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kagenin (Member Profile)

jonny says...

You're right - it was Kevin Kolb. I wrote the description from memory of the game, but couldn't remember exactly when McNabb went out. Thanks for the heads up.

In reply to this comment by Kagenin:
Doesn't the commentator say that it is NOT McNabb? Its in the first seconds of the clip, I couldn't make out the name but it sounds like "so-and-so has never thrown a pass in his NFL career in the regular season, until now..."

Improbable catch by Packer Antonio Freeman

Improbable catch by Packer Antonio Freeman

Sarah Palin on Russia

schmawy says...

Yes, and Governors routinely order fighter intercepts.

On a personal note, I seem to have gotten this reputation as a "nice guy". I'm not sure that it will hold through the next election cycle. Oh well.

NYPD Ravages Cyclist in Time Square

ShakyJake says...

Alright, I guess I have to admit I was wrong when I claimed he must have had a good reason. Or at least, not a bullshit reason. Trying to run him down? The biker was obviously dodging left as the police officer was walking across his line of travel. Even after the dodge, the officer had to take two quick steps to intercept him. From the video I was betting that they were looking for him specifically, but if they're trying to nab him on some phony assault charges I hope justice is done and this video or another like it is shown to prove otherwise.

McCain's Defense of Preemptive War Against Iraq

choggie says...

Send in a special forces to infiltrate the palace(s) after a bunker buster or two-
Take out every dictator on the planet first. Leave the Nations intact.
Send same forces to the Largest corporations on the planet, take out the dictators.
Launch captured assholes in catapults, on National Television.
Party Naked.
Vote Ben Franklin's exhumed bones for President.

Iran conducted a test launch Tuesday night of the Shihab-3 intermediate-range ballistic missile, which is capable of reaching Israel and US targets in the region, Israel Radio reported. The test came hours before Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met with US President George W Bush in Washington to discuss the Iranian threat.

Military officials said it was not clear if this most recent test indicated an advance in the capabilities of the Shihab 3. They said the test was likely timed to coincide with the Washington summit and with comments made by Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah during celebrations in Beirut marking the 6th anniversary of Israel's withdrawal from southern Lebanon.

The Arrow missile, he said, could intercept and destroy any Iranian missile fired at Israel, including ones carrying non-conventional warheads. Experts believe that if Iran is attacked by Israel or the US, Teheran would respond by firing long-range ballistic missiles at Israel.-AP Jerusalem Post

-Hizbullah is rearming quickly, Syria feeds the hate-Iran has an insane idiot-stick for a leader, a passionate delusional with missiles-Where is the valley of Megiddo again???....Why won't these motherfuckers simply die??....I am talking about the folks who manufacture and sell them the shit as well(and their families)....some French, some Germans, some sick rich cocksuckers from all nations need killing.....

What if Scientology actually made a TRUTHFUL infomercial?

spoco2 says...

Ahh, and dontcha love the Scientology 'video channel' ad over there? They do their best to intercept anyone posting anything about them with their own disinformation. Bravo indeed you scared, scared little puppies.

Sex Toy Helicopter Interrupts Speech

Trancecoach says...

Although, I'm sure the U.S. has bigger dicks in government, the Russian's have always surpassed our helicopter technology.

(BTW, if you just look at the photo (rather than the video), the tall goofy-looking guy in the middle appears to be wearing a propeller dick hat.)

Back in the 70s, the Russians regularly flew squadrons of their giant Swinging Cod bombers, as well as their supersonic fighter penises, the Mig 10.5, nicknamed the Rammer, at our borders. Fighter jets from bases in Freebeaver, Alaska would intercept the intruders at the border, preventing penetration of our airspace.

The Russians, in headlong and ill-advised fiscal irresponsibility, also developed some flops, such as the Mig 2.2, nicknamed the Flaccid, and the superfast and super-unreliable two-man deep penetration bomber, nicknamed The Clap because anyone who flew it suffered from painful urination for many days after the flight.

In an ever-advancing thrust for technological supremacy over the Rooskies, as did Spurtnik in its day, Americans have excelled in its miniaturization efforts and lead most developments in the field. Our "Peckinator" surveillance device, made by the Lockheed Teledildonics Division, is slightly larger than a housefly and emits a barely audible buzzing noise when in operation. The Russian's best effort so far is demonstrated in the video above.

Larger is not always better.

Flying Penis Disrupts Meeting--your day could be worse . . .

Trancecoach says...

Although, I'm sure the U.S. has bigger dicks in government, the Russian's have always surpassed our helicopter technology.

(BTW, if you just look at the photo (rather than the video), the tall goofy-looking guy in the middle appears to be wearing a propeller dick hat.)

Back in the 70s, the Russians regularly flew squadrons of their giant Swinging Cod bombers, as well as their supersonic fighter penises, the Mig 10.5, nicknamed the Rammer, at our borders. Fighter jets from bases in Freebeaver, Alaska would intercept the intruders at the border, preventing penetration of our airspace.

The Russians, in headlong and ill-advised fiscal irresponsibility, also developed some flops, such as the Mig 2.2, nicknamed the Flaccid, and the superfast and super-unreliable two-man deep penetration bomber, nicknamed The Clap because anyone who flew it suffered from painful urination for many days after the flight.

In an ever-advancing thrust for technological supremacy over the Rooskies, as did Spurtnik in its day, Americans have excelled in its miniaturization efforts and lead most developments in the field. Our "Peckinator" surveillance device, made by the Lockheed Teledildonics Division, is slightly larger than a housefly and emits a barely audible buzzing noise when in operation. The Russian's best effort so far is demonstrated in the video above.

Larger is not always better.

Mojo is Rising... Go Jaguars (Sports Talk Post)

Handcounted votes favor Obama - Diebold favors Hillary (Election Talk Post)

rembar says...

I saw a video where a hacker successfully made the counter machine count negative votes with a hacked disc...
For anyone to use them after that is unbelievable to me. All it takes is for someone to switch one of the discs and no one would ever find out!

That's likely not what you saw (unless you were watching one of those sensationalist reports by NBC or some such). There are two main routes of attack:
1. Access to the machine's database is gained beginning with physical intrusion, the counts are changed within the machine, the manipulated data is sent to a centralized server.
2. Data is intercepted on its way to the server, or the actual server itself is compromised, no physical access required.

In either case, the actual disks are never switched out. It's possible to do it, but there are better ways.

All this being said, causality has not been established so be careful about drawing conclusions based on these statistics. For all you know, the municipalities that decided to use hand-counting tend to be the liberal/Democratic ones, and the ones that use Diebold tend to be conservative/Republican. In fact, this is almost certainly the case. Not that Diebold shouldn't go choke on a big one for being crooked like a zigzag, but don't do 'em any favors by building them a strawman to burn when they're fighting off a legit investigation. There are easier ways for Diebold to screw with vote counts that they have control of than hacking their own machines, so if you're going to argue that Diebold is doing this, there needs to be an explanation as to why they didn't do it another way (like accessing their own servers and changing the votes, then manipulating the access logs).

What Arsenault185 actually does: PATRIOT Missile

moodonia says...

I remember watching the docs about the role of the patriot during the gulf war and the military guys were saying that not one managed to destroy a scud. In fairness, they said it was never designed to intercept missiles, it was a carefully planned PR move to reassure the Israelis and encourage them to stay out of the war.

CBC had one of the docs about it on "The Fifth Estate" (from their website):
It was touted as the best defence money could buy against Iraqi Scuds and other deadly missiles. But as the fifth estate's Bob McKeown demonstrated on our February 5 programme, the Patriot missile turned out to be a bust in 1991. And now in the early days of the war in Iraq, it seems as if the Patriot has revealed one more fatal shortcoming. It is having trouble telling the difference between friend and foe. A whole new take on a cautionary tale about military hardware and military obfuscation."

Carl on the BCS: "Bad, College, uhh, Stupid!!"

theaceofclubz says...

I just thought his little rant to Eli was priceless "oh did you learn not to throw it to the big men in the purple shirts." Probably because I come from Favre coutry, he's been known to throw an interception or two.

9/11 conspiracy theory debunked

johnald128 says...

there're a lot of mysteries surrounding 9/11, particularly that the U.S government will not release any information, photos or footage of a whole bunch of things surrounding the event.
a few things i have queries with: no footage of a plane hitting the pentagon, no photos of the wreckage of the other plane that just crashed into the ground. what's that molten metal stuff dripping out of the main buildings, why would all of the buildings fall identically to a controlled demolition?
wasnt there something on the bbc where they reported building 7 was going to fall - half an hour before it did. wasnt some firefighter or some guy in authority recorded sayng 'pull it'? some experts on controlled demolitions are shown the footage of these buildings collapsing and they give the verdict that they must have been 'pulled' with explosives. also no jets/interception was attempted at any point at the planes by the U.S government. there was an attempted bombing of the world trade center years before and there was something suspicious regarding the CIA to do with that. osama was trained by the CIA. there's more i cant think of right now, it might all mean nothing.

basically, i'm not convinced about anything to do with this. it doesnt matter that there's a bunch of people saying it was the U.S government, or even if they were saying it was aliens, what matters is that information is being withheld regarding many aspects of this - which is obviously very suspicious.
the government has that info and wont release it, even though it would result in millions of americans trusting them much more.

if you straight off think there's nothing in any part of this that sounds iffy then i cant help but think that you must be some brainwashed patriot. if you think there's something in 'all' of these conspiracies theories - then you're a nut. there's some middle ground where us 'thinking' people are.

dont you find it hard to trust your govenment when they straight out lie to you. we arent told what's really taking place in the middle east, it's not because they're run by mentalists, that is the number one trick in the orwellian book...
personally i suspect, and this is just a thought, that america and israel and a few other countries govenments are in allegiance and there's a long-term plan of take-over of most of the middle-east, partially for the oil, mostly for world power.

what they tell you 'is the truth' - 'isnt the truth', so what are you supposed to think? ...for yourself!

Rome - The murder of Julius Caesar

ant says...

"... On the Ides of March (March 15; see Roman calendar) of 44 BC, a group of senators called Caesar to the forum for the purpose of reading a petition, written by the senators, asking him to hand power back to the Senate. However, the petition was a fake. Mark Antony, having vaguely learned of the plot the night before from a terrified Liberator named Servilius Casca, and fearing the worst, went to head Caesar off at the steps of the forum. However, the group of senators intercepted Caesar just as he was passing the Theatre of Pompey, and directed him to a room adjoining the east portico.

As Caesar began to read the false petition, Tillius Cimber, who had handed him the petition, pulled down Caesar's tunic. While Caesar was crying to Cimber "But that is violence!" ("Ista quidem vis est!"), the aforementioned Casca produced his dagger and made a glancing thrust at the dictator's neck. Caesar turned around quickly and caught Casca by the arm, saying in Latin "Casca, you villain, what are you doing?"[55] Casca, frightened, shouted to his brother for help in Greek ("ἀδελφέ, βοήθει!", "adelphe, boethei!"). Within moments, the entire group, including Brutus, was striking out at the dictator. Caesar attempted to get away, but, blinded by blood, he tripped and fell; the men continued stabbing him as he laid defenseless on the lower steps of the portico. According to Eutropius, around sixty or more men participated in the assassination. He was stabbed 23 times.[56] According to Suetonius, a physician later established that only one wound, the second one to his chest, had been lethal..."

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