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Jim Carrey takes on Gun Control, as only he can

chingalera says...

Up next, a few more parrots, another "clever retort" competition, then the thread peters-out and all save detractors, take a satisfying deep-inhalation of their own farts.

Fastest Way to Drink Water

Excellent Excuse for Being Caught Looking at Boobs

Stormsinger says...

>> ^probie:

Whenever I meet a new girl and we get to the point where I'm no longer considered a stranger, I usually stop them mid-sentence and say, "I'm sorry, could I interrupt you for a minute? There's something I need to get out of the way..."
Then I stare at her breasts. For a full 30 seconds. I look them up and down and from each side. I get a good, long look. If they're really nice, I may even make an "O" with my mouth and inhale. Then I continue with "Ok, thanks. Now that that's out of the way, what were you saying?" and I don't look at them again.
You'd be surprised how well that works.

That'd get a guy fired where I work...faster than you could say "Excuse me."

Excellent Excuse for Being Caught Looking at Boobs

probie says...

Whenever I meet a new girl and we get to the point where I'm no longer considered a stranger, I usually stop them mid-sentence and say, "I'm sorry, could I interrupt you for a minute? There's something I need to get out of the way..."

Then I stare at her breasts. For a full 30 seconds. I look them up and down and from each side. I get a good, long look. If they're really nice, I may even make an "O" with my mouth and inhale. Then I continue with "Ok, thanks. Now that that's out of the way, what were you saying?" and I don't look at them again.

You'd be surprised how well that works.

Will It Blend? - iPhone 5 vs Galaxy S3

MSNBC Caught Doctoring Clip From Romney/Ryan Rally

you are a better person without weed

criticalthud says...

>> ^kevingrr:

@criticalthud All those drugs have both good and bad applications. Same for pot/thc because quite simply it is a drug.
I'm for full legalization, but that doesn't mean I'll use a single ounce. I'll just be happy that police aren't wasting time busting pot dealers, users, & growers. Plus the tax dollars it generates should be pretty nice.
I'm kind of tired of healthy people advocating so strongly for pot. Quote all the studies you want but inhaling smoke of any kind into my body (including burning wood around a fire pit) has never seemed like the healthiest thing to do.

yes but interestingly, pot has much much less going on in terms of side effects. In fact, no other drug with as wide a variety of medical uses has as few side effects. it's really not even close.
Nothing big pharma puts out can really compete in terms of variety of uses and total lack of negative side effects (and of course, cost).
this is a fact that very much surprised me after many years of dissing medical pot myself.
but honestly, compared to adderol, prozac, and ambien, it's a smarter alternative and lots of people use it to chill out and focus, as an anti-depressant, and as a sleep aid.

at this point, i use pot, mostly for it's psychoactive properties. no pharmies tho...that shit is wack.

you are a better person without weed

kevingrr says...

@criticalthud All those drugs have both good and bad applications. Same for pot/thc because quite simply it is a drug.

I'm for full legalization, but that doesn't mean I'll use a single ounce. I'll just be happy that police aren't wasting time busting pot dealers, users, & growers. Plus the tax dollars it generates should be pretty nice.

I'm kind of tired of healthy people advocating so strongly for pot. Quote all the studies you want but inhaling smoke of any kind into my body (including burning wood around a fire pit) has never seemed like the healthiest thing to do.


Popping a Mercury Filled Balloon in Slow Motion

MilkmanDan says...

>> ^spoco2:

@MilkmanDan Saying that kids should be able to play with Mercury, even though it is shown to be a very dangerous substance (mostly via it evaporating and being inhaled, not through direct contact) seems a little naive.
What do you get out of it that makes it worth the pretty horrendous possible side effects? Sometimes 'big brother' isn't really that at all, just society at large realising some of the dangerous side effects of things.
My own experience with mercury? In grade six someone had a vial of it, and it got spilled all over the wood floor in our classroom. So little bits of mercury ended up falling in the cracks between floorboards. There were a bunch of us 11/12 year olds trying to fish balls of mercury out with pieces of paper. Not really safe at all. None of us suffered any ill effects that we know of, but why risk it?

I looked into it further on my own, and found out that as @GeeSussFreeK mentioned, elemental Mercury is actually rather safe, even compared to standard Chemistry lab-type things that we let kids handle or have access to. However, that information is often glossed over with blanket warnings about exposure to any sort of mercury, including the legitimately nasty compound forms like what can come from coal burning, etc. As you said, the main danger from the pure elemental form is vapor from evaporation, which seems to be manageable with any sort of proper ventilation or limited exposure time.

I wouldn't suggest that we just allow kids to play with the stuff at will unsupervised, but I think that some level of interaction with it (more than what is common now) can be safe, educational, and worth doing given proper safety practices and other restrictions. On the other hand, there isn't a whole lot to be gained, and there is a lot to lose -- albeit I think the chances of very serious accidents with it are very slim given proper precautions.

I kinda lament the fact that it is harder for schools to do anything even a tiny bit out of the everyday routine because they all have to have massive insurance policies to cover their asses in the event that some freak occurrence happens and they get sued. It is harder to have a woodshop; somebody might cut a finger off. Sports sometimes come under fire for injuries or even the occasional freak accidental death. The loss of those sorts of things makes me wonder if we've gone too far down the "Big Brother" road in some ways. Then again, I think most of that is due to our lawsuit and litigation-happy culture rather than Big Brother...

Popping a Mercury Filled Balloon in Slow Motion

spoco2 says...

@MilkmanDan Saying that kids should be able to play with Mercury, even though it is shown to be a very dangerous substance (mostly via it evaporating and being inhaled, not through direct contact) seems a little naive.

What do you get out of it that makes it worth the pretty horrendous possible side effects? Sometimes 'big brother' isn't really that at all, just society at large realising some of the dangerous side effects of things.

My own experience with mercury? In grade six someone had a vial of it, and it got spilled all over the wood floor in our classroom. So little bits of mercury ended up falling in the cracks between floorboards. There were a bunch of us 11/12 year olds trying to fish balls of mercury out with pieces of paper. Not really safe at all. None of us suffered any ill effects that we know of, but why risk it?

Weight Lifter Faints !

How to Help a Drunk Person Open Their Car

EvilDeathBee says...

He probably just wanted to get something out of his car. Maybe someone was having an asthma attack in the bar and he was like "I've got an inhaler in my car! Don't worry!" then some guy chucks his keys. What a dick

Smoking Pot VS Cigarettes

Ghostly says...

>> ^Sagemind:

I think it you miss the point though.
Tobacco used to be just a plant. You smoked the plant. What could be more natural?
The Big Tobacco companies took over. Now it's no longer tobacco plant you are smoking with cigarettes.
Only 50% of what is in a cigarette is tobacco and even that is treated with sugars and chemicals to make it easier for the body to absorb. The rest is chemicals, reclaim and recon which are all there to addict you while it's killing you at the same time.
With marijuana, in most cases it's still just plant, in the same form as it was when it was picked from the plant.
I don't smoke either of them but if I had to choose, I'd pick the one without the additives and addictants. I doubt there is anything "Natural" about smoking any form of grass. It's all a form of carbon monoxide (in my opinion), the grass itself is more natural and I think that counts for something.
One of the horrifying concepts in legalizing marijuana, is that Big Tobacco companies will take over the manufacturing process and will bastardize the product like it has with cigarettes and the health effects will be disastrous.
>> ^Ghostly:
>> ^Sagemind:
I think this is relevant here.
What's inside a US blended cigarette?

I suspect if you you compared smoking natural weed to smoking natural dried tobacco the negative effects health effects would be similar. Likewise, if joints were prepared in the same way as commercial cigarettes they'd be just as bad as one another.
I won't presume to know the health effects of the natural products, but I'm all for people being allowed to use them as they see fit. So long as I'm not forced to breath second hand smoke in public places because even if they're not bad for you, personally, I don't care for either.

Nah, I got all that but perhaps failed to express my point clearly. I was trying to point out that it's silly to argue (not saying you were but others do) that pot is "healthier" than tobacco since it is not being compared like to like i.e. either both natural or both with added shit. Either way my personal opinion (admittedly with out anything solid backing it up) is that any type of smoke is going to be worse for your health than clean air. Despite that I'm all for people being free to choose regardless of how good or bad it is, natural or with added shit, so long as I'm not forced to inhale it, I don't care if others want to poison themselves.

Nova: Carbon Nanotubes

KnivesOut says...

When he mashed his finger into that slab of microscopic needles, I was just imagining all the penetration going down... microscopically.

Yowsa.>> ^jubuttib:

"Scientists don't yet know if they're toxic."
... It's carbon. Scientists are quite well aware how toxic carbon is. It's abrasive qualities if inhaled and other such considerations are another thing though.

Nova: Carbon Nanotubes

jubuttib says...

"Scientists don't yet know if they're toxic."

... It's carbon. Scientists are quite well aware how toxic carbon is. It's abrasive qualities if inhaled and other such considerations are another thing though.

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