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Clown Panties

chingalera says...

Not here...Her overall angry-bitch/feministavibe, fast delivery trying to pack everything into tight groups, a barrage of un-funny amidst a few giggles and overall scripted slant. Her comedy sparks to a niche group of folks-She won't last-Or, maybe, the quality of entertainment and performers will continue to slide, and she'll be a type of maverick average as art, film, music, etc. reaches a crescendo of awful for people with actual taste and a broad-spectrum of experience, pleasures, and sage wisdom...So yeah, well, like, that's just my opinion man...

eric3579 said:

Well ive watched a half dozen videos shes done and im guessing if you want to call her out on a few videos you could just as you could call out Bill Burr for some of his bits regarding women. I say go through all her skits and come back with the numbers. I would be interested to know. Until them I think her agenda is being funny. She is a comedian.

seltar (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

Greetings Seltar!

I hope this note finds you well. I just came across this video of one of your fellow countrymen having quite some trouble with the voice control on an Audi car, I thought you might get a giggle out of it:

Community - Dean Pelton's Rap (Episode Highlight)

Sandra Bullock speaks a mean German

chingalera says...

True dat, and as far as audience's facial responses go, typically German from any region, over-scrutinizing, province and war-remorse-oriented, otherwise, the YT gab from Germans speaks tomes to the same overall sentiments from native speaking Germano-types still caught-up in their own particular brand of dysfunction......buncha tight-assed Vaterland-style motherfuckers kinna pissed that The U.S. bothered' em while they were shitting on the planet typea-volk.

Sandra shines as always, self-effacing giggles when she knows she might be a bit off regionally, and having to look at douchebags in the audience with corn-cobs embedded permanently in their assess and still remaining as sweet and as charming as ever. Much love Sandra, keepin' it real.

NOW. Dicks and pussies climb up my ass with the racism card, and suck you your own assess. Got a fuckload of German in my blood, as well as (insert here, most races, creeds, or colors, though quite possibly no Chinese, all hail mankind's supreme overlords).

jatoha said:

It's a shame that an American speaking a second language is so surprising.

Anyone Else? No Option to Repair Embeds (Wtf Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Well thanks kinna dag. You pm'd me AFTER the fact and after I posted this to the sift-talk....THANKS, for the fucking heads-up.

If it's "sort of" a one time thing deal, Not fine. The only way anyone knows if the embed is not spot on is if another user (either the original submitter or someone else that sees and remembers it different, alerts someone.) WHY then, would not the person who cried foul contact the person who raised it from the dead and TELL THEM, rather than (and this is what i suspect) tattle to the admins (because they have a particular hate-stick lodged in their assess towards another user, or were never taught manners by their abusive mothers and fathers) who then unilaterally FUCKS MY POWERS AWAY) to the giggles and squeaks of the internet DOUCHEBAG who brought it to your attention? Which is what I KNOW has transpired, the cowardly little fucks whoever you are, suck it.

Cowardly. infantile, sophomoric douchebag bullshit thuggery.

Now, how do I get these powers back, and now codify these arbitrary "sort of" rules??

By bringing this mishap to the sift's attention, and perhaps *cough, put it to vote??

Voting only works for those who use it for evil apparently, just look at the state of the planet.

I would appreciate again, the ability to clean-up dead videos. I regularly fix dead embeds and then immediately give other videos a chance by *promoting them to the front foster a spirit of courtesy and joy and good will in the hearts of the original submitter.....GOOD THING

I even deaded all of Kronosposidens dead shit since he's AWOL, and am bringing his back tto life slowly but surely, even though that charlatan gentle-man was the biggest prick in the universe to me, and set-out on a similar quest, to burn me at ever turn...

(like copper-dan the resident ban-hammer obsessive-compulsive) regularly peruses the sift for violators, to satisfy his badge-point quest to be head NARC of the site). GOOD THING?? I consider it not, but I suppose everyone needs their little jobs.

Can you...People who don;t recognize the hatred in your hearts, act as civilly as you accuse me of acting the opposite of?? Look in the fucking mirrors and stop lying to yourselves, it's getting really fucking old..

Or how bout this.

Let's take a fucking vvote, or pole (like the one in so many assess) and vote whether or not to let love rule...Just tell me to fucking leave and I will....Don't keep playing the the punk-ass bitch card about it why doncha??....Bare your true natures and use small words if you have to. please. A single sentence will do.

shinyblurry (Member Profile)

enoch says...!
/giggles in delight

the path proceeds as understanding blooms.
loving wings of illuminated gossamer float on the sea of epiphany,
empathy and compassion emerge,
breaking the chains of egocentricity.
the lyric of truth enlightens the seekers path.

as the man pushes further...onward and upward.

and the watched becomes the watcher..once again.

namaste my friend.

Dad Takes Three Year Old Son On Drifting Joyride

Payback says...

Actually, that car seat is more like something out of NASCAR. Probably walk away giggling in anything less than massive structural damage or fire.

bobknight33 said:

If he had wreck you be calling him an evil bastard, terrible father and that he should be jailed, etc.

World's Fastest Man

YouTube Secrets You Need To See

oritteropo says...

I like these I found missile command (rather late) when I got curious about www_watch_missilecommand_mod in the yt html code.

Also, search for "askew" or "tilt" for a giggle.

radx (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Yeah for us!!!!

I don't have TV so I went to a movie instead. When I walked out, the manager was standing right there. "What's the score, do you know?" I was so sure that Broncos were going to cream us.

She giggled. "I've been watching the game the whole time." I notice then that she has a little tablet computer in front of her. She picks it up and hands it to me.

29-0. Are you SHITTING ME??!! Not at all what I was expecting!

Superb Owl indeed!!!!

radx said:

You already have a Super Bowl. Now you also have a Superb Owl.

Playing with Baby Wombats

Japanese Dolphin Hunt Condemned By World

chingalera says...

The first person to cry 'racist' is usually the racist him/herself-
Fuck Racism.

*edit-Another question? If I had written, 'Fuck Australia' after bashing her culture's shortcomings would you have been as quick to use the the 'cry racism' model so easily considering her peoples are a compendium of a mixed-bag similar to the America you expatriated from, equally as complicit in crimes against humanity at large and isolationism? You got yer crazy bag of fucks there as well expat, check a mirror.

I hold no racist views towards the Japanese, I am trashing a culture's savage and mundane aspects Mr. Official warning, and whom or what did I offend I would ask? YOUR sensibilities sir?

The Japanese suffer as a peoples because of the backlog of baggage they carry into the future-I do not discount their contributions to the planet, the shining aspects of their culture, HOWEVER. I do recognize their dysfunction and regret and lament their dwindling numbers, the erosion of families, their skewed sense of sexuality and their treatment of the female within their culture. Ask any Japanese woman of the age of 20 and not one will tell you that she has not been sexually exploited or violated in a public place. Sure, it's fun to watch and giggle at their television, their obsessions and odd social practices but form whence does the spectacle arise, from what psychological mindfuck that reaches much further back than Hiroshima or Nagasaki?

Oh the IRONY of someone so self-important and all-powerful as to pass judgement on intent or meaning without first inquiring as to the motivation for the word.

Fuck em I suppose, is what set you off Dagmar-Pretty strong a statement I suppose but not so much in the context of the motivation behind my problem with their culture-on-the-skids.

Evolution IN Action

dag said:

Quote hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

The irony of you as an American trash talking the Japanese for irradiating the Pacific is hilarious - and sad.

But seriously - racist comments like this get you an official warning. Please consult the guidelines if you need guidance.

Devil Baby Attack

Diane Feinstein's Signature Party-Line Diatribe in True Form

chingalera says...

She's stewed on the limited power of a fast-burning flame-out. Party-line insider spouting business as usual, with a sense of style reminiscent of moth-balls and covered furniture never having been sat upon.

Chopped from TYT with appropriate giggles and snickers sans smarmy tone of their ever-increasing panel of diatribe blowhards.

lurgee said:

I want what she is smoking.

Gandalf on The Tracks of Khazad-dûm

lucky760 says...

I can't stand all these pricks nowadays whose only "talent" is to fuck with innocent people.

Like that new video fad called The Knockout Game where people record themselves walking up to unsuspecting strangers and punching them in the face in attempt to knock them out (but occasionally killing them instead).

Or that desperate loser who stages getting stabbed in front of passersby just for giggles.

Fucking hilarious.

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