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Harry Potter - Match End

Harry Potter - Match End

Harry Potter - Match End

Harry Potter - Match End

Harry Potter stars learn American English

LarsaruS says...

>> ^blankfist:

I'd like to booya all over Hermoin... er, she's of age now right?

It's all about being in the right country at the time of the deed blankfist Go to the Vatican: Age of consent is 12 there... And I am quite certain Emma Watson is older than 12...

Movie Openings That Play With The Studio Logo.

spoco2 says...

Wow, this is such a tiny, tiny sampling. It's done all the time, just two more off the top of my head... Harry Potter (all of them I think), Chronicals of Narnia: The voyage of the dawn treader... does a nice blend of the Walden logo into a stain glass window. And yeah, as mentioned, how the hell can they include the LAST Indiana and not the iconic opening of the first?

Oh, and Sunshine was a shit film. Was built up by so many and yet failed to deliver on pretty much every point. So many other sci fi films had done it all before, and far better.

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dag says...

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Wait - she isn't Cho Chang?>> ^Peroxide:

I feel like 85% dudes who have a crush on this girl probably have like some weird thing for that girl from harry potter, the one who harry potter dates or whatever, I only saw a few of those movies, but you get what I'm saying.

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Peroxide says...

I feel like 85% dudes who have a crush on this girl probably have like some weird thing for that girl from harry potter, the one who harry potter dates or whatever, I only saw a few of those movies, but you get what I'm saying.

Drunk Girl Gives Hurricane Advice on CBS News

Drunk Girl Gives Hurricane Advice on CBS News

Drunk Girl Gives Hurricane Advice on CBS News

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

hpqp says...

Nice! Sure beats the only one people have come up with so far, i.e. "Harry Potter Quidditch Player"

In reply to this comment by Boise_Lib:
@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since July 25th, 2009" class="profilelink">hpqp: "I already told you, I am a program run by the New World Order."

Highly Problematic Quantum Philosopher?

Oh, Wikipedia. (Blog Entry by MarineGunrock)

Summing up 12 years as "the Harry Potter Girl"

Summing up 12 years as "the Harry Potter Girl"

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