamo Bay, and that's only a slight exaggeration, either way they'd demand she be locked up for the very things Trump is accused of.

Then there's his clear violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, and the people who claim to be all about the Constitution, saying how the left have zero respect for it, who were in a furor over Clinton's possible violation of it with her foundation, don't care about Trump's violation of it. Suddenly, the Emoluments Clause, doesn't matter to the same people who cited it as a concern during Clinton's campaign.

Also, keep in mind, he made the decision to fire him, before the reasons why letters were penned, and were written to help defend it. Further, as pointed out, his own letter was about him, the guy is such a clear narcissist, he could have been like Sanders and I'd personally oppose him. Plus, Trump didn't have the guts to let Comey know in person, Comey had to find out on TV and think it was a practical joke. Again, if Clinton fired somebody like that, the right would be in arms, calling her chicken, and saying a real man would fire another person in person.

TLDR: If Trump fired Comey after the investigation into a hostile state's interference with the election, nobody would have cared, in fact he may have gotten mad props for letting the investigation go on without interference. It's the timing that is suspect.

Where's the Smoke, Comey's Fired

bobknight33 says...

Comey may be the top cheese. But he is just 1 of 900+ agents.. Any investigation will continue .

Also if there is any there there, there will be even more leaks.

This is Liberals ranting because they got beat at the election.

24/7 anti trump on all news / late night since the election. No wonder this boy is frustrated.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Doctor Forcibly Removed From United Flight For Overbooking

transmorpher says...

This c*** of a pilot trying to make it sound as if the 69 year old was a potential security problem. WTF.

Man, what is going on in the USA? It's like everyone with a badge is power tripping. Is there a gas leak from all of the fracking? People seem to go straight to red about the smallest of issues.

What if they "randomly" chose someone that wasn't going to accept being manhandled. Would this have ended with the passenger getting shot?

bobknight33 said:

United Airlines Pilot: "FLYING IS A PRIVILEGE"

The Airlines were right in doing what they do.

Trump's Wiretapping Claims Destroyed By Comey

greatgooglymoogly says...

Because I'm assuming that one of the parties to the conversation didn't just write a transcript of the conversation from memory and give it to someone else, to later be leaked.

I just happened to come across an interesting theory that is plausible(The Brits did it). From the Judge who has railed againt the unconstitutional NSA spying, so I don't think you can chalk this up to pure FOX news bullshit. In fact they took him off the air indefinitely for expressing his opinion. All of Comey's statements would still be truthful as well.

Of course, just as I give little creedence to unsourced assertions that "The Russians did it" during the last administration, this will stay an interesting theory until the anonymous sources can deliver evidence.

Horrible Conditions in Dent County Jail

newtboy says...

Yep, for $100 a room they could fix this, but they don't? That would make it intentional torture, right? The prisoners have nothing to clean with, and the jailers aren't providing anything. Besides, bleach doesn't fix leaks or humidity that makes the walls sweat, so $100 of bleach and paint wouldn't do shit after a few days, and does nothing about overcrowding.

This is jail, not prison. Most of these people are not convicted of anything yet. You call them repeat criminals, but you have no idea if any of them are repeaters or even criminals. Jail is where you wait for trial if you can't afford bail.

Just wow.

worm said:

My opinion may be unpopular too, but I see a room full of people who aren't going anywhere, and if they really wanted to improve their condition then a little elbow grease can clean that place right up for about $15. Hell, throw in a few cans of paint/supplies for another $100.

Oh, and how about this novel idea: don't like what jail looks/smells/feels like? How about making sure you do whatever it takes to NOT go back. Its a jail, not a boarding house for indigent children who cannot fend for themselves.

Yeah, I just don't have much of a bleeding heart for the repeat criminal. Maybe we can save this type of jail for the multiple-time repeat customers and keep the jails that are barely above livable for the first timers.

Mark Levin Provides Proof Obama Admin Wiretapped Trump Tower

bobknight33 says...

I did nothing of the wort.

I posted what seems to be the author ( loosely used ) that started all this mess this weekend. All Mark did is pointed to 3 or 4 news articles. I was just documenting where this all started. No more no less. There press articles were all biased left and indicated that Obama is implicated. Why wold Left wing Obama fanboys new papers write such lies?

You and the other Leftest sifters voted this video off the site...Typical of your kind.. Can't listen to the other side... Oh Fuck no... Can't have fail and balance.

Then again this is about as much proof as the Democrats and main stream media has on any Trump / Russian collusion. Isn't it?

Granted NSA records everything. They even have Hillary's missing 33 thousand missing emails.

This does not give any government person the right to leak such data. That would be subversion.

You and the media have said that this Trump evidence/intelligence WAS gathered before Trump took office, lets see it. There are plenty of anti TRUMP on both sides for this to come out.

Government works so slowly there will never be proof. There are allies on both sides. Proof will never see the light of day.

Democrats just use false stories to keep Trump off balanced and hopes he falls. Trump just playing their game.

newtboy said:

YET.....but note the left isn't claiming there's publicly available proof, but you just posted some lies and called it proof. There is more evidence daily that indicates they almost certainly colluded with Russia from day one as a group, but I agree, no undeniable proof....yet.

And the fact that proof has yet to be made public actually makes it sad this red herring is more, now admitted, bullshit. If only it were true we would have that proof of collusion....but no worries. We record all telephone conversations the ambassador has in America, and clearly Trump's people were unaware of that, having already repeatedly been caught lying about conversations that are on tape, so eventually the recordings will be leaked by an intelligence agent that's a true patriot. That's why they rushed to secure that evidence/intelligence before Trump took office, it was clear he would just destroy it.

Mark Levin Provides Proof Obama Admin Wiretapped Trump Tower

newtboy says...

YET.....but note the left isn't claiming there's publicly available proof, but you just posted some lies and called it proof. There is more evidence daily that indicates they almost certainly colluded with Russia from day one as a group, but I agree, no undeniable proof....yet.

And the fact that proof has yet to be made public actually makes it sad this red herring is more, now admitted, bullshit. If only it were true we would have that proof of collusion....but no worries. We record all telephone conversations the ambassador has in America, and clearly Trump's people were unaware of that, having already repeatedly been caught lying about conversations that are on tape, so eventually the recordings will be leaked by an intelligence agent that's a true patriot. That's why they rushed to secure that evidence/intelligence before Trump took office, it was clear he would just destroy it.

bobknight33 said:

And there is ZERO proof of any colluding of trump and the Russians. FAKE NEWS you can believe.

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