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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I forgot, you fully support lying, even under oath. Sorry, my bad. Funny you seem incredibly bothered if Biden misstates anything.

Least affected is a far cry from what you and they claimed, and a far cry from safe from it's effects, short and long....but a few tens of thousands of dead children and hundreds of thousands with permanent disabilities, maybe your kids among them, doesn't bother you either as long as you get back free daycare? Great parenting.

bobknight33 said:

Does not matter what letter they fudged. Facts are FACTS
Kids are the lest affected and should be in school.


lucky760 says...

Fucking great parenting right there.

I know plenty of parents are okay with the "Go fuck yourself" approach to parenting (a.k.a. "hey kid, go live your own life; figure it out on your own, even if you're fucking 3"), but it disgusts me. I'd never ignore my sons (let alone watch and record to share with the world) as they assault one another.

Sorry, Mordhaus, but a spiritual -1 vote from me, but for the parent, not you.

Not sure if this family needs another child...

newtboy says...

You fuckers, it's called a brake pedal. I just love how her only concern is for the trucks underside, not that her baby daddy apparently just killed someone's *pet in front of their kids without pause, or at best just intentionally ran over someone's dead (or just injured) pet.
Great parenting.
Looks a bit faked in my hyper suspicious eyes, and either way it's horrible all around.

A Boy, a Mouse, and a BB Gun

Kid Thinks He's Going to Jail for Stealing a Cup

longde says...

Considering he could be locked up and/or beaten and/or killed by the cops or neighborhood watch for much less, it's probably great parenting to condition him to be overly paranoid about the consequences of bad behavior.

Bus Driver's Life Saving Grab

A10anis says...


great parenting caught on camera once again. AND judging by the size of that 3 year old, i would say the terrible parenting doesn't stop there.

You make a massive assumption. Anyone who has/had kids, knows that being vigilant 100% of the time is nigh on impossible. Yes, there are MANY examples of bad parenting but, as I said, this isn't necessarily one of them.

Bus Driver's Life Saving Grab

Neighbour Catches 7-Year-Old Girl Falling from Window

SDGundamX says...

>> ^rottenseed:

I wasn't trying to argue about the existence of a god, I was expressing my anger that she is a shitty parent that thinks a higher being is going to do her parenting for her. Essentially we're on the same page if for different reasons...>> ^thumpa28:
Yeah, the theological angle is the one to concentrate on, how fucking predictably boring. Back on topic, the mother needs a slap.

I'm curious: did you read the links I posted? Did you research this story at all? Because it sounds like you're judging this woman based on one quote you cherry-picked from a YouTube description which was itself cherry-picked by a reporter covering the story. It doesn't bother you at all that your rant at this woman is completely based on your imaginary conjecture of who she is or what actually happened?


This news story seems to confirm your assumptions that this woman is not a great parent, though how religion fits into all of that is still unclear.

Heaviest deadlift ever (1015lb) - Benny Magnusson

ghark says...

>> ^charliem:

The type of lift in this video is the only kind of lift youll ever works every single fucking muscle you have, even the ones in your jaw!!

Exactly! Best exercise ever, and imo of the three powerlifting 'lifts' (bench press, squat and deadlift) this is the most important because it has by far the least potential for cheating.

There are dozens and dozens of records broken every year in various categories and types of powerlifting - e.g. raw, single ply, double ply, knee wraps allowed, knee wraps not allowed, wide stance low-bar vs. narrow stance high-bar (position of the bar on your neck). But with deadlifting you just have to stand there and rip the weight off the floor with your brute man strength, the guys that have the biggest dead-lifts can truly considered to be pure athletes alongside the olympic lifters, and Benny is the strongest to have ever lived.

Plus he's from Iceland, so his Viking great grand-parents probably burnt down my pussy great parents village at some point, what a guy.

For anyone that cares, a deadlift suit simply adds some tension at the bottom of the lift, a bit like having a spring assisting you with the start of the lift - a good deadlift suit probably adds about 30-40 lb's to your lift, but that is debatable.

Little Boy Doesn't Want to Get Married

Grateful Kid Gets Xbox 360 And Halo

Grateful Kid Gets Xbox 360 And Halo

lucky760 says...

They seem like great parents. Not in the way like "Wow, they bought cool toys for their kid," but in the way that the son is so truly grateful for the gifts and appreciative of the resulting financial burden, along with the way his kid sister was equally happy with him rather than being jealous and looking for her own super gift.

It's so wonderful that rather than just screaming how happy he was for himself, his natural first reaction was to worry about the cost incurred by his parents. He's going to grow up to be a decent human being, and that's becoming rarer and rarer every day.

blankfist (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Liberals seem to come in many varieties, some are indeed privileged, like me, who grew up the son of two school teachers. Many are poor, many are blue collar, and there are limousine libs as well. Liberals are not afraid of the French Revolution, in fact many fantasize about FR2: Electric Boogaloo. Liberals aren't motivated by fear of the poor, but rather empathy and anger at social injustice.

When I say supportive parents, I mean it in every way possible, financially, emotionally, creatively, educationally, etc. Most important is that they are there for you, which is not the norm for many kids, whose parents work several jobs.

I can tell you have great parents, because you are a great person. It is obvious that they allowed you to think and grow and create. I'm not using that as a put down, I'm just saying that some of the shit I've seen teaching in poor neighborhoods would break your heart. The number one factor in student achievement is parental involvement, and when mom and/or dad aren't there, kids get into trouble in many ways. It's not right that someone has to choose between putting food on the table and spending time with their kids. These are the real life consequences of 'wage-slavery'.

I'm claiming wage-slavery (not poorness) is a product of supply and demand, which (if I understand correctly) is one of the sacred principles of the free market. When there are more people than jobs, supply and demand becomes an instrument of rape.

Who are we to say otherwise? WTF?

The majority of consumers want socialized medicine, who are we to say otherwise? - blankfist, March 31, 2009

(imaginary hell has frozen over)

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
I believe you have a valid, possibly accurate, take on a lot of people who are Libertarians, but I wouldn't know as I don't know too many at all - almost none outside of VideoSift. Most of the people I know who come from privilege are liberals terrified to their very core of a lower class uprising similar to the French Revolution.

I feel like you may be grasping at straws, albeit ever so eloquently and persuasively, when you attack the dichotomous argument of what someone perceives as lifting themselves up by the bootstraps and having supportive parents. I'm not sure I ever led a life of privilege, since you seem to be indirectly insinuating me in this conversation. My father and mother still work even though they should be retired thanks to them blindly believing our social security system they paid into would take care of them. Secondly, I did in fact work in textile mills from high school through college except when I was in the military.

I did have supportive parents, just not financially supportive, which it seems you are eluding to as money and class seems to be an issue with you. I'm not sure whether someone had supportive parents or not should or could ever be used as an argument against volunteerism over coercion. People should be supportive, but only if they choose to do so.

You claim the poor is an effect of the free market. Are you sure you're not confusing the free market with, and forgive my 'isms', capitalism (or rather state capitalism) or corporatism? The free market is simply a mutually beneficial agreement without coercion. If that can (or worse is) destroying any section of society, I think we should all pack it in and get back to hunting and gathering, because we simply will never have a chance as an evolved social species.

I, too, am for smaller business, but you have to support them for them to viably exist. Unfortunately, the consumer chose Walmart instead. It's sad, but... if that's what people want as consumers, who are we to say otherwise?

David after dentist, high at age 7

Girls rob Girl Scout of cookie money then brag to the news

Quboid says...

rottenseed - how would you react if it came out that they had both been raped by their uncles before turning to this shit?

We don't know their background, although of course that is extremely unlikely. I'm inclined to think they are spoilt, nasty bitches like everyone else and they should certainly have a good few months to think about what they did. Surprised to be charged with helping to steal $168? What world do they live in? Having said that, when I was 9 my parents wouldn't think of letting me out of their sight outside with that sort of money. Great parenting all around!

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