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The 49 Films That Will Define 2010 (Cinema Talk Post)

dannym3141 says...

Me and my friend used to always talk in jest about who we'd get in our film 'when we made one'. We'd add to it over the years. Almost exclusively hard asses/ass kickers from history to the present - kurt russel, the rock, bruce willis, arnie (of course), dolph, terry tate, terry crews, richard dean anderson, stallone, statham... i can barely remember the entire list because we had a cast of probably approaching 50.

Of course as the list grew we rapidly discussed and immediately turned aside the notion of a plot. We decided as the list reached over 20 that we'd probably be able to start the film off by having a random guy walk past and say something, and then have all the cast quip back and forth between each other, quipping their way to the end of the film. We both love them for the one liners so we thought, you know, the whole film could be one liner after one liner.

Now... there's a pub in preston, lancashire, england where all this used to go down. I never specifically saw anyone there, but i'm almost certain that stallone was sat nearby with pen and pad, because i'll be damned if "The Expendables" isn't what we came up with brought to life.

I might as well take a gun and one bullet into the cinema with me, because if the expendables isn't awesome ...... well.. life isn't worth living anymore.

Rachel Bilson's Deleted Sex Scene

TDS: Democratic Super Majority

Sniper007 says...

Read Hayek's Road to Serfdom. It has some conflicting concepts, but nevertheless it does an excellent job of explaining why it is inherently impossible to centralize these types of decision making processes.

No central planning body is physically or theoretically capable of processing the vast quantities of data needed to make informed, rational, moral/ethical, and economical determinations for everyone's health. It's intrinsically grossly inefficient, and therefore unsustainable. It may exist for a period, but it cannot remain. No outside opposition is necessary to bring it down. It will fall under it's own folly. You can hardly blame the "Democrats" for failing to make it work: no one can.

Every man must exert self control. This is freedom. Nothing more, and nothing less.

The real kicker is that the solutions to these perceived problems lies in the perception, or rather, the man who is perceiving. The source of the solution is entirely internal, and requires no external actors for an individual to be supremely immune from all these external harms. (Salvation does not lie in Society or Community.) Acceptance of these concepts however, can only be gained one who seeks to pull all responsibility upon himself. Humility helps.

Do not hate the Law. Embrace it.

Kanye Insults Taylor Swift at VMAs

rottenseed says...

Here's the kicker to the WHOLE blow out by Kanye...

...Beyonce won "Video of the Year". Pretty much she won the HIGHEST she could win. So not only was Kanye kicking and screaming like a little bitch, but he was doing it prematurely.

Later on, when accepting her award, Beyonce let Taylor come up and say a couple of words. That kind of professionalism and respect (whether deserved or not) is why Beyonce is one of the most cherished in the industry right now. Anybody can be "marketed" just like HollywoodBob says, but she seems to not let her head swell to a larger-than-life mentality.

As for Kanye, the true heroes on his team are his P.R. people...they must be the most patient people.

Electricity and Magnetism (Blog Entry by rottenseed)

videosiftbannedme says...

But yes, the edu-ma-cation system is pretty much FUBAR nowadays. They're raising tuition rates here in the dustbowl, as well as cutting programs, positions, etc. I'm just glad that this is my last semester (technically) and then I get my degree. Want to hear the real kicker though? Because I'm a member of Phi Theta Kappa, I have access to over 37 million in transfer scholarships...but the two four-year university systems here won't accept any transfer scholarships issued by PTK. Oh well...fine, don't take my money. Just one more reason not to go for a four-year in this state.

Fucking joke.

Epic Penalty Kick Fail

rgroom1 says...

A lot of the time the goalie will try to read the kicker and see where he's going to kick it, then just jump that way and hope for the best.
Obviously this goalie had a bit more wits about him.

Amazing Fake Out

timtoner says...

>> ^westyrules:
So you're saying it's like rugby, except that everybody is allowed to stop and think about tactics every 5 seconds. And you wear padding.

Well, injuries in handegg are so nasty precisely BECAUSE of all that 'padding'. The most dangerous moments in a game of handegg tend to be kick-offs, because you have 300 lbs terrors wearing 50 lbs of gear that shield them from some injury, thus making them a little cocky, running full speed and aiming said gear at certain vulnerable points in the padding of another player. As someone mentioned, this would never be done with the first string kicker--the chance of a single linebacker missing the obvious and being in the right place at the right time is simply too great.

Amazing Fake Out

Yogi says...

The reason they did this play was because the coach waited like 15 years to do it again. And they used the back up kicker because they didn't want the real kicker getting hurt. SO they won't use it in the regular season because it's too risky to the kicker. They only did it because they had an expendable kicker who was in because it's a pre-season game.

Amazing Fake Out

Worst Zit Ever

Worst Zit Ever

Michael Moore Responds to Canadian Press About Wait Times

curiousity says...

>> ^Mashiki:
The real kicker? In Ontario, hospitals have to operate with a positive operating budget, if they run a deficit they have to 'find' the money to continue operating. Sounds good right? Well the problem with that idea is, it usually means shutting down ER, critical care wards, critical surgery units, trauma units, and so on for a certain number of days. And cutting back the number of total hospital beds, when bed space is already at a premium. Which means people who should be in the hospital still are being sent home.

Hey, you know what the biggest problem with your idea of socialized medicine is? You're not leaving it to each state like we do up here. Each province is responsible for the care of the provinces needs. Sure it's mandated by federal law, but each province is responsible for their own level of 'care'. That level can be variable, but it's generally close across the board.

Really ol' Michael can talk about whatever he wants, but he's still ignorant about what really goes on here.

Umm... Isn't that what he said? I'm pretty sure he said the problem with Canada's health care is that it is underfunded.

And you are making the same point and then saying that he is ignorant? We did watch the same video, right?

Michael Moore Responds to Canadian Press About Wait Times

Mashiki says...

>> ^Xaielao:
And that guy in canada complained his mother had to wait a few hours for a semi-emergency in one of canada's biggest cities? I live in the smallest county NY state, we have less than 12'000 citizens (Schuyler County.) Our tiny little country hospital is so over-worked they cant handle anything. I once waited over 4 hours on a Tuesday night with a semi-emergency issue. I cannot imagine what big city emergency rooms must be like.

Depending on the city, it can be "pray you don't die." It happens, not often but it does. I live in a medium sized city. She'd have waited the same or longer, probably longer. I live in Canada, it really depends on where you live. In a lot of cases you get the care you need. All hospitals here have extremely long wait times want to see how long the waits are? Look from province to province. Here's Ontario: Generally you're looking 34-84 days for some cancer treatments. Up to 3-4 months for cardiac surgery, and so on.

The real kicker? In Ontario, hospitals have to operate with a positive operating budget, if they run a deficit they have to 'find' the money to continue operating. Sounds good right? Well the problem with that idea is, it usually means shutting down ER, critical care wards, critical surgery units, trauma units, and so on for a certain number of days. And cutting back the number of total hospital beds, when bed space is already at a premium. Which means people who should be in the hospital still are being sent home.

Hey, you know what the biggest problem with your idea of socialized medicine is? You're not leaving it to each state like we do up here. Each province is responsible for the care of the provinces needs. Sure it's mandated by federal law, but each province is responsible for their own level of 'care'. That level can be variable, but it's generally close across the board.

Really ol' Michael can talk about whatever he wants, but he's still ignorant about what really goes on here.

"Another Racist Attack on Indian in Australia"

rottenseed says...

>> ^billpayer:
Oh I feel so sorry for all the white Australian being denied rights in their own majority WHITE society. Retarded Aussie shit kickers, frustrated because they are one of the stupidest nations on the earth. Good luck with your dried up shit hole you bunch of inbred trash.

Upvote for the irony in using the word 'stupidest'

comparative would be more stupid
superlative would be most stupid

You could have actually used either and still made sense. Dumbest also would have worked. Now of course this is only the syntax that I'm critiquing you on. You still have the giant task of proving your claims so that I may determine whether your argument is sound.

"Another Racist Attack on Indian in Australia"

billpayer says...

Oh I feel so sorry for all the white Australian being denied rights in their own majority WHITE society. Retarded Aussie shit kickers, frustrated because they are one of the stupidest nations on the earth. Good luck with your dried up shit hole you bunch of inbred trash.

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