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50 Science Misconceptions

Making fun of Vsauce

Bryan Cranston Acting Reel: From Baywatch to Power Rangers

Tom Hanks Meets Committed Fan with Autism

Tom Hanks Meets Committed Fan with Autism

Full Tom Hanks Interview on Jonathan Ross

Tom Hanks' Still Got It

Full Tom Hanks Interview on Jonathan Ross

longde (Member Profile)

Godzilla 2014 - Official Trailer (Comic-con)

TeaParty Congressman Blames Park Ranger for Shutdown

The Retro-Proto-Turbo-Encabulator

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from '2013, 1944, John Hellins Quick, Hank Green, SciShow' to '2013, 1944, John Hellins Quick, Hank Green, SciShow, technobabble' - edited by inflatablevagina

Hank Schrader: What Happens Next with Dean Norris

Dean Norris Spoils Everything Else

Walt gives Hank the Wrong CD

Trancecoach says...

If you watch this week's episode of Breaking Bad, it will all make sense. It's even funnier tho if you know the whole context.

Here's the synopsis for this week's episode in which wiki describes this portion of the story as follows:

"Walt and Skyler invite Hank and Marie to a restaurant. The Whites try to convince the Schraders to keep their children out of the situation, but the Schraders refuse to comply; Marie even states bluntly that Walt should kill himself to end it all. As the Whites leave, Walt gives his in-laws a DVD of his "confession." Playing it at home, Hank and Marie discover it is really a form of blackmail accusing Hank of being the mastermind of the Heisenberg empire and forcing Walt to cook meth for him. Hank then finds out that operation and therapy which made him walk again was paid at Walt's expense, from Marie's unwitting receipt of Walt's drug money, which gives credence to Walt's story and torpedoes his own credibility."

CrushBug said:

I have no idea what is going on here. Can anyone link to the original video so I can get some framing?

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