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Patrick Stewart speaks about Domestic Violence

robbersdog49 says...

>> ^Don_Juan:

The car stops in front of robbersdog49's house. A woman gets out and a man gets out, runs around the car and begins to beat the shit out of her. As he hits and kicks her, robbersdog49 peaks cautiously out his window watching, as he calls the police so that in 10/15/20 minutes later the police will arrive and save the woman. Brave of you robbersdog49. The courts will certainly make everything right.

Hmmm. No.

You're missing the point somewhat. I would certainly go and help. I'd try to stop the violence. However, this is very, very rarely the way domestic violence rears it's head. It's more often something that happens behind closed doors. Others may know it's going on, not because they watch it, but because of marks, bruises etc. Someone is only clumsy enough to fall down the stairs once or maybe twice in their life. If it's happening more often there probably something wrong.

What Laura says should happen, and the bit I have an issue with, is that all the blokes around should get together, find the abuser and beat him up. Not wait till he hits her again, because they all know what's going on. Just go and give him a taste of his own medicine.

However, what happens if they're in the middle of a difficult divorce? What happens if she self harms and blames it on him (I have a good friend who has been a victim of this)? Are we to assume that this group of men looking for a fight are going to understand this and do the right thing, or are they more likely to just beat the innocent guy up anyway, just to be on the safe side?

Everyone here seems to have a very easy view of domestic violence. You all seem to see it as very black and white. It's not. Violence is a blunt instrument that's simply not suited to dealing with a complicated issue like this. I've given just one example of where an innocent person could be badly hurt by a violence against violence system. It just an example and I'm not in any way saying this is what has happened with anyone here. There are countless other examples too. What if the woman is the person being violent and the husband is responding in self defence? I'm sure a lot of people will say this doesn't happen. I wish I could live in your world because I've known this happen. The same woman who figured out she could bruise herself and blame it on him. He tried so hard to make the relationship work for their kids. How would your violence system deal with that?

I will always try to stop a fight, to stop the violence happening before my eyes. Nowhere have I said I wouldn't. That's not the same as getting revenge, that's the bit I have a problem with. So, let's stick to the facts here Don.

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kir_mokum says...

this can obviously turn into a long conversation but i think there's a difference between don hurtzfeldt (i'm unfamiliar with the second one and the 3rd one gives me a 404) and this video. his work is stylized to look rough whereas this video is simply poorly executed (from a technical standpoint). hurtzfeldt cartoons are actually brilliant from a technical standpoint and he uses the inherent flaws in the medium to his advantage. i don't think this video does anything like that.

i get what you're saying and i totally agree that storytelling doesn't require things to be shiny. my only point is that the work done on this is sub par when compared to equal projects. not sub par when compared to feature length films by major studios. as far as my "insults", they aren't baseless and i would argue that i'm not insulting the artist either. i used accurate comparison and i didn't use any pejoratives.

[i just read they worked on it for 8 months at what i would assume was effectively full time as it was their final year project for school.]

anyway, i'm not trying to argue that people would be wrong to like this i'm just defending my point. thank you for the high five for getting into VFX. it's a crazy tough industry to get your foot in the door. personally, i have good friends in good places, a decent eye, and a horseshoe up my ass.

300 years of fossil-fueled addiction in 5 minutes

SveNitoR says...

>> ^skinnydaddy1:

>> ^SveNitoR:
>> ^skinnydaddy1:
Also, I like bikes but Hate bicyclists and not to sound 2 much like an ass but 10 mins on a bus or train and I end up wanting to set fire to everyone around me.

Not too much of a people person, are you?

No, I just happen to always end up sitting next to the people who end up having a psychotic episode or feel the need to put cologne or perfume on by the gallon. Or feel the need to explain how they and only they know how to solve all the worlds problems. I do get funny looks when I explain how I would solve it all.
"Nuke it from orbit, Its the only way to be sure."

Haha, you remind me of a good friend of mine.

Bill Maher on the Fallacy of 'Balance'

Matthu says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

First of all I do respect you for defending yourself quantumushroom, Sorry about the cheap jab earlier.
No biggie.
Hate to oversimplify, but generally, when government gets involved, costs for everyone go up and innovation suffers. When government practices the lost art of 'benign neglect', the free market rapidly punishes and rewards ideas. People do more when you allow them to keep more of what they earn.
As the necessary evil it is, government has vital, mandated roles, such as protecting the borders and enforcing private property rights.
Battling child obesity, making smokers second class citizens (while spending tobacco tax revenue), providing "free" healthcare and making land owners get 'permission' to chop down a tree on their own property are not legitimate government functions. Nor can the buffoons "run" markets, except into the ground.
Right now, the federal mafia is simply too damned big, and they don't know what they're doing, just as FDR didn't know the long-term effects of his alphabet soup agencies that are STILL with us. Yes, you won't budge; just be aware there is evidence FDR's policies prolonged the Depression. Or you can merely observe today's scamulus doing nothing.
As blankfist can point out better than me, the Federal Reserve is about to print another trillion dollars, making the money in your wallet and savings account less valuable.
The left has an important part in this narrative; I just disagree with their conclusions.

I don't understand this. "The government" should essentially be us. They should be a good friend selling us shit at cost. When I buy weed off my pot dealing friend, he sells it to me at the same price he gets it. Cost. If I buy off the other guy, I pay a good amount more. If the government is the people serving the people, the people are the greatest benefactors.

I think it's wrong that, in Canada, we sell the right to build lines all through our country, and then the we let the people we sold it to(Bell and Rogers) gauge us for an internet connection.

I can see, however, how it could happen that government run programs might have people in charge who want to look good, so they might strive for a profit. I think this is wrong. It would be wrong for them to turn a profit and then redistribute the profit to other government run programs, but even wronger for them to take that profit and give it as bonuses to their CEO's.

At the end of the day, the problem with "Government" is that it doesn't serve the people, and it won't, unless the people keep on top of them.

We need to call a spade a spade. Like the recently passed law stating corporations can donate unlimited amounts, anonymously. How the eff is there not more outrage regarding that? It doesn't essentially mean the ultra rich control politics, no, not essentially, it 100% means the ultra rich control politics. Why not allow each party a set amount? Wake the fuck up...

"In the US, there is basically one party - the business party. It has two factions, called Democrats and Republicans, which are somewhat different but carry out variations on the same policies. By and large, I am opposed to those policies. As is most of the population." -Noam Chomsky

chicchorea (Member Profile)

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