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Summing up 12 years as "the Harry Potter Girl"

Morganth (Member Profile)

Harry Potter in 99 Seconds

hpqp (Member Profile)

President Obama

7 Harry Potter Movies In 7 Minutes

Gandalf vs Dumbledore - Epic Rap Battles of History #11

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'gandalf, lord of the rings, dumbledore, harry potter, epic rap battles' to 'gandalf, lord of the rings, dumbledore, harry potter, epic rap battles, nice peter' - edited by xxovercastxx

Gandalf vs Dumbledore - Epic Rap Battles of History #11

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'gandalf, lord of the rings, dumbledore, harry potter, epic, rap, battle' to 'gandalf, lord of the rings, dumbledore, harry potter, epic rap battles' - edited by xxovercastxx

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

Students from Hogwarts four houses say what their thing is.

StimulusMax (Member Profile)

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

J.K. Rowling announces Pottermore

schlub says...

I've never read the Harry Potter books, I'd like to, bit I'm waiting for them to be released as ebooks. Why do I get the feeling from this video that the ebooks that will be released in October won't work on anything practical (like a normal ebook reader)?

P.S. I know you can obtain the books from other sources but they're badly formatted (paragraphs broken into multiple sections, no italics, bold, and so forth). Oh well. I can live without them. Plenty of other authors have not been afraid to release ebooks...

Lion Wants to Om Nom Nom Baby

Post 9/11 Commercial from the Ad Council

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