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I threw my mom cigarettes out the Window

newtboy (Member Profile)

bcglorf says...

it behooves us to give a leg up to those trying hard to do it for

I vehemently agree on this. I merely argue that giving the leg up shouldn't be based upon race but upon lack of opportunity. The two fellow black students you mentioned, who were nearly as advantaged as you would have similarly destroyed other black students from crappy inner city schools, but a race based system would give no quarter to the inner city kids in that insistence, still favouring privileged kids over the unprivileged, just so happens these privileged kids would be black.

I agree fully with helping out the disadvantaged. If a race is grossly over represented among the poor, then policies to help the poor will also grossly provide more assistance to that race. I don't consider that discriminatory though, it's just a historical consequence.

In the Canadian model, direct assistance or compensation for past harm is also something I can get behind. Of course, proving and carefully adjudicating what that should mean is a tough nut, but our courts are expressly for that kind of dispute.

newtboy said:

I don't disagree, and we have much the same thing in practice if not by law with our native people's, they even have their own separate tribal police, courts, and laws. They are in many ways a different country inside our borders.
I agree, removing the disparities in lower education is far more desirable....but at least here we're doing the opposite, defunding public schools and programs that offer assistance like breakfast and lunch while also making it easier for affluent people to use public funds to pay for private schools, effectively defunding the public schools even farther.
That leaves us trying things like affirmative action in admissions to try to mitigate the continuing unfair, unequal opportunities lower income students face. Far from ideal, but better than another poke in the eye with a sharp stick, as my wife used to say....and she ought to know! ;-)

They might put the argument in different terms. Which do you admission advantages to aboriginal students in recognition of the piss poor opportunities they've had educationally, or give sentencing advantages to aboriginal criminals in recognition of the across the board piss poor opportunities they've had, recognizing that neither approach addresses the underlying problems, only the results of those long standing issues that simply are not being addressed at all.
What doesn't work is ignoring their lack of opportunities and expecting them to perform on par with other, non disadvantaged kids. That just gets you uneducated, pissed off adults with a chip on their shoulder and no prospects for improvement.

So.....until we actually get to work improving their overall situation, easier said than done, it behooves us to give a leg up to those trying hard to do it for Otherwise we're likely just perpetuating a cycle of criminality that hurts us all.

The Check In: Betsy DeVos' Rollback of Civil Rights

newtboy says...

Fine, as long as that score takes effort required to achieve that score into account.

A poor inner city kid with a single parent living in public housing, working a job, raising a sibling must be more intelligent and harder working by far to achieve the same score as a kid in Los Altos Hills with top rated schools (including programs designed to help them on the specific test), a large stable and safe home with servants, tons of free time, tutors, and the ability to just pay someone to take the test. If the former scores 1500 and the latter 1510, you would take the latter, obviously the lesser student. This is usually (not invariably) a function of race. Ignoring that is a form of it racism once removed.

bcglorf said:

My view: Sort the candidates by qualification score and take the top ones.

Go All The Way...

Terrible flaw in expensive crowdfunded padlock

AeroMechanical says...

Meh, padlocks are not for securing valuable property or for securing property against someone with any sort of tools at all. They are for preventing opportunistic theft. 30 seconds to defeat the lock is plenty long enough for that. Of course, that is a pretty stupid design, so good video nonetheless. If I owned one already, a little solder or permanent loctite on the inner screws would probably do the trick.

Mostly though, The lock company lost me at $100 for the lock. A traditional dial is not *that* hard to work and I'd be worried about false negatives and dead batteries even with a high-quality finger print reader. Just buy a $10 padlock at the hardware store to lock up your garbage cans, or proper u-lock or quality cable to lock up your $600 bicycle (ie, something that will require 15 minutes to defeat).

11 Year Old Naomi Wadler's Speech At The March for our Lives

bobknight33 says...

Just like indoctrination of the Nazi youth .. brainwash the kids and you have them for life. They will grow up wanting to ban all guns.
Must be a
She might not be a Tool but she is being used as one.

Just worried about girls and woman. Kinda of sexist .

Just school shootings? What we don't care about inner city shootings of which represent some 95% of all shootings.

Considering its slew of liberal funders, it’s hard to see March for Our Lives as anything more than just another gun control group bought and paid for by the professional Left.

These revelations about Iran show Obama got played!

newtboy says...

Well under 18 months in and already 5 times more administration convictions over Trump administration/Russia collusion than there were unfounded charges against the administration under Obama in 8 years. Jesus Bob, can you not get a single fact right?

Let's not ignore the Trump tower meeting with Russian officials where the repeatedly and clearly stated reason for the meeting (after the lies denying it ever happened fell apart) was to collude with Russia against Clinton by getting more Russian supplied dirt against her, or the unending lies and forced corrections the Trump camp has trotted out to deny, obfuscate, downplay, and finally admit but excuse the meeting.

You're also totally wrong about the 13 Russians indicted, those are about interference in the election, and not low level bean counters, they're mostly Putin's inner circle.

Those "boatloads" were gone over for years with fine toothed combs and serious bias and still nothing illegal found, not a whit, and zero evidence of anything nefarious from the FBI or CIA besides the timing of the baseless FBI attack against Clinton's reputation by publicly announcing they were still investigating her (while hiding the far more serious investigation against Trump).

He lied to you about being wiretapped, just like he lied about 3 million illegal alien votes for Clinton, and unlike the illegal hush money he's now finally admitted he paid his mistresses it simply never happened. Remember, he's plead guilty to being a massive fraud, and he's quite proud of his ability to lie and get away with it but you still believe his obvious lies and never investigate yourself anywhere less biased than Faux or Jones.
Sad and willfully gullible.

bobknight33 said:

Nearly 2 years and still ZERO nothing with Trump/Russian collusion. Mueller's indictments of 13 so far are for low level irreverent to Trump or pre Trump issues

However boat loads if nefarious activity between HRC, DNC, CIA,FBI to interfere, monitor, railroad Trump.

Fans react to Black Panther poster

Lambozo says...

jimnms, having seen the movie, I can see why people are reacting this positively to it. Have you seen it? Where you have or havent, consider the following.

You are right that this isn't the first black superhero movie. If you ignore comedies starring goofy concept heros, the list of movies narrows. Then, consider movies with black super heros who are not anti-heroes (Spawn, Blade). Why this distinction? Anti-heroes are great, but they aren't characters for a general young audience to aspire to. To notice that the majority of main character superheroes in movies are either partially a joke or a dark/brooding/scary/threatening/antisocial hero might be a drag. especially when you compare it to the pool of white super heroes who aren't (most of them). That's important.

First movie with a mostly black cast? No, but how many such movies arent about slavery, inner city gangs, extreme poverty, surviving racism, genocide or third world conflict. How many are almost purely optimistic blend of science fiction and the beauty of African culture? How many imagine what an African country unmolested by colonialism might look like in the future, where its citizens were allowed to reach their highest potential in terms of culture, government and technology? This is in part what the Afro-futurism science fiction genre is about and its a very rare genre to make it to film.

Especially a film that has a budget of $ 200 million dollars. That budget is important. It says that at this point in history, the largest (maybe?) movie studio recognizes that the public wants to see black characters in this light. That's a big deal too.

And considering how well this movie is doing at the box office, Black Panther is a signal of whats to come. More stories about inspirational black characters told at this kind of block buster scale.

Does that make a bit more sense? I'm sure there are other reasons; one being its a really good movie! Hope this helps.

Man saws his AR15 in half in support of gun control

newtboy jokingly says...

You have inner city gang killings that no RACIST cares about.
Thousand of minority youths murdered yearly and no RACISTS care.
(Of course, there is the BLM movement that does care, and one political party that at least tries to address the issue, albeit without success against their opponents.)

You have ALL KIDS OF people killing children at schools and now we must ban CERTAIN MILITARY STYLE guns. (labeling all murderers as mental is convenient, but not honest in the least, they don't go to mental hospitals, they go to prison. Being an angry teen is not a mental disorder, it's the norm)
8000+ murdered / year and Republicans say there's no need at all for any kind of gun control anywhere, indeed they say it should be easier to get and carry a concealed gun anywhere (besides inside congress).

When representatives stop being bought and blackmailed by the NRA and instead work for Americans, then may be we can address the issue.


bobknight33 said:

You have inner city gang killings that no one cares about.
Thousand youths murdered yearly and no one cares.

You have mental people killing children at schools and now we must ban guns.
50 murdered / year and all hell breaks loose for gun control.

When American stop being two faced then may be we can address the issue.

Man saws his AR15 in half in support of gun control

bobknight33 says...

You have inner city gang killings that no one cares about.
Thousand youths murdered yearly and no one cares.

You have mental people killing children at schools and now we must ban guns.
50 murdered / year and all hell breaks loose for gun control.

When American stop being two faced then may be we can address the issue.

Snow Day Fun...

CrushBug says...

My uncle had a very large frozen pond in winter, out back of his house. He used to shovel a skating area with 2-3 foot high berms of snow around it. Then he would hook up a tractor tire inner tube and tow us around with a snowmobile. It was the greatest day when we figured out how to put the tube on the other side of the berm and use the snowmobile to launch us off of the lip. We were thrown so high in the air we felt like we were flying, and only manages to land back on the tube about half the time. Didn't stop us from doing it for hours, despite the impacts.

Primitive Technology: New area starting from scratch

notarobot says...

Cassowary attacks

Cassowaries have a reputation in folklore for being dangerous to people and domestic animals. During World War II American and Australian troops stationed in New Guinea were warned to steer clear of them. In his book Living Birds of the World from 1958, ornithologist Ernest Thomas Gilliard wrote:

The inner or second of the three toes is fitted with a long, straight, murderous nail which can sever an arm or eviscerate an abdomen with ease. There are many records of natives being killed by this bird.

This assessment of the danger posed by cassowaries has been repeated in print by authors including Gregory S. Paul (1988) and Jared Diamond (1997). A 2003 historical study of 221 cassowary attacks showed that 150 had been against humans. 75% of these had been from cassowaries that had been fed by people. 71% of the time the bird had chased or charged the victim. 15% of the time they kicked. Of the attacks, 73% involved the birds expecting or snatching food, 5% involved defending natural food sources, 15% involved defending themselves from attack, and 7% involved defending their chicks or eggs. The 150 attacks included only one human death.

The one documented human death was caused by a cassowary on 6 April 1926. 16-year-old Phillip McClean and his brother, aged 13, came across a cassowary on their property and decided to try to kill it by striking it with clubs. The bird kicked the younger boy, who fell and ran away as his older brother struck the bird. The older McClean then tripped and fell to the ground. While he was on the ground the cassowary kicked him in the neck, opening a 1.25 cm (0.49 in) wound which may have severed his jugular vein. The boy died of his injuries shortly afterwards.

Should I Be Concerned?

jmd says...

Actually... no. You probably didn't realize the small air holes that are already in the plastiglass for humidity issues. It is simply there to a) keep your grubby hands off the REAL glass protecting you from the outside elements, and b) smoothes out the internal lining because otherwise there would be a large cavity between the inner wall and outer glass. Leaving a shelf next to the social public leads to a lot of garbage being left on it to clean up later.

Follow Your Wildest Dreams BAKAW

Say nay to Nonsensical Rifle Addiction (NRA)

bobknight33 says...

Yea I watched-- did you.

It does not address the real problem with gun violence but points to NRA and white people-- Who are not the problem.

Inner city gang bangers are.

StukaFox said:

Did you actually watch the video? Where were white people being blamed?

Also, if the majority of gun homicides are among blacks and suicides are among white people, what fucking difference does that make? They're all still dead and the cause of death was a gunshot.

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