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longde says...

Maybe the result of this will be to relax the current stupid mores in society. Today, people are constrained by moral rules that go against human nature, so they are constantly broken. However, for most people, they are relatively easy to conceal.

When we are all living in glass houses, noone will benefit by enforcement of mores.

So, a couple of generations from now, people may be alot less repressed, and our current concept of privacy will be a strange one to them.

Best First Dance EVER!

Best First Dance EVER!

Citrohan (Member Profile)

deedub81 says...

True that!

My point is that I hate when we play the "Democrats are ALWAYS right and republicans are always wrong game (or vice versa)." Just call a spade a spade.

Again, those were just off the top of my head and I just remembered another one: David Paterson, current Gov. of NY. I'm sure there are others, I just don't care to look.

I just want to make sure you have the facts straight. Paterson is still Gov of NY so he obviously didn't resign, Newsom didn't resign, Clinton didn't resign, Edwards didn't resign (he had already removed himself from the Presidential race), and Condit didn't resign. Only Spitzer and Hart resigned, not 'all but one' like you stated.

Edwards and Clinton have continued to be active in politics since their affairs were made public. Clinton remains popular among some democrats and Edwards gave an interview last week in which he stated, "What happens now? If you were to ask people during the campaign who's talking most about [poverty], it was me. There's a desperate need in the world for a voice of leadership on this issue. . . . The president's got a lot to do, he's got a lot of people to be responsible for, so I'm not critical of him, but there does need to be an aggressive voice beside the president."

I guess he thinks the world needs him. Doesn't sound like a resignation to me.

In reply to this comment by Citrohan:
In reply to this comment by deedub81:
^I'm pretty sure he's not gay. Didn't he cheat with a lady?

...and don't try to make this a partisan thing. It's a SCUMBAG thing. I could give you a few examples of the infidelity of prominent Democrats from off the top of my head:

Bill Clinton
John Edwards
Eliot Spitzer (Gov of NY involved in Prostitute Scandal)
Gary Hart (Ran against Bush Sr. in '88)
Gary Condit (The guy involved in the Chandra Levy Murder Scandal)

...but Republicans ARE on a roll right now. Pitiful.
Gavin Newsom (Dirtbag Mayor of San Freaksisco)

Yes, the Republicans are on a roll NOW compared to the list you provided. This is the second such incident in so many weeks where as the examples you listed are old news. I mean come on, Gary Hart? That was over twenty years ago! Yes, Democrats do get caught up in a mess like this, but the difference, as in the case of Spitzer, they RESIGN or step aside (as all but one of your examples did). Ensign, the mens room toe tapper Craig, prostitute and diaper aficionado David Vitter stay on, despite the wishes of their constitutes. These examples are off the top of my head as well, but a big part of why I remember them is because they happened with in the last two years or less.
As fair as it being a partisan thing, if Al Gore’s home’s carbon footprint and his use of private CO2 spewing jets are fair game in the “Who’s a Hypocrite Game” , then any Family Values politician that acts like this is fair game as well. You know, that thing about what people in glass houses should avoid doing.

BTW Gary Hart did NOT run against Bush in 1988. Hart didnt even make it past two primaries.

What's your first memory of rock & roll? (Rocknroll Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

Didn't hear a whole lot of rock 'n roll in my house when I was a kid. My mom was mostly into country and easy listening (yikes), and my father was old so he liked stuff from Bing Crosby or the Andrews Sisters. I shit you not. However my mom did like Elvis Presley (and still does), but that's not what got me into rock. I pretty much found it on my own, like the rest of my brothers and sisters. I do remember feeling the secret thrill of listening to Nazareth's "Hair Of The Dog" (via my cousin. Maybe Crushbug and I are related).

Hearing "SON OF A BITCH!" in a song is pretty cool when you're 8 years old. In 1975. And lets not underestimate the power of the cow bell.

My first record was Billy Joel's 'Glass Houses', and then after that I bought AC/DC's 'Back In Black', Cheap Trick's 'Dream Police', Styx's 'Paradise Theater', Pink Floyd's 'The Wall', Rush's 'Moving Pictures', Van Halen's first album (aka 'Van Halen I'), sort of in that order, and then a lot more stuff after that, including teh AWESOME 'Dawn Patrol'.

liberty (Politics Talk Post)

NetRunner says...

>> ^blankfist:
Sigh. Why is it you always bring up extreme examples?

I don't. You do. Go back and re-read your comment that I was replying to. It's silly. Extreme. Baseless.

No group of people will allow unjustified murder.

I thought this was all supposed to be about individuals being free of constraint? Fucking authoritarian statist with your tyranny of the majority.

If it's unjustified murder that bothers you, what do I need to do to perform justified ones? Do I have to get a license to kill? If so, you're an authoritarian statist. I demand liberty to give death to whoever I see fit.

To just outright state my subtext, you're the one who constantly argues that all of governance can be boiled down to simple concepts that are clear cut. I vehemently disagree, and I'm happy to remind you of the messes that exist in the real world; like people who think murder is fun.

Lately you've become fond of insinuating that anyone who thinks the state should address societal ills is advocating violence. I believe most laws are there to protect people, and if you can provide a 100% non-violent alternative to our system that doesn't involve a state using violence to enforce a code of law that's created by some type of democratic process, then perhaps the accusation would make a lick of sense.

Until then, find some way to restrain your urge to throw rocks from within your glass house.

The truth is, I think you misunderstand what people like me and dft want. Those things you listed about what a "strong" government might be are mostly things that liberals are trying to fight.

Your quibble with us is mostly over economics, not over individual rights or inappropriate uses of violence.

Awesome pool table made of glass

Fox News exposes Deadly Vampire Threat to America

Atheist Billboards in Colorado

obscenesimian says...

>> ^mefa:
Oh, your god. I get a more fucked up view of the US every time I see something like this. This would NEVER be an issue in Europe, not in any part I know of that is. Noone would even bother putting up one of those billboards, because we don't need them. Most people here are rational and can think for themselves anyway and would not ever believe in a "higher power".
And I think the message is wrong, it should say: "Don't believe in A god." not just 'god'.

Sharia law in the UK, Honor killings in Germany, Turkey in the EU?
Think again mefa. Religious bullshit is all over Europe. Those who live in glass houses should not cast stones.

schmawy (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Some of my parents records that I liked:

-Herb Alpert - Whipped Cream (I can't tell you how many hours I stared at that album cover)
-Nat King Cole
-John Denver
-Kenny Rogers
-Simon and Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water - I practically memorized every word to every song on that album, because it had the lyrics on the back
-LOTS of traditional Irish music records. My dad's parents were both from Ireland. The Irish Rovers were one of his favorites.
-Dean Martin

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Ditto! Just replace Styx with Jethro Tull and Kansas with Motorhead, Maiden, and Priest. Prior to that it was my parent's records, Fats Domino, Beachboys, and Johnny Cash.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Did you ever have an extension cord for those big puffy cans? I had a 25-foot extension cord for my phones, so that I could wander all over my bedroom while I rocked out on "Glass Houses", my very first vinyl record. Followed by:

2. Styx - Paradise Theatre
3. AC/DC - Back In Black
4. Styx - Grand Illusion
5. Rush - Moving Pictures
6. Pink Floyd - The Wall
7. Van Halen - I
8. Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon
9. Pink Floyd - Meddle
10. Kansas - Leftoverture
11. Pink Floyd -Wish You Were Here
12. Rush - Permanent Waves

And the rest are kind of blur after that, but those were my first 12 disciples. I'll always remember.

You may be right, I may be crazy.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Nor did I fall asleep every night wearing big puffy headphones with the curly cord listening to an 8-track copy of Songs From the Attic that I bought at Bradlees with my lawn-mowing money. If you ever hear this rumor it is a complete fabrication.


kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

schmawy says...

Ditto! Just replace Styx with Jethro Tull and Kansas with Motorhead, Maiden, and Priest. Prior to that it was my parent's records, Fats Domino, Beachboys, and Johnny Cash.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Did you ever have an extension cord for those big puffy cans? I had a 25-foot extension cord for my phones, so that I could wander all over my bedroom while I rocked out on "Glass Houses", my very first vinyl record. Followed by:

2. Styx - Paradise Theatre
3. AC/DC - Back In Black
4. Styx - Grand Illusion
5. Rush - Moving Pictures
6. Pink Floyd - The Wall
7. Van Halen - I
8. Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon
9. Pink Floyd - Meddle
10. Kansas - Leftoverture
11. Pink Floyd -Wish You Were Here
12. Rush - Permanent Waves

And the rest are kind of blur after that, but those were my first 12 disciples. I'll always remember.

You may be right, I may be crazy.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Nor did I fall asleep every night wearing big puffy headphones with the curly cord listening to an 8-track copy of Songs From the Attic that I bought at Bradlees with my lawn-mowing money. If you ever hear this rumor it is a complete fabrication.


schmawy (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Did you ever have an extension cord for those big puffy cans? I had a 25-foot extension cord for my phones, so that I could wander all over my bedroom while I rocked out on "Glass Houses", my very first vinyl record. Followed by:

2. Styx - Paradise Theatre
3. AC/DC - Back In Black
4. Styx - Grand Illusion
5. Rush - Moving Pictures
6. Pink Floyd - The Wall
7. Van Halen - I
8. Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon
9. Pink Floyd - Meddle
10. Kansas - Leftoverture
11. Pink Floyd -Wish You Were Here
12. Rush - Permanent Waves

And the rest are kind of a blur after that, but those were my first 12 disciples. I'll always remember.

You may be right, I may be crazy.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Nor did I fall asleep every night wearing big puffy headphones with the curly cord listening to an 8-track copy of Songs From the Attic that I bought at Bradlees with my lawn-mowing money. If you ever hear this rumor it is a complete fabrication.


See how silly this plagiarism thing is?

8217 says...

"People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones... "

I thought the expression was "People who live in glass houses should shower in the basement."

Kucinich Gives Half-Wit Reporter What For.

dystopianfuturetoday says...


Do you have a cite on the UFO thing? A genuine belief (not an off the cuff gaff) in the supernatural would definitely be a mark against DK. With all due respect, you have some supernatural beliefs yourself, don't you?

Glass houses and all.....

I just thought this was interesting, VS is mentioned (last 2 (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

It's clear that echofoo (aka. jimmyr) has intentionally been violating the self-link rule as 3 of his 4 videos are all from his youtube account.

How should we handle this, Sift Seniors (or The SS, for short)? Shall Mr. EchoFoo be banned for one video and then just discard the rest of his self-links? I'll leave it to your discretion. Do you, choggie, want to be the first to step out of your glass house and cast the first stone?

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