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Dog Sings To Soothe Crying Baby

Dog Sings To Soothe Crying Baby

Dog Sings To Soothe Crying Baby

I Love You

brycewi19 (Member Profile)

SIberian Husky Gets Friendly with an Elk

The Top 50 Worst Videogame Voice Acting Moments

dannym3141 says...

There's one much, much, much worse than this which i can recall. Problem is i can't remember the name of the game. All i remember was it looked a little bit like a baldur's gate 1 or 2 clone and as i love those games i thought i'd give it a try.

The opening was a little video giving some backstory, it was a little girl and her grandpa talking.

Guy in a gruff, husky voice "Some random shit about having to go and do something which may mean i never return!"


It really was as bad as you can possibly imagine it. Worse, in fact. It was like listening to someone playing with dolls and slightly altering their voice when doing the doll dialogue. God i wish i could remember the name. I wish i'd kept it in fact, that's worth £20. I returned it

MikesHL13 (Member Profile)

The Great VideoSift Coming -Out Thread (Happy Talk Post)

UsesProzac says...

My name is Laura. I have a little boy named Brennan who is just over a month old. My boyfriend and I have been together for two years come November. We work fast!

I have a wonderful kitty named Gojira who is part lynx and has a very squishy nub tail--everyone asks when he lost the rest of his tail, but he never had a long tail to begin with! He's the light of my life and I consider him my first born son. Yeah, I know. I'm cat lady material. I also have a part husky, part boxer dog named Stanley Cup. Yes, we are hockey fans! My boyfriend has limited the amount of pets I can have or else I'd fill the house with reptiles and rescued animals. I had an opossum who killed himself. He crawled into the back of my mini-fridge. I've also had a raccoon. I've had a chipmunk. I've had bunnies, snakes, guinea pigs, hamsters, geckos, lizards of many creeds and colors, birds, you name it! I've tried to save so many birds and rodents who my parent's cats mangled. I feed all the stray animals in my neighborhood, including coyotes, to the chagrin of my neighbors. >:]

I love love LOVE to read.

I live in Indianapolis, Indiana. Not a bad town by any means. Just boring. But clean! I live on the far east side at the edge of the town, where cornfields and countryside begin.

I have a deep, abiding love of video games. I play WoW, although my raid members are upset with me because I haven't logged on since my son was born. Hard to commit when you have a little human completely dependent on you.

I work for my mother, who owns an insurance agency. I do everything I can to keep her organized.

I can't think of anything else to add, so that sums it up!

Observations from the third floor 8-27-09 (Blog Entry by JiggaJonson)

Ashton Kutcher Gives Advice to Republicans

MikesHL13 (Member Profile)

brycewi19 (Member Profile)

burdturgler (Member Profile)

Kitten Attacks Wolf

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