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Ronaldinho's ingenious free kick

mrk871 says...

Come on. Let's be honest about this. None of those football men wanted to hurt their feet. That was a fast kick by that other football kicker man, and it was going straight at their feet.
That ball - if that hits your foot you'd know about it. That's why it's called football you know, aim for the feet and take the football men out.
I think this was fantastic defensive playing myself. Not one of the football men got hurt, and the kicker man is embarrassed now that he missed.
Some of the best football jumping defence I've seen.
Everyone thinks this game should be something else, but in reality a decent game of football involves two very talented teams of bottom heavy players, and looks much more like ten-pin bowling than what we see in this bastardised game.

Ronaldinho's ingenious free kick

The Cock Shot sells for $4.95

The Cock Shot sells for $4.95

Chester The Incredible Peeing Dog

peggedbea (Member Profile)

English girl immitating an American Accent

rougy says...

Now I feel like a jerk.

Hey! Some of my best friends are Texans! I've even had them over for supper!

But it's true, the shit-kicker "I'm so ignorant I'm smart" Texan has always rubbed me wrong.

Because everything's bigger in Texas, cha'll knowed that, didn'cha?

One Crazy First Hand of Poker

messenger says...

Not great poker from Hudson. He was probably putting Farha on a lone Ace. The only thing Farha would have called a bet that big with was A-10 or A-A, both of which are the nuts, so gong all-in achieved nothing. Having already shon strength, he should have called, hoping that Farha wouldn't hit his kicker for the full house.

That said, Farha wouldn't have had much trouble getting Hudson to put the rest of his money in in the following rounds of betting. A pro might have gotten away from it.

Oliver Hudson and Sam Farha should be in the tags before Kate Hudson should, and gambling should be spelled right.

UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in Gaza

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

You say the Arab world is supporting Palestinian efforts but don't acknowledge the large military and political help the Israelis receive from the US.

I acknowledge it, but I consider it non-germaine to the topic. The issue is whether countries have the right to defend their citizens? In Isreal's case, there is a large population of armed partisans, geurilla fighters, terrorists, and agent provokateurs right at the door. Sadly, among the population of bad guys are a lot of innocents who don't have anywhere else to go. It is grossly unfair.

But suppose Isreal makes nice, gives Gaza to the Palestinians, pulls down the walls, and disbands the border security. Now the Palestinians can move freely. What happens next? History has proven for the past 60 years that if Isreal doesn't have walls, checkpoints, buffer zones, and blockades then they get car explosions, suicide bombers, and dead citizens. Past treaties made MANY concessions to the Palestinains but the violence never stopped.

Clearly some of you are of the mind that the Isreali government should put its citizens at risk from the bad guys so as to relieve the pressure on the innocent Palestinians. You may also believe that doing this will make the bad guys less prone to violence, and make the Palestinian people in general 'more favorable' to Isreal. I would ask you to supply the logic and evidence that leads you to that conclusion, because it runs counter to over 50 years of evidence.

The kicker is that you want to put the most incompetent organization on the planet (the U.N.) in charge of Isreal's security. No one in thier right mind could believe that is a good idea.

Personally I still think my solution is best. 1. American gives Rhode Island to the Palestinians and relocates them. 2. Italy gives Sicily to Isreal and relocates them. 3. Jerusalem and all the surrounding region is turned into a historical landmark where no one is allowed to live.

Dustin Tokarski With One of the Best WJC Saves Ever

NordlichReiter says...

It is proven that the closer you get to the shooter, the less angers the puck has to get by you.

That's why in Soccer, or football the goaltender attacks the kicker, sometimes.

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Forgive the very badly formulated triangles. It means the closer you get to the vertice where the shooter is, then the less chance he has to get the ball or puck by you.

But this only lessens the odds, in the end it comes down to a player skill and luck.

The same is true for guns, and any thing that shoots, or spurts, or ... you get the idea...

Tom Dempsey 63 yard Field Goal

Soccer throw-in: Frontflip faceball!

Krupo says...

>> ^yonderboy:
I'm pretty sure that while the guy in white is a jerk, the guy in blue was a friggin idiot.

Agreed. I recall being nothing but pissed off by people who think they can freakin' stall the game by planting themselves in front of free kickers/throwers.

He got EXACTLY what he deserved. I endorse this soccer police action.

Football-Helmets and pads are for pussies... =)

Asmo says...

>> ^RandyRo:
I love this sport, league is fun to play sometimes, though all in all I still prefer rugby union. Can't stand afl though, sorry Asmo, I guess I'm just a bad kicker.

Heheh, never played it mate and while league shorts are a bit revealing, AFL shorts are criminal. I just put it in there for a laugh... =)

ps. WOOT, finally got rid of the probie P...

Football-Helmets and pads are for pussies... =)

thepinky (Member Profile)

rougy says...

You don't know shit about my relationship with Deedub.

So butt out.

You really are as big a pain in the ass as everybody said you were.

In reply to this comment by thepinky:
Wow, Rougy. I stumbled across this comment and I have to say that I'm quite ashamed of you. This is beneath you, not to mention against the rules.

In reply to this comment by rougy:
First, it's spelled "propaganda" you dumb fucking redneck. Figures you're too goddamned lazy to check your spelling.

What does the anchorwoman say in the video at 1:15?

"The email's author is anonymous." Yet, true to your dipshit, shit-kicker bones, you have attributed these emails to the Obama campaign. Why am I not surprised? Oh, yeah, that's not why you posted this. You're still an idiot, but I stand corrected.

Then Obama says "I don't take from oil companies or washington lobbyists" which, according to this video, is true.

So what's you're fucking point? That we liberals have to hold Obama to a "higher standard"? Which is another way of saying that Obama can't play the game like your hero, McCain?

People like you have turned this country to shit. Fuck off and die.

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