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newtboy (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Well anyway the majority of the victims didn't die of gunshot wounds, they died of poisoning by crazy people.

newtboy said:

Good one, but to be fair, Jim and his lackeys had plenty of guns, and they almost certainly used them to force many to drink, and definitely used them to murder congressman Ryan and his group.

Angry pedestrian gets instant karma

harlequinn says...

You don't have well thought out opinions. Your examples are very poor.

Failing to avoid getting hit by a car as a pedestrian may or may not be the pedestrian's fault. I could give you literally thousands of examples where it is not the pedestrian's fault (and I bet the statistics show this to be true the majority of the time) but I'll let you Google them yourself.

I sure as hell hope you're a spring chicken because if someone veers off the road at a high enough speed directed at you, you're going to have a hard time getting out of the way.

BTW, I'll let my mates who are still paramedics know to tell any pedestrians injured by cars (or family thereof for the deceased ones) that it was their fault, even when it wasn't.

This one is just for you:

Payback said:

People walking out in front of cars and getting creamed because of their idiotic belief that simply being right makes them indestructible?

That's hill-AIR-ee-us. E. I. A.

Crash your car into a tree? That's 100% your fail.
Crash your car into a pedestrian? That's 100% your fail.
Fail to avoid getting hit by a car as a pedestrian? THAT is YOUR fail.

Unarmed Man Laying On Ground With Hands in Air Shot

Mordhaus says...

To be clear, the situation appears to be as follows:

The police get a call about a person that may be mental wielding a gun.

Multiple police arrive on scene, where they find a black male and hispanic male.

The hispanic male is clutching something.

The extremely lucid and reasonable sounding black male identifies himself as a caregiver for the hispanic male, clarifies that the hispanic male is autistic, and that the item the hispanic male is carrying is a toy truck.

The black male does all of this, as well as trying to de-escalate the situation, while laying prone on his back with his hands in the air.

The police move in, at some point the black male is shot in the leg.

The police have full control of the situation, both parties are handcuffed.

Medical aid is not provided to the black male for more than 15 minutes. Not even an attempt by an officer to staunch the blood flow.

When the black male asks the officer why he was shot, the officer supposedly responds, "I don't know."

Now, let's examine this closely.

A gunshot wound to the leg could easily have nicked the femoral artery. I doubt the officers were trained to identify this. You can bleed out from seconds to minutes after your femoral artery gets damaged. A reasonable person might take off their shirt and compress the wound or use a belt as a tourniquet.

Before we consider that, really, we should look at one factor. If you choose to be a fireman, a policeman, or be in any other dangerous job, you need to be prepared to face actual danger. Being so scared that you might somehow, maybe, possibly get hurt that you proceed to jumpscare shoot someone who is fucking prone, is not being willing to face danger. It means someone joined the force to be 'better' than the rest of us plebes and not to face an iota of danger.

Also, if it was a white male, laying on his back and doing the same thing, do we expect him to be shot? The likely answer is no. I can't even believe that this was a likely shooting situation. At first, I suspected it might have been one shot that was accidentally discharged. That, while not acceptable, would have been plausible due to nerves. Three shots means three separate trigger pulls, that speaks to intent to shoot.

Luckily this man is going to live. He will likely sue and get a good chunk of money. If he had died, blood would have likely ran in the streets in Florida because one cop got scared that he 'might' be in danger. As far as that cop? He might lose his job briefly. Cop unions will do their best to get him back his job and will likely succeed. Let's be real about the possible ramifications of him going before a grand jury though. Even if he does, he will walk because the prosecutor will throw the case.

Man shot while live streaming on Facebook

Shepppard says...

..I think the internet may just be making me completely cynical.

Honestly.. I just, if this is real, I feel bad. But it just seems fake. Everything about it, we hear one gunshot, camera drops. Somehow, miraculously lands upright, not pointed at the ground. Then, we get a PERFECT shot of the gunman standing just on top of the perfectly angled camera shooting well off-screen.

That's also the biggest thing for me, apparently the guy gets shot and as he falls drops his camera, but the gunman is CLEARLY shooting at something in the distance, and not at the ground.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Xstat Sponge Syringe for gunshot and shrapnel wounds

SFOGuy says...

The Quick Clot stuff, used when it isn't supposed to be, irritates the living daylights out of surgeons because they end up having to debride (Cut away) lots of tissue they wouldn't have to otherwise.

But this seems like a brilliant response to military grade gunshot and shrapnel wounds, where the entrance hole is small, then the body cavity is large (from the expansion of the bullet)---

Useful and will save lives and doing it while saving tissue.

Dashcam Video of Chicago Law Enforcement Shooting Teen

newtboy says...

Clearly, from the article, not a single one, anywhere in the department, from top to bottom, "outed" this murderer, and instead they covered it up, destroyed evidence, fabricated a story and repeated the line 'he was unfortunately killed by a single gunshot to the chest' all the way up. Not one 'good cop' to be found. As I see it, anyone in the department who's hands touched this are co-conspirators after the fact, and need to be charged themselves to the fullest extent of the law. It's only because of complicity of others that cops think, correctly, that they can get away with murdering citizens and claiming self defense. That makes them as much of the problem as the murderers.
Prosecute them all...right up to and including the chief...since they all knew the self defense, single shot story was BS (they had this video) but they continued to shield him by repeating it publicly and in official legal documents.

EDIT: It should be noted that without a complaining witness coming forward, (one that was forcibly removed from the scene and NEVER interviewed, just like every other civilian witness) and without the lucky happenstance that they didn't erase the dash cam footage like they did to other footage, for example the security camera footage from nearby restaurants, there would NEVER be charges for this 'officer', since his entire force covered up the crime.

eric3579 said:

Wonder how many "good cops" on the scene outed this murderer.

Homeless Hero Sacrifies

Lawdeedaw says...

Then follow me my friend.

That video has no informative content. It's not a documentary or in any way shape or form follows your guidelines. It just gives an account of an officer killing a man. You hear the brutal gunshots, and see the man's lifeless corpse rotting on the sidewalk. His murder complete, the horror no less worse than my video any day of the week. Showing the shooting is no requirement for snuff... "Whether or not any victims are actually visible on camera."

Oh, and you UPVOTED the snuff... At the time I was personally mortified with that video, but then I kept my mouth shut because I don't ruin strong emotional videos for other people.

Discard that video. It is clearly snuff by our results today. No amount of "other reasons," such as the offender being an officer changes that.

That video is hardly a documentary. It is snuff bullshit. Just a collage of death. I let it go because again it is not my place to attack its artistic conceptualization. Of course my own comments were put in, but I let the issue drop.

Now discard it.

This is my OWN video. This was a wildlife post that was deemed fine by the community after a bit of discussion. Although people didn't die on the video itself, some were killed. But again, it was not a documentary or anything other than the powerful, awe-inspiring reflection of nature. Even though it is "dead" it still must be discarded because the underlying content is still snuff; therefore, it would still be dead snuff.

Discard it.

Again, take your time. We have all the time in the world. We have a long long week of video killing to do you and I

lucky760 said:

I don't follow what you mean.

My response is in accordance with the same guidelines we've been following since the dawn of siftbot. I'm using our old precedents, not setting new ones.

So, yes the precedent applies to every video on the Sift, but it always has.

Homeless Hero Sacrifies

Lawdeedaw says...

newtboy, death has long not been considered snuff if it newsworthy, historic or artful. Or haven't you seen the millions of fucking police and troops killing people on the sift? They are allowed because they are "unexpected" and newsworthy. In fact that is exactly what @lucky760 told me back then. Guess he was wrong back then eh?

Or how about when I posted the video of mother nature being a powerful, awe inspiring motherfucker? There was definitely death in this vein there. I was told it was fine, because it showed the artistic power of mother-nature. That came from the mods and nearly everyone else. A few did argue their point, "But, shows someone dying..."

Or how about the world's ten greatest tragedies that showed a fighter pilot drown with his jet? Oh the video was historically based, but that particular pilot's death was in no way historical at all. Yet it was defended and remained.

Honestly, if you have no clue what you are talking about, then shut up. You can argue the homeless saving people does not matter (not newsworthy,) you could argue that I could have edited it, but don't pull that bullshit "just because both die from gunshots."

In my opinion this is the definition of newsworthy. More of this needs shown to the world so they fucking have to eat the truth--that heroes can be poor street men. This is art in a very sad way. Like a fucking painting of a great man standing, defending a wall against a force much larger than his own. This is fucking news because no one expects it and it stuns people awake.

newtboy said:

I'm sorry, but by what insane definition or theory do you NOT consider this *snuff?!? It is the literal definition of the word, and is in fact double snuff as it seems both the 'hero' and the kidnapper are killed. Just because you feel the one death was 'heroic', and the other totally justified, does not make it any less a snuff film.
Good on the homeless man for saving the woman.
Bad on @Lawdeedaw for posting snuff.

Guns with History

bremnet says...

Your statement that other forms of preventable death have no bearing on the argument may be correct for your interpretation of that argument, but you are clearly missing the point of the comparison. Nobody is saying that we shouldn't regulate guns because people smoke. The comparison is that if society can sit by and watch people die from totally preventable deaths due to cigarettes and alcohol, at a rate 35x higher than gun related deaths, then why not start there, or even include guns, alcohol and cigs in the same crackdown? In the hands of responsible people, who are the majority of owners, guns are a very low threat and can serve a purpose other than killing people. Cigarettes, in contrast, are perfect killing machines, and 100% of the time are harmful to anyone who sticks them in their mouth and serve one purpose and one purpose only - to degrade your health. If you're fortunate enough to be stuck near someone who smokes, they are harming your health as well. If those who wish to start imposing limits or controls on peoples personal freedoms by controlling access to things that kill people, why not start with something that affects 35x more people than guns do? And if anyone tells you death by gunshot is a gruesome horrible death that nobody should have to endure (and hyped to be so by media and anti-gun activists), go spend some time in a cancer ward to experience what these poor bastards go through during a prolonged death from lung cancer. Give me a bullet any time over that.

robdot said:

Gun rights people always seek to quote other causes of death, as if that has any bearing at all on the arguement..IT DOESNT..we shouldnt do anything about guns, because people drown? Thats fucking retarded. we shouldnt regulate guns, because people smoke? How fucked up is your thinking process? Hey, we shouldnt have seat belt laws ! Because, you know,,,people also overdose !! I have heard this line of bullshit repeated over and over, and it has to be one of the stupidest fucking arguements...ever......

Judge backs charges against cops in Tamir Rice killing

Mordhaus says...

They pulled too close, fired way to fast, even the judge agreed. Yes, some blame falls on the parents, but how many cops are being shot and killed vs citizens at this point?

When does officer safety trump the fact that they are supposed to serve and protect, not shoot at the first option and sort it out later? They fired on Tamir within 2 Seconds of arriving on scene, 2 seconds...

What is even more disturbing about this case is, after shooting him, the police walked around the scene and looked for the weapon while the kid lay dying on the snow. Tamir laid there for 4 minutes bleeding from a torso gunshot wound until a police detective and an FBI agent who happened to be nearby came and rendered aid.

Both cops also had issues.

In a memo to Independence's human resources manager, released by the city in the aftermath of the shooting, Independence deputy police chief Jim Polak wrote that Loehmann had resigned rather than face certain termination due to concerns that he lacked the emotional stability to be a police officer. Polak said that Loehmann was unable to follow "basic functions as instructed". He specifically cited a "dangerous loss of composure" that occurred in a weapons training exercise, during which Loehmann's weapons handling was "dismal" and he became visibly "distracted and weepy" as a result of relationship problems. The memo concluded, "Individually, these events would not be considered major situations, but when taken together they show a pattern of a lack of maturity, indiscretion and not following instructions, I do not believe time, nor training, will be able to change or correct these deficiencies." It was subsequently revealed that Cleveland police officials never reviewed Loehmann's personnel file from Independence prior to hiring him.

Garmback, who was driving the police cruiser, has been a police officer in Cleveland since 2008. In 2014, the City of Cleveland paid US$100,000 to settle an excessive force lawsuit brought against him by a local woman; according to her lawsuit, Garmback "rushed and placed her in a chokehold, tackled her to the ground, twisted her wrist and began hitting her body" and "such reckless, wanton and willful excessive use of force proximately caused bodily injury". The woman had called the police to report a car blocking her driveway. The settlement does not appear in Garmback's personnel file.

Amazing pieces of work, and both out there to take care of us. I feel safe, do you?

bobknight33 said:

Is that the "gun" the kid had and was point / waving? A colt 1911. A great hand gun to have, no orange tip? Where is parental control on this?

video of the incident

It seems to me that since the cops pulled up directly on the kid they had not choice except for self protection.

That being said the cops should not have pulled up that close but close enough to have a stand off and have the kid surrender the weapon.

Cornstarch Flamethrower

oohlalasassoon says...

Apocalypse Journal, Day 37: It's quiet outside at the moment but Willa heard gunshots when she went down to the stream for water. Am collecting corn starch for our flamethrower. I have first watch tonight. Willa is scared.

Cellphone Video Show Officers Shoot and Kill Suspect

dannym3141 says...

Why don't they shoot him in the leg, or shoot him once? I mean, why a hail of gunfire? They keep shooting and shooting, the guy's on the floor, surely you try and help him survive once the threat is dealt with? Cuffing a man who has 12 gunshot wounds? What the fuck!? Society doesn't need or want this kind of "protection".. Civilised humans do not deal with our problems with mindless violence like this..

Piers Morgan Finally Fucks Off With A Great Parting Shot

Yogi says...

Too small of a sample to come to that conclusion. Back in Jesus times nobody died from gunshots.

newtboy said:

More guns doesn't mean more gun violence, just ask the Serbians.
America has (or had) the most guns per capita by far (#1 at 89 guns per 100 people) but was 13th in gun deaths with 10.9 per 100000 people.
Serbia , (#2 in per capita guns at 58 per 100) had only 3.9 gun deaths per 100000 people.
Honduras only had 6.2 guns per 100, but had 64.8 gun deaths per 100000 people!

This quite clearly proves it's not the number of guns per person that's an issue, it's the culture the people live in. Guns aren't the problem, people pointing (and shooting) them inappropriately is the issue.
That said, when a populace has proven it can't be responsible with a dangerous device, it's reasonable to make it more difficult to own the device and require prior training for it's proper usage, and punishment for improper usage. Too bad reason has left the building.

Savages - Trailer (New Oliver Stone Movie)

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