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Procrastinatron (Member Profile)

The Terror of Being Caught With Porn - Key & Peele

G-bar says...

please come to my office to clean my keyboard... the damn thing is so dirty, it greets me good morning when I show up at work.

Deano said:

The amount of people who never clean their desktop or laptop keyboards amazes me.
I use wipes and compressed air and will take the sucker apart.

Hummingbird Hawk Moth

shinyblurry says...

There isn't anything wrong with saying "I don't know". Yet, what I've observed is that there is an obsession with the search. What is the point of the search if not to find the answer? Is it wrong to think there may be an answer?

Christians claim that there is a God who has given us answers, yet this doesn't impede scientific research. Johann Kepler said as he made discoveries that he felt like he was thinking Gods thoughts after him. There is no actual incompatibility with a belief in God and true science. That I claim an answer as to where the Universe came from doesn't prevent anyone from finding out how it works. And finding out how it works doesn't preclude God from having created it. To say it did would be outside the realm of empirical research and be resting on faith.

This is what Robert Jastrow had to say about that dichotomy:

"For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountain of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."

rebuilder said:

How about "we don't know yet"? We're ignorant on many things, and many of the ideas we have about the universe will probably turn out to be false in light of further research. Maybe some of the questions we're asking will turn out to be pointless. That doesn't mean faith-based explanations are correct. It just means we don't know yet.

Science is about making educated guesses, rejecting theories once proven false, coming up with new ones fitting empirical data and above all, having a reasonable process for deciding what explanations for phenomena seem most likely at any given time. Where is that ability for self-correction in religion? How would you decide which religion is most likely to be correct - if any are?

Ron Paul's CNN interview on U.S. Interventionism in Syria

enoch says...

there are a few things i dont understand about your position.i hope you can clear them up for me. state that there is conclusive evidence that it was the assad regime that executed the use of chemical weapons and that only russia and the syrian government are stating otherwise.
could you supply this evidence for us?
because as far as i can tell the only entity providing evidence is isreal and i have to admit being skeptical of their claims.they have been wrong before and often. lets address the hypothetical that it IS assads regime that is responsible for the chemical attacks.
how does this give the united states the right to unilaterally use military force?
where is the diplomatic option?
why are we not even attempting to bring the players on the ground in syria to the negotiating table?
why are we jumping right over steps 3 and 4 and diving into bombings?
how is killing innocent civilians considered "humanitarian"?

3.if the reasoning that we are being given is that a syrian intervention is based on "humanitarian" grounds and that the assad regime has perpetrated "crimes against humanity" (which is possible).where is the united states deriving this moral authority?
when we consider that the united states itself used:phosphorous and depleted uranium in iraq,which IS indeed considered a war crime.
in fact the united states has pretty much broken international law in every conflict since 1950 in regards to war crimes.
so where is our supposed moral authority?

4.if we dismiss the questionable intelligence in regards to chemical weapons in syria AND we ignore the utter hypocrisy in using banned weaponry and we focus on JUST the crimes against humanity defense for intervention.that somehow the united states is doing all this for "humanitarian" reasons.
then we must ask the question:
"if the united states is such a beacon of moral purity and is the defender of the weak and helpless that it will strike at any sovereign nation that dares to kill its own citizens.why is it that the united states turned a blind eye in other countries that perpetrated almost mass genocide against its own people"?

what makes syria more special than the millions of human beings who were allowed to be murdered and slaughtered by its own government while the united states sat back and did nothing,and many times supplied the very weaponry USED to murder those people?

the hypocrisy is staggering.

the implication is that the united states is NOT interested in a stable syria but exactly the opposite.
maybe this thought is troubling for americans but i submit that if that is the case then they have not been paying attention.

*edit-as for your "iraq is the way it is due to saddam hussein" assertion.
you do realize the united states armed saddam.we didnt pull the trigger when he went after the iranians and the kurds but we supplied the gun.
you do realize that we never left iraq after the first gulf war.
are you aware that even as reprehensible and venal saddam was,iraq had running water,hospitals,schools.even with the continued bombings and sanctions iraq had a functioning government?

are we to believe ,by your assertion,that iraq is in the state it is right now due to saddam hussein and america bears ZERO responsibility?
we have occupied iraq for TEN YEARS.saddam was executed 7 yrs ago.
the united states has failed on an epic scale in regards to iraq.

remember that whole "we will be greeted as liberators"
"the oil we confiscate will pay for the war"
maybe i am reading your commentary wrong but i cant wrap my head around your assertion.
it just does not hold up under the simplest of scrutiny.

QI - How Do You Really Pronounce Van Gogh

alien_concept says...

I doubt he can, probably just learned that one greeting, he went back to English very quickly

ChaosEngine said:

and of course, Stephen Fry can speak Dutch... damnit Stephen, you could leave some small amount of being smart (see, I can't even phrase that well) for the rest of us!

HaricotVert (Member Profile)

Best Reaction Ever to a Magic Trick

EvilDeathBee (Member Profile)

Amazing bike tricks with a twist!

Bitchy Resting Face

L0cky says...

Funny, I was just thinking about this yesterday on a flight.

One thing I've noticed as a sufferer of ARF is that flight attendants don't really greet you when you board a plane. They greet everyone in front, then just kinda skip you, then greet everyone else.

I least I give their jowls a rest from their horizontal smile face that got burned in from doing their job for too long

Failed robbery attempt in Venezuela

bjornenlinda says...

Thnx a lot guys I'm going with what barseps says this is a thief who's trying to rob someone so it is justice and surely no snuff!! And what do you see exactly?? It could have been fake also.
And chingalera gives comments sometimes that are too harsh and downvotes too quickly. I know you can downvote but my opinion is that if you don't like something just leave it because they have put in time in those sifts also even if you don't like them.And what about the squids and frogs that they eat alive is that snuff too then ???

greets Bjornenlinda

Best Greeter Ever - BAM!!!

SFOGuy says...

So, Walmart's greeters are actually part of their "loss prevention" system. Just having someone greet random people at the door lowers shoplifting theft. Most of them are (as this distinguished gentleman clearly is) retired folks getting a little extra income.
It's harder to make yourself steal---or maybe it stops/slows down the casual shoplifters who anxiety over being caught is suddenly heightened when someone greets them at the door to this otherwise enormous and anonymous business---especially if that greeting is a loud and enthusiastic "BAM"!

Best Greeter Ever - BAM!!!

zaust says...

I work in a UK supermarket part-time - we greet people with a "Why the fuck are you looking at me".

Not as catchy but hey I don't have to touch the locals!

oh btw gotta be viral - too convenient the people coming in just happen to talk to him.

WTF Japanese Bikini Waxing Commercial - (Wait for it)

EvilDeathBee says...

It's all down to personal preference. If you want to be greeted by the Sasquatch down there that's your prerogative. Personally, I go for the clean shaved/waxed around the important area, and neatly trimmed for a "map of Tasmania" effect above. If she doesn't want to do that, I'm cool. Just don't let it become a rain forest, please.

Also, this doesn't just apply to women. Lads, it doesn't hurt to keep it groomed down there (well, it could if you try it drunk).

chingalera said:

"Hey ladies, remember how good it felt down there when you were eleven?"

Thanks to internet porn, even your fucking grandmother trims the beaver hutch nowadays....Quite frankly, we miss the thigh furbies......can't stand stubble and ingrown hars down thars, OH, and tell me this ladies..

Does rendering your snatch hairless make that particular area of your anatomy more desirable or aid in her proper function? NO. Hairless beavers are tantamount to corsets and high heels-It's a discomfort endured, touted by horny douchebag males as a hip, new style. Not so thinly-veiled pedo-bear new rules....

Notwithstanding my personal tastes, some nappy dugouts are quite hard to regard with relish.....Maybe YOU should consider the laser, hon....

How to Justify Science (Richard Dawkins)

shinyblurry says...

You're right, a pragmatic sense it is a good assumption to make. However, the conclusion that the scientific method is justified doesn't follow from that assumption, and that is the point of this video.

When you say "we don't know, but maybe we will someday" it reminds me of this quote:

"For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountain of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries."

Robert Jastrow

messenger said:

SB, there are things we don't know. Yet. And that is all. The fact we don't know why nature is uniform doesn't prevent us from assuming it will continue to be uniform based on our experience. And so far, that has worked out well.

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