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Historian Delivers EPIC Takedown Of Religious Wacko

bobknight33 says...

Ben Franklin would have banned gay or porn also.

First book order:
In 1732, the Company's first book order was sent to London. James Logan, secretary to William Penn, assisted in picking the books. He was considered "the best Judge of Books in these Parts." In addition to having the largest personal library in Pennsylvania, the learned Logan knew Latin, Greek, and Hebrew.

Many of the earliest books in the Library's collection were either religious or educational tomes. But not all. As can be seen from other books donated by the Company's first members, there was an interest in politics, philosophy and business. Benjamin Franklin and others donated a number of works including A Collection of Several Pieces by John Locke and Plutarch's Morals. Franklin also donated his copy of Merchants Mappe of Commerce to the company. The books were kept in the librarian's lodgings.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Only according to lying douchebags with an axe to grind and absolutely no evidence whatsoever.
On “valutainment”, not a news source but an internet entertainment business (from someone’s basement) that’s far right leaning and well known for lying to support Trump or impugn Biden.
And Alex Jones!!! The guy who repeatedly admitted he’s a character he plays on tv to separate fools from their money, who in court said he doesn’t believe any of the nonsense he spews!!?! The blathering nutjob screaming about gay frogs sued into the poorhouse for lying about murdered children?!? You really need to learn to vet sources. 😂 holy shit you fucking idiot! “I like what they’re saying.” is not verification, Gary. “He hates who I hate!” does not indicate honest reporting. When they agree with YOUR preconceptions, it’s 99.9996% likely they’re lying to you, because you’re an ignorant nutjob that believes the most insane nonsense imaginable and denies verified facts constantly and who only gets their misinformation from the most dishonest biased sources available.

How many of these baseless accusations are you going to believe before the fact that every single one falls apart when proof is required sinks in. How many fake paid whistleblowers must evaporate into thin air before you stop thinking they’re real? More proof of your severe learning deficiency that no one could possibly graduate college with.

But with Trump…there IS evidence, mountains of evidence and actual charges in real courtrooms with convictions galore, not just flapping liars gums but paper trails, boxes of classified documents, depositions under oath from his coconspirators, recordings of him bragging about felonies, $2 billion in his kids accounts paid for highly classified top secret information sold to the Saudis, and multiple convictions for moral turpitude already, proving he’s the most corrupt, anti American, anti democratic douche bag rapist and incestious child abuser ever to hold office. Convicted of multiple business frauds, tax evasion, charity fraud, sex abuse, wire fraud, bank fraud, etc, and accused of more of the same plus stealing and selling/sharing top secret classified information, fomenting a coup, and election fraud to the extreme….but sure, some Trumpists say Biden wasn’t hands off on Hunter’s case,so lock him up and forget Trump’s crimes, in fact just replace Biden with Trump and call it a day. Such idiotic ignorant nonsense bob. You just love to be duped by liars, and love to hide from your stupidity when the lies are invariably exposed.
Sucker. 😂

BTWx you really need to put this on a loop for a month…

bobknight33 said:

Biden is a corrupt douchebag.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Loving the former escort Bobo the clown footage of your favorite MAGA representative-of-the-night, 1-800-RUMYDAD customer, and repeated child abuser sprinting up the steps of congress late for the vote on the debt ceiling coming out right after she claimed she intentionally didn’t vote out of protest.
You mega-morons can’t even lie well….after so many years of practice. 😂

Santos is the perfect poster boy for your ilk…an illegal immigrant fugitive gay drag Queen liar and thief that’s lied about everything he’s ever said in public but still has your and the party’s full support because he says “MAGA!”. :MAN-FACEPALMING:

PS- Did you go all in on Trump bucks!?! Another Trump grift taking MAGgots for their money then evaporating. 😂

Gutfeld: This is a hot, steaming pile of crap

newtboy says...

I guess you forgot you claimed you don’t watch cable or FOX at all bobby. Another lie you yourself proved false. Such a silly boy.

Pew says only 40% of Republicans and 20% of democrats think homosexuality is “wrong” and should be discouraged, Bob….and that’s people still willing to say they’re republicans, a rapidly shrinking subset.
Gallup says under 30% overall agree with you.
Your claim “most Americans” agree with you is more made up bullshit, and I think you know it.
Not even most republicans do.
You are consistently on the wrong and unpopular (not always the same thing) side of every issue.

His category? Is there another non funny far right “comedian” that doesn’t make jokes, only vitriolic attacks bigots laugh at on tv? Not that I know of…it’s easy to be the highest rated far right “comedian” when you’re the only one. As the only hyper bigoted right wing late night talk show contrasting with at least 6 self competing talk shows (that don’t compete with him because they’re comedy shows, not a far right whine and bitch fest), if he didn’t have the “highest ratings” it would be disastrous. Bigots like to watch and be bigoted with other bigots. If you combine centrist (what you call leftist) talk shows ratings, he’s a sad little blip. He’s the only choice for the right, the right that’s so divorced from sanity they think hating homosexuals isn’t bigotry because they say homosexuality is wrong.
“But…he beat The Daily Show”….only after Trevor Noah retired and they have no host. Try again.

Higher ratings do not in any way contradict my statement, bob. He’s still a cold pile of shit you love to shovel into your empty head.

No hate!?! So, you’ve never watched him at all, not once for one second, because I have and he’s 100% hate. His “jokes” are nothing but snide insults. He’s never made a joke.

Have you ever mowed on Saturday, or had your kids mow? Ever eat shellfish? Ever wear a cotton poly blend? All 3 are just as sinful as homosexuality, and call for the same punishments. How much do you protest red lobster bob? How many times have you ransacked a tjmaxx? How often have you stoned your children to death for working on Saturday, the sabbath the commandments demand you remember and keep sacred (not Sunday, that’s the Christian sabbath, and there were no Christians when the 10 commandments were given).

No hate, he just hates gays….and blacks, immigrants, atheists, young people, Muslims, liberals, centrists, reporters, working women, truth, honesty, reality, etc….but no hate. 😂
He’s nothing but hate, xenophobic fear driven hate by insecure ignorami for insecure ignorami. He’s definitely your guy.

“Sinner side”. 😂 There it is. It’s about your bigoted interpretation of religious dogma that you think should be law, Christian sharia law. You have no clue what kind of backwards murderous Stone Age civilization that begets, do you? Hint, it makes Muslim sharia law look positively enlightened and permissive.
Religious nonsense is always the wrong side, listening to hypocritical zealots that themselves pick and choose what parts of their religion to follow and cudgel others with and what to ignore based on whatever is good for them at the time is the wrong side…or have you picketed schools for allowing blended fabrics or serving pork lunches? Why not, they’re grooming your children to sin. Have you lobbied to ban blended fabrics, shellfish, for a return of and enhancement of blue laws extending to every judeo-christian sabbath and with the biblically prescribed death penalty, just in case, etc? No, because you don’t really believe in the Bible, you only abuse it by trying to force your chosen “beliefs” on others.

Bob, you have never even glimpsed the “right” side, and you live on the wrong side looking away from the correct side while shouting insults behind you. Only you don’t see it. 🤦‍♂️

bobknight33 said:

Funny you are fooled again.
He has higher ratings in his category..

No hate just most american do not buy into the gay crap.

Again you are on wrong side or reality.

Sinner side is wrong side.

Gutfeld: This is a hot, steaming pile of crap

bobknight33 says...

Funny you are fooled again.
He has higher ratings in his category..

No hate just most american do not buy into the gay crap.

Again you are on wrong side or reality.

Sinner side is wrong side.

newtboy said:

No, Gutfeld is a cold steaming pile of crap.
He’s never been “hot”….or popular…or funny.

More hate from @bobknight33, whose regressive intolerance is his main personality trait. Why don’t we have a *hate speech channel?


bobknight33 says...


This is where you both are wrong. I am not the bigot, you and those like you are.

unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.

See I believe in reality and in reality this gay stuff is wrong. So that makes you and your kind bigoted against those in reality.

I understand all like to get their freak on. Fine, That is what Friday and Saturday is for. But come Monday straight up and leave you freak behind as you go to work.

Democrats -- The party of Sodom and Gomorrah.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Now that you know everything I said is correct, publicly verified, now what sucker? Because, with your head so far up your ass you haven’t heard these facts yet doesn’t mean they’re not verified. Because I pay attention to varied sources and often find information much earlier than you can doesn’t mean I’m jumping any guns, it means you’re sleeping in the starting blocks.

Every accusation you’ve made has completely fallen apart as stupid made up nonsense, like the theory that near broke Hunter was paid $3 billion by China despite zero evidence whatsoever…I would guess you will say you think he smoked $3 billion in crack, or your insistence that Jan 6 was all BLM pretending to be Trumpists despite 1000 Trumpist arrests and guilty pleas/prosecutions and 1000 more coming.

Plenty of proof the Trumps took payoffs from China, Russians in Ukraine, Russia directly, and Saudi Arabia (among many others), so much they couldn’t hide them despite trying….near $3 billion and they’re still at it, illegally taking $8 million or more from sanctioned Russian money to keep Toth Senchal afloat. Another case of every accusation being an admission.
Trump also stole hundreds of presidential gifts, pretending they were his personal property-admitted by Trump and he was forced to return what they proved he stole…more felonious thefts.

Quit looking stupid by defending criminality while accusing the innocent…IE post when news is real, even though that means 99.9% of your posts would never get posted.

I would say stop being an intentionally blind fool, but you’ve never been anything else so I know it’s not possible. How many times have you called me out for “fake news” that turned out to be the facts? Too many to count, nearly every time I post news, and you are ALWAYS wrong. ALWAYS! How many times have you been called out for posting MAGA anti American propaganda that’s thoroughly debunked before you post it? Again, too many times to count, nearly every time you post anything.

Such a silly little boy. Do you even see what a dishonest idiot you make yourself look like daily?

Today’s bonus MAGA criminality- Joe Harding, the now-former Florida Republican lawmaker who authored the extremist “Don’t Say Gay” bill could face up to 35 years in prison after pleading guilty Tuesday afternoon to federal felony fraud charges in a scheme to obtain $150,000 in COVID-19 relief funds, according to Florida Politics‘ publisher Peter Scorsch.

BTW- if I’m the shill for all liberals you pretend you’ve convinced yourself I am, why did I post this that makes Macron look horrible?
You might note his move is similar to the right’s plan to eradicate Social Security and Medicare by raising the eligibility age above life expectancy age. You guys might want to watch how that turns out for him.

bobknight33 said:

You are the most gullible person I know.

Biden /China/ Ukraine payoffs are more legit story. I dont post those because nothing has yet to come of those.

Quit looking stupid and just wait for reality to catch up to the fake news --- IE post when news is real.

Till then just stop begin a blind tool.

High School Senior Takes Book Banners To School

newtboy says...

ROTFLMFAHS. I didn’t even notice how you changed my post to be as idiotic as you.

Teaching 4 grades (do you mean 4th graders?) to be gay…..I want to know exactly how you teach someone to be gay…since you claim to know. Are they putting little boys in dark rooms and having naked women beat them mercilessly? Are they feeding them jello boobs with shards of glass inside? How, exactly, does one teach another person their own sexuality? More evidence you know nothing but talking points you don’t comprehend one bit.

(Btw- I learned about sex by age 6, and homosexuality by age 9 or before. I didn’t have unwanted children, never caught a VD, and didn’t become gay. Knowing the mechanics and consequences of sex, both heterosexual and homosexual, let me make informed decisions that served me well. I did constantly have adult conversations with adults who all were shocked I could hold my own in an adult conversation…including when I audited college courses in 7th grade and was shocked how little college students knew…I was told I was 11 going on 40 repeatedly. There was no reason whatsoever to “shield” me from any knowledge, only a reason to help me assimilate what I learned. I am not unique in that.)

How to kill and get away with it? You mean murder mysteries, history, or critical thinking? I would counter that Trump taught us all how to kill a million Americans through negligence and lies and get away with it, and you would give him a medal. You don’t care about murders. Name the book that reads as a “how to get away with murder” and not “how to get caught committing murder”. The news teaches that, you don’t want to ban news….or do you?

Name the book that glorifies and normalizes debauchery and rape that’s being taught in school….or do you mean the Bible which I agreed should not be taught in schools. Any book that teaches politics of the last 25 years would include those topics to describe Republican politicians.

Parents have a right to stupidly deny THEIR children access to certain knowledge, not to deny it from others. Your love of ignorance is not a mandate for others to remain ignorant. You would return to the dark ages when only (often wrong) church approved “knowledge” was allowed, and that only for the privileged. Just so dumb and ignorant of you.
You want to be ignorant, you be you. You want to make your children ignorant, that’s a perk of being a parent, you can abuse your own children as you see fit (within limits). You want to force other children to be ignorant, fuck right off you braying moron.

bobknight33 said:

Like the Bible?

Books like
Like teaching 4 grades how to be gay?

How to kill and get away with it?

Books glorifying, normalizing debauchery or date rape .

Yep some book should not be in school and it the parents right to challenge the school.

High School Senior Takes Book Banners To School

newtboy says...

Bwaaaahahahaha. Nothing to say on topic, no contradiction to offer, so you devolve into personal ad hom attacks again. That’s an admission that my points could not be contradicted and you have no argument to offer.

Hilarious you think knowing SOMETHING is like knowing everything about everything.
I’m sad you know so very little about anything. You were clearly shielded from adult topics in school and have no idea how to understand or deal with them.

Lol. I never amounted to much? Is that your assumption? I became exactly what I wanted to be, retired by around 30, home owner, property owner, no debt, no criminal record, with good health, a loving wife, an education, moral, ethical, responsible, and nearly obligation free. I AM living the American dream, friendo. You are the American nightmare….(an ignorant, opinionated, angry blowhard that believes people should only be allowed to learn what you in your unbelievable ignorance think is proper, who is so self centered and poorly educated their opinion on most topics could not be differentiated from an average 3rd grader. A repair technician so delusional he thinks that gives him some otherwise unattainable ethical medical knowledge because he knows the word ultrasound. If you are honest, which I know you are not, you lost at least 1/2 your net worth in the last year following your own incredibly dumb investment advice that everyone on the sift warned you was terrible advice, but you know better.)

I never wanted to tell others what to do….which seems to be what you think is the main measure of success. Having control over others is not what I call success, because I have morals and ethic and see having control as an obligation, a sacred duty owed to those you “control”, unlike yourself who only sees the control and personal opportunities to take advantage of those with less power.

Nothing’s holding me back. I’m exactly where I want to be.
My family is happy, healthy, financially stable, and have never been committed to mental institutions with major mental disorders I created in them through constant abuse. I don’t think you can say the same unless you lied again.

Bob….you SAY I’m wrong 100% of the time, then slink away into the shadows every time I rub your nose in verified facts that prove me correct time and time and time and time again. Was I wrong about Tesla? No. Trump? No. The election? No. Republican criminality? No.
What, exactly, am I wrong about? I know you can’t say….you just KNOW I am. 🤦‍♂️
Sadly, I will say you seem to be wrong about almost everything you say. Demonstrably, verifiably wrong….yet somehow you still believe you have much to teach us. That’s a mental disorder you should seek treatment for, no joke.

Every accusation from your ilk being an admission…why do you like being the ugliest dick on the sift?

PS- how’s that “ALL IN for the long term, buy all you can at $400.” Tesla investment going? How about the “BLM and ANTIFA attacked the capitol, which wasn’t actually attacked.” defense? How you doing on the “Pelosi was not actually attacked by a MAGA terrorist just spurned by his gay lover.” theory? How about the “everyone knows there was massive democratic election fraud” claim?

bobknight33 said:

Im glad you know everything about everything.

Makes me wonder why you never amounted to much, being so brilliant. One would think you could be a Dean of some college or some Corporate leader. But you just are a know it all douche bag.

Maybe thats you biggest problem..
Maybe thats what is holding you back.
Maybe you just wrong 1/2 the time and just cant admit it.

Or you just like being the big dick on the SWIFT.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Turning out his only known income came from a massive pyramid scheme he ran….Harbor City Capitol, and he failed to disclose massive payments he received from them.
“George Santos” (AKA Anthony Devolver, AKA Anthony Santos, AKA George Devolver) the face of the Right, a constant liar, massive thief, blatant consummate racist, fake Jew, fake biracial, fake gay, and fugitive selling his office to foreign powers.
This is you guy. This you pick.
No move by leadership or the party to remove him from office, or censure him, or keep him off committees, or ANYTHING. No complaints that he won’t step down. The Republicans see absolutely nothing wrong with electing a complete fraud, thief, and fugitive….because he is who you all are. Definitely who Trump is.
YOU ARE George Santos.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

MAGA Republican Congressman-Elect George Santos caught in even more lies before even being sworn in, he’s in hiding.
Not only did he make up diplomas and work history, claiming to have graduated from and worked at institutions that have never heard of him, not only did he brag about his charity that has no paper trail, no evidence of ever dispersing donations, and never even reported collecting donations (which he almost certainly pocketed, just like Trump did), not only did he forget he’s a criminal fugitive from Brazil where he stole elderly bed bound people’s checkbooks and went on spending sprees before fleeing the country, but he even made up a back story for his grandparents, claiming they were successful Ukrainian Jewish business people who fled the holocaust to Brazil and started over, but records show they were both born in Brazil and never lived in Ukraine.
Every single thing about this man is a lie….he’s so your guy.

Guaranteed Republicans won’t care, won’t investigate, won’t remove him or even punish…truth means nothing to you. Absolutely nothing.

How’s that Tesla investment doing? Down ANOTHER 10% today. Ouch. Sadly PE is still well into the “don’t even think about it” range. Never buy above 25PE, Buffet says don’t buy anything over 15….and NEVER GO ALL IN ON ONE STOCK…..but you know better. Carry on. (Just understand you put all your eggs in one basket AND counted your chickens before they hatched…then someone dropped the basket)

Your bonus- it recently came out that under Trump American life expectancy dropped to the lowest since 96. Hilariously, righty propaganda is trying to ignore the nearing 1.2 million deaths from Covid, 90% of which were preventable with a proper pandemic response according to the CDC, and blame the rise in deaths on the fairly stable number of 100000 deaths from drugs and alcohol per year…because they know your ilk doesn’t understand statistics and will just believe stupid nonsense. So you know, 1.2 million is more than 100000, so has more effect on average lifespans.

Edit: Turns out Santos also isn’t gay. He tried to hide that he was married to a woman until 2019. More MAGA lies.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I love how you proved me right again by just going silent when, for the 7396th time I proved my statements correct and proved yours to be lies with direct unadulterated, non biased information direct from the source, in this case the courts, the DA’s filings, and the publicly available portions of transcripts of the MAGA terrorist’s confession.
You have never once returned that favor in all the years you’ve been here. Not once….because you can’t prove lies with facts. You come up with stupidity like “it was Pelosi’s gay lover, he’s not MAGA” because you don’t care a bit about truth, honesty, civility, facts, or honor, you just need to be the biggest rancid uncleaned douche bag possible at all times in every situation. How’s that working out for you? ROTFLMFAHS!!!

Treasonous Trump’s traitorous lawyer Stefan Passantino being prosecuted for, as a Trump White House lawyer, instructing administration employees to lie to the Jan 6 committee about nearly everything.
The lawyer informed them to claim they don’t recall when they absolutely did recall information, saying “they don’t know if you know, so it’s fine.”
Ba-da-dum dum dum….another one bites the dust.
He was fired for intimidating his “clients” who were testifying against Trump on behalf of Trump. He’s also charged with making lucrative employment offers to witnesses if they testified right, offers that were all withdrawn when they testified honestly.

He also took private privileged attorney client information and told opposing council (Trump’s other lawyers) in direct contradiction of his client’s stated wishes AND THE LAW.

Every move by Trump’s team is a crime, every statement a lie, every accusation an admission. You sure picked one hell of a losing team….you all must have gotten real tired of winning, because you really stopped doing it long ago.

More Making Attorneys Get Attorneys. The real MAGA….because MAGA is a criminal terrorist enterprise….and you’re part of it.

Bonus, Trump’s DOJ hid the reports on the privately built sections of border fence because they showed complete failure to follow any environmental laws and horrific construction techniques so bad portions were falling down before the assessment could be done. He had the reports hidden in order to give the “construction company” (fraud) a $1.7 billion contract to “build” more. All of what they built is so sub par it may need another $2-3 billion to remove it as trash before it falls into the Rio Grande and becomes a major river hazard and environmental disaster.
Just another in the never ending stream of grift and theft from Trump….this one alone cost well over $2 billion. Go on, whine about how much the Jan 6 committee cost and beg for Hunter to be investigated. Such a mindless braying moron you are.

Can’t wait for those taxes…I bet you any amount Trump’s worth exponentially less than he claims. Trump had the IRS break the law and not audit him, in direct contradiction of his claims and the law.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So that’s a “no” to retracting your homophobic nonsense red herring slanderous lie, and a “yes” to you “being the biggest rancid douche bag possible at all times.” Noted. I’m aware it’s difficult for clinically insecure people to ever admit mistakes. Often that makes them be disgusting liars.

Here’s one of dozens I’ve read.
It’s well established based on his own videoed confession he’s a Q nut MAGgot insurrectionist election denier. He was there to kill her over Trump’s big lie, that he won an election (never happened, he only won one electoral college once). If she admitted the lie, he would only break her legs. He was a Trump fan boy like yourself, and a hard far righty. Self delusional, hypocritical, and nonsensical….just like most MAGgots. Like so many he was also a violent delusional criminal. He didn’t identify as a Republican, but was willing to give his life to fight for Trump.

What evidence do you have of anything you said, or that I’m wrong? OAN said so? Fox? Alex Jones? Just like the homophobic nonsensical red herring story you jumped on that it was a gay lover spat. More nothing from a nothing burger.

bobknight33 said:

MAGA ?????????????????????
What wracked out rag did you read ?

Damn you gullible,, ,Over and over.
Please just stop being fooled..

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today terrorist Trumpists “took credit” for the terrorist acts over the weekend across the nation, cheering them and hoping they did maximum damage to America. Also their communications about their plans to attack power grids were discovered.

In N Carolina they have all but said they were the ones who shot up the power grid, “we know why the power is out” “god works in mysterious ways. (Wink)” putting thousands in the cold and dark for days during a winter storm….and their digital communications planning it support that. Apparently this was done to disrupt a local drag show scheduled for 7pm Saturday, right after the sub stations were shot up causing millions in damage and freezing over 36000 people in their homes without heat or power.
In Florida militant Trumpist terrorists attacked drag shows with violence.
In Ohio they attacked drag shows and gay clubs, shutting off power, blocking all access in or out, taunting them with another mass shooting while dancing to YMCA (because you’re too stupid to know it’s a gay anthem about loving public gay sex….or more likely because y’all love public gay sex while you scream how hate it….that’s much more Republican.)

More death, destruction, and debauchery by the now publicly anti constitution anti democracy anti America terroristic Republican Party.

It’s ok Bob, I know you likely blocked me after you lost the election despite your still posting questions to me. You aren’t adult enough to stand behind your statements or hold a conversation, especially while every prediction you made in the last year fails to materialize and you lose your shirt while the right loses its clout, because you are nothing but an anti American troll…and likely really 14. I don’t expect you to have the testicular fortitude to respond….but you deserve a daily reminder of the anti American terrorist your messiah Trump has turned you into.

Cocaine Bear

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