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Ant-Man – Official Trailer

enoch says...

people were whining the same song with guardians of the galaxy.
it's too obscure they cried.
nobody knows the characters they bemoaned.
why can't they make a movie i want to see?
why is marvel doing this to me?????
this movie is going to suck balls!!

holy crap! this movie is awesome!

and then the earth lost a bit in its rotation as the nerd horde back-pedaled in synchronicity.

seems a large chunk of the problem is that most of the nay-sayers had never read the book.
imagine that...
formulating an opinion based on never having read the source material.

out of all the avengers,ant-man has the most complex and nuanced...
and most human.i wish this movie was about hank pym but it appears they are using the timeline from "the irredeemable ant-man" graphic novel.which is cool...antman is kind of a dick in the beginning.

that being said,
where is my goddamn deadpool movie!!?

Ant-Man – Official Trailer

Walrus Flash Mob & 20 Years of Pot Research

Tom Hanks + Dan Aykroyd = rap?

Tom Hanks, Buckwheat Groats

Tom Hanks + Dan Aykroyd = rap?

Tom Hanks + Dan Aykroyd = rap?

newtboy (Member Profile)

Awesome musicians. a "Hang Drum" creates an AMAZING sound

Street musician with unbelievable instrument, PANArt Hang!

Beautiful Tank Hank

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Beautiful Tank Hank

how to make a hank (hang?) from propane tanks

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how to make a hank (hang?) from propane tanks

A Musical History Of Death: 'Exit Music' by Tom Allen

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