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Storm Chasers go INSIDE the Aurora, Nebraska tornado

Virus / Malware creators need to die (Blog Entry by burdturgler)

New Meme: Auto-Tune the News

Ornthoron (Member Profile)

James Harrison on His Record Breaking SuperBowl Interception

supersaiyan93 (Member Profile)

HollywoodBob says...

Sure felt like it, but no, I was the one tackled. Three of my teammates decided that I should have chosen a different extracurricular activity and felt they should persuade me to reconsider my options post haste. I'm sure they were only trying to scare me into quitting, but they succeeded in getting themselves banned from playing in our district indefinitely, and permanently injuring me. The most frustrating part is that I now get winded really easily because I can't inhale fully without pain, so I have to breathe shallow.

In reply to this comment by supersaiyan93:
>> ^HollywoodBob:
>> ^rgroom1:
i remember my first hit....wait, do i?

I do too! 3 broken ribs, fractured collar bone, dislocated shoulder and hip. First and last hit, during a practice scrimmage. Guess that was my punishment for thinking that going out for football in 10th grade would be a good way to make friends.
Good god, man. did you try to tackle a Suburban?

What not to do as a quarterback after you throw an intercept

supersaiyan93 says...

>> ^HollywoodBob:
>> ^rgroom1:
i remember my first hit....wait, do i?

I do too! 3 broken ribs, fractured collar bone, dislocated shoulder and hip. First and last hit, during a practice scrimmage. Guess that was my punishment for thinking that going out for football in 10th grade would be a good way to make friends.
Good god, man. did you try to tackle a Suburban?

What not to do as a quarterback after you throw an intercept

dannym3141 says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:
quaterbacks do not do tackling drills... they dont practice for that .. .no wonder he got owned.

Highly paid athletes at the peak of their game should be trained in all aspects of their sport for such situations as this.

Oh wait, it's american football, the sport has to evolve for about 10 years before it becomes a game where athletes push themselves to the limits for utter perfection at what they do.

(I enjoy watching american football a lot of the time, but i genuinely think there is room for revolutionary changes to tactics, training and play styles that would put any team who invented it into a whole other league)

What not to do as a quarterback after you throw an intercept

HollywoodBob says...

>> ^rgroom1:
i remember my first hit....wait, do i?

I do too! 3 broken ribs, fractured collar bone, dislocated shoulder and hip. First and last hit, during a practice scrimmage. Guess that was my punishment for thinking that going out for football in 10th grade would be a good way to make friends.

What not to do as a quarterback after you throw an intercept

Incredible Puck Juggling Goal - John Tavares

Shepppard says...

^ that entire game was a freaking power play for the most part, it ended 15-0 for us canucks, the record is 18-0.

The kazakstanians seemed to be barely able to stay on their skates at some points.. and in some cases even just randomly fell over..

Hell, their goalie went behind the net to retrieve a puck at one point, shot it up the boards, it was intercepted by the Canadians, and in his haste to get back in front of the net HE even fell over.

They managed to get lucky though, because we didn't score on them at the time.

Mineta - Pretty Damming Testimony

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^jdbates:
So when he says bring all the planes down, I think he meant grounding them, But if there were orders to shoot down a civilian plane that was going to hit the pentagon 20 miles out does'nt seem like much time for a jet to either get to it and take it out. Consider how many planes were still in the air and if a military fighter pilot wouldn't think twice before firing on one. If I were a fighter pilot, I would have to be pretty sure about it!

Do you know how many jets where scrambled that day? (Not a sarcastic question I really would like to know.)

They scrambled 2 fast movers from the air national guard base near Dallas, those jets went super sonic about a minute after take off.

The report from CBS2 is there were dozens of planes from all over the country.

If they are scrambled out of any number of the air bases in the DC area, they could intercept in less then 3 minutes, maybe even less.

When you get an executive order, by law you have to follow it. However, it is your duty to question the order should you perceive it to be unlawful.

But Fighter pilots are all alone up there without the benefit of other viewpoints.

Meet your doom! Hovering Multiple Kill Vehicle is here!

MKV - Multiple Kill Vehicle - Lockheed Martin

Dash says...

>> ^Zor:
>> ^Dash:
^ Seeing as it operates outside of the atmosphere, noise probably isn't a major concern

The video gives the impression it is space based, but the fact that they are running a 1g hover test as well as its small size suggest otherwise. It looks like an alternative to rapid air support, basically. I'm sure Janes has something on it.

It's an ICBM interceptor. This hover test demonstrates the ability of the carrier vehicle to translate orthogonally to it's flight path in order to achieve an intercept trajectory.

Pirates Seize Ukrainian Ship Carrying Military Hardware

Pprt says...

There were about 40 tanks, all headed to Kenya.

Didn't you guys know the Russians and especially the Chinese have been procuring most of the weapons for Africa's recent conflicts?

For China, this is exchange for the colonization of Africa. The Chinese have already created walled cities and practically re-established slavery in many African nations. They are bleeding the richest continent in the world dry as we sleep.

Somalia is in a strategic position for piracy as it is located on the "Horn of Africa" and can conveniently intercept ships transiting between Asia and Europe via the Suez Canal. They are very active pirates, and usually get away with alot, asides from Muslim holidays when they seem to enjoy shooting themselves rather that escape with the booty.

It's too bad they don't use their boats to fish the most plentiful coastal waters in Africa... but then again what do I know...

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