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Morgan Stanley Admits Making $17,000,000 by Robbing You

messenger says...

Something something reactionary diatribe without thinking something how you present yourself something something how you will be perceived something moron something glass houses.>> ^criticalthud:

>> ^Truckchase:
>> ^criticalthud:
perhaps in need of some cheese with his whine.

Oh wow, you come up with that yourself just now? Good stuff. Next thing we know you'll tell us something about the "world's smallest violin".
So are you sticking up for Morgan Stanley or just critiquing the presentation?

no i'm agreeing with the sentiments expressed above and critiquing dipshits like you and him, who just can't seem to not make reactionary diatribe without thinking it through.
listen hippy, your image and how you present yourself is completely connected to how you will be perceived and how far your message will travel.
the same goes for any occupy moron banging a cowbell or wearing a guy falkes mask.

Bill Maher: Mitt Romney 'Wifer' Controversy

Lamborghini Show Off Fail

Grandparents For Marriage Equality

TheDreamingDragon says...

Funny how Morals are trotted out when this comes up.

Its less about who is doing to whom in the bedroom,but more of the fact that by wanting marrige,thy are choosing to commit to each other. Financially and legally. If two people cohabitating for decades,however the emotional and sexual arrangements might be,and one gets SICK,they need some sort of legal structure in order to help the sick person. A room mate has no legal rights...a spouse DOES.Marrige is a way of guarenteeing these rights,to say to that other person,"I'm There For You".

Isn't THAT Moral?

And as for poligamy...I can see that as another legitimate excuse for marrige...let the players of that game work out the social logistics themselves. Protect what their unions spawn. And lastly,for the Intolorant Religious out need not participate in any of this. They ain't marrying you.And Religion is too fragile a Glass House for any of you to be lobbing Moral Stones from.

Apology for Taunting Dying Little Girl (given next day)

I Got 15 Kids & 3 Babydaddys-SOMEONE'S GONNA PAY FOR ME & MY

chilaxe says...


Thowing stones in glass houses.

Liberals converted California from one of the nicest places to live in the world into the state with literally the stupidest test scores in the country. The rednecks you're making fun of literally outscore California liberals.

The cost of liberalism's destruction of California is billions of dollars every year.

We should take the best of all ideologies and not imply it's wrong to ask for accountability from incompetent parasites like the woman in this video.

Opposition to Paying for Capitalism's Crisis

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I learn so much about what I believe when I talk with you. And here I thought I wanted to reform our election system so that corporations could not so easily subvert the democratic process. And here I thought I wanted to reform our economic system so that corporations were held responsible for their actions and not allowed to siphon and hoard societal wealth. Who knew that I was such a fan of the global corporate empire? And who knew that removing all barriers to corporate wealth and power would result in liberty? It sounds so unintuitive and absurd on it's face that I would not have believed it had I not learned it from someone in possession of such formidable mental prowess. Your advanced wisdom is truly indistinguishable from magic. Expecto Patronum Mano Invisablo!>> ^marbles:

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
^The more we deregulate, privatize, cut taxes for the wealthy and cut services for the rest, the worse things get. Unregulated capitalism has become its own worse enemy. If we want to save capitalism from itself, we need regulate it, so that it can not be used as a weapon to subjugate the working poor, the middle class and labor. The economic reforms you call for are the same reforms called for by corporatists and plutomists like the Kochs, The Scaifes, Luntz, Norquist among other corporate elites. How is it that you can rail against crony capitalists and regurgitate their propaganda in the same sentence? In my opinion, it is be you are being manipulated to put for an agenda that appeals to your base nature by people who could not care less about you.
Unregulated capitalism has brought us:
-Vast Income Inequality
-High Unemployment
-Wage Cuts while productivity continues to rise
-Endless War for profit, oil
-Massive political corruption at every level of government
The 'free market' you dream of is a pie in the sky, no different from St. Peter and the Pearly Gates or 72 Virgins. "Free" Market ideology has been at work in American Government for over 30 years, and it has resulted in the creation of a global corporate state that is anything but free. Stop making excuses for failure. It's OK to admit you were wrong. Being wrong only becomes problem when your foolish pride hinders you from assessment. Pull your head out of the sand. @marbles

Good Job. I link an essay that specifically identifies the problems and you respond with hollow partisan talking points that ignore the problems. Nationalizing risk by the big banks and privatizing profits is not free market capitalism, no matter how much you claim it to be.
Free market ideology didn't create a global corporate state. Putting our economy in the hands of a select few did. The Federal Reserve is an above the law private banking cartel. And whether you believe in a free market or not is irrelevant. Believing that Wall Street politicians are going to solve the problems that they help create is the real delusion.
Banks have taking over the government. Your solution: Support Wall Street puppets and regurgitate their talking points.
Banks have taking over the regulatory agencies. Your solution: Pass more Wall Street written regulations.
Government uses our tax money to bailout corporations and wage war around the world. Your solution: Give them more money to funnel to the top and fund more death and destruction.
So who's really being manipulated here? The corporate shadow government is erecting bars around your glass house and you're busy parroting their talking points. Good job pal.

Opposition to Paying for Capitalism's Crisis

marbles says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

^The more we deregulate, privatize, cut taxes for the wealthy and cut services for the rest, the worse things get. Unregulated capitalism has become its own worse enemy. If we want to save capitalism from itself, we need regulate it, so that it can not be used as a weapon to subjugate the working poor, the middle class and labor. The economic reforms you call for are the same reforms called for by corporatists and plutomists like the Kochs, The Scaifes, Luntz, Norquist among other corporate elites. How is it that you can rail against crony capitalists and regurgitate their propaganda in the same sentence? In my opinion, it is be you are being manipulated to put for an agenda that appeals to your base nature by people who could not care less about you.
Unregulated capitalism has brought us:
-Vast Income Inequality
-High Unemployment
-Wage Cuts while productivity continues to rise
-Endless War for profit, oil
-Massive political corruption at every level of government
The 'free market' you dream of is a pie in the sky, no different from St. Peter and the Pearly Gates or 72 Virgins. "Free" Market ideology has been at work in American Government for over 30 years, and it has resulted in the creation of a global corporate state that is anything but free. Stop making excuses for failure. It's OK to admit you were wrong. Being wrong only becomes problem when your foolish pride hinders you from assessment. Pull your head out of the sand. @marbles

Good Job. I link an essay that specifically identifies the problems and you respond with hollow partisan talking points that ignore the problems. Nationalizing risk by the big banks and privatizing profits is not free market capitalism, no matter how much you claim it to be.

Free market ideology didn't create a global corporate state. Putting our economy in the hands of a select few did. The Federal Reserve is an above the law private banking cartel. And whether you believe in a free market or not is irrelevant. Believing that Wall Street politicians are going to solve the problems that they help create is the real delusion.

Banks have taking over the government. Your solution: Support Wall Street puppets and regurgitate their talking points.

Banks have taking over the regulatory agencies. Your solution: Pass more Wall Street written regulations.

Government uses our tax money to bailout corporations and wage war around the world. Your solution: Give them more money to funnel to the top and fund more death and destruction.

So who's really being manipulated here? The corporate shadow government is erecting bars around your glass house and you're busy parroting their talking points. Good job pal.

TYT - Fox: OWS and Supporters are "parasites"

messenger says...

Funny, as I watched this before sifting it, I was wondering how accurate the pundits that I like are, Cenk in particular, and how egregious their errors are, and if they're repeated again and again in subsequent broadcasts.

My gut feeling is that on the whole Cenk is much more concerned with accuracy and correcting his rhetoric when it's false than, say, anyone on Fox News. That said, I have no motivation to go and try and find Cenk's mistakes. If you know if any, especially any particular message that is false that he keeps hitting again and again, I'd certainly be interested.

P.S., There's nothing in your link about why "99%" is an inaccurate number.>> ^chilaxe:

The problem with ideologues criticizing others' intellectual rigor is that ideologues themselves always lack rigor (throwing stones in glass houses).
Cenk should count the number of intellectual inaccuracies in his own videos, including that every time we say 99% we're decreasing our mental accuracy.
Sowell is also surely using empty rhetoric when he says the message of the protesters isn't clear; their message is the same as that of all protests from the left for the last 40 years.

TYT - Fox: OWS and Supporters are "parasites"

chilaxe says...

The problem with ideologues criticizing others' intellectual rigor is that ideologues themselves always lack rigor (throwing stones in glass houses).

Cenk should count the number of intellectual inaccuracies in his own videos, including that every time we say 99% we're decreasing our mental accuracy.

Sowell is also surely using empty rhetoric when he says the message of the protesters isn't clear; their message is the same as that of all protests from the left for the last 40 years.

blankfist (Member Profile)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

OK. Of course VideoSift is wildly biased. It's influenced strongly by the people who have collected here, the general makeup of the Internet -- and the ideology of its founders. As biased as it is, we want to be fair and tolerant to minority views, different cultures, religions and nationalities.

That's why what you say and do on VideoSift matters. I feel this every day. Even a simple comment upvote by me can cause real hurt. I'm sorry I upvoted DFT's comment. I honestly thought it was some good-natured banter between you two. It's hard to tell on the Internet. That's why I try to choose my words carefully. And (usually) even choose my upvotes carefully. My bad on that one.

Calling a German citizen a Nazi is also bad. I don't think you would do it at a dinner party to someone you just met. I'd ask you to leave my house. It's no more acceptable here. I read the comment that provoked your response. That was a little insensitive too, though as an American I would take that as good-natured ribbing. It's kind of funny.

Your response - and unwillingness to apologise for it - shows a lack of empathy and emotional maturity. You can definitely shout down the drainpipe here - and suitably, no one will give a shit.

I'm removing the hobble. VideoSift does not need martyrs. I'd honestly be sorry to see you go. I think you've contributed a lot to this community - but If you have to go - you'll be buried at sea in a cotton shroud. ;-)

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Okay, now that I'm able to properly respond...

I'm leaving the Sift for a week to take care of personal things, but I needed to bring this up. There's a bias on this site. Not that I don't rub people the wrong way, because I do. I can be a huge asshole, and I don't like it sometimes. But there's a total bias and it's bullshit. I've noticed people who get targeted are those in opposition to a certain ideological position. Specifically the left. And at one point I was part of the bandwagon. Look at the recent hobblings and bannings. Those in the majority band together and pick on people all the time, but let one person on the other side make a colorful comment and all the sanctimonious assholes come out of the woodwork to play the victim. Their mean comments get upvotes and praises. Ours get us hobbled or banned.

And my comment, which I refuse to apologize over because IMO wasn't that terrible and probably fitting, wasn't unprovoked. I'm no nationalist, but he (as always) mocked the culture of the US in this comment. It didn't bother me as much as my comment bothered him, but so what? In a not-so-subtle way I was cluing him into his nation's recent culture. Of killing Jews. Which is what Germany did within the last century. People shouldn't throw stones in glass houses, that's all. If he wants to play the nationalist card, then let him be a big boy about it. They may not like their recent "culture" but I don't particularly like ours either. But then again I'm not being a Nazi about others mentioning it.

Anyway, people have said a lot fucking worse on here than my trite and stupid comment. And I've had worse said at me. And who cares? I'm okay with it. DFT wants to spin a narrative about my film, taking personal shots at me, label me a narcissist. No problem. You even upvoted that comment. Volumptuous wants to call people jerks. Great. The world keeps turning. You don't have to lift the hobbling. I'll display it as a dirty reminder. Because although I do believe you try to be fair, I don't think you are at all. It's like Nazi Germany in here. Hail Siftler.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Calling a German citizen a Nazi without provocation is at best a supreme example of Godwin's rule - and at worst deeply insulting and insensitive.

Things you do and say on VideoSift matter. I refuse to let this place become an anonymous nihilistic drainpipe you can holler down. This is your official, non-expiring warning for a personal attack - and an apology might be in order.

dag (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

Okay, now that I'm able to properly respond...

I'm leaving the Sift for a week to take care of personal things, but I needed to bring this up. There's a bias on this site. Not that I don't rub people the wrong way, because I do. I can be a huge asshole, and I don't like it sometimes. But there's a total bias and it's bullshit. I've noticed people who get targeted are those in opposition to a certain ideological position. Specifically the left. And at one point I was part of the bandwagon. Look at the recent hobblings and bannings. Those in the majority band together and pick on people all the time, but let one person on the other side make a colorful comment and all the sanctimonious assholes come out of the woodwork to play the victim. Their mean comments get upvotes and praises. Ours get us hobbled or banned.

And my comment, which I refuse to apologize over because IMO wasn't that terrible and probably fitting, wasn't unprovoked. I'm no nationalist, but he (as always) mocked the culture of the US in this comment. It didn't bother me as much as my comment bothered him, but so what? In a not-so-subtle way I was cluing him into his nation's recent culture. Of killing Jews. Which is what Germany did within the last century. People shouldn't throw stones in glass houses, that's all. If he wants to play the nationalist card, then let him be a big boy about it. They may not like their recent "culture" but I don't particularly like ours either. But then again I'm not being a Nazi about others mentioning it.

Anyway, people have said a lot fucking worse on here than my trite and stupid comment. And I've had worse said at me. And who cares? I'm okay with it. DFT wants to spin a narrative about my film, taking personal shots at me, label me a narcissist. No problem. You even upvoted that comment. Volumptuous wants to call people jerks. Great. The world keeps turning. You don't have to lift the hobbling. I'll display it as a dirty reminder. Because although I do believe you try to be fair, I don't think you are at all. It's like Nazi Germany in here. Hail Siftler.

In reply to this comment by dag:
Calling a German citizen a Nazi without provocation is at best a supreme example of Godwin's rule - and at worst deeply insulting and insensitive.

Things you do and say on VideoSift matter. I refuse to let this place become an anonymous nihilistic drainpipe you can holler down. This is your official, non-expiring warning for a personal attack - and an apology might be in order.

Stupid in America (Blog Entry by blankfist)

DerHasisttot says...

>> ^blankfist:

>> ^DerHasisttot:
>> ^blankfist:
I often wondered what Nazis thought of public schools. Finally I can put that aching suspicion to rest.

........ are you seriously calling me a Nazi?

No. But your "culture" was. And in the last 200 years, too.
You should learn about throwing stones in that glass house of yours, SS.

My culture, if one only sees the german aspect, was culturally way more unified (although split up in many countries) over the last 200 years than the USA. Nazis were fewer than 10% of those 200 years. The germanic peoples as a whole are referenced as early as 100 AD.

And because you're such a *---------------------------* and call me a Nazi and then SS I would very much like to see you hobbled as I can't fly over to the USA and *-----------------* personally.

These are words that I would not call anyone unless I was 99& sure that this was their ideology, because it fucking hurts to be called NAZI AND SS if you know anything about history.

Stupid in America (Blog Entry by blankfist)

blankfist says...

>> ^DerHasisttot:

>> ^blankfist:
I often wondered what Nazis thought of public schools. Finally I can put that aching suspicion to rest.

........ are you seriously calling me a Nazi?

No. But your "culture" was. And in the last 200 years, too.

You should learn about throwing stones in that glass house of yours, SS.

Dare we criticize Islam… (Religion Talk Post)

SDGundamX says...


Thanks for the heads-up about the post. And thanks for clearly detailing your position on the matter. If I may, I’d like to explain my opinion on the topic.

Is it wrong to “criticize Islam?” In a civilized society that values free speech, clearly the answer is no. But free speech is a two-way street. If it is acceptable to criticize Islam, then clearly it is just as acceptable that such criticism be open to criticism in return. In short, just because a person thinks their opinion on a particular matter is correct doesn’t make it so. And if a person can’t handle someone disagreeing with their opinion… well we all know the adage about people who live in glass houses.

My major objection to people like Sam Harris is not that I believe religion or in particular Islam is some off-limit topic of criticism. No. My major objection to Sam Harris is that rather than criticize Islam he instead tries to inspire fear of it—and, by association, Muslims as well (i.e. No one lies awake at night worrying about the Amish—but those Muslims on the other hand…). Many of his arguments seem to be based on fear, misunderstanding, exaggeration, oversimplification, and in of some cases apparent intentional misrepresentation of not only Islam but other religions such as Jainism as well. They often lack any sort of evidence (i.e. Islam is the religion causing the greatest amount of suffering in the world) yet we are expected to swallow their truth without doubt. And when someone raises these criticisms of his supposed criticism? Rather than actually defend his claims and provide solid evidence in support of them he instead insinuates we’re just too “liberal”—too culturally relativistic— to see the danger that he sees.

Sam Harris is free to criticize Islam. In fact, I’m eagerly looking forward to the day when he actually starts doing so (in the dictionary sense of the term). In the meantime, I dismiss his arguments as both unsupported and intended to intentionally stir up both fear and prejudice against Islam and its followers.

Next, I’d like to address the issue of Islamophobia—prejudice against, hatred, or fear of Islam and Muslims. Islamophobia doesn’t exist? I think the 200,000 Muslims killed and 50,000 Muslim women raped during the Bosnian Genocide would disagree with that statement. So would Iranian-American Zohreh Assemik, who was sliced with a boxcutter, kicked, had her hand smashed with a hammer, and had anti-Muslim slurs written on the mirrors of her nail and facial salon. So would pretty much anyone who played Muslim Massacre: The Game of Modern Religious Genocide in which you get to kill not only terrorists but Muslim civilians as well.

Frankly, @hpqp, I’m surprised. All of our conversations on the Sift have been reasonable, if a bit passionate at times. I think you would be just as shocked if I were to suddenly proclaim there is no such thing as Antisemitism as I was to read your statement in this thread. Islamophobia (as defined above) is quite real. No, claims of Islamophobia should not be used to shut down criticism of Islam (any more than claims of Antisemitism should be used to squelch criticism of Israeli policies). But that’s a far cry from claiming Islamophobia doesn’t exist, isn’t it?

You seem like a reasonable guy. I know you’ve tried your best to explain it to me but I still don’t understand why you believe so strongly that Islam itself—and not particular interpretations of Islam—are such a threat. So let's do something different. I’ve asked you this before, but you didn’t reply, so I’ll ask you again—what do you/Harris hope to achieve with all of this vitriol? What’s the goal? What do you hope to see happen? What’s the endgame? I ask these questions because I think the answers will really help me see where you are coming from and to understand your point of view.

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