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Bernie 'rephrases' the question

EMPIRE says...

as a non-american, I really hope Bernie Sanders wins. You guys really need a sharp-left turn for some course-correction. Nobody's asking the US to become a communist state, but for fuck's sake. In some aspects, the US is barely a developed state, let alone the "leader of the free world".

Romney to Teacher: "I didn't ask you a question"

bareboards2 says...

@Jinx.... Character attack? I guess so. But the guy was at a ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION.

I don't think this is just character attack. The man wants to be leader of the free world. He can't even keep his CEO to himself long enough to have a (I'll grant you fake and symbolic) conversation.

He wants to LEAD. I don't see any evidence yet that he has the ability to weigh his words and make good judgments.

If this were isolated, I'd be right with you. However, this is systemic.

In my opinion, of course. In my opinion.

An Indecent Proposal from Sarah Silverman

speechless says...

>> ^lantern53:

If a person has no job, they cannot afford to go to a casino, which employs hundreds. Since Sheldon thinks that Romney will create more jobs then Obama and more people will be able to go to the casino, and since Sheldon has actual business experience, unlike Barack Obama, I think it will follow that Sheldon is more likely to know what he is doing.
Go Sheldon! Go Jobs!

Regarding your point on experience, who has more "being the president of the United States" experience? More "leader of the free world" experience? More "Commander and Chief" experience? I'm going to go with your logic, and assume that whomever that guy is must know what he is doing, and so it must follow that he is more qualified to lead this country for the next four years versus someone who has no experience being any of those things.

a message to all neocons who booed ron paul

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^kymbos:

The suggestion that people hate America for its freedom and not for its history of intervention is just so laden with hubris it beggars belief. There is just no perceptible rational basis for that argument, and I refuse to believe anyone informed genuinely believes it.
Like the Swiss have less 'freedom', or the Danes, or the British. How much freedom do the Kiwis have? They must be loathed around the world, right? Them and their 'freedom'.

The Swiss, the Danes, and the Kiwis* are not the "leaders of the free world". While I agree that interventionism plays a large part in the legitimate grievances people have against America, I would say that a percentage would be ideologically opposed to the west and America is simply the largest target there. Reality, as always, is not that simple. There are a myriad of reasons America is targeted, some political, some economic and yes, some people genuinely do "hate freedom".

So yeah, you're right, but I don't think it's the whole story.

* I deliberately left the British out of that list. As a former colonial power, they have their own set of issues and in case you missed it, they're not exactly popular around the world.

Herman Cain Stumped By Medicare Question

packo says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

If Cain is such a non-threat, why is this regime's loyal media trying so desperately to sink him (while actively covering up Obama's many gaffes as well as the regime's failures of the last 3 years)?
Which just goes to show...something...about conservatives in the US. It hurts my head to try to figure out what.
Success, jobs, prosperity, national pride. Yeah, they'll remain distant memories as long as socialists are in power.

>> ^TheFreak:
>> ^quantumushroom:
Wow, this obviously proves Cain is not up to the job.
It took 3 (now almost 4) years of failure and the left still doesn't know Obama isn't up to the job.

And yet Herman Cain, the man aspiring to be President who is uninformed about Medicare issues...the man who wants to be leader of the free world who fears China may develop nuclear capabilities...the man who's strongest held beliefs, he has "no facts to support"....THAT man, is still rising in the GOP presidential polls.
Which just goes to show...something...about conservatives in the US. It hurts my head to try to figure out what.

because success, jobs, prosperity, and national pride did so well under a recent Republican President?

now don't get me wrong, I realize alot of American's have national pride... its just too bad what they have pride in just doesn't jive with reality...

"We're #1" is only applicable to 3 things in regards to America...

military spending, national debt, and rate of transfer of wealth from poor/middle class to the rich

go unfettered capitalism!!!

Herman Cain Stumped By Medicare Question

quantumushroom says...

If Cain is such a non-threat, why is this regime's loyal media trying so desperately to sink him (while actively covering up Obama's many gaffes as well as the regime's failures of the last 3 years)?

Which just goes to show...something...about conservatives in the US. It hurts my head to try to figure out what.

Success, jobs, prosperity, national pride. Yeah, they'll remain distant memories as long as socialists are in power.

>> ^TheFreak:

>> ^quantumushroom:
Wow, this obviously proves Cain is not up to the job.
It took 3 (now almost 4) years of failure and the left still doesn't know Obama isn't up to the job.

And yet Herman Cain, the man aspiring to be President who is uninformed about Medicare issues...the man who wants to be leader of the free world who fears China may develop nuclear capabilities...the man who's strongest held beliefs, he has "no facts to support"....THAT man, is still rising in the GOP presidential polls.
Which just goes to show...something...about conservatives in the US. It hurts my head to try to figure out what.

Herman Cain Stumped By Medicare Question

TheFreak says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Wow, this obviously proves Cain is not up to the job.
It took 3 (now almost 4) years of failure and the left still doesn't know Obama isn't up to the job.

And yet Herman Cain, the man aspiring to be President who is uninformed about Medicare issues...the man who wants to be leader of the free world who fears China may develop nuclear capabilities...the man who's strongest held beliefs, he has "no facts to support"....THAT man, is still rising in the GOP presidential polls.

Which just goes to show...something...about conservatives in the US. It hurts my head to try to figure out what.

TYT: Egypt Protests - Should U.S. Choose Sides?

geo321 says...

I find the phrase "The US is the leader of the free world!" as annoying as it is ironic. It's got to be the ultimate catchphrase for empire of our generation. A free world with the US running it. I know it's just nationalistic propaganda but the words irritate me.

Obama's Term, So Far

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^NetRunner:
>> ^Lawdeedaw:
So, not saying I know much about our government because I don't completely understand our silly nonsensical law structure that changes weekly anyways, but Obama is able to do so much---yet Republicans can just say no on the issue of Gitmo and boom! Obama stopped. Not to mention the issue of the constitution being on his side...
I get the filibuster, or other motions that shelve actions forever... but I understand also there is a way to get things done in office regardless of any roadblocks and their, uhem, "size." If not, well then that is your failure as a politician. It is your job to get shit done…
I am not saying Obama has not succeeded on issues important to Americans. I am saying failure cannot be acceptable because your opponent was smarter or stronger than you...

I guess I would say that to start with you should read up a bit on what's been happening on this front:
The key element in there was a bill Congress passed with a veto-proof majority that prevents funding going to "transfer, release, or incarcerate" Guantanamo detainees in the United States. That expires this year, but congress is still making it very difficult to just start moving detainees to the US and give them trials in federal court.
To the rest of your comments I would say there's a huge moral difference between someone who tries to stop an immoral act and fails, and someone who wholeheartedly endorses the immoral act. I guess your presumption is that all failure is intentional, because all Presidents always get what they want, no matter what...I think even the briefest glances at history would disabuse you of that notion.
As for Congressional Democrats, they definitely deserve a share of the blame for acquiescing so easily to Republican political posturing over terrorism, but I think it's a big stretch to say there's some sort of moral equivalence between the two parties, especially on the topic of Guantanamo. One party created it and is loudly and openly opposed to closing it, the other is trying to close it, if more cautiously than I think is warranted.

No, not all failures are intentional---but thank you for not accusing and raging about it here (I take no offense to questioning.)

All failures have two members responsible--the ones who win and the ones who lose. All failures come with consequences to everyday mortals. It is important that the other side "tried" but it is also important that the loser never receive a trophy (In this case, being viewed in a manner that the effort was almost or equal to victory.) (Unimportant Exception in this particular matter; if the event specifically denotes they give trophies then the second and third runner up can get one (Olympics for ex.) In politics, they do not provide trophies to perceived losers (I.e. re-election.)

Remember, I am not blaming Obama for this insomuch as his effort of trying. Great for him and those who supported him. I am just not handing him anything but the moral high ground. And, sadly, for some of those in Gitmo, they could give a rat’s ass less about the moral high ground.

And no, I was not sarcastic. His and those supporting him are appreciated in this area.

All presidents will fail as you mentioned. And hell, a president isn't even the leader of the free world--nor the people or judges. It is really congress, but then even they are balanced a bit...

Seth MacFarlane Responds to Sarah Palin on Real Time

Hollywood 'Red' Probe, HUAC Hearings Begin 1947/10/20

geo321 says...

That term with an agenda "The Committee on Unamerican Activities" sends a chill down my spine. Propagandizing the public for an agenda. Like the "global war on terror", "the war on drugs", "We are the Leader of the Free World.".....Empire needs propaganda to survive.

Obama and Biden Go to White Castle, er, Ray's Hell Burger

Krupo says...

As much as it's annoying to see the press fawning over the leaders, this was fun.

I love the report from the CSM:

"The Daily Guidance from the White House said “12:30 lunch in Oval Office, closed press.”
But now we know better. By “we,” I mean the White House press corps, where this reporter had pool duty Tuesday.
Those wild and crazy guys at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue summoned the motorcade, and off we went across the Roosevelt Bridge into Arlington, Va., to Ray’s Hell Burger — a joint so new it still doesn’t have a sign up.
Obama and Biden entered through the front door. The press pool — yours truly included — entered through the back. At least Barack and Joe didn’t pull rank and cut the line: The leaders of the free world, all spiffed up in suits and ties, stood patiently with the regular lunch crowd, waiting their turn.
Obama then looked toward the pool and said, “Who’s taking orders here? My treat to the pool.”
Some declined, but others didn’t want to seem ungracious, so we ordered burgers. (Note: The five of us who did order are making a donation to charity, in lieu of attempting to reimburse POTUS. Caren noted that Obama has fed the press before, such as during the campaign, when he bought ice cream.)
While Obama and Biden waited in line, the lunch crowd stood and gawked, some took pix with cell phones. The two guys in line ahead of them studied their menus, oblivious to who was behind them.
When Obama and Biden reached the front, Obama greeted the two order-takers. A guy named Tim Murray took Obama’s order.
Then Obama took an order for his body guy, Reggie Love, and relayed the press’s order as well.
“These are to go, ‘cuz you guys aren’t gonna have tables.” Then: “We’re paying, or these people [the pool] are gonna write about how we’re free-loading.”
Obama pulled out some bills and paid, putting a $5 bill in the tip jar.
Biden ordered a Swiss cheese burger with jalapeno peppers. Biden paid for his order separately, with cash. He also got some food to go.
Then Obama said to the pool: “You guys are cheap dates. I can’t believe I couldn’t get more of you to order a burger.”
Obama and Biden sat at a table and had their lunch, while the pool waited outside. At 1:05, they emerged. Crowds cheered as Obama stood on the running board of his limo and waved.
Motorcade back at White House at 1:14 pm. Obama and Biden emerged from the same limo. No doubt they were prepping for the next event on their calendar — a closed-press meeting with President Shimon Peres of Israel.
I closed my pool report with: “I’m still waiting for my burger.” But I just heard from the pool minder, Ben Finkenbinder, who says my burger is waiting for me.
Gotta run."

Empahsis mine.

Funny stuff.

Conan O'Brien at Detroit Auto Show

StukaFox says...

"Fudgy the Whale"!

Those fucking things rock.

Them and Wunderbars.

You know why Barack Obama is President now?

Because of fucking Wunderbars.

I'll bet Obama eats like 60 of those motherfuckers every day because he's the President. Obama goes, "I, Barak Hussien Obama, Leader of the Free World and Defeater of Bush, desire a Wunderbar" and the White House Magician pulls one out from Lincoln's hat.

Damn, I wish I was President, I'd have me a fucking Wonderbar right now. Damn right I would. Mmmm, Wonderbar.

Sorry, I'm kinda loaded right now.

CNN: Palin Has Never Seen Russia From Alaska

lucky760 says...

The more I hear her say she has foreign policy experience by being just several hundred miles away from another country, the more I'm convinced she's really ready to be commander-in-chief of our military and leader of the free world. I think each time she explains it, she gains more experience points. She's practically ready to be president of Russia even.

Rachel Maddow: Palin Will Not Cooperate With Investigation

bareboards says...

I have been appalled by Palin's selection since the beginning, due to her inexperience. I have read just about everything I can get my hands on about her.

The Republicans go on about how she has more executive experience than McCain, Obama, Biden, since she actually ran two entities -- Wasilla and the state of Alaska.

What they don't say is what KIND of administrator she was. She fires without following any basic standards of human resource techniques. Yes, she can fire at will. The question is -- SHOULD she fire at will or should she document the shortcomings of her employees and if they don't improve, then fire? She just fires. She is the world's worst employer in terms of treating the people who report to her with any modicum of respect.

What climate of fear now exists in Alaska in terms of anyone criticizing her? They may lose their jobs. That isn't an irrational fear, it is based on her track record. She did it in Wasilla, she did at the state level.

She also has hired close friends into high paying jobs, making much more than they ever did in the private sector. Aren't government jobs supposed to pay less than the private sector? Doesn't this imply they don't have the skills to do the job they were hired for?

What does all this say about how she would run her administration should she become president? What does this say about her ability to deal with heads of states in countries smaller than ours -- which is about all of them, really.

I think she probably has been a good governor for Alaska, with her Wild West ways. It is a small state population-wise. It is oil rich. It is isolated from the rest of the country -- she doesn't even have to get along with other states in the union, the state is so isolated. The government itself is small up there. Her rootin' tootin' bulldozer, bully style can work to ram things through.

These characteristics are horrible in the Leader of the Free World.

She will be more of Bush II -- waving the flag and incapable of working with our traditional allies.

The isolationists may be happy with her -- but in this increasingly "flat" world, it is no longer possible to be isolated on this planet.

What horrifies me the most is that these very characteristics that make her unfit for the job are the very things that the Republican base loves. "Bring it on" says President Bush, and they cheer.

We're in trouble, folks.

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