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Police Who Murder Man In Public On Camera Fired

newtboy says...

Hmmmm.....I went to public schools in California in the 80's, they were well above average, head and shoulders above public school in Texas. Granted, I went in Los Altos Hills and Palo Alto, neither hurting for tax funds. I'm not sure how they keep the lights on up here in Humboldt county.

You may be right, but even a confirmed pessimist like me has a hard time believing Trumpsters are now average intelligence, 100 IQ. That would make me Einstein, and I'm no Einstein.

Yes, there are more dumb people than's up to the intelligent to use their brains to get around that. It's not a new concept, it's why we have an electoral college.

Why can't I pick up my gun, do my duty to cull the American herd of the mentally feeble, then move to New Zealand? ;-)

The thing about the screaming loonies is they think they're tough, but the first time someone returns fire more than half will piss themselves and drop their guns in terror. Those pansies are afraid of deer. They love to be tough thinking only right wingers own guns....they're wrong. I've got many.

Yeah.....I'm not going to France no matter what happens. I'd move to NZ in a heartbeat though.

Chris Hayes Explains COVID-19 Testing To Trump

TheFreak says...

Every time you think you've got a handle on Trump's stupidity you find out he's even dumber than you thought. It's like his IQ is actively dropping every day.

Joe Biden response towards Tara Reade allegations

newtboy says...

People voted for Butigieg because he's intelligent, articulate, honest, thoughtful, tactful, smart, an honorable veteran, civic minded, faithful, patriotic, and a true leader.
Trumpublicans don't know a thing about any of those traits, they've had to forget about them in order to follow Trump.
The fact that he is openly gay was just a cherry on top, not a reason to vote for him but a Trumpian madness inducing Obama being black. They aren't reasons for me to vote for them, but they are absolutely reasons your ilk never would....kind of like Trump being a repeatedly convicted con man, it's not why you voted for him but it's one inescapable reason people with IQs over 85 won't.

Tell me, what trait made you love Trump? He doesn't display a single positive trait Butigieg exemplified.

bobknight33 said:

Voting for a female for the sake of being a female is asinine.

It is the same for voting for mayor Pete just because he is gay.

Conservatives don't care what you are, its you leadership to put America first that matters.

Bryan Lewis "Maybe I'll Vote Democrat Again"

newtboy says...

Trump said he loves the uneducated and low IQ voters, and they obviously love him back. This stupidity is proof.
You have to have done something before to be able do it again, morons.

Btw, don't watch this drivel just because I peaked your interest by commenting, it's really not worth your 4 1/2 minutes

Diversity and inclusion meeting ... at Michigan school

bremnet says...

Sorry, you lost me at "greatest country in the world", or at the very least your list of "despite it being..." is way, way too short. Greatest at or greatest for what? Bigots per capita? Most frequent demonstrations of unsubstantiated entitlement and negative IQ's?

newtboy said:

It is the greatest country in the world DESPITE it being the home of some of the most disrespectful racist assholes in the world like edit:Thomas E Burtell of Saline Michigan. Sadly, that status is in serious jeopardy because of them. Edit: Fortunately even his own son is disgusted by him and disavowed and condemned his racist and bigoted comments. He identified himself, so I have no qualms about identifying him, but I won't post his address and phone number like others have.

I hope the incessant abuse and ostracism he receives from the community as a whole from this day forward force him to leave not just that school system but this great country...MAGA by getting the fuck out, douchebag.

Impeachment Bombshell Ties Trump and Rudy to Ukraine Scheme

newtboy says...

No Bob. Wrong again. Some were background witnesses that prove the mindset....removing a top diplomat known internationally for her anti corruption successes in the manner he did it was like like photos of Trump dismantling video cameras the night before he robbed his own bank, they don't prove he did it, and he has the right to remove them, but it's still good evidence he was planning the crime. There were also direct witnesses to his actions, and what the Ukrainians were saying.
We get more direct witnesses today, including numerous professionals who were listening in on the phone calls.

Most leaks have come directly from the Whitehouse, and a never ending stream from Giuliani, but he used them. Secondly, what exactly was he so worried might leak about his perfect phone calls that he needed to create a secret non governmental channel to do foreign policy based on ridiculous false claims from criminal Ukrainians who paid him for access, then hide all evidence behind a top secret clearance firewall? Could it be because the State Department had already debunked both theories thoroughly, or because the payments from Russian tied Ukrainians was totally illegal, as is selling American policy to the highest foreign bidders? Next excuse.

Bob, you know the Republicans aren't asking about the facts or offering a defense, but are only using their time to make false statements about Biden and the witnesses, and to whine about the process they themselves designed, right?

...and you add a video from rabid nutbag Jordan why? His animated blatherings were only designed to confuse and obfuscate, and had no logical bearing on the procedure. His rapid fire naming players only works on morons who can't follow along, anyone with an iq above 80 understands Songland was revising his testimony because others testified he was lying. Taylor recalled having been told by Songland's staff, Mr Morrison, about Songlands conversations with Mr Yarmack, a Ukrainian official, about meetings with Zelensky and Pence (and what he told Yarmack was the meeting was conditional on an investigation announcement over Biden, not Burisma or corruption, and it was cancelled because there was no such public announcement). Mr Morrison would testify the same, so Songland had to admit the conversation happened. Hilariously, until that admission, Songland was your guy, now you guys pretend you can't follow one sentence if it has 5 names in it. This from the guy who brought you Benghazi, numerous closed door secret investigations over nonsense with zero evidence or corroboration. *facepalm

Btw, Zelensky had a scheduled interview to announce his Biden investigation in a quid pro quo for the funding release, but the illegal funding hold and related extortion was discovered publicly first and the scheme fell apart days before he gave the interview, which he cancelled as soon as the funds were released and the extortion plot ruined. If he wasn't being extorted, he would have had that interview anyway.

Funny how they repeatedly use their time to complain about not being allowed to ask questions (a total lie btw) in closed door sessions or to make false accusations against others like Biden or Schiff instead of asking questions about this case....even the Republican lawyer. It's like they have no defense....oh, wait.

Keep laughing. I know Jordan being the best you've got gives me a chuckle. Rational people see him as the total nutjob he is.

bobknight33 said:

I'm not crying I'm laughing my ass off over the democrat special. Only hearsay witnesses.

State department pissed that they weren't used. With all the leaks no wonder Trump bypassed this group.

Your drinking Shift Koolaid and being killed by facts.

Speaker Pelosi Announcement on Impeachment

Mystic95Z says...

Whoo another dumb post by bob regurgitating his same old low IQ support of the worst president ever... Yeah you sure are a winner lol.

bobknight33 said:


Winner Winner chicken dinner.

Another proven nothing burger from the left.

Grreta Thunberg's Speech to World Leaders at UN

Mystic95Z says...

Says THE biggest TOOL on this site, grow up Trumpanzee and get off Dump's orange nut sac... Edit: You and Trumps IQ combined are not even in the same league as this little girl...

bobknight33 said:

Grreta Thunberg is a TOOL - a useful tool to be an icon for children to push a false ideal that is not or will no happen any time soon.

Area 51 Raid:What happens, legally speaking? Real Law Review

newtboy jokingly says...

Millennials, don't listen to him. Just go, be aggressive, don't take "freeze or we'll shoot" for an answer. We need something to thin out your numbers and raise the collective IQ of America.

Mueller Explains He Was Barred From Charging Don

newtboy jokingly says...

[Redacted], nothing shields you from charges being levied like the Demander in Cheat.
You continue to look dumber every time you's astonishing. Is there such thing as a negative IQ?? Is that your goal? You appear to be close.

bobknight33 said:

Muller didn’t exonerate me either and I’m sure if he could conclusively say that I haven’t committed a crime, he would have. Perhaps I need to call and turn myself in.

They Don't Know What To Say!

David Attenborough on how to save the planet

Mystic95Z says...

Well if we went with the IQ thing you proposed Trump would certainly be snuffed out... He's not nearly as smart as he thinks he is...

bobknight33 said:

Abort all those without Medical, Engineering or Science degrees. And allow all those under 20 to live.

This would clear out the weeds and leave a remnant of smart people to engineer the way to the future.

I first thought if we allow those with IQ above 120 but that would include politicians, lawyers and other useless bright people.

David Attenborough on how to save the planet

bobknight33 jokingly says...

Abort all those without Medical, Engineering or Science degrees. And allow all those under 20 to live.

This would clear out the weeds and leave a remnant of smart people to engineer the way to the future.

I first thought if we allow those with IQ above 120 but that would include politicians, lawyers and other useless bright people.

The Best Of CPAC 2019

The Best Of CPAC 2019

Mystic95Z says...

I'm thinking that anyone duped into voting for Trump the con man would be the "Low IQ" voter and sadly the USA is full of them.

bobknight33 said:

Typical liberal editing pushing uninteresting in coherent thoughts of CPAC to create a dull / dump looking event. Typical FAKE news..

I can see why such a story appeals to you, another low IQ voter who can't tell real news from fake.

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