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Monster Truck Tug Of War

Hurricane Balls

How to make legal pedo porn

Sagemind says...

First of all this isn't PORN - You objectify the kids just by calling it that.
(I found the title miss-leading - can you tell

These kids are quite impressive dancers, especially for their age. You can tell they worked long and hard at their skills and this routine.

As far as the costumes go - someone needs to give their head a shake! (the instructor, the parents)
I've been to quite a few young dancers' performances, and these costumes are not unlike what I've seen. Only normally certain areas are covered with skin colored stretchy material. Yes, these kids are too young to be showing off this much skin. I'm used to seeing costumes of this type being either stitched to skin toned "body-tards" or worn over top of. Gosh I've seen girls wearing the body-tards even up to age 16-18. (usually at least the mid areas and up to the neck - sometimes sleeveless, sometimes not.)

In this format, the viewer is not there to see their kids dress provocatively, they are there to see what they have learned. Keep in mind most of the audience in these performances are family and friends.

I'd call this inappropriate - but not pornographic.

Rainbow Sponge Orgasm

mountain top hiking

Anthony Weiner Resigns, While "Press" Heckles

Trout says...

Gosh I just don't care about what he did. It doesn't bother me. Is that strange, or do others feel the same?

He was so sharp on the floor sometimes, debating issues others would roll over on. I can't help but imagine - in some alternate universe - how Weiner might have handled this totally differently. For example, instead of the denials and flip-flopping, Weiner could have said from the very beginning: "This is none of your damned business.... I can't believe your asking this." (Which is pretty much what George Bush Sr. said in the '90s when confronted by press about a likely affair.)

Every one of the charges could be answered with that response. It really is none of our business. Even if he took a cell phone shot of his d-ck in the goddamn oval office. Who cares? Because it's public property? I say it again - WHO CARES? It's just sex. Why get hung up on any of it (unless you're his wife)? There's no indication it was affecting his job.

"None of your damned business." If he'd said that (and meant it!), sure, his career would probably still have tanked. But, in some circles at least, he'd be a bit of a folk hero.

I can only conclude Weiner must be dealing with some powerful sexual guilt issues to lose all his nerve when confronted with his own behavior. The irony, of course, is - it's our own culture's guilt and discomfort with sex that drove this to become such a public issue for him in the first place.

Questioning Evolution: Irreducible complexity

packo says...

it sucks when people actually destroy your arguement with facts, documentation and links

and not just the info you present, i mean the way you actually present your arguement

gosh, i'd be embarrased to believe in creationism right now if this was the result of my presentation

Why the Midday Drink Doesn't Work...

Imagine If All Atheists Left America

NinjaInHeat says...

Oh my gosh, now I feel so secure in my beliefs, thank you oh atheist master of the internets.

I'd like to hope most atheists would be smart enough to leave behind the sort of individual that would produce this visual diarrhea if they chose to leave. Let the tongue speakers castrate him or something, nothing would be as excruciating as that sound track.

Battle of Sekigahara

Lithic says...

From what I've understood this short clip almost completely fails to capture the strategical and political brilliance of Ieyasu, not to mention renders a pretty bland image of the intrigue and chaos that existed during the "warring states" period. But I still found it pretty cool gosh darn it.


What Real Indians think of Sarah Palin's Visit to South Asia

quantumushroom says...

Obama is conservative as fuck. He's worse then Bush.

"Fact" and opinion. Both wrong.

More warrantless wiretapping.

Same if not a minor decrease in torture.

Sold us out to Big Pharma Banks & Military Complex.

For fuck sake, he cutting community organization budgets and heating assistance for low income groups.

Just proves my point about the leftmedia. If they'd done their job you would've known he'd turn out this way. It's too bad this Obamian "conservatism" you speak of stops well before low taxes, free markets and the rule of law. And not bowing like a serf to foreign kings and the mayor of Tampa, Florida for fk's sake.

What the fuck else do you want to happen to prove that Obama is in no way liberal or progressive or whatever pejorative label you have for left leaning ideology?

How bout that whole POS unaffordable socialized medicine scheme 26 states have now filed lawsuits against? Remember that? Remember the failed scamulus? TARP? Bailouts? And yes Bush is also to blame, but only for starting crap that a "conservative" Obama would've tried to stop. But as we all know, NO ONE outspends taxocrats and by gosh, they'll prove it! Ever stop and wonder why crony capitalism looks so much like socialism?

The entirety of United States politics has shifted more and more to this crazy neo-conservative free-market less government-but-we-still-want-govern-who-you-marry-&-force-you-to-have-babies mentality since 2000.

Really? Abortion is still legal. Civil unions are recognized by many states. Government is an ever-bigger gorilla with a machine gun. Taxes will go up and the 'crats know it: "someone" has to pay for all this indolence and the 50-fucking-percent of Americans who pay NO federal income tax but suck up plenty of government entitlements.

The entire world is owned my wealthy bankers and war profiteers. They all favor the "conservative" mentality you hold because it makes them more money.

Wrong and wrong. You're prejudiced against the wealthy because you believe that life is a zero-sum game. In other words, someone has to "lose" at economics so someone else can "win". You believe that life is a lottery and those who have money have simply been "fortunate" without doing anything to earn it. If the liberal phantasy of giving everyone an equal share of $$$ (by force) were to come true, as long as markets were allowed to work, by the end of the week the poor would be poor again. You've been brainwashed by 12 years of government schooling followed by indoctrination at 'kollij'. Where do you think all those otherwise unemployable 1960s marxist dinosaurs are hiding from reality? The universities. No one busting their ass in the real world to survive only to hand over 40% to the federal mafia believes this BS. Yeah, life is unfair and freedom is hard. And BTW, no, I am not rich, and I don't believe I have a "right" to plunder my neighbor's wealth.

You're too narrow-minded and indoctrinated to understand that.

I hope you don't have kids. I would feel sorry for them.

You undermine your "devastating" talking points with personal attacks. I would hope you own a library card. And use it.

p.s. - Obama is Political Science Major who taught Constitutional Law.

Palin majored in journalism.. yet can't name any newpaper or magazine she reads regularly.

The "scholar" who doesn't understand America and is a total ingrate for the opportunities he received, now reviled as a clueless idiot by all except the diehards and the leftmedia VERSUS the "dumb" beauty queen who loves America and recognizes American Exceptionalism, and thus so terrifies the left they're still attacking her.

Now you can continue your point about who is more qualified as a president.

It's done. I would vote for this over the dangerous crypto-marxist who believes in unlimited federal power.

Harry Reid: Save federal funding for the cowboy poets!

MrConrads says...

Oh my gosh, you're completely right! This twenty nine second video clip totally illustrates how completely out of touch this man is! I fear however that your superior reasoning skills are being wasted on deaf ears here. Go! Go and tell the others, for the good of the nation!!

>> ^bobknight33:

If this does not show how out of touch this man is then what will?
And oh is is the leader of his party. I'm so proud of him. Standing up against those evil Republicans. Keeping every job he can find even if the country goes bankrupt.

taranimator (Member Profile)

Fusionaut says...

Don't delete it! lol
In reply to this comment by taranimator:
Oh my gosh, I keep meaning to delete this video!!
It's just something I found accidentally and it tickled my funnybone at the time -- but obviously NO ONE else's -- so I should just get rid of it!
It's just a bunch of silly people dressed as police literally cooking up a batch of fudge. Really.
And something about watching "Bringing Down the House". I think the joke is just that they're NOT doing anything dirty. Just fake cops. Making actual fudge. That's it.

If this is offensive in title alone, I should just take it down! Tell me if you think that's a good idea!

My humour .. um .. ranges. I love smart political humour, but I do fall for pretty lame stuff too. Jeez, I just saw 'Four Lions' last night and it was hilarious but I can't imagine how it got green lit -- it's the darkest black comedy I've ever seen. Shocking!

My husband says I just laugh at everything. So there ya go.

In reply to this comment by bareboards2:
Tara, sweetie, what the heck is this? We need more than "just what the title says"!!

All I can think it is some obscure (well, maybe it isn't obscure) gay reference?

I am mystified.

Evolution is not...

Thom Yorke Shakes His Booty

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