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The Shocking Truth About Electric Animals

MilkmanDan says...

Very interesting and efficient in delivering the information in a short and entertaining span of time.

These brothers (Hank and John Green) are *really* good at this kind of thing. I propose that instead of having public schools, we just mandate that kids watch SciShow and Crash Course clips...

OK, maybe not really, but they sure do a better job of informing / teaching in subjects like Science and History than what I got from frequently-inept teacher/coach combos (who given every benefit of the doubt evidently were hired more for their coaching ability rather than teaching).

Hank is an asshole...

Hank is an asshole...

lurgee (Member Profile)

Net Neutrality in the US: Now What?

eric3579 says...

Go to Viharts videos description on youtube to find links to get involved

or the below links stolen from videosift video descriptin Hank vs Hank

Please make a public comment here!
Tell the FCC that they should reclassify broadband internet as a telecommunications (or "Common carrier") service. Right now broadband is regulated like TV or radio, which doesn't make sense.
This is a public comment for the public record...official government stuff... so you'll have to include your actual name and address.
You can also email the FCC directly here:
If you want to help some organizations that work their butts off trying to fight the telecoms,
check out:
Save The Internet (from FreePress)
Public Knowledge:
And contact your congress people:

Net Neutrality in the US: Now What?

How We Make Memories - Crash Course Psychology #13

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'How We Make Memories, Crash Course Psychology, 13' to 'How We Make Memories, Crash Course Psychology, 13, Hank Green' - edited by Lann

Fantomas (Member Profile)

Internet Citizens: Defend Net Neutrality - CGP Grey

Internet Citizens: Defend Net Neutrality - CGP Grey

Fantomas (Member Profile)

Mass Incarceration in the US - Vlogbrothers

Hanover_Phist says...

Hank and John have an immense influence to educate via the internet. It always makes me glad to see them tackle the big issues. (See Hanks video on climate change)
Unfortunately, these big problems are real and are big and that makes me sad.
Keep up the good work Brothers Vlog.

Mass Incarceration in the US - Vlogbrothers

Tom Hanks, Buckwheat Groats

Creepy Louis Armstrong Singing Doll - Low Battery

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