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bashar-the simple physics of shifting

shagen454 says...

It is a shame that people refuse to believe there is a next level to what a person can experience. I am intrigued by mundane reality as well as scientific exploration, innovation and theory. But, it is not nearly as fascinating compared to the reality a person can experience for real, inside of their own heads.

I would say that my imagination is fairly basic yet what my friends and I have beholden is absolutely inhuman and incomprehensible; uplifting, life changing.

Bill Maher Discusses Boston Bombing and Islam

hpqp says...

I agree with most of your last paragraph, namely that greedy and inhumane capitalism causes huge amounts of damage (arguably more so than religious ideologies), but that is not the discussion here. What, pray tell, is wrong (both morally and factually) with strongly denouncing Islam?

As for that appalling, intellectually dishonest hackjob of an article you link to (which of course uses the term "Islamophobia" non-ironically, displaying it's dishonesty from the get-go), PZ Myers expresses better than I would* how such atheist-bashing fails hard, with the bonus of putting Sam Harris in his place viz. "the war on terror" (Harris lost most of his credibility for me when he defended racial/religious profiling, and Dawkins when he took the wrong side in the feminism debate, but I digress).

If you really agree with the lines you quoted, you might want to read a history book or, you know, watch the news. I would snidely suggest you go live the life of a woman, atheist or homosexual (to name only a few) in a place ruled by religion if you still adhered to such a belief, but that would be meanness beyond even me.


aaronfr said:

Maher is quickly falling into the trap of many 'New Atheists' and turning towards a strong denouncement of Islam (

The end of that article is particularly telling after having read the whole thread of comments here:

"Proving that a religion — any religion — is evil, though, is just as pointless and impossible an endeavor as trying to prove that God does or doesn’t exist. Neither has been accomplished yet. And neither will."

One thing that has been hinted at here but not overtly said is that there is a dominant, violent ideology which certainly rivals if not trumps the posited "evil" Islam in terms of casualties and suffering. Who builds the drones and the bombs and the fighter jets that rain fire from the skies? Who manufactures the small arms and ammunition that fuel countless civil wars across the globe? For me the answer is clear: oligarchical, capitalist states. Let's put them (and by them, I mean complicitly us) under the microscope for their acts instead of undertaking the Sisyphean task of proving that one religion is more evil than another.

Bill Maher Discusses Boston Bombing and Islam

hpqp says...

@RedSky I would add that the Jewish laws of Leviticus, Deuteronomy etc. are the foundations for Sharia law, but that most Christians throughout history see Jesus as having repudiated Jewish law (this is of course a question of interpretation), causing it to have "lived on" almost exclusively in its Islamic form. I still hold that as far as fundamentals go, the Quran and life of Mohammed are somewhat more easily used as unequivocal justification for violence than the New Testament and Jesus. (I would reference gorillaman's comment, but... see below)

I'm glad you brought Indonesia into the picture, as it is a good example of my argument. It may be the most populated muslim country, but it has repeatedly refused to let its central gvt be encroached upon by Islam, i.e. to become an Islamic state or espouse Sharia (despite the pressure from noisy fundamentalists).
In the one part of the country where Sharia is allowed to be enforced, Aceh, you get the same amount of unethical conduct and discrimination/violence towards women, homosexuals, non-jilbab-wearers, "adulterers" etc as you'd expect in the meanest of the Islamic states. And where do they find those discriminatory laws and the "divine" authority to enforce them? The Quran of course.

@gorillaman You make a few salient points (about the life/example of M. and the fact that, unlike The Bible, the Quran is the work of one author, alive at the time of the religion's birth) but you lose all credibility by
a) using a homophobic slur as a pejorative in your first line and
b) making gross (and false) generalisations, notably the all-caps
"THIS IS WHAT ALL MUSLIMS BELIEVE" which is so easily demonstrably false (simply ask the nearest muslim). If it had read "this is what fundamentalist muslims believe" or even "this is what all muslims should believe if they want to honestly hold that the Quran is the perfect word of God" then you would be a bit closer to reality.
Finally, the hyperbole of your last paragraph does not help your credibility either. I am as antitheist as one can be, and the gross demonisation of religious believers (aka fellow human beings) as criminals and inhumane, ethic-less zombies not only made me shake my head sadly, it also reminded me of how religious extremists depict atheists.

@Babymech You do know that most of the Islamist terrorist attacks were perpetrated by middle-to-upper-class, well-to-do educated men, not poor and desperate Jean Valjeans, right?
The reason I pointed to your first comment as one of the "ignorant extremes" of attitude towards Islam and violence is that, the way I read it, it illustrated the common rebuttal that often comes from the far-left when a terrorist/mass-murderer is found out to be a Muslim extremist: "it must be other political/socio-economical factors, it can't be plain old religious fanaticism" or "it's our fault for waging war on them". While I agree that the US should never have gone a-warring in the ME, it's often a false equivalence and ignorant simplification to exclude or minimise the religious factor. In hindsight it was maybe rash of me to read that much into your comment, but I hope I have made clear what I meant.

As for Maher's stance that Islam is (in this point in history, as he stresses) worse than Christianity: for my opinion see above, and feel free to refute my "argumentum ad comparatio" to support your disagreement.

Asking Cops If They Want a Buzz

chingalera says...

Givin' them guys n gals a buzzzz...Great way to find the goods ones
Cops don't need to sign releases, theys' public servants...

...still hate modern-day cop's MO's, even the ones that I used to know-The job makes for defective, compromising, inhumane peeps, "in the parlance of our times", to quote the Cohen Jews...

The Incredible Dubstep Dancer Is Back

iaui says...

@jmd: You are incorrect. He's mouthing the words along with the track. I agree that there isn't too much connection between his dancing and the track and that for it to be a true 'performance' that is worthy of being called 'art' or whatever, there needs to be that connection; but, in this case we're just watching someone with an incredible number of extremely honed dance moves _freestyle_ along to this track. We're not watching a choreographer, just someone who is incredibly awesome at dancing.

And part of the incredible dancing is pointed out by
@spawnflagger: There is no video timeshifting going on (that I could see, anyway,) that's all part of his moves. Even the slow spins on tiptoe, with the inhuman precision he executes them, are done by him in real time.

This is amazing stuff. Not choreographed, not totally in sync with the music, but nonetheless, amazing dancing.

Gasland (full film)

Mavrick says...

How sneaky those corporate Darwinist's Monkey elites have become, Encana is a Canadian Company

If there is ever backlash and finger pointing done in Washington well they can blame foreign entities....or have a good case to exemption of accountability by their monkey lawyers that EnCana is not bind to the same standard as Halliburton would be in the United Sates...

Clever Monkeys washing their duty hands...sick

Clever but not very smart..... this is not the type of human values I was tough by my parents...

I even serve my country for those elites Darwinist Monkeys ..... sick

This is evil at its best and pursues of wealth , creed is evil and in today's Universities around the world the Darwinist theories are tough and those of swore to his theories will thrive to the top as monkey's foundations (darwinist ideologies) of evolution and survival of the fetus theories is implanted into human harts....

This is the fruits of ignorance and Inhuman ideologies where Maximizing Shareholders values trump brotherhoods......

No matter what citizen say, do or wish for.....darwinist SS elites have taken over the world to form a super elite club base on Monkey principle....

The world has lost it virtues of human kindness and dignity when JFK was assassinated....

Welcome to the jungle.....

Ex-Gate Keeper of the lost free world....

Shocking Declassified Docs

Christian Students Leave During Gay Rights Speech

chingalera says...

Freewill being the operative manipulative construct-

Sexuality CAN be used as a means of control.
As can slavery, race, gender,religion, politics,or who's got starts on thars and do not.

The question to ask is: Who stands to gain from pitting one person's sex, religion, race, sexual preference, etc. against any other? Follow the money and control and you have the answer.
Answer: Some douchebag and their douchebag friends, usually assholes with so much money and power that they are functionally sociopaths, and wholly inhumane. Like imams. Like Politicians. Like anyone playing a game to their own benefit.

RWBY Red trailer

Payback says...

What Are Little Girls Made of?

What are little boys made of?
What are little boys made of?
Frogs and snails,
And puppy-dogs' tails;
That's what little boys are made of.

What are little girls made of?
What are little girls made of?
Inhuman leaps, and excellent hand-eye coordination,
utilizing bolt-action hybrid mecha-scythes;
That's what little girls are made of.

Living Under Obama's Drones

Yogi says...

>> ^chingalera:

Motto: Faith, Unity, Discipline
Last 5 empires to rule :British, Sikh, Durrani, Mughal, and Mongol.
By 2030 it is expected to overtake Indonesia as the largest Muslim country in the world (About 97% of the population) The majority are Sunni, with an estimated 5–20% Shi'a.
Between the dominant strain and the 5-20% of Shi'a throw-backs to the 4rth century,of the rest.... The Ahmadis (sect considered non-Muslim by virtue of a 1974 constitutional amendment, how fucking retarded and out-of-synch with 21st century sensibilities with a view to societal evolution is that,hello??),Quraniyoon..etc etc, and the rest of the religions or disciplines to be found on the planet.
It's an ancient seat of human society, rich on culture and heritage, unfortunately, Muslim religion dictates much of influence on government policies as well. Oh. They have the fucking atomic bomb, too. That's worrisome...nah, fuck it, they're not suicidal.
I have a silly question for y'all. How many 14-year-old kids do you know or have heard of in Canada ,the United States or Denmark who can fashion replacement parts for an AK-47 in a hut with a dirt floor and a home-made smelt?
The alternatives to not-so-'precise or humane air strikes involve equally as 'problematic and inhumane aspects. I can think of only one scenario where everybody wins.
UN-TEACH SHIT-THINK TO EACH NEW GENERATION. A similar fix would make North Korea a country full of humans being instead of robot putty husks, in just outside of 2 generations.

This is why Obama destabilizing the country by ramping up Drone attacks and soldiers in Afghanistan is stupid. We don't own the world, but we act like we do.

Living Under Obama's Drones

chingalera says...

Motto: Faith, Unity, Discipline

Last 5 empires to rule :British, Sikh, Durrani, Mughal, and Mongol.

By 2030 it is expected to overtake Indonesia as the largest Muslim country in the world (About 97% of the population) The majority are Sunni, with an estimated 5–20% Shi'a.

Between the dominant strain and the 5-20% of Shi'a throw-backs to the 4rth century,of the rest.... The Ahmadis (sect considered non-Muslim by virtue of a 1974 constitutional amendment, how fucking retarded and out-of-synch with 21st century sensibilities with a view to societal evolution is that,hello??),Quraniyoon..etc etc, and the rest of the religions or disciplines to be found on the planet.

It's an ancient seat of human society, rich on culture and heritage, unfortunately, Muslim religion dictates much of influence on government policies as well. Oh. They have the fucking atomic bomb, too. That's worrisome...nah, fuck it, they're not suicidal.

I have a silly question for y'all. How many 14-year-old kids do you know or have heard of in Canada ,the United States or Denmark who can fashion replacement parts for an AK-47 in a hut with a dirt floor and a home-made smelt?

The alternatives to not-so-'precise or humane air strikes involve equally as 'problematic and inhumane aspects. I can think of only one scenario where everybody wins.

UN-TEACH SHIT-THINK TO EACH NEW GENERATION. A similar fix would make North Korea a country full of humans being instead of robot putty husks, in just outside of 2 generations.

Death Penalty For Rebellious Children? -- TYT

Ian's Letter: "Dear Mr. President"

Yogi says...

>> ^volumptuous:

Oh, right. I forgot that you talk to Obama all the time about how he personally feels about civilian casualties when it comes to war and drones. Do tell us more, since you're obviously so close to him.>> ^Yogi:
I'm with Bobknight. Obama couldn't give a fuck about the children his Drones murder. This is a load of shit, only Americans are people apparently.

You're right I don't know how he feels about it. I only know that he is continuing and will continue to carry out such illegal and inhumane acts of agression as long as he can. So I guess that gives you an indication of how much he cares.

Did you really think you were defending a war criminal by saying he quite possibly feels bad about it?

Outrageous: Pat Robertson Adoption Comments

Outrageous: Pat Robertson Adoption Comments

Lendl says...

How can that woman sit next to him and (pretend) to like/agree/be ok with the inhumane nonsense spewing from his mouth? And not disagree or say something? He's talking about children like she used to be!!!


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