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newtboy (Member Profile)

enoch says...

would you like some cream and sugar with that rage?

dude..i was fuming while watching that video having my morning coffee.figured i would share my ineffectual rage about this fucking twat.

newtboy said:

I'm gonna be straight, and to the point. I'm not shedding one tear about the fact that she's going to be unemployed quickly. No company will employ a nurse that's so clearly advocating racist murder.
What an ignoramus.
Didn't notice the Nazis/confederate traitors in the street? They had no permit to March, only rally in the park. I guess she thinks they should have been attacked with vehicles as well?

Upvote because know your enemy.

Ps: choose a side. Do you want to honor your ancestors who fought to create the Union, or your ancestors who fought to destroy it?

Answer To "Most Muslims Are Peaceful".

enoch says...

ok,first off?
this is heritage foundation,a right wing think tank.
this by itself is not terribly damning.


bridgette gabriel is a spokeswoman for the FRC:family research center.

the FRC,along with james dobson's "focus on the family" ,were both funded with seed money from the families of betsy devos and erik prince,the amway pyramid scheme dynasty.

so what enoch?
what's the big deal?

well,when you understand the underlying religious philosophies of the the devos/prince know that they are christian supremacists who wish to install an amercian government that adheres to "christian" laws and "christian" values. know that whole "sharia" law that has rightwingers pissing themselves? same thing,but this is with JESUS,so it has to be good,right?

and what this gabriel woman does is utter revisionist history to fit her own narrative and agenda.i am talking fucking blatant,but since most americans don't even know their OWN history,never mind the history of a religion they profess to love and worship,they just lap this womans bullshit up as if it were spoken from god's own lips.

because let us be frank,and clear.

christian right wingers literally piss themselves at the thought of muslims.and this woman hand feeds that fear.

this woman is a fucking disgrace.

this woman feeds on your ignorance.
stop being a fucking tool to demagogues like this fucking twat waffle.

The Myth of "Gun control"

Yogi says...

>> ^Buck:

hey Yogi, Harvard study good enough for ya?
The study, which just appeared in Volume 30, Number 2 of the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy (pp. 649-694), set out to answer the question in its title: "Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder and Suicide? A Review of International and Some Domestic Evidence." Contrary to conventional wisdom, and the sniffs of our more sophisticated and generally anti-gun counterparts across the pond, the answer is "no." And not just no, as in there is no correlation between gun ownership and violent crime, but an emphatic no, showing a negative correlation: as gun ownership increases, murder and suicide decreases.

Oh really...The Law School of Harvard doesn't want to ban guns how surprising. It's because they produce Lawyers, and they produce Liars. Harvard is the place to go if you don't want to learn anything except how to be a fucking Twat. Thank you Noam Chomsky.

Rolemodel Cop Finds Gun, Remains Calm

Hung Parliament In 3 Minutes

Bodies Exhibition Controversy

westy says...

Everything Can be Art , who cares .

People give permission to be in this , it not that different from looking at photographs of people after they are dead.

This is not really that different from human skeletons you have all over the place and in manny schools.

LOL ARE THE POLISH government people FUCKING RETARDED AHAAAAAAAAAAA the guy brought up ww2 nazies ARGUMENT LOSE DEFAULT LOSE what a fallacious argument its sum what different making stuff from peoples whose lives you have taken away against there will to displaying peoples bodies with there will and after thay died of unpreventable cuses. I mean fucks sake what is wrong with the person in this video his argument is so shit its the worsed argument ever the camara man should just say "you know what your argument is fucking shit fuck you fucking twat" and then smack him with a brick. juses christ look at his smarmy dioshit face.

Church Sign Says: "Islam is of the Devil."

enoch says...

a senior pastor?
he should hang his head in shame for promoting not only this form of hate,but the staggering ignorance he spreads by using the trust his congregation put in him.
fucking twat!

my15minutes (Member Profile)

alien_concept (Member Profile)

Siftquisition - prisonpanda (Sift Talk Post)

alien_concept says...

^ fuck twat prick shit wank

Not really sure why this is being made into a deal at all. Clearly downvoting without watching the vids is unreasonable. And it's clear he hasn't watched those vids as there is one downvote per minute. Looks very much like his nose got put out of joint because of the response to his post and this was his reaction. Really nothing major, someone can go and upvote them all up to balance it out, no point in giving him a really hard time about it. But it definitely goes against how we're supposed to work things around here. Suspend and forget it says I!

As much as that's worth

MINK (Member Profile)

quantumushroom says...

Dude, the "left" does NOT EXIST.

I wish that were the case.

you CANNOT group people into two halves.

You mean, like, the "haves" and "have-nots"?

Every time you say "the left" or "liberal" you sound like a fucking twat. Nobody knows what you mean by "left". Apparently to you it means "wrong", as in the opposite of "right". LOL.

Now now, no need to be profane or anti-fane. YOU may not know what a leftist is but a great many people do know what is meant by 'the left', leftist, socialist, etc. Obviously the term differs slightly from country to country. Both major parties in Britain are socialist; one is more conservative than the other.

The paradigm to replace "right" and "left" is "statist" versus "small-l" libertarian. It's not quite there yet, and in the meantime, "onservatism versus liberalism", or "right vs. left" will do.

I ask you this... where do you classify me? I like small government and nationalised healthcare. Yes you can have both. It doesn't

take much governmental apparatus to collect money and give it to hospitals.

You can have "both", but only for a very limited time, then it's over, and government balloons exponentially. Happens every single time it's been tried.

So am i "right" or "left"?

I don't believe gay marriage is the same as heterosexual marriage. I think abortion should be allowed, but restricted. I think

governments waste huge amounts of money. I think we need a government. I hate evil corporations. I agree with the principle of

property ownership. I love guns but I think they should be banned or at least restricted much more than they are in the USA. I served

in the RAF but I am a pacifist. But I would fight for my family. I opposed the war in Iraq for economic, constitutional and

humanitarian reasons. I hate the BBC, FOX, MOVEON, DISNEY, MTV, TYT, CONSERVAPEDIA, THE NATION, and i find DEMOCRACY

NOW intensely boring and annoying. I am agnostic about god.

SO fucking figure that out. Am I on the right? Or the left?

My interpretation? Generally speaking, I'd say you're left-leaning on most issues. You have an unexamined hostility towards capitalism and corporations, and while you're aware that government is wasteful and corrupt, you'd rather they wield the difference of power rather than 'the people'. You despise the major brands of media influence yet, like all artists, are frustrated because whether you support or oppose The Machine, you're still orbiting its imaginary center.

A pacifist is defined as "a person who believes in pacifism or is opposed to war or to violence of any kind." That being the case, you're employing a paradox by stating you'd wound or kill to defend your family. In other words, idealism ends when enemies present viable threats. What I find amusing is, if some wacko outside your window yelled, "I have a gun and I'm going to shoot you!" you wouldn't hesitate to grab your own gun, whether the wacko "proved" he actually had a gun or not. That's not paranoia, it's common sense. But when a wacko like Saddam announces he's got a gun, and he's proven in the past he'll use it indiscriminately, and all your neighbors also believe he will use the gun, the anti-war left would rather you just ignore the situation. WTF.

I think you have a young, unexamined yet comfortable worldview, and though you claim to chortle at "2 opposing sides" you tend to view things in black and white. Iraq good, USA bad. UN good, USA bad. War is always wrong. Torture is always wrong. Corporations are always evil. Those seeking "social justice" are always good and working for the best interest of all and NEVER for self-gain.

And as for your declaration that "inevitable genocide" is "unacceptable"... wow.

To leave Iraq before it's stabilized delivers it unto chaos. The left (statists) have made it clear they don't give a shit about any resulting genocide. Like spoiled children, they want what they want and that's that, don't care about anything else.

Based on your worldview, were I you I'd reach the exact same conclusions about the Iraq war that you have. The difference then, is that I'm taking into account all possible outcomes, not just the ones I'd like to see happen. Had we not taken out Saddam, he'd probably have died at a ripe old age and his thug sons would've taken over and Iraq would still be a backwards hellhole.

Think of it like this dude, although maybe you can twist words into comebacks, maybe you're not actually making a point, you're just "debating"... the way you have been trained to debate, i.e. with 2 sided arguments.

You and many others on the sift want 'wiggle room' for those times uncomfortable facts and logic make themselves known, and this wiggle room is usually provided by suggesting that "no labels apply" or that their unique views exist outside of categorization.
Liberalism is a starting point, not the finish line.

It's kinda like you live in a dictatorship and you have been brainwashed to think like that.

Once your eyes are opened and knowledge and experience received, you can't go back to being a leftist, because you won't be able to 'unsee' the inherent flaws in what amounts to an unworkable and unjust system even less fair than capitalism.

So you don't like "2-sided arguments"...all right then, have you ever gone beyond your own foregone conclusions and considered Iraq just might benefit in the long run, that the US has given them an opportunity to make their fledgling government work and given their people a real shot at self-determination? It's something the UN has never done for any country.

I'm not upset by opposing points of view, and once again, I never picked up a keyboard to change anyone's mind. We're all working thru the thing.

Hillary Clinton's April 1st Press Conference

sbchapm says...

I can't believe you'd write something like "fucking twat." It wasn't terrible. It wasn't really funny, but it was about like most April Fool's jokes. There really does seem to be some serious and troubling sexism against her, and I'm an Obama guy.

What's That Smell? It's a MINK Roast! (Parody Talk Post)

MINK says...

Oh JAPR, you're the fucking worst, don't pretend you "forgot".

Jus esate visi blet debilai nachuj, ir man visishkai pochuj. Ciulpk bibi blet.

Anyway, here goes nothing.

Big thanks to jonny for hosting the roasting so well, having, as he does, a sense of humour and theatre. (gay)

Much love to dotdude for the prep work, you care so much about this shit, you make me want to cry.

Shouts out to choggie of course, I don't know why the fuck we bother with these morons. Seriously. Why. I mean, stop the roast a minute. Let's actually think about it. Why. The. Fuck.

Ok resume the roast.

K0MMIE, do vegetables have eyes and a heart? You're the retard. Anyway thanks for playing.

blankfist, i just knocked over the wiskey bottle when i lunged to hug you. All over the carpet. But we don't care. nnnnnobody underssscchhtandz uzzzzz

Fjnbk, top marks for like, googling Lithuania and reading the first 3 lines. I know how hard that was for you... Like the time you tried to register on videosift as "Fred" but you just couldn't spell it. Anyway, know this: best girls and beer in the world. Less men than girls. And the men are ugly. Sleep well, so many miles away.

my15minutes, oh you're another of those who exploded onto the scene and got a frickin gold star in 2 weeks and it's supposed to mean something. Your ironic name is the only thing that saves me from completely despising you. But your hard drive was probably seized for child porn... so i'm back to despising you again.

karaidl, i was beginning to worry about your tardiness, quite honestly the only point of getting roasted is to be immortalised in a classic karaidl composition. But then, to my disappointment, I had to read scraps of wikipedia you knocked together in five minutes. 4 upvotes, wow, not your best work i guess. Still i gotta give respect for the majority of your output in this godforsaken talentless wasteland.

smibbo, thou dost pretend ignorance too much. nobody has an avatar that good without also having the wit to appreciate a bit of a MINKing. If you must know, it was PETA's propaganda that made me consider vegetarianism, but guess what, I read more and realised they are a bunch of cunts. But so are people that pay supermarkets to imprison animals. Your history awakening is interesting. Do read more, it's a great story. But steer clear of the neo-nazi shit that claims absolutely every significant event in history was down to Baltic blood sweat and tears. The wikipedia article was written by Lithuanians, you can tell by the grammar mistakes and need to convince everyone that the alliance with Poland did not include relinquishing sovereignty.

darkrowan, you escape my wrath, because the bit about American Idol was so close to the bone, i nearly wet myself. Get out of jail free.

ditto Zifnab, another sifter who isn't a total fucktard. I salute your 20 seconds of google image sweat.

rottenseed, another Sifter whose avatar is the only thing worth looking at. Oh, I see you donated to the Sift, you have the golden cup of Sifturbation by your username. Well, you know what they say, a fool and his money, fool me apart, your money isn't going to get fooled again.

gorgonheap, i see you went for the hilarious "lithuania is imaginary" strategy. But at least you characterised me accurately... oh except for the fact that I have a beautiful baltic girlfriend who tidies all the shit up for me. sux 2 b u.

kronosposeidon, a true gentleman, and vote whore. he knows what i mean. dontcha. yeeeeees.

arsenault185: awwww, you used a "tongue out" smiley, i guess that will make it easier for you to suck my freaking dick

berticus, you too shall be praised, not insulted, because your post, with its tremendously profound use of white space, and bleak postpostmodern outlook, plucked the strings of my heart and the loins of my laughbox.

MycroftHomlz... oh just get over there under the big sign that says "I WENT ON VIDEOSIFT AND THE ONLY WORTHWHILE THING I DID WAS UPLOAD THIS STOLEN AVATAR THAT'S A BIT FUNNY"

Marine: I salute you, because you're harder than I am. And you're not a total Siftard.

Notable by their absence were:

Lucky: the Siftard for whom I have most respect, not only for his technical skills and dedication, but for being the only person who hates me AND just ignores me without being a fucking twat about it. Saluteyousah.

Dag: You know better than to say what you think here, what with your reputation for wisdom and evenhandedness and all that. Well, keep sailing the ship straight down the middle, as an optimist you will always be happy, regardless of... well.. .anything at all.

That girl(s) that thinks we should all just get along, and who enjoys attacking me spitefully while complaining about my spiteful attacks: Awwww. You're cute.

kulpims: My east european fellow procrastinator. i know what you were doing when you should have been posting.

Farhad: my idol. The fact that he doesn't really show himself much around here any more is proof of my every theory about Siftegredation.

So there. If i missed anyone, it's because you're not fucking important enough

I feel the need to finish by saying that where there is safety, there is danger. Where there is peace, there will be war. Where everyone agrees, brains turn to cheese. He who reads someone's posts properly understands more than he who looks for his own opinions in other people's posts so he can upvote in a splurdge of masturbatory mouse operation and self congratulation.

I can't stand it that everyone thinks we should be nice and agree. I try to be civil. I just don't flower up my words with all sorts of passive aggressive pseudopsychological bullshit. That's why i like Lithuanians. They just say what they think. Normally negative. It's the only way to get to the truth.

So, I promised to uncloak myself a little, if I enjoyed the roast.

Well I kinda did enjoy parts of it, I guess. So I will send an mp3 link in a private message to all roasters here who actually have a brain large enough to comprehend its contents. It is from my NATO parody music project. I don't really want to link my real life to my Siftlife out here in the googlesphere too much, because me and MINK are not the same thing.

Try to understand, this is not the real me on screen, it's MINK. I don't actually care if you like it or not. Does that insult you? I share some beliefs with MINK, but i would NEVER be as much of an asshole as MINK in real life. Try to wrap your head around this. It's theatre. (gay). I am on the internet, not under oath in court. I know only about 4% of the SIft actually think this way. But it's true, some people have an imagination and they use it.

I am kinda sorry that my own entertainment annoys other people. But it also entertains people I really care about, so....

LOL. Fucking retards. Go look up "nom de plume" in a dictionary. No no no... a french dictionary, retards.

So, in summary, I am sorry if I actually was insulting to someone personally at any time in Siftistory, I really do try to stick to only insulting your lame ideas about the way the world works. I don't want to be meaner than you deserve.

In the words of the Great Chog, and Jesus of Nazareth:
"Look in the fucking mirror you fucking fucktards!"

Issykitty (Member Profile)

Ann Coulter Wants Jews to be 'Perfected'

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