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How i accidently created a hoax

sanderbos says...

Well, you can somehow edit a video and release it for laughs, and get astounded that so many people get fooled by it, I can actually believe that.

For me it falls apart here:
"During the week the video has been live i have refused to say anything about it or respond to the many journalists trying to get in contact with me. I honestly didn't know how to respond."
Glad he figured out what to do at the end.

But I say he went the wrong way about it. What he should have done is: Call up the Jimmy Kimmel people, and make it become their stunt!

milo yiannopoulos explains gamergate

00Scud00 says...

Yeah, he works for Breitbart and he looks part used car salesman and part televangelist, and yet I can't argue with most of what he says on Gamergate. I do have to give him credit for trying to cover something that most other journalists either couldn't, wouldn't or didn't know how to cover. But yes, he probably is a weasel.

Bill Maher - Ahmed's Clock Block

Drachen_Jager says...

Hmm, let's see... Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a quarter of a million people murdered (to no end, the war was already effectively over).

Americans have killed more than that in subsequent years (in fact, some estimates place a higher death toll of Iraqi civilians alone at American feet). I remember during the invasion of Iraq, American forces shot heavy ordinance (M1 Tank main gun, I believe) at a hotel full of journalists.

As the man says, "I'm afraid of Americans...."

Yeah... it's Muslims who blow shit up around the world.

iaui (Member Profile)

iaui (Member Profile)

Israeli Soldier Stopped From 'Arresting' 12 Year Old

iaui says...

Wow. We don't really know enough to say whether or not the young boy actually deserves to get arrested (because we can't see what he did and it'll just be one side's word against the other.)

BUT, that Israeli soldier did throw some sort of explosive at the crowd of journalists and women and children. Fuck that guy. He is a total disgrace to humanity.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

The rozzers arrested a single (!) person during those clashes that saw 34 cops injured. One person. One. They arrested some 200 folks during a peaceful protest against open pit coal mining in Garzweiler last week.

But wait, it gets better. The only person they arrested in Heidenau was... this journalist/photographer.

radx said:

Let's party like it's 1938, wohoo!

Police in Saxony is pretty much in cahoots with those Nazis, we learned that much from the investigation surrounding the NSU terror cell.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

The Office of the Prosecutor General just notified the public that it has closed the investigation into neither were the published documents state secrets, nor did the journalists involved in this matter show any intent to harm the country.

Just like basically every non-hardliner said the moment this was made public. Pure intimidation, and possibly, if not probably, a pretty shady way to get legal permission to employ digital surveillance against those involved.

Edit: Guardian, NYT

radx said:

... and our Public Prosecutor General was just fired over this.

Four more to go: the head of our domestic intelligence agency, our Justice Minister, our Minister of the Interior and, ultimately, our Chancellor.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

SPIEGEL: It would surely have been a deterrence for other sources. But most of the journalists insist on being independent and objective. They also like to stress that they are not political activists.

Assange: All they show is that they are activists for the way things are.

Even after being locked in a hole for years, Julian is as sharp as ever. It's been almost 6 years since I met him at the 26C3... maybe he'll be out by the time 40C3 comes around.

6Months in Jail For Disagreeing With Feminists on on Twitter

Bruti79 says...

When I first read her article, I almost dismissed it immediately because of Christie Blatchford, who is a terrible person/journalist. It's one of those things where you have to read and do your own research, because she's been so biased in the past. I'm actually surprised she didn't put her own terrible spin on this one.

The verdict comes down in October, we'll see what happens after that.

chris hedges-tavis smiley-change will come thru resistance

oritteropo (Member Profile)

radx says...

There are depressingly few journalists who call Osbourne out on his permanent-surplus horseshit....

While we're on the subject, the rhetoric from the left flank of Syriza against austerity seems to be shifting from failed policy to tool of class warfare. Or maybe it's just getting reported more prominently.

The IMF, and Lagarde especially, is also receiving more heat by the day for letting themselves get dragged into this troika business by Strauss-Kahn.

Yet in all this, there still isn't anyone willing to pull the trigger.

They all try to appease the mighty gods of the economy, with austerity chosen as their way of showing penance.

oritteropo said:

The next announcement should be that any downturn in the economy is the fault of Labour, and that the solution is more austerity!

Jon Stewart Rips NYT Journalist On Iraq War Reporting (pt2)

newtboy says...

The thing about that is that his show has repeatedly been shown to educate viewers on the actual facts of the 'news' far better than the "real journalists" you would put before him. He presents the news in comedy fashion, but still in a much clearer, often more in depth, and more honest way than nearly any "news organization" operating today.

So it IS actual news, and more so than most "news" shows. Incredibly more so than, lets say, Fox, which is worse than watching no news at all, proven time and time again.

Mordhaus said:

I congratulate him on slamming real journalists over their reporting. It's pretty easy when your own style of reporting has no hazards, because you have maintained throughout your career that you are a comedian only and therefore not constrained by journalistic responsibility.

I like him, as a comedian. I consider the show to be a comedy show. Unfortunately many younger people consider it to be actual news.

Jon Stewart Rips NYT Journalist On Iraq War Reporting (pt2)

Mordhaus says...

I congratulate him on slamming real journalists over their reporting. It's pretty easy when your own style of reporting has no hazards, because you have maintained throughout your career that you are a comedian only and therefore not constrained by journalistic responsibility.

I like him, as a comedian. I consider the show to be a comedy show. Unfortunately many younger people consider it to be actual news.

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