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Lisa Lampanelli vs. the Westboro Baptist Church

Payback says...

What galls me is the amount of federal dollars probably being spent to watch WBC followers for no other reason than to try to stop them from being slaughtered.

I mean, they have every RIGHT to do what they do, but sometimes just because you have the right to do something, doesn't make it correct.

Obama at 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner

Stop Torrenting!

spoco2 says...

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:

>> ^spoco2:
>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
I'm surprised people still justify torrenting films because of ads and copyright notices and such at the beginning of DVDs. I forget all about them once the movie starts. Is it really that much of a problem for some people? It's such a trivial amount of time to wait compared to the length of the film.

I think it's more the fact that the studios keep putting crap on the product that they are trying desperately to tell us is better than the copies we download. They have to gall to say 'BUY THE DVD DAMMIT', and then you do and they make you sit through trailers and anti piracy (The irony is obviously lost on them) ads before you're allowed to watch the movie.
I truly, hand on heart, actually do torrent movies to see if they're worth buying. The number of films I've bought these days that I would never have had I not found out they were awesome via downloading them first is countless.
Also, I download them while I'm waiting for bloody Australia to get the release. Tron Legacy... still not out here on DVD/BluRay, but I've already downloaded a 720p beautiful copy so I could have a movie night with the kids watching it. Oh yes I will buy it when it comes out, and I went and saw a midnight screening, opening night, but seriously, why do we have to wait so much longer than the rest of the world to get it?

It's not ironic at all. If they didn't put the anti-piracy warnings on DVDs, where else would you ever see it (except at the cinema, where they're just as annoying)? The pirates, understandably, remove them. Where are they supposed to put it? Really, it's no inconvenience to me at all to see a 30-second anti-piracy ad when I've already set aside 2 hours to watch a movie anyway.
I've never been sold on the whole torrent-as-trialware thing. I just find it hard to believe that anyone who torrents a movie would later bother buying the DVD. Especially not if they've already downloaded a perfect 720p screener that they can keep on their hard drive!

Well, you may not be sold on the concept, but I certainly do it. I like having physical media... archaic I know, but there you go. I don't even use iTunes or other digital music download services because the few times I have I hate the feeling of only having some mp3s to show for it that I might delete... it just doesn't feel tangible to me.

Also, I love the special features on movies. I bought Star Wars Eps 1-3 purely for the special features (the movies are crap). Also, in the case of Tron with the 720p... well, I'll be buying the DVD/BluRay version so 1080p there. Also, the sound is better on the official releases.

So, believe it or not, but this is the way I work. It also comes down to me wanting to support the makers of films that I like, but not wanting to buy DVDs sight unseen.

Stop Torrenting!

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I tried watching a DVD last night for the first time in a while.

There were the usual warnings and about 10 minutes of lame trailers that I wasn't allowed to skip past. At some point I accidentally closed the player and restarted it, at which point all the warnings and previews started again. Got frustrated and opened it instead in VLC - which let get right to the movie, but the disk started skipping about 15 minutes in, didn't look scratched, but must had a small one. Gave up - went to bed.

This is not an atypical DVD watching scenario. They blow. >> ^FlowersInHisHair:

>> ^spoco2:
>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
I'm surprised people still justify torrenting films because of ads and copyright notices and such at the beginning of DVDs. I forget all about them once the movie starts. Is it really that much of a problem for some people? It's such a trivial amount of time to wait compared to the length of the film.

I think it's more the fact that the studios keep putting crap on the product that they are trying desperately to tell us is better than the copies we download. They have to gall to say 'BUY THE DVD DAMMIT', and then you do and they make you sit through trailers and anti piracy (The irony is obviously lost on them) ads before you're allowed to watch the movie.
I truly, hand on heart, actually do torrent movies to see if they're worth buying. The number of films I've bought these days that I would never have had I not found out they were awesome via downloading them first is countless.
Also, I download them while I'm waiting for bloody Australia to get the release. Tron Legacy... still not out here on DVD/BluRay, but I've already downloaded a 720p beautiful copy so I could have a movie night with the kids watching it. Oh yes I will buy it when it comes out, and I went and saw a midnight screening, opening night, but seriously, why do we have to wait so much longer than the rest of the world to get it?

It's not ironic at all. If they didn't put the anti-piracy warnings on DVDs, where else would you ever see it (except at the cinema, where they're just as annoying)? The pirates, understandably, remove them. Where are they supposed to put it? Really, it's no inconvenience to me at all to see a 30-second anti-piracy ad when I've already set aside 2 hours to watch a movie anyway.
I've never been sold on the whole torrent-as-trialware thing. I just find it hard to believe that anyone who torrents a movie would later bother buying the DVD. Especially not if they've already downloaded a perfect 720p screener that they can keep on their hard drive!

Stop Torrenting!

FlowersInHisHair says...

>> ^spoco2:

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:
I'm surprised people still justify torrenting films because of ads and copyright notices and such at the beginning of DVDs. I forget all about them once the movie starts. Is it really that much of a problem for some people? It's such a trivial amount of time to wait compared to the length of the film.

I think it's more the fact that the studios keep putting crap on the product that they are trying desperately to tell us is better than the copies we download. They have to gall to say 'BUY THE DVD DAMMIT', and then you do and they make you sit through trailers and anti piracy (The irony is obviously lost on them) ads before you're allowed to watch the movie.
I truly, hand on heart, actually do torrent movies to see if they're worth buying. The number of films I've bought these days that I would never have had I not found out they were awesome via downloading them first is countless.
Also, I download them while I'm waiting for bloody Australia to get the release. Tron Legacy... still not out here on DVD/BluRay, but I've already downloaded a 720p beautiful copy so I could have a movie night with the kids watching it. Oh yes I will buy it when it comes out, and I went and saw a midnight screening, opening night, but seriously, why do we have to wait so much longer than the rest of the world to get it?

It's not ironic at all. If they didn't put the anti-piracy warnings on DVDs, where else would you ever see it (except at the cinema, where they're just as annoying)? The pirates, understandably, remove them. Where are they supposed to put it? Really, it's no inconvenience to me at all to see a 30-second anti-piracy ad when I've already set aside 2 hours to watch a movie anyway.

I've never been sold on the whole torrent-as-trialware thing. I just find it hard to believe that anyone who torrents a movie would later bother buying the DVD. Especially not if they've already downloaded a perfect 720p screener that they can keep on their hard drive!

Stop Torrenting!

spoco2 says...

>> ^FlowersInHisHair:

I'm surprised people still justify torrenting films because of ads and copyright notices and such at the beginning of DVDs. I forget all about them once the movie starts. Is it really that much of a problem for some people? It's such a trivial amount of time to wait compared to the length of the film.

I think it's more the fact that the studios keep putting crap on the product that they are trying desperately to tell us is better than the copies we download. They have to gall to say 'BUY THE DVD DAMMIT', and then you do and they make you sit through trailers and anti piracy (The irony is obviously lost on them) ads before you're allowed to watch the movie.

I truly, hand on heart, actually do torrent movies to see if they're worth buying. The number of films I've bought these days that I would never have had I not found out they were awesome via downloading them first is countless.

Also, I download them while I'm waiting for bloody Australia to get the release. Tron Legacy... still not out here on DVD/BluRay, but I've already downloaded a 720p beautiful copy so I could have a movie night with the kids watching it. Oh yes I will buy it when it comes out, and I went and saw a midnight screening, opening night, but seriously, why do we have to wait so much longer than the rest of the world to get it?

Southern Avenger: Obama's Libyan War

Crosswords says...

There are a few differences, the Iraq war was originally billed as taking out Saddam's WMDs and Terrorist training camps. When these things didn't materialize the dialogue morphed into 'liberating' the Iraqis. This time the dialogue is solely about stopping A dictator from actively killing civilians. Its also a UN action, as opposed to US and Pals.

Some liberals love the save the oppressed angle, while some conservatives are wringing their hands over getting the US a foot hold in an oil rich nation who's leader has embarrassed us several times in the past with his open defiance of our will.

As a liberal I would normally be in support of such an action if I could actually believe
A.)We're actually doing what the vast majority of Libya's 6 million+ population wants and not just handing control of the country over to a thousand or so militants because they're more friendly to us (for the moment).
B.)There won't actually be any ground troops, therefor greatly reducing cost and possibility of US casualties. And that instead of spear heading the effort, we're just helping to level the playing field for the militants.
C.)This was actually about helping the civilians of Libya rather than spending billions if not trillions of taxpayer dollars so some corporations can make billions off exploiting Libya's resources and our military and then have the gall to bitch about how high taxes are.

I suppose the problem is we've been lied to so often by both sides, exploiting our fears or noble intentions, nobody believes them. When was the last time our involvement in a conflict actually went as planned? WWII?

Battlefield 3: In-game, gameplay footage

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^ghark:

Wow what arrogance and perhaps cluelessness from the writers, soldiers are over there committing war crimes on behalf of the American plutocracy, and they have the gall to say the forces are there to "restore stability". I'm as big a fan of FPS'ers as the next guy, but if they are going to use real world locations, at least make an attempt to learn about the situation there first.
How would you feel if another country invaded you town or city for its oil, then killed tens of thousands of your women, children, students, reporters etc, but if you fought back you were branded terrorists. Walls are built to divide you from your friends and close family, stealth bombers, Black Hawks, Apaches and UAV's patrol your skies, tanks roll through your streets, yes that's stability we are bringing to you backward folks.
I just looked up the deathcount in Iraq, currently it's sitting at ~100,000 civilians. The people that buy this game and support the developers are basically saying that these 100,000 deaths, many of whom are buried in mass graves, are nothing more than a joke.
A couple from last month:
8th Feb - Father and son shot dead in Al Moushahada, north Baghdad
10th Feb - Mobile phone shop owner shot dead in central Falluja
11th/12th Feb - Student by explosive device in Yaychi, southwest of Kirkuk
15th Feb - Man shot dead in front of house in Kirkuk

Stop being so reasonable!

Battlefield 3: In-game, gameplay footage

shagen454 says...

It is propaganda, just like a lot of Hollywood war films. And the government loves it - censors out what they don't approve of in exchange for renting out military vehicles to Hollywood for next to nothing.

The funny thing is, I hated that the army made a video game recruitment tool. But, to be honest at least it was difficult as $&&% directly in contrast to these big budget titles that make it "immersive" (immersive as in loud noises and yelling) and easy.

>> ^BoneyD:

>> ^ghark:
Wow what arrogance and perhaps cluelessness from the writers, soldiers are over there committing war crimes on behalf of the American plutocracy, and they have the gall to say the forces are there to "restore stability". I'm as big a fan of FPS'ers as the next guy, but if they are going to use real world locations, at least make an attempt to learn about the situation there first.
How would you feel if another country invaded you town or city for its oil, then killed tens of thousands of your women, children, students, reporters etc, but if you fought back you were branded terrorists. Walls are built to divide you from your friends and close family, stealth bombers, Black Hawks, Apaches and UAV's patrol your skies, tanks roll through your streets, yes that's stability we are bringing to you backward folks.
I just looked up the deathcount in Iraq, currently it's sitting at ~100,000 civilians. The people that buy this game and support the developers are basically saying that these 100,000 deaths, many of whom are buried in mass graves, are nothing more than a joke.
A couple from last month:
8th Feb - Father and son shot dead in Al Moushahada, north Baghdad
10th Feb - Mobile phone shop owner shot dead in central Falluja
11th/12th Feb - Student by explosive device in Yaychi, southwest of Kirkuk
15th Feb - Man shot dead in front of house in Kirkuk

This is because they've sold their souls to the US Military Propoganda Wing (sorry Media Relations) in exchange for their help making the game more 'authentic'. See a video explaining this type of relationship here, as it pertains to Hollywood.
Of course, the trade off for their expert assistance is that they get to veto anything in script that they don't approve of. Any mention of atrocities and civilian deaths at the hands of the US would be the first thing on the chopping block. Look at the latest Medal of Honour for example: reference to the opposing force being named Taliban called for removal. EA buckled to the demand, preserving their ongoing cooperation.
Which isn't to say that you can't enjoy these games for what they are. But do recognise the implicit recruiting advertisments and general support for the war industry.

Battlefield 3: In-game, gameplay footage

BoneyD says...

>> ^ghark:

Wow what arrogance and perhaps cluelessness from the writers, soldiers are over there committing war crimes on behalf of the American plutocracy, and they have the gall to say the forces are there to "restore stability". I'm as big a fan of FPS'ers as the next guy, but if they are going to use real world locations, at least make an attempt to learn about the situation there first.
How would you feel if another country invaded you town or city for its oil, then killed tens of thousands of your women, children, students, reporters etc, but if you fought back you were branded terrorists. Walls are built to divide you from your friends and close family, stealth bombers, Black Hawks, Apaches and UAV's patrol your skies, tanks roll through your streets, yes that's stability we are bringing to you backward folks.
I just looked up the deathcount in Iraq, currently it's sitting at ~100,000 civilians. The people that buy this game and support the developers are basically saying that these 100,000 deaths, many of whom are buried in mass graves, are nothing more than a joke.
A couple from last month:
8th Feb - Father and son shot dead in Al Moushahada, north Baghdad
10th Feb - Mobile phone shop owner shot dead in central Falluja
11th/12th Feb - Student by explosive device in Yaychi, southwest of Kirkuk
15th Feb - Man shot dead in front of house in Kirkuk

This is because they've sold their souls to the US Military Propoganda Wing (sorry Media Relations) in exchange for their help making the game more 'authentic'. See a video explaining this type of relationship here, as it pertains to Hollywood.

Of course, the trade off for their expert assistance is that they get to veto anything in script that they don't approve of. Any mention of atrocities and civilian deaths at the hands of the US would be the first thing on the chopping block. Look at the latest Medal of Honour for example: reference to the opposing force being named Taliban called for removal. EA buckled to the demand, preserving their ongoing cooperation.

Which isn't to say that you can't enjoy these games for what they are. But do recognise the implicit recruiting advertisments and general support for the war industry.

Battlefield 3: In-game, gameplay footage

ghark says...

Wow what arrogance and perhaps cluelessness from the writers, soldiers are over there committing war crimes on behalf of the American plutocracy, and they have the gall to say the forces are there to "restore stability". I'm as big a fan of FPS'ers as the next guy, but if they are going to use real world locations, at least make an attempt to learn about the situation there first.

How would you feel if another country invaded you town or city for its oil, then killed tens of thousands of your women, children, students, reporters etc, but if you fought back you were branded terrorists. Walls are built to divide you from your friends and close family, stealth bombers, Black Hawks, Apaches and UAV's patrol your skies, tanks roll through your streets, yes that's stability we are bringing to you backward folks.

I just looked up the deathcount in Iraq, currently it's sitting at ~100,000 civilians. The people that buy this game and support the developers are basically saying that these 100,000 deaths, many of whom are buried in mass graves, are nothing more than a joke.

A couple from last month:
8th Feb - Father and son shot dead in Al Moushahada, north Baghdad
10th Feb - Mobile phone shop owner shot dead in central Falluja
11th/12th Feb - Student by explosive device in Yaychi, southwest of Kirkuk
15th Feb - Man shot dead in front of house in Kirkuk

Carbon E7-Police State Becomming More Efficient

shrimpfork says...

"Carbon Motors was formed in 2003 with the intent to provide a purpose-built police cruiser to compete with other cop cars built from existing civilian vehicles and saddled with the accompanying compromises. Last year, the company took up residence in a vacated Visteon factory in Connersville, Indiana, and announced plans to spend $350 million updating the 1.8-million square-foot space for its purposes. Carbon’s car is known as the E7 for now, although the company calls that an internal code name and will reveal a more intimidating moniker closer to production, which it says will begin in 2012."
-Car and Driver website, Jared Gall

Christopher Hitchens: "All Of Life Is A Wager"

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'christopher hitchens, hitch, life, death, lost gall bladder, chemo brain' to 'christopher hitchens, hitch, life, death, lost gall bladder, chemo brain, brian lamb' - edited by RhesusMonk

Congresswoman Shot In The Head Point Blank 6 Others Killed

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

so you admit you're biased

All humans are biased. The way that I know that I'm not biased in a BAD way is that I always give credit where credit is due. I am able to recognize and acknoweldge fairness and balance where it exists. For example...

I'm no fan of Stewart as a general rule of thumb. But of all the people commenting about the horrible events last week, he is about the only one who I give any degree of respect. His comments in this vid are some of the ONLY ones where the speaker didn't condemn 'angry rhetoric' out of one side of the mouth, while spewing MORE angry rhetoric out the other side. That's what makes all these pundits, sherriffs, and politicians so loathsome - their sheer, naked hypocrisy.

I'm a fair-minded guy. So when someone on the right says or does something stupid, then I'm more than willing to say it was stupid. This is very different from a guy like Bill Maher. Maher routinely and regularly spews hateful rhetoric. And yet he had the gall and audacity to say that hateful rhetoric "only comes from the right" on Cooper's show yesterday. He refuses to see in himself the very demon that he sees so easily and instantly in others.

Sadly, many of you seem to be caught up in a similar degree of wilfull blindness. The left-wing is literally frothing over with rage, anger, foul rhetoric, threats, violent imagry, as well as actual acts of physical assault by left-wing nutballs. Yet many of you refuse to admit the anger exists, or you try to wave it away, or act like it is insignicant, or it is 'just a joke', or it is perfectly OK as long as it is about 'THAT' guy, or any number of utterly lame excuses. That's how I know you're biased in a BAD way compared to guys like me.

I'll give you a chance - right now - to prove you aren't a hopeless prisoner of your bias...

1. As a major political figure, Sarah Palin saying, "Don't retreat; Reload" is...
(A) Using inappropriate, provocative, & hostile rhetoric
(B) Using strong, but acceptable political speech
(C) Using normal campaign language to make a point

2. As a major political figure, Barak Obama saying, "They bring a knife; we bring a gun" is...
(A) Using inappropriate, provocative, & hostile rhetoric
(B) Using strong, but acceptable political speech
(C) Using normal campaign language to make a point

If your answers were 1. A and 2. C OR if they were 1. C and 2. A ... then you are hopelessly biased in a bad way. If your answers were BC to both - then you're OK. If you wholeheartedly believe Sarah Palin is a horrible hatemonger because her website uses crosshairs, but you couldn't care less the DLC uses bullseyes - then there really is no hope for you.

The Sounds of Star Wars

Croccydile says...

>> ^westy:

bit retarded having a book for this ,
would much rather have a proper 50-80 min documentry with the sfx and footage stuck together rather than some shitty clunky book with crap speakers.
I mean even if it was like this clip but just 60min of it that would be fine , or a book that comes with a DVD "sound of star wars" , containg 60 min documtry , and full music score for star wars that would be a far more appealing gift or perchise for people from 10-60 than this retarded book.

I cannot express how much disappointment I have that this might as well be a childs book with the silly voice module on the side rather than a proper DVD documentary. They even have the gall to say they are doing something new when you could find talking Elmo books for what, at least a decade now?

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