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Sorry Newt: You Can Put A Gun Rack In A Chevy Volt

jonny says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
Just make sure your ammo is in a fireproof box in your coal-powered, taxpayer-funded, rolling electroturd.

In case you hadn't noticed, all American cars are taxpayer funded these days. I can't speak to the Volt, but I've been in a Nissan Leaf with 4 guys and the car was surprisingly powerful. And needless-to-say, the Tesla vehicles do not suffer from any kind of performance deficiency. So go ahead, laugh it up while you're paying $4-5 for a gallon of corn juice that'll carry you about 20 miles or so. Meanwhile, the electric car owners will spend $4-5 on a full charge of a 200 mile battery pack.

[edit] I don't know why, but I was thinking the Volt was all electric. Screw these hybrids, Detroit. Spend some damn R&D money on battery energy density.

"Mavis" the 42 Litre V12 Packard-Bentley

Alaskan Husky Hamster Wheel

Who Saved thousands of jobs? Why, it was Obama!

bareboards2 says...

That was interesting. He had some good points. I wonder how many have been implemented.

He also left out miles per gallon standards -- the auto industry has finally seen how their obstinancy (spelled wrong, but I am too lazy to go look for the correct spelling) about fuel standards has been self defeating on a global scale.

Also interesting in that he buried the lead on dealing with workers. He lead with cut salary, cut benefits, cut retirement. Then buried in the end -- hey, pay with stock options -- and didn't even make the obvious leap of -- turn workers into owners with an investment in the business doing well.

Tone deaf. Not wrong. Just tone deaf when it comes to dealing with the American worker.

>> ^aurens:

Romney's editorial, if anyone's interested:
Romney and others were clearly wrong about the bailout leading to the demise of the American auto industry. But (and it's an important point, I think) that's not to say that his proposal, namely a "managed bankruptcy," would not have been successful.

Just Out For A Walk With Their 42 Saint Bernards

Girl can say any word backwards (surprisingly impressive)

residue says...

@TheSluiceGate well done! The guy sounds like he's speaking Russian, and I can actually pick out a few words she's saying.. flames, silverado (surprisingly), combos, corn nuts, gallon. I don't think I would have understood any had I not watched the original video first though

Legalize Marinara

bookface says...

The first miracle of Jesus is turning water into really good wine at the wedding feast in Canan. What's more is our lord converted six 20 - 30 gallon stone jars worth! That's like the Costco of the ancient world for wine!! Pretty sure a few people got pretty drunk off of Le Vin Du Jesus that good day.
>> ^Duckman33:

>> ^shinyblurry:
This is a Christian:
Luke 9:23-25
If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for Me will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?
If you do these things you will not inherit the kingdom of God:
Galatians 5:19-21
Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Everyone is guilty of breaking some of these, but we are to repent and change our ways. The word sorcery in the greek is pharmakeia, which is where we get the word pharmacy. It is specifically referring to drug use, especially as it pertains to idolatry. A Christian does not use drugs receationally, nor approve of their use. It is also violation of federal law to smoke marijuana.

>> ^Duckman33:
See? Even Jesus Christ wants it to be legal!

>> ^brycewi19:
Is no one noticing the pure awesomeness of who, in fact, sifted this?

I think you missed the point. I was making a tongue in cheek comment on the fact that this guy looks a lot like the popular interpretation of what Jesus looked like. Not that he endorses drug usage.
Genesis 1:29
Then God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you"

Fox/Palin criticize Obama's Christmas Card

direpickle says...


Obama does suck, and I don't have time to go through your bullshit point by point, but you could at least call him out on things that he has actually fucked up.

I need to address the gas price thing, though. You've mentioned this before. Gas was cheap when Obama entered office because the economy had just recently tanked. Oil/gas producers had not had time yet to cut their production to stabilize prices around where they wanted them. The price increased because the economy improved and production was cut.

Between $3 and $4/gallon is where the producers want the price to be, and that's where it's going to stay absent huge surges or dips in demand.

Go here, and look at the five year chart.

Do you see that huge collapse of gas prices? That is the economy collapsing. And that's what you're comparing the present prices to.

Fox/Palin criticize Obama's Christmas Card

quantumushroom says...

You should be glad the focus is on this card, and not Obama's record.


DEBT: Total Public Debt Outstanding has increased by $4.2 trillion [source: Treasury Dept]

MORE DEBT: America accumulated as much debt over the past 1,000 days as it had in the country’s first 79,135 days (July 4, 1776 through March 3, 1993) [source: Treasury Dept]

DEBT PER DAY: America’s debt has increased by about an average of $4.2 billion per day [source: Treasury Dept]

INTEREST ON U.S. DEBT: $1.2 trillion has been spent servicing U.S. debt—that by itself would be the world’s 15th largest economy
[source: Treasury Dept]

JOBS: 2.22 million jobs lost [source: BLS]

POVERTY: Nearly 3 million more Americans in poverty—poverty rate has gone from 13.2% to 15.1% [source: Census]
FOOD STAMPS: 12 million more Americans living off of food stamps [source: Dept of Agriculture // Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program]
GOVERNMENT SPENDING: Spent more than $9.6 trillion – 60% more than the federal government has taken in [source: OMB and CBO]

MORE GOVERNMENT SPENDING: Under Obama, the govt has spent an average of $6.6 million every minute and $111,111 every second [source: OMB and CBO]

CHINA: Owns $1.17 trillion of our debt (as of July) – a 58% increase from January 2009 [source: Treasury Dept]
GOVERNMENT JOBS: Excluding the U.S. Post Office, Federal Government has added 140,000 jobs [source: BLS]

UNEMPLOYMENT RATE: Has averaged 9.4% under Obama [source: BLS]

MORE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE: Has been at or above 9% for 840 of the 1000 days [source: BLS]
UNDEREMPLOYED: Nearly 5 million more Americans are underemployed [source: BLS]

REGULATIONS – NEW RULES: 7,076 new final regulatory rules issued [source: Federal Register]

REGULATIONS – FEDERAL REGISTER: 45,696 pages of new regulatory rules were added to the Federal Register
[source: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register, various years]

AVERAGE WEEKS UNEMPLOYED: Unemployed out of work for an average of 40.5 weeks – that’s more than double since Jan 2009 [source: BLS]

JOB APPROVAL RATING: Dropped nearly 30 percentage points [source: Gallup Tracking]

SPEECHES AND PUBLIC REMARKS: Roughly 806 speeches/public remarks made – once every 1.24 days.

SPEECHES — JOBS: Has said the word “jobs” 4,718 times in 591 speeches

SPEECHES — ECONOMY: Has said the word “economy” 4,541 times in 605 speeches

CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE: Has decreased by 168,000 [source: BLS]

MANUFACTURING: 818,000 manufacturing jobs lost — a -6.5% drop since Jan. 2009 [source: BLS]

BANK FAILURES: 371 Banks have failed [source: FDIC]

STATES: 37 States have higher unemployment rates [source: BLS]

GOLF: 82 rounds of golf — average of one round every 12 days [source: Mark Knoller, CBS –Fox News Tracking]

REPOSSESSIONS: More than 2.4 million homes have been repossessed for failure to pay their mortgage [source: RealtyTrac]

BANKRUPTCIES: Some 4 million total (business and non-business) bankruptcies [source: American Bankruptcy Institute]

GAS PRICES: Up more than 80% and has been over $3/gallon every day in 2011 [source: AAA/OPIS]

UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS: Almost $380 billion spent by federal government on unemployment benefits [source: Treasury Dept and CBO]

ECONOMIC TEAM: 7 key members of Obama’s Economic team have resigned [Summers, Romer, Bernstein, Orszag, Goolsbee Volker and Rouse] [source: News Reports/Tracking]

HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS: Health insurance premiums (family coverage) up 9% this year and 12.7% from 2009
[source: Kaiser Family Foundation]

MEDIAN INCOME: Real median household income in the U.S. in 2010 was $49,445, a -2.3% decline from 2009 [source: Census Dept]

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY: Spent more than $26 billion on the EPA – FY2011’s spending will be about 40% more than FY2009 [source: Treasury and OMB]

Just put the F*cking Turkey in the Oven

mizila says...

I like what Sylvester said about not putting in the stuffing, and using a meat thermometer. Personally, I put the thermometer right in the breast meat, and pull it out somewhere between 161-165 F (72-74 C). And then let it rest. Just like a good steak, don't you dare cut into that juicy sucker until it has sat for at least 15-20 minutes or else all your moisture will just pour out all over your cutting board instead of being absorbed back into the meat.

BUT, the real secret, is to brine your turkey. Check out this recipe by food scientist Alton Brown: Good Eats Roast Turkey Recipe. There's a reason it has 3,750+ reviews and a 5-star rating. Only instead of a 5-Gallon bucket, I just use a brining bag and put it in the bottom drawer of the fridge. Do make sure it's fully submerged. A brine promotes osmosis, which lets your flavorful bath soak through the meat. It's SCIENCE!

The only reason I don't eat turkey more often is because it's just me and my lady here and a weeks worth of food comas would be counter-productive.

quantumushroom (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...


DEBT: Total Public Debt Outstanding has increased by $4.2 trillion [source: Treasury Dept]

MORE DEBT: America accumulated as much debt over the past 1,000 days as it had in the country’s first 79,135 days (July 4, 1776 through March 3, 1993) [source: Treasury Dept]

DEBT PER DAY: America’s debt has increased by about an average of $4.2 billion per day [source: Treasury Dept]

INTEREST ON U.S. DEBT: $1.2 trillion has been spent servicing U.S. debt—that by itself would be the world’s 15th largest economy
[source: Treasury Dept]

JOBS: 2.22 million jobs lost [source: BLS]

POVERTY: Nearly 3 million more Americans in poverty—poverty rate has gone from 13.2% to 15.1% [source: Census]
FOOD STAMPS: 12 million more Americans living off of food stamps [source: Dept of Agriculture // Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program]
GOVERNMENT SPENDING: Spent more than $9.6 trillion – 60% more than the federal government has taken in [source: OMB and CBO]

MORE GOVERNMENT SPENDING: Under Obama, the govt has spent an average of $6.6 million every minute and $111,111 every second [source: OMB and CBO]

CHINA: Owns $1.17 trillion of our debt (as of July) – a 58% increase from January 2009 [source: Treasury Dept]
GOVERNMENT JOBS: Excluding the U.S. Post Office, Federal Government has added 140,000 jobs [source: BLS]

UNEMPLOYMENT RATE: Has averaged 9.4% under Obama [source: BLS]

MORE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE: Has been at or above 9% for 840 of the 1000 days [source: BLS]
UNDEREMPLOYED: Nearly 5 million more Americans are underemployed [source: BLS]

REGULATIONS – NEW RULES: 7,076 new final regulatory rules issued [source: Federal Register]

REGULATIONS – FEDERAL REGISTER: 45,696 pages of new regulatory rules were added to the Federal Register
[source: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register, various years]

AVERAGE WEEKS UNEMPLOYED: Unemployed out of work for an average of 40.5 weeks – that’s more than double since Jan 2009 [source: BLS]

JOB APPROVAL RATING: Dropped nearly 30 percentage points [source: Gallup Tracking]

SPEECHES AND PUBLIC REMARKS: Roughly 806 speeches/public remarks made – once every 1.24 days.

SPEECHES — JOBS: Has said the word “jobs” 4,718 times in 591 speeches

SPEECHES — ECONOMY: Has said the word “economy” 4,541 times in 605 speeches

CIVILIAN LABOR FORCE: Has decreased by 168,000 [source: BLS]

MANUFACTURING: 818,000 manufacturing jobs lost — a -6.5% drop since Jan. 2009 [source: BLS]

BANK FAILURES: 371 Banks have failed [source: FDIC]

STATES: 37 States have higher unemployment rates [source: BLS]

GOLF: 82 rounds of golf — average of one round every 12 days [source: Mark Knoller, CBS –Fox News Tracking]

REPOSSESSIONS: More than 2.4 million homes have been repossessed for failure to pay their mortgage [source: RealtyTrac]

BANKRUPTCIES: Some 4 million total (business and non-business) bankruptcies [source: American Bankruptcy Institute]

GAS PRICES: Up more than 80% and has been over $3/gallon every day in 2011 [source: AAA/OPIS]

UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS: Almost $380 billion spent by federal government on unemployment benefits [source: Treasury Dept and CBO]

ECONOMIC TEAM: 7 key members of Obama’s Economic team have resigned [Summers, Romer, Bernstein, Orszag, Goolsbee Volker and Rouse] [source: News Reports/Tracking]

HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS: Health insurance premiums (family coverage) up 9% this year and 12.7% from 2009
[source: Kaiser Family Foundation]

MEDIAN INCOME: Real median household income in the U.S. in 2010 was $49,445, a -2.3% decline from 2009 [source: Census Dept]

ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY: Spent more than $26 billion on the EPA – FY2011’s spending will be about 40% more than FY2009 [source: Treasury and OMB]

Tough Guy Vs Ghost Chili Pepper - Eeyore Wins!

Tough Guy Vs Ghost Chili Pepper - Eeyore Wins!

Anyone here like Aquariums for a hobby ? (Pets Talk Post)

BoneRemake says...

@kymbos Fresh water my friend. The salt I put in is glorified kitchen sea salt now that I have read about it. Yes it is put in the freshwater to help with the internal ph of the fish, same way we use electrolytes I assume. I had a little blip recently with my 5 gallon month old tank, found that this salt is something handy to use when setting up a tank as well as general use for fish well being.

I am partial to Eel like creatures, khuli loaches and such.

siftbot (Member Profile)

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