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hamsteralliance (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Greetings Hamster Alliance, sadly @ant has a full queue, but I'm happy to help out

hamsteralliance said:

Yo, duder! So, I made a video that I think the video-game-playing members of the sift would enjoy, but I'm aware of the rule that we're not supposed to share stuff we had any involvement in. But I also recall the rule saying that exceptions were occasionally made.

Would it be possible to get such an exception for this video? It's basically the progress of video game graphics over time, starting from pong and going until modern day graphics and augmented reality.

Alternatively, perhaps another sifter would post it, like Ant or whoever else has an interest in gaming. I figured I'd ask you first since you're IN DEEP with the sift.


Master of Newsspeak Prior to Presidency

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Van Damme got nuttin' on Chuck Norris

Van Damme got nuttin' on Chuck Norris

Van Damme got nuttin' on Chuck Norris

Shakylogic (Member Profile)

lurgee (Member Profile)

Jean-Claude Van Damme Epic Volvo Trucks Commercial!

Fade (Member Profile)

Fade (Member Profile)

How attached cats are to their owners?

dirkdeagler7 says...

Not to defend the study which could be flawed as any study (and many are) but your analysis ignored a part that they did emphasize in this and the original experiment with children...strangeness.

They're not at home and they introduce the aspect of a stranger intentionally to play on the social constructs that we as humans use and are thus trying to understand in the animals we keep as pets.

Being in a foreign environment with strangers present is an automatic trigger for social animals (even adult humans will tend to cling to a familiar face at a foreign social gathering) and so if that social connection exists in a similar way between cats and humans one would hope to see it manifest itself as well.

I imagine if you did this with kittens and their mothers or vice versa you would likely see the results they were looking for. Which would beg the question: how different is the relationship between the cat family and the relationship of that cat to its human owner?

In the end I don't think people are arguing that cats don't care at all but instead when compared to the relationship between human/human and human/dog perhaps it is just not the same.

Would you argue that a horse, bird, fish, or snake can "love" a human as deeply as a cat? I've seen all of those show affection towards human owners. If not then what is the scale with which we measure an animals affinity for us relative to each other if not their intense desire to associate with us specifically as their owner?

I also find it interesting that I can't recall hearing cat owners point out a showing of affection by cats that we don't find in dogs although I HAVE heard of uniquely cat methods of revenge (jaws and claws being equal I've never heard of dogs using table tops to terrify cell phones and other treasured human items). So you could almost argue that if cats don't love humans more than dogs they may dislike us more than dogs in their efforts to devise methods of inflicting pain on us.

I'd also like to point out on a personal note that even in an adult human, if I took them somewhere and they walked away, watched me leave, then come back, all the while never knowing why we were there, with whom they're now left with, or if I was ever coming back....and the person didn't even care to greet me upon my return then I wouldn't exactly say that person cared about me at all much less liked me or loved me....just saying.

yellowc said:

This is pretty funny for a lot of reasons, the biggest being all the people involved are so obviously not cat owners nor have they even bothered to understand cat behaviour.

First of all, the snarky comments at the end of the video, actually, it's not about wanting to believe my cat needs me, I'm very well aware it doesn't need me, that has no correlation to loving me. I appreciate that's just the person writing this script but it puts an underlining tone that cat owners are delusional and sets people up to believe the experiment was a "success", even with the little bite about it not being conclusive.

Not all cats are the same, the beauty of them is precisely their individuality! Breed also plays a very large factor and so does upbringing, not to mention social behaviour of the animal in question. Let's ignore that cats are evolutionarily independent and dogs/babies are not.

Why would a cat care if its owner left momentarily? It is not built to care about such a frivolous event, it takes notes of it (which btw, no other animal was capable of and the narrator incorrectly says the cat is distracted while it distinctly watching the owner leave) and carries on, the situation pans out.

Likewise when the owner comes back, the cat again takes note of this and because it was rather brief, it resumes carrying on its business. This wasn't some "OH MY GOD WHAT DO I DO WITH MY LIFE!??!?!" drastic event. Quite frankly, the cat has the most intelligent behaviour.

The reason it check outs the stranger is because it's an *unknown*, cats don't immediately trust *anything* until they've inspected it. If they had replaced that stranger with a paper bag, the reaction would have been the same. It's not that it is ignoring its owner, it's that it knows its owner is safe. It is inspecting a potential threat.

Cats are simply not basic enough to compare in this experiment and their evolutionary traits are directly opposed to these rather bias tests of affection.

How attached cats are to their owners?

Jaer says...

Each situation is different, most cats are independent and able to take care of themselves, where dogs generally have a pack mentality and as such will attach themselves to an owner.

My cat follows me everywhere, scratches at the door when separated from me and greets me at the door when I return from work. When visitors come over, he avoids them at all costs and stays close to me during the visit as well.

In the end it all depends on how you treat the animal.

geshwin (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Greetings, don't let a little banning put you off, most people have been banned at least once, and in some cases many times... you are welcome to either appeal your banning or come back with a new account... just be careful of the posting guidelines, posting your own stuff is not on.

(Mostly) Black Friday Shopping Chaos [Super Cut Compilation]

Sauce for the Sgt is NOT Sauce for the Sgt Major

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