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Walter Isaacson Thinks web newspapers need micro-payments

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I couldn't disagree with this guy more. The Wall Street Journal has already tried this, and it didn't work. The genie is out of the bottle, start charging $5 a month to view the New York Times online and readership will be a 10th of what it is now.

Micro-payments aren't going to work, advertising has tanked and will not support a newspaper staff - so what's the answer?

No f'ing clue - I wish I knew - I would apply that answer to VideoSift. All I know is that traditional media will continue to be disrupted by the web, papers will keep going out of business - until some new model is found. I'm sure it's out there in the future waiting somewhere.

A proper oath of office? (Blog Entry by gwiz665)

gwiz665 says...

I'm sorry if you feel offended, white, but I have no respect for God just as I have no respect for genies. I suppose my quotes should have been around "sockpuppet for God".

Here are more sources:

Aladdin - Friend Like Me

G-bar says...

Well Ali Baba had them forty thieves
Scheherezad-ie had a thousand tales
But master you in luck 'cause up your sleeves
You got a brand of magic never fails
You got some power in your corner now
Some heavy ammunition in your camp
You got some punch, pizzazz, yahoo and how
See all you gotta do is rub that lamp
And I'll say

Mister Aladdin, sir
What will your pleasure be?
Let me take your order
Jot it down
You ain't never had a friend like me
No no no

Life is your restaurant
And I'm your maitre d'
C'mon whisper what it is you want
You ain't never had a friend like me

Yes sir, we pride ourselves on service
You're the boss
The king, the shah
Say what you wish
It's yours! True dish
How about a little more Baklava?

Have some of column "A"
Try all of column "B"
I'm in the mood to help you dude
You ain't never had a friend like me

Can your friends do this?
Do your friends do that?
Do your friends pull this out their little hat?
Can your friends go, poof?
Well, looky here
Can your friends go, Abracadabra, let 'er rip
And then make the sucker disappear?

So doncha sit there slack jawed, buggy eyed
I'm here to answer all your midday prayers
You got me bona fide, certified
You got a genie for your chare d'affaires
I got a powerful urge to help you out
So what-cha wish? I really wanna know
You got a list that's three miles long, no doubt
Well, all you gotta do is rub like so - and oh

Mister Aladdin, sir, have a wish or two or three
I'm on the job, you big nabob
You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend
You ain't never had a friend, never had a friend
You ain't never had a friend like me
You ain't never had a friend like me, hah!

"Paxilback" - Gray Kid Parody of "Sexyback"

Al Bundy Gets A Tax Cut

aspartam says...

"either if your single, or MARRIED WITH CHILDREN" Genius man, that shit was f*cking genie-UUUUUUUUSssssss

Edit: Sorry, I've been drinking. You should never drink and sift.
Edit Edit: BBBBBBBBBBIatchhhhhhes

The Most Ridiculous Hack Glitch Exploit Run of Mario 64 Yet

AnimalsForCrackers says...

There's just something innately wrong with seeing one of my all-time favorite games being bungled with in such a way. Game Genie, be damned, from a "pushing-the-tech-to-its-limits" standpoint it's pretty neat, though.

Rush Limbaugh: "Barack The Magic Negro"

zombieater says...

>> ^bamdrew:
You know who I blame for this? Dave Chappelle. Dave never understood how dumb/mentally-lazy so many Americans are, and just figured if he thought his confrontational and race-conscious, cultural-criticism comedy was funny that it was worth the odd inappropriate laugh. Well the genie is out of the god-damn bottle.
"Ooh, this racism is killing me inside!"

I disagree. That's like blaming racism on the reporters who report on a story that demonstrates racism exists in a campaign.

Just because a comedian jokes on a social construct in society, it doesn't mean he's responsible for it or even perpetuating it. Granted, there's a fine line between racism and comedic license, but making jokes on stereotypes and generalizations can be done with tact (e.g. Dave Chapelle) and without tact (e.g. Carlos Mencia). It's ultimately the listener's duty to take away from it what it is, comedy about a social construct, and not that it's encouraging that construct.

Even if you disagree with this argument, you couldn't blame this on Dave Chappelle, but would have to go back to comedians before him such as Richard Pryor or Andrew Dice Clay who also did comedy on perceptions about race.

Rush Limbaugh: "Barack The Magic Negro"

bamdrew says...

You know who I blame for this? Dave Chappelle. Dave never understood how dumb/mentally-lazy so many Americans are, and just figured if he thought his confrontational and race-conscious, cultural-criticism comedy was funny that it was worth the odd inappropriate laugh. Well the genie is out of the god-damn bottle.

"Ooh, this racism is killing me inside!"

The Difference Between Democrats and Republicans - TED

imstellar28 says...

^I don't think my position is a moral fallacy, as I don't think there is anything morally wrong about a genetic predisposition towards political party (given the single moral law I adhere to, how could it?). I believe that humans are not created equal, that there are many different psychological configurations that come "from the factory". I mean at its very core, "open-mindedness" and "close-mindedness" are two viable evolutionary strategies. There is nothing offensive about Haidt's hypothesis...what is offensive is how he got to his conclusion--he is making sweeping generalizations and using his own prejudice to greatly overstate his data. How could human nature not predict a (polarized and stereotypical) political affiliation in the majority of humans--given that the majority of humans are uneducated (i.e. running on stock settings)? Whats offensive to me, is reducing the incalculable intricacy of the adult, educated human brain to a simplistic notion of "innateness"--based off extremely impoverished data. To me, it is tantamount to reducing the overwhelming beauty and elegance of evolutionarily theory to the "I love genie" theory where god nods his head and animals pop up.

Republicans and Military Men on John McCain

joedirt says...

Ritter: My concern is that we will use nuclear weapons to break the backbone of Iranian resistance, and it may not work. But what it will do is this: It will unleash the nuclear genie.
And if we use nuclear weapons, the genie ain't going back into the bottle, until an American city is taken out by an Islamic weapon in retaliation!

So tell me: You want to go to war with Iran? Pick your city! Pick your city! Tell me which one you want gone! Seattle, LA, Boston, New York, Miami... Pick one! 'Cause at least one's going! And that's something we should all think about before we march down this path of INSANITY!

Republicans and Military Men on John McCain

rychan says...

Scott Ritter seems like a total hack to me. Never believe someone who claims to see all ends as this guy does (or as George Bush would). His bombast and theatrics are just terrible.

"And if we use nuclear weapons, the genie aint going back in the bottle, until an American city is taken out by an Islamic weapon in tell want to go to war with Iran, PICK YOUR CITY!"

This is the same argument that weasel George Galloway tries to make -- painting the Iranians (or muslim world in general) as harmless, saying that the Bush administration are complete fear-mongers, but saying that we should shape our foreign policy on the belief that they'll perform terrorist atrocities on us if we don't do as they tell us.

How can the talks of a nuclear Iran be fear-mongering when you're using the threat of a nuclear Iran to discourage attacking them?

Or was he not talking about Iran. What then, Al Qaeda? Do you think they spend a lot of time debating proportionality of response? Do you think the group that crashed jumbo jets into skyscrapers full of civilians are holding back on their nuclear ambitions because they think the US is playing nice now?

You know what, I don't really know the answer to all these, but I know that anyone who speaks with the certainty that Scott Ritter does is full of it.

edit - and his statement is all based on a ridiculous premise, anyway. Why on Earth would we use nuclear weapons against Iran.

Republicans and Military Men on John McCain

charliem says...

"My concern is that we will use nuclear weapons to break the backbone of Iranian resistance, and it may not work.

But what it will do is this, it will unleash the nuclear genie.

So for all those Americans out there tonight who say, "you know what, taking on Iran is a good thing", I just told you if we take on Iran, were gonna use nuclear weapons.

And if we use nuclear weapons, the genie aint going back in the bottle, until an American city is taken out by an Islamic weapon in tell want to go to war with Iran, PICK YOUR CITY!"
- Scott Ritter, UN Weapons Inspector.

Joker vs Joker (Jack Nicholson vs Heath Ledger)

budzos says...

I think they both stand on their own merits. Nicholson's take goes perfectly with the baroque gothic style Burton was going for in 1989, and Ledger works great for Nolan's uber realism.

Nicholson's take is getting a bad rap. One criticism people level at Jack's performance is that his joker is "too much like Jack Nicholson", but that's why he was cast! Nobody in Hollywood's ever had a more famously threatening grin than Jack Nicholson.

As for the writing of the character, I prefer the Nolan version of the bat mythos, but he's still not making the Batman movies I'd make if a genie granted me the director's chair. I'd make it a lot more low key and make Batman far more self-reliant. Four people knew his identity by the end of Begins. Dumb. Parts of The Dark Knight belong in a Bond movie... the cellphone sonar and the airplane skyhook stunt come to mind.

I also really wish they'd just left Two-Face out of it. They totally wasted Batman's second-best enemy. Should have had the Joker scar him in this one and then maybe cap the movie with a hint that he is going to be the villain in the next one. You could still have the entire arc without making the last half-hour of the movie seem unfocused and sort of too much of a good thing.

About that baroque gothic style, I could never understand why to this day so many people in the media cite The Dark Knight Returns as the inspiration for the 1989 Batman film. Perhaps the sales numbers inspired it, but in tone and style they are as far apart as any other two interpretations of the mythos.

Criss Angel explains how his levitation trick works

JTZ says...

No! Sire! I WOULS have to call you a retard for your comment, MAGIC IS ALWAYS REAL! Our lord n' Savior Jesus Christ almighty turned them water to sweet sweet booze we get at the church and my ma told me that the magical elves in lives above the garage to open them doors for us just like the lamps in our rooms that turns on and off with a switch, YAY for lamp genies. See I made yous a fool.

>> ^1zin1:
i hope your lying? beause i wouls have to call you a retard for your comment, magic has never been real, it's for the illusion.

Heard any good jokes lately? (Possibly NSFW) (Comedy Talk Post)

rasch187 says...

Cinderella had grown to be a withered and poor old lady, as her husband the prince had died many years ago. All she had now for companionship was her cat and a filthy manger to live in.

One day she was cleaning a rusty pot and suddenly out flew a genie. "Thank you for freeing me after oh so many years", the genie said,"to thank you I will grant you three wishes!".

Cinderella thought about this for a few seconds, before she proudly rose and said, "For my first wish I want this manger to be made into a large and beautiful castle, like the one I once lived in!". And the genie made it so.

"For my second wish", Cinderella said, "I want you to make me young and beautiful again!" And the genie made the old Cinderella into a 19-year old, more beautiful than ever, dressed as a queen with fantastic dresses and royal jewelry.

"And for my third and final wish," Cinderella said, "I want you to make my cat into a young, handsome prince that I can marry!". And the genie once again delivered, turning the tired old cat into a beatiful young prince. Having fulfilled his promise, the genie disappeared forever, leaving the young couple alone together. Cinderella threw herself around the neck of her prince, thinking life had never been this good. The prince however, merely whispered into her ear: "I bet you're sorry you had my balls removed now!"

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