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Palestinian UN Ambassador At UN

bcglorf says...

"Who the fuck cares what the reason they wanted to invadeflee was?"

Characterization matters a little here, no?

"They had a right to refugee status there, not to take control and possession by force"

Which is at the heart of things.

The Arab narrative is that Jews arrived guns loaded and set about pillaging, killing and invading as soon as they had sufficient numbers, while the poor domestic Arab population had only been trying to assist and welcome in the refugees...

Which is ahistorical propaganda.

The reality is that for the most part, the European Jews arriving in Palestine were refugees and acting like refugees. Meaning they mostly just wanted to be able to provide food, shelter and safety for the families, just like everyone else. Most of them tried to set about doing this by legally purchasing land.

Lots of the local Arabs similarly were content to get along.

At that same time though, there were hardcore Zionists among the Jewish arrivals AND there were xenophobic elements willing to use violence within the Arab population too.

The tensions rose as the populations rose, but largely as a result of a large people being displaced, and NOT as the planned invasion you describe. The local Arab population started to band together to refuse to work, trade or sell to Jews. Violence broke out instigated separately on smallish scales by BOTH sides. Escalating violence followed, again back and forth between sides.

I'm in a camp that has a hard time blaming either the domestic Arab population for distress at the huge influx of refugees, nor for the European Jewish people having a low tolerance for discrimination and violence directed there way solely for being Jewish.

I see it as a huge mess, but with two large populations of Jewish and Arab people in Palestine acting not terribly unreasonably under circumstances of extreme pressure.

I think it's lazy and convenient to just declare 'invasion' so that you can simplify it all down to right/wrong and good guy/bad guy....

How Different Animals React to Zero Gravity

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Ooooh….Trump on the stand was a disaster.
Couldn’t speak up. Couldn’t answer questions. Couldn’t stay on topic so badly the judge repeatedly told him to stop telling stories and answer the questions. He shot back with “why, you’re just going to rule against me anyway.”…a self fulfilling prophecy if I’ve ever heard one.

When he did answer, his answers were insanity like “banks don’t care about financial statements, I know, I’ve been doing this a long time.” Not a good idea to remind the judge that there are hundreds more instances of major fraud you aren’t being prosecuted for because of the statute of limitations.

Turns out banks DO care, and will be suing for the $180 million he cheated them out of in interest by lying about his collateral, plus interest and penalties…assuming he isn’t stripped of every dime by New York State first by disgorgement….which is taking back ill gotten gains.

Also nonsensical shit like “I could have added my brand value and immediately made those properties worth 10 to 100 times as much” forgetting that not only had they doubled the value or more for his “brand value” but again for “presidential value”.

And “they undervalued my properties here by 1000 times!” forgetting that not only was the $18-24 million appraised value agreed on and signed off by Trump, he actually went to court to get it lowered claiming Maralago WASN’T worth +-$20 million it was worth far LESS. Now he’s in court telling everyone that was another pure tax fraud lie he told in Florida to cheat Florida out of tens of millions in property taxes…if Maralago is really worth billions, not $18 million he claims for taxes, that means Trump owes evaded property taxes on $982000000, over $10 million per year for as long as he’s owned it….plus penalties and interest. That’s his DEFENSE! 🤦‍♂️ 😂

Most of his testimony was stricken as rambling and non responsive.

He was nearly thrown out of court for his out of control behavior. He acted like a spoiled three year old. Don’t be surprised if there’s a major contempt charge this afternoon….possibly remand.

Edit: Also don’t be surprised if he’s just dismissed from the stand, has his testimony stricken completely, and as the judge has warned the judge takes every negative inference possible, assuming every answer he would have given was the worst possible answer for Trump. That seems to be Trumps plan…attempt anything to later make the argument at appeal that the judge was biased and didn’t give Trump a fair trial…but the record proves otherwise and appeals courts read the record. That ploy won’t work…Trump’s lawyers are awful. It’s never a good strategy to try to lose as big as possible in court.

Now, keep in mind, this is just New York, where he’s already been found guilty and they’re just determining the punishment….other states he’s done fraudulent business in are undoubtedly watching closely to see if they should file next.

I love it when a plan comes together.

Critical Condition

How tiny girl can escape any headlock from a man

Les Grossman in the new Super Mario Bros movie ;)


BSR says...

I only pickup dead weight. Sure, some are 400 lbs or more but I got a helper that takes the head end because he's younger than me. Work smarter not harder.

I once knew a girl that asked me if I was strong. Of course I told her yes. She spit on the ground and said, "OK, pick that up".

newtboy said:

That body builder couldn’t lift a piece of paper….
….if you taped it to his back.

I never understand the thought behind creating huge muscles that limit your range of motion so much. Sure, you can bench 500 lbs, but can you even scratch your own nose? I’m much more impressed by rock climbers that can do one pinky pull-ups all day long but look like weak computer nerds until their shirts come off.

Hunter Biden makes Millions from China and Ukraine

newtboy says...

No, dumbshit. More nonsensical bullshit and lies. Trump was not right, not with this baseless accusation or any other. He was making an admission that HE takes bribes from China.

Hunter made money through a private investment company portfolio he invested in/earned after his father left office that included Chinese government owned companies, so he technically made money from China (uncaptured capital gains not distributed yet btw)…just like Trump did except Hunter reported it to the IRS while Trump hid it in secret bank accounts in China, preferring to pay taxes to China and defraud the USA. He wasn’t paid bribes by the Chinese government like Trump alleged and Joe denied…BUT TRUMP AND HIS FAMILY WERE.
And yes, Hunter was paid for his work in Ukraine. Shocker!

This is just another attempt to play on people’s poor memories and dishonestly edit clips to confuse the issue and lie by obfuscating and misrepresenting, bob.

You are never anywhere near honest. Every single thing you post or say is an outright lie. What a waste of skin you are.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 Way to drop your latest racist defense attempt for murderous cops like a molten steel potato after I poked it so full of holes there was nothing left. 😂

What are you talking about?
That’s the deal she offered under the first time offender program…cooperate, fulfill your lengthy probation and community service sentence and fines, and the charge is expunged. Until then it’s deferred. Fail to fulfill all the requirements or fail to fully cooperate with the prosecutors, you’re a felon and your probation gets revoked and trial starts, likely with you remanded. That’s how it works.
What do you think this means, bob?
Clearly you think it’s some loss somehow. Please explain yourself….by yourself, not with some internet troll video.
It’s a guilty plea that (legally, not in the court of public opinion or memory) goes away if conditions are met…like the others got. Did you not know or something? 😂
I would agree, they all should serve prison time so in that sense I feel it’s a small loss for justice, but also a bigger win.

They had been offered immunity deals with no fines, no probation, no community service, no guilty plea to felonies that stick if they don’t fulfill every requirement and no referral to the bar and instead went this route with all those repercussions and still are cooperating now. Sure sounds to me like they all lost big for no good reason.

The point is she now admits under oath that there was never any of the evidence she claimed, never a stolen election, and they knew it. She’s going to cooperate prosecuting the big fish, and will likely be disbarred for her lies.
How is that a loss, Bob? What?!? 🤦‍♂️

Not so hollow after all…in fact it’s atomic.

Edit: oh sweet zombie Jeebus…Trumps lawyers just filed in federal court in his Jan 6 trial claiming that he had not been charged with any crime in the case!

He’s charged with 4. 1 count of conspiracy to defraud the United States, 1 count of conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, 1 count of obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and 1 count of conspiracy against rights.

This is his best defense…pretend he’s on trial for nothing because they have no defense to the charges. It’s not going to work.

How do you put on a defense against no charges? You don’t. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Fani LOSES Again! Jenna Ellis Charges DEFERRED with NO Judgment of GUILT
<iframe width="560" heig

A hollow wedgie at best

George Floyd, Minneapolis Protests, Ahmaud Arbery,Amy Cooper

newtboy says...

Nonsensical long ago debunked racist propaganda, bob.
They tried that excuse at trial, it failed. It was bullshit then, is still now.
More liars lying.

Only one innocent man here, the one being framed after his murder….Floyd.

You are so gullible. There’s a reason you can only find this on “valuetainment”, a no facts needed far right internet propaganda site that’s steered you wrong multiple times before. You never learn. You’re never embarrassed at how many times this type of insulting lie falls apart. You still think you’re going to get away with it THIS TIME….never works out…your optimism in the face of so much failure is impressive though.. Such nonsense.

bobknight33 said:

Innocent men framed

Off Duty Pilot Attempts To Crash Alaskan Airlines Plane

BSR says...

Up voted for doing the finger work

newtboy said:

From WIKI-
Horizon Air is an American regional airline headquartered in SeaTac, Washington, United States. The airline is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Alaska Air Group and it is paid by fellow group member Alaska Airlines to staff, operate and maintain aircraft used on flights that are scheduled, marketed and sold by Alaska Airlines. Planes operated by Horizon are co-branded as Alaska HORIZON in order to differentiate Horizon's planes from those operated by Alaska's other regional airline partner, SkyWest Airlines.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Another one bites the dust, this time Jenna Ellis-Trump’s election denial lawyer, has plead guilty in Georgia, crying during her mea culpa, admitting she lied repeatedly about evidence of fraud she never had, never saw, and knew was 100% made up just like the rest of them knew.
She blamed the other lawyers for giving her bad advice she never verified (advice like it’s ok to lie to the American people, the courts, investigators, etc), but that’s not a defense. It’s also 100% opposed to the image she put forth as one of Trumps main high power lawyers running things.

That’s co-defendant #4 turning on Trump, pleading guilty, and admitting everything they told you about the election being stolen was pure fiction they made up to sucker cultist rubes like you…and it worked.

It’s somewhat surprising that hair dye dripping sex abuser Giuliani farting on her and giving her covid during hearings in the House or holding press conferences at landscaping business/sex shop parking lots because he went to the wrong “four seasons”) wasn’t enough for her to think twice and run….no one ever accused her of being too smart. No one ever honestly accused Trump of that either.

How you liking big daddy Chump now? I imagine you’ll be standing with him defending him even after all 19 cox-defendants turn and testify against him, after he’s convicted of multiple counts of election fraud and put in the pokey. You’ll likely stand with him after he’s convicted of treason for stealing and handing over/selling top secret military documents to foreigners. Too bad you won’t stand with him for the punishment…you should.

Er-mer-gerd…just saw Trump’s latest speech where he admits just this week realizing how similar the abbreviation “U.S.” and the word “us” are…he never noticed. WHAT!?! 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Gym Jordan and MAGA failed a third time to elect a speaker. Gym lost the first, second, and third vote to Hakeem Jeffries. Every vote he lost worse.

MORE evidence that MAGA cannot even work with itself, much less others. You people are just fucking children….and you ARE children.

Good job at being a total laughing stock. If it didn’t paralyze our government, it would be hilarious, instead it’s horrifically bad for our economy, international standing, our allies, and our future.

Oh shit….Judge Engoron is prepared to put Trump in prison for intentionally not complying with the gag order by not removing the post accusing his clerk of having an affair with Chuck Schumer from his campaign website. Ruling later today….gonna be great. Bye Donny.

I’m so happy this was caught on camera

newtboy says...

My dad had a friend who had a Myna parrot that learned most of its sounds from a road crew working outside his apartment, so it constantly made jackhammer, reverse beep, and diesel engine sounds it’s entire life. Gotta be careful with parrots.

RAW FOOTAGE: Massacre Across Israel From the Eyes of Hamas

newtboy says...

To those attempting to ban Bobby, I believe it takes a siftquisition to ban a star powered member. That means talking to @dag and @lucky760 then stating your case for his removal, then I think he gets a chance to defend himself. It’s not as simple as typing “ban”…fortunately.

@bobknight33…as I warned, this kind of blatant *snuff is clearly against sift rules, and has led to multiple people wanting you permanently removed. It would be smart of you to kill this offending video before you are actually banned. What will you do without the sift to abuse? Don’t push it that far, it’s clear you’ve intentionally stirred up the hornets nest with this inappropriate snuff film, and clear the sift is done with you being insultingly inappropriate by posting graphic videos of children being murdered.

Maybe I can save you a shitload of trouble maybe not, I’ll try….*kill *discard…nope, didn’t work…you have to save yourself.

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