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Shifrin's former employer: dance response to "4 am I quit"

Breaking Bad Panel @ Comicon 2013

Yogi says...

Maybe it's just me but I fucking hate Walter White, I also like Skyler. I think it's really cool that I can really like a show where I hate the protagonist. I remember at times really disliking Buffy but she was serving a very important purpose, and I liked her move often than I didn't like her.

Gorilla scares kids taunting him at the zoo

"Dancing Queen" - (WTF Version)

Cop Rear-Ends Motorcycle, Blames Rider

messenger says...

All of that is true. The motorcyclist is inexperienced. But none of that changes the fact that legally the cop is at fault for rear-ending. Then he abused his authority to get himself out of it by threatening the victim with "a shitload of tickets". I fucking hate abusive cops.

Shepppard said:


There's a SHIT load that the guy on the motorcycle did wrong...

Jon Stewart Addresses Russian Dashcam Videos

I thought you didn't give pretty girls tickets?

chingalera says...

"To be clear, in the original video......"

Thanks for clearing that up mate, fucking hate videos like this, can't stand this one, and wondered why aside from the "COPS" feel...

mindbrain said:

I'm an experienced sound editor. If there's one thing I understand in this world, it's audio and how to hide an edit. At it's core this video fails to do that on several levels and all I hope to accomplish here is to educate people who want to learn how to spot a fake in the future.

I am 100% certain this is a fake, rendering it zero true value to the sift.

Don't you find it at all suspicious that in the original video the lady is audible whenever she speaks except for when she supposedly asks the cop the implied question? Why wouldn't she be heard then? It's because when he asks for her present address (actual dialogue) her actual dialogue (stating her address while he writes it down) is removed and the cop's zinger is shoe-horned in.

Notice the awkwardness in the jump in time between the the end of the zinger "sign here" and "This is not an admission of guilt"(actual dialogue). The difference in the fidelity of the audio (the fake dub vs the actual dialogue) is apparent. Besides that, it's just an unnatural rhythm of speaking forgetting that the dubbed voice is way off in terms of a match for the cop when listened to back to back at such a close proximity. The dubbers didn't have a large window of time to work within giving the dialogue a rushed quality which helps to expose it as a fake.

Also note the cop's body language while he is speaking to her throughout the original video. He frequently looks at her making eye contact when addressing her. During the false exchange his body language in no way reflects the bewilderment that is expressed when he repeats her assumed hushed dialogue.

On top of all that the dubbers failed to add foley of the sound of him handling his clipboard, a sound close enough to the cop to be picked up or cause interference with the cop's mic. There is just silence instead since they removed all sound during the exchange added a background ambiance loop (plenty of b-roll to draw from) and then dubbed in the lines which has fooled 110 (as of this post) into voting it into the #1 spot.

These are the exact kinds of tricks that are used in "reality" tv to take raw footage of people and construct characters in post utilizing the most sensational dialogue available and place a musical backing track to let you know how you are supposed to be feeling about a certain person or situation.

TL:DR See funny thing, upvote and move on.

VW Touareg V10 TDI Vs. Chevy Duramax Bumper pull

chingalera says...

What are you talking about, both the penis' behind the wheels of these vehicles are probably American. Someone just fucking hates America(n).
Outmatched vehicles:
553 ft.-lbs. of torque at 2000 rpm and 310 HP (18:1 comp ratio w/dual-turbo chargers) with the Toureg

520 lb-ft @ 1,800 RPM- 6.6 liter w/300 hp @ 3100 rpm with bouncy there-

While both seem matched, the VW's the real piece of work.
Engineering be damned, the Germans pretty much extended their penises farther than any country with their fucking master -race shit.
Got to hand it to the insect-like attention to details, though....after WW2, a shitload of their engineers came to the U.S.

So, buy a Mercedes Benz and enjoy it....great car, until you need repairs...Ka-Chiniig!!

EvilDeathBee said:

German engineering vs American penis extenstion

Study Dispels Concealed Carry Firearm Fantasies

gwiz665 says...

@chilaxe OK now I follow you.

When you evaluate something like the "average level" of muslims in denmark and compare with those in the US, you have to account for the selection process that happens before they even decide to come here or there. It's much easier to get into Denmark, even considering the somewhat draconic immigration policies, than it is to get into the US. The US, at least used to, import people of high academic standing and somewhat accomplished people, which heightens that average level. And in general, since you are not close to muslim countries, it's simply more costly for any given family to get over there in the first place, which already, naturally if you will, selects higher level people to move over there.

The weapons issue does depend on numbers, but you must be careful not to look too shortsighted at them.

If people have ready access to concealed carry weapons, it would be easier for "bad guys" to get these weapons as well - just because there would be more guns in circulation. Guns can be stolen too, sold, lost etc.

If everyone has a gun on them, to take it to an extreme, some people would be made quite nervous by it, and they might even accidentally shoot someone if they thought they needed to defend themselves - everywhere would become like a slum, where you have to be super careful about going about your business.

If you carry a weapon, proper training is pretty important. The video above has the situation quite biased against the amateurs, but still they do show how little they can handle their weapons and the situation. It's not just a point and click interface as the games would have you believe.

Bar fights would/could end poorly.

Road rage incidents would/could end poorly.

Random people, say in protest rallies, would have an opportunity to shoot at people they disagreed with (imagine anti-nazi protests, people fucking hate those guys).

Bad incidents with cops might leave you with a cop down or you down, since the cops have to be even more careful since they're on the fringe of "dangerous territory" already - if everyone has guns, being a cop just got waay more dangerous.

My point is that you can't simply look at how many concealed weapons are used in robberies, violent crimes etc now, because there are indirect sources as well.

I don't want to remove weapons alltogether, I just want them better regulated, better controller and limited where they are not needed. In a civilized society, they are not needed.

Red Letter Media Talks About Prometheus on DVD

gwiz665 says...

There was a clear problem in that you didn't care for any characters. The most likable character was the homicidal robot, which is a failure in my book. In the original Aliens, you grow to like Ripley and you like the camaraderie going on in the beginning of the movie, even if most of them were fucktards. The marines in Aliens were also likeable, even if you sorta recognized them as the dickheads from high school - some of them were our hook into the world, ripley, hicks, hudson all good. Even in alien 3, you still ahve ripley to hang on to, even if it's a desolate despairing film. Alien 4 you have Winona Ryder-robot to like, where ripley is more.. well, alienated.

in prometheus, I liked the Captain Janek and in a twisted way Fassbender-bot, because he was played well. All their motivations didn't make all that much sense though. I hated Holloway, hated Shaw, hated Vickers, fucking hated all of them. Gah, it's so irritating, because the universe of it is so interesting! aaargh.
>> ^Fletch:

In reply to this comment by EvilDeathBee:
I think there could have been a much better movie with the same source material, I think the concept could be really cool, but it's beyond a simple reedit repair job. The characters need a total rewrite to not be selfish, unlikable fucktards. There needs to be a lot more explanation and more time spent soaking in each of the more important subject matters and not this jump from one scene to the next with no flow and no reason.

I don't know. It seemed like it needed more "epicness". Like you said (or, as I understood you), more time for the viewer to parse the implications of the much bigger picture before they throw up a scene of some slimesnake tickling someone's uvula. Maybe a scene where they just stand around and go "OMFG! We've discovered the greatest discovery in the history of mankind! Oh, shit! That's a fucking alien structure! The first one ever discovered!! This is fucking amazing!!" They just didn't seem too impressed with anything. And I wish they had left the Alien stuff out completely. They didn't need it. There's just a bigger, better story here than the one we've already seen again and yet again in the sequels. Most of the characters did have that ST:TOS red-shirt aura about them, and really served little purpose outside of biting it in creative ways. Could have been better, but I still dug it, and I think the sequel(s) has a chance to be great. I just hope the Engineer homeworld isn't overrun with alien queens or some dumb shit like that.

Why Pixar Movies are Secretly about the Apocalypse

brycewi19 says...

>> ^chingalera:

Hey folks, I don't feel entitled and I fucking hate adverts over videos and guess why??
Because the techniques that advertisers use to hawk their wares insults and disgusts me considering the quality of all but the simplest of the crap available to human beings. Advertising is an insidious and continual affront to your consciousness and a waste of resources both human and monetary. i COULD GO ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON like this for hours as to the "cons" of the vile trade-As to of you those who defend the institution and practice of bombarding the collective psyche with the shit???...Well, the tone your only defense seeeems to include some piety regarding some "necessity" for such a continual assault, simply because of the old adage, "You don't get something, for nothing." In this case, we get pretty much nothing in the form of entertainment(four dweebs sitting around talking geekster shit about nothing very interesting), and for the guy here who got the ad???....Some fucking commercial for mouthwash or a car.
When the internet is off, I'll find something else to do.

Or you could get adblock and/or not watch the video in the first place. There's ways to avoid the evil advertising.

Why Pixar Movies are Secretly about the Apocalypse

chingalera says...

Hey folks, I don't feel entitled and I fucking hate adverts over videos and guess why??

Because the techniques that advertisers use to hawk their wares insults and disgusts me considering the quality of all but the simplest of the crap available to human beings. Advertising is an insidious and continual affront to your consciousness and a waste of resources both human and monetary. i COULD GO ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON like this for hours as to the "cons" of the vile trade-As to of you those who defend the institution and practice of bombarding the collective psyche with the shit???...Well, the tone your only defense seeeems to include some piety regarding some "necessity" for such a continual assault, simply because of the old adage, "You don't get something, for nothing." In this case, we get pretty much nothing in the form of entertainment(four dweebs sitting around talking geekster shit about nothing very interesting), and for the guy here who got the ad???....Some fucking commercial for mouthwash or a car.

When the internet is off, I'll find something else to do.

noam chomsky on the liberal disillusionment with obama

Yogi says...

>> ^Kofi:

What choice did liberals have, really? Obama or ......

...actual organization. It really is pathetic with all the disillusionment and the privileges we have in this country that we can't organize better than Columbian peasant farmers. As much as I don't like the Right in this country and the Rich, I fucking hate the Left, bunch of Yuppie hipster pussies that whine and complain but don't do shit. Occupy is the future, they need more support and direction. Step up or shut up Lefties.

Mother Hears Heartbeat of Her 16-year-old Dead Son

EMPIRE says...

Although I'm sad for her, for losing her son and at such a young age at that; i fucking hate that whole "I prayed to god and he answered" stance. It's down-right stupid and egotistical and I can't stand it. She asked for a sign and god let her hear her son's heart beating. I'm sure that when she prayed for her son to be brought back to life, the prayer was also answered............

For the love of god, stop saying "Swag"

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