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Building a better mouse trap

Climate Change; Latest science update

newtboy says...

New, just released ocean temperature data has shown a dramatic increase in temperatures in the Northern Pacific, and a dramatic decrease in surface temperatures in the Northern Atlantic. As I understand it, those readings are not consistent with normal 'El Nino' patterns. Could this be the beginning of the end of thermohaline circulation? If that happens we'll be facing unavoidable, unpredictable, worldwide, disastrous climate change in short order.
Without the current created by the thermohaline circulations, the oceans die. Equatorial waters become much arctic and Antarctic waters become much Ocean organisms can't live through that kind of change, not in any sizeable way anyway. Without the oceans, the entire food web dissolves and we die.
On top of that, without the currents bringing oxygen to the lower oceans, they become anoxic. The bacteria that live in those deep waters will feed on the dead sea life and create toxic gases (hydrogen sulfide) which have, in the past, completed the extinction events by wiping out nearly all life. Once that starts, it's unstoppable and is the end. Let's hope these readings are just an over active El Nino.

What we do today has little to no effect for 50-100 years. That makes us at least 50 years too late to solve this problem, and we are still exacerbating it rather than solving it to this day.
We're hosed.
If you plan on having children in this climate, you are a child abuser IMO, and are adding to the problem with that one action more than almost any other action normal people perform. Your children will most likely not survive to old age, and absolutely won't experience the same quality of life you have.


What the F*** are those?!!

Halloween The Morning After - More from my favorite Satanist

Most Insane Footage Yet From The China Explosion

MilkmanDan says...

Maybe you're right, but to me that didn't sound like jubilation or delight. It sounded like awe and adrenaline mixed into shock. I even took their decision to "go down" at the end as a hint that they may have been going to try to *help* anyone that was caught closer to the blast(s).

I don't mean this to be a "cool story bro" or "internet tough guy" thing, but: About a year ago there was a house fire (pretty roaring fire, but limited to 1 room) across the street from me. Nobody was home, but I didn't know that at the time. When I saw it, verbally my brain went to mush -- I was just saying "oh shit" about like these guys, over and over. But, the adrenaline and thinking that someone might be stuck in the house whipped me into action. I ended up putting out a good chunk of the fire with hose and buckets before the fire department got there about 15 mins later, and the firemen later said that it may well have spread out of control if I hadn't gotten a partial jump on it.

BUT, in my adrenaline fueled shock, I had forgotten to put on shoes, and had cut up my bare feet a bit by running around on glass that the fire had broken out of a window. Plus, I had rather stupidly been pumping in water via hose and bucket, while standing in a puddle, next to a house that still had mains power going into it...

After the event, my wife specifically said that I had sounded "weird" and not like myself, and hadn't really been particularly coherent in verbalizing what I was planning to do. Anyway, due to the shock and surprise, I'm ready to give these dudes the benefit of the doubt with regards to their weird and potentially "inappropriate" sounding voices and statements.

lucky760 said:

Nah, I have pretty solid confidence I would never react to a disaster with jubilation. I've witnessed some hairy shit in my life (nothing this massive of course), but I've never reacted by prancing about just absolutely tickled pink with joy.

Speaking of other videos, how many of the other people who caught this on tape sounded like these fucking retards? I've watched many. I've heard none.

Cop Kills Mexican For Slowly Shuffling In His Direction

newtboy says...

He could have backed away, or closed his door. Is that so hard?
The title said "shuffling in his direction", it did not portray him as a person randomly shuffling around shot for no reason.
You said it in the next sentence...the officer ALLOWED him to get too close, he had options to not let that happen that don't include homicide. That's the point I, and the Mexican government, wish to make clearly. There WERE other, non deadly options that keep the officer safe, they simply didn't try any of them and went with deadly force as a first option when verbal commands didn't work.

Stabbed or shot him with WHAT? His hands were empty, and in fact he was totally unarmed, and too drunk to win a fist fight.

Yes, moving towards the officer can be seen as threatening, but a threat that is easily avoided without using firearms in numerous ways, like walking back or closing his door, either of which would keep him 'safe'.

HOLY SHIT!!! Now just putting your hands down is a shooting offence! I'll simply disagree on that, and hope I'm not alone.

I'm flabbergasted that the officer is being seen as doing the right thing by people here for shooting instead of retreating to a safe distance, people who's opinion I value, no less, not just our local cop excuser. I watched again to see if I see what you guys do, and I just can't see it. I must admit, it seems I'm a minority in least in this country.

I guess people better do exactly as the officer says, and if you have two officers telling you to do opposing things, (for example- "FREEZE" AND "GET ON THE GROUND"....which do you do?) well, you're hosed, because one of them can shoot you for not obeying, making you 'threatening'.

robbersdog49 said:

I agree with lucky760 here. This guy was not a compliant person shot for no reason.

I'm someone who thinks cops should be held to extremely high standards and I've commented such on other cop videos on videosift. But in this case I'm not really sure what else the cop could have done. He needed to engage the guy physically. He was walking toward him. That might sound innocent enough but the closer he got to the cop the more dangerous he became.

Even if there was a real language barrier and the guy didn't understand what he was being told this is just obviously not OK. He wasn't behaving right, maybe he was high or whatever but he was a physical threat to the officer.

Portraying him as just a person shuffling around being shot for no reason ignores the fact that he was shuffling right up to an officer who had his weapon drawn. If the officer allowed him to get too close he could have attacked the officer. Even if the officer got a clean shot adrenaline could have driven the guy on a step or two and he could have stabbed or shot the officer. That distance separating them is important. Moving toward the officer in this situation is a threatening act, regardless of where your hands are.

The officer did not shoot on numerous occasions when the guy put his hands down, an act which under the circumstances could legitimately be seen as a threat to his safety. He waited until the guy had gone way too far and got way too close. This wasn't a trigger happy cop out to back a Mexican, it was an unlucky cop in the wrong place.

Canadian lawmaker blames his absence on tight underwear

People Use A Bidet For The First Time

MilkmanDan says...

Here in Thailand, it works a little differently. You know those spray nozzle attachments on a hose for your kitchen sink? Here those are attached in parallel with the toilet itself. So, you do your business, then self-aim the sprayer, squeeze, and let 'er rip.

Not to get too graphic, but you know how sometimes due to illness or specific foods or whatever else, you end up using a LOT of toilet paper? Like, you're on wipe number 17 and not getting clear ... spot checks? Water spray completely eliminates that problem. Way cleaner, way easier (once you get used to the sensation), I'm 100% sold.

I still buy toilet paper, but as the dude in the video said, it is purely for drying purposes. And that requires like 1-3 squares, vs probably a bare minimum of 12 or so for my average bathroom visit when I lived in the US.

Lots of Thai bathrooms have the sprayer but NO toilet paper available. That kinda confuses me, because although if I was forced to choose between either/or but not both I'd go with the spray, I don't quite get the mechanics of how to pull it off without any drying whatsoever...

Spider Infested Apartment

Health care in Canada

RedSky says...

On costs, it's super simple too. In countries who have a single payer system, the government is a monopsony or (near) single buyer with huge market power to bring down price of drugs and treatment. This is primarily why the US health care industry is so deathly afraid of a single payer system and demonized it. The final AHA, to appease the industry, had provisions specifically stating the government would not attempt to push down prices.

Insurance companies and union groups in the US are nowhere near as powerful because of their relative size and can't dictate price. At an individual consumer level there is also no competition because for those with work provided cover, the cost is hidden as an income deduction. Whereas those without cover get hosed with chargemaster prices and as an individual have no ability to contest high prices anyhow.

Fastest Breathing Dog in the World & Sounds Like Car Engine)

Stu says...

Dogs will reduce their speed or just lay down before they overheat. They are smarter than us in that respect. My dogs sometimes will just stand breath fast for a while, somewhat like in the video, get some water, then start again. Although after they go in cold water or use the hose water to cool down. Funny seeing one dog chase another with a hose.

Instantly See Which Side of Your Car the Gas Tank Is On

oritteropo says...

My 2006 Mazda 6 has it, and so does every other recent car I've driven.

I don't remember my 1976 Corolla having an arrow though, and images from the 70s don't show it either.

This image from a 2006 Camry shows the arrow pointing to the side the fuel hose goes - so maybe it's only in the last 10 years? Is your car older than that?

xxovercastxx said:

I've never seen this on any of the 5 cars I've owned, nor any of my parents' cars (all together that's 1 Honda, 1 Mazda, 3 VWs, 3 Toyotas, 2 Fords, 1 Chevy, 1 BMW, 1 Geo, and 1 Dodge).

Does anyone have this on their own car?

Useless, Dangerous Toilet Paper Machine

Asmo says...

After spending a few weeks in Malaysia, I came to significantly appreciate the bent metal pipe in the few sit down toilets I got to use which points directly at el bunghole, with a tap to the side of the toilet. Turn that bad boy on and let soothing water wash away the burning chilli and curry from your screaming portal to the realm of Nurgle the poo, followed by a brief pat dry with just 2 squares of paper (not a lot of double ply over there, with a double or triple ply you could easily get the job done with 1).

You don't even need a proper bidet, I reckon a small metal pipe, some hose, couple of pipe clamps and you too could be riding the soothing rush of water cleansing your nether regions.

ps. The "portion cutting mechanism" really needs that *shrink shrink shrink* noise from a slasher movie, that motherfucker is going to town...

Doubt - How Deniers Win

newtboy says...

I must disagree. If we wait until the problems are completely beyond control or withstanding, the time to panic will have come and gone. I think the time to panic was 20+ years ago, when we still had the chance to mitigate the damage before it got to a disastrous point. Now, I think we're hosed no matter what we do, the only question for me is how hosed.
The greenhouse gasses stay in the atmosphere for 100-10000 years (depending on which one we're talking about), meaning if we stopped pumping them out today, we will see the effects of the last 100 years coming back to bite us anyway. Panic is only appropriate if it causes action in time for it to be useful, and that time came and went. Because the system is so slow to react, nothing we do today will change the future of anyone alive today, but may possibly afford their descendants a better, survivable future.

So while I might agree with you, it's not time to panic, I say it's too late and you are saying it's not time yet. Where does that leave us?

bcglorf said:

I was referencing the ensemble models the IPCC used in their latest report. I'm largely assuming it includes the latest knowledge on the subject. To me the more encouraging thing is direct measurement of energy imbalance being available to measure models against. The truest measure of the overall greenhouse effect is just this. With it, so long as models accurately track and predict trends in the energy imbalance we can be confident they more or less have things right. That said, the IPCC notes there has been no trend in instrumental data since 2000. Models have been universally projecting a modest upward trend. This again gives hope and reason to believe the lower end projections are the more likely to be accurate. This correlates well with how the original 1990 projections have mapped to actual temp over the last 25 years too. All that is to say that scientifically those saying we should panic need as much slapping into place as those insisting nothing is happening at all.

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