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peter12 says...

It's a bit simplistic and hyperbolic, don't you think @bobknight33.
Life - like cooking - is more complex than it seems

Google's Buzz sucked. So they developed something new that worked -- g+.
Apple's Newton sucked. So they developed something new that worked -- ipad.
Why people demand to get rid of the government when something goes wrong?

I'm sure schools run by local communities would work well in most cases. But then there would be another problems: comparability of degrees, curriculum (e.g. Creationism vs. Evolutionism etc.)

Former Packers cheerleader takes on Facebook cyber bullies

Regaurding Mobile access to VideoSift (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

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It's a fair criticism. FTR, we have three different mobile optimised versions of the site. There is a tablet sized one, suitable for viewing on a portrait iPad that is almost indistinguishable from the full site. Then there are two smaller version that are made for landscape and portrait versions of phones. I think those are the ones you are talking about.

I agree that there is a hell of a lot of vertical scrolling involved to get to the bottom of the page for the phone versions - we supposed that's the price to pay to wanting to display all of the site content (not a restricted subset) on a phone. Maybe we could have been smarter about progressively displaying information - but as you can probably guess, we didn't put quite as much focus on those two phone versions as we did the primary UI. Although mobile traffic proportion is growing, we're seeing it more on tablets than phone sized devices. Less than 4% of our traffic comes in at a screen resolution small enough to trigger the super-compact UI version. You could make the argument that if the UI was better that number would be higher - maybe.

I also agree that we should have the option to allow the non-mobile optimised version to be displayed like before. Give us some time on that one.

156 Seconds of Free Shopping

grinter says...

..yeah, but in Supermarket Sweep, they loaded up on frozen turkeys instead of ipads.

Trancecoach said:

there was an American game show called Supermarket Sweep, which had a similar premise of grabbing as much merchandise as you can fit into your cart as you race around the store during the time allotted.
I think the more questions you got right, the more time was on the clock.

FedEx delivers, UPS steals?

Tokoki says...

Yes, the UPS guys was bad, yadda yadda...but what, you expected an iPad delivery, and actually thought that people would be professional/honest enough that you could not be at your house and something like this would not happen?!?

What do you like about Sift Five? (Happy Talk Post)

VideoSift 5.0 bugs go here. (Sift Talk Post)

VideoSift 5.0 bugs go here. (Sift Talk Post)

VideoSift 5.0 Launch! (Sift Talk Post)

braindonut says...

Love the responsive design.

This comment posting UI is phenomenal.

You're right. I'm digging the dark UI. (The texture might be a bit strong for my tastes, though.)

Overall, really like the updates! (Gonna go try it on my iPad and iPhone now!)

VideoSift 5.0 bugs go here. (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

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When you say iOS, do you mean iPhone or iPad? iPhone is pretty minimal, in a single column - but iPad is full-featured.

ChaosEngine said:

The layout on iOS is sub-optimal. You can't zoom and it's hard to hit the quote button to reply.

Also, the top 15s, top rated comments,etc all appear in one vertical column.

But I'm loving the clean, dieter rams aesthetic on desktop browsers. Kudos

edit: actually, one complaint. On chrome anyway the "top new videos" sidebar, the video titles seem to have some sort of white embossing. It makes it really hard to read.

Homer Is Distracted

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'simpsons, Bart, Lisa, Homer, giraffe, lions den, ipad, Springfield, zoo' to 'simpsons, Bart, Lisa, Homer, giraffe, lions den, ipad, Springfield, zoo, churro chaser' - edited by calvados

VideoSift 5 This Week (Sift Talk Post)

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^dag:

Nothing bothers me more than going to read a news article from "The West BumFart Times" on my iPad - and getting a pop-up begging me to download their app.

One of what I presume is many reason reasons not to read The West BumFart Times.

VideoSift 5 This Week (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It's coming. When I say "this week" it might be on the tail-end. >> ^Sarzy:

So, where's this so-called update? When are we going to get to the fireworks factory??

I totally agree. Nothing bothers me more than going to read a news article from "The West BumFart Times" on my iPad - and getting a pop-up begging me to download their app.
>> ^xxovercastxx:

>> ^dag:
The compromise has been to make the Web version act responsively, to show a mobile-optimised site.

There's really no reason VS needs an app; a mobile site is perfectly fine. Making apps is quite fashionable nowadays, but it's still a bad idea for something like viewing a website.
It's also convenient that both iOS and Android use essentially the same browser. Even if there were standards compliance problems, they'd both probably be broken in the same way.

Internet, you make me laugh

Helion - iPhone/iPad game

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