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Brian Williams Raps Snoop Dogg (Jimmy Fallon)

Brian Williams Raps Marky Mark's "Good Vibrations"

Brian Williams Raps Warren G's "Regulate"

Brian Williams Raps Young MC’s “Bust A Move”

Brian Williams Raps Rapper's Delight

chingalera says...


What IS the frequency, Kenneth?

Here's to real comedy back to The Tonight Show for the next 10 years, easy.

Kevin O'Leary on global inequality: "It's fantastic!"

direpickle says...

@Trancecoach: We're not going to agree, and that's fine. This'll be my last reply.

Retailer strong-arming: Imagine Apple makes up 95% of Best Buy's tablet sales. Off-brand-X wants to sell tablets at Best Buy. Apple says: If you sell Off-brand-X tablets, we will not let you sell our tablets. Off-brand-X is likely to only provide a tiny profit to Best Buy, compared to Apple, so they comply. (This actually happened, in a different form, with Intel paying computer manufacturers to not use AMD processors. See here). Also see price-fixing.

Widget-distribution-prevention: This is just an extension of the previous point.

Buying up all of the competitors: Ma Bell. Old AT&T. That should be enough said. But, if that's not enough, now Ma Bell is nearly entirely re-formed. The US was one government approval away from having cell carriers limited to Sprint, Verizon, and AT&T. That's been spoiled, now, but I don't think it's hard to imagine that future continuing on to two carriers colluding and price-fixing (as Verizon and AT&T pretty much have freedom to do anyway). This is another quasi-natural-monopoly situation (or at least a tragedy of the commons situation), in that the radio spectrum is not infinite. To keep the spectrum usable at all, blocks of frequencies are doled out to radio/TV/cellular/military/etc. etc. with stiff penalties for interference.

Patents: Patents present a litany of problems, but the world without them is even worse. You have two things happen, both of which are bad:
1) New technology remains veiled in secrecy indefinitely; no one else can riff on it even after patents would normally have expired
2) My previous point. The marginal utility of R&D decreases drastically based on the likelihood of a competitor being able to get hold of your secrets before you can profit on them sufficiently.
This is exactly why patents were created. It's a temporary monopoly granted by the government in exchange for the promise that the knowledge will be released to the universe after X years.

Predatory pricing: If excessive, it's illegal. That's why it doesn't happen very often. In a country with anti-trust laws, you just want to hurt your competitor, you don't want to drive them out of the market.

Natural monopolies: Since you brought this one up, you can choose your energy service because the government forces the utility to lease its lines and to decouple distribution from production. That is to say, you have a free market in production because the distribution is not free. See here. My state is the same way.

Misinformation: Who vets marketing claims in a free market? My competitor says that their food is organic. Well--hell, so is mine! They're environmentally conscientious? So am I! Their drug cures cancer? Mine cures it even better!

Oh, shit. Someone caught me in a lie! Well, I'll just force the media to ignore it and ramp up my disinformation campaign.

Polish Excavator Fail of Epic Proportions

chingalera says...

I dunno man, the non-linear antics of monkeys seems to be on the rise in both frequency and absurdity-Some folks are just dying to get off-planet by any means evidenced in the amazingly lame-brained practice of eating a hamburger with one hand while driving and texting with the help of their other opposable digit with no concern for just how close they are to getting consciously rammed by some shitty car from behind

PalmliX said:

Maybe it's just proof that more of us have cameras to capture these dumb moments that have always existed.

How the Media Failed Women in 2013

Januari says...

Trance, i don't think any would disagree that men are often and with increasingly frequency portrayed badly by the media and advertising. However, the original point was that the degree to which they are, does not even begin to approach the levels found in the video above or the examples listed in subsequent posts.

Da Silva - La crise

chingalera says...

I'm juss-fuckin' witcha orriteropo-I take license since yer Le Cargo's (whomever THAT is) #1 fan and yer favorite Videosift-graffiti project

OH, and because I can't stand the resonate frequency of most of their stuff...heheheheheheh-Le Cargo: Music for ladies with too many cats.

I don't mean to be so mean...........Yes I do.

TotalBiscuit | Let's not play Need for Speed: Rivals

JiggaJonson says...

YES I agree 120% about the FPS and FOV limiting in games. WHY oh WHY do they take away or limit those options with such a heavy hand? Whenever I complain about it everyone acts like I'm insane to care about that because you can't see it.

I draw an analogy to a vinyl vs a digital recording, I may not be able to hear the different frequencies produced by the vinyl, but I can feel the difference in the sound. It's because complicated changes (rapidly drumming is most apparent) are based on an approximation of the sound wave in a digital recording (depending on the quality of the recording). Vinyl, meanwhile, is a recording of the actual sound wave grooved into the plastic.

Although it's nearly impossible to hear that difference, people still buy vinyls for some reason. Back to fps and fov though, I may not be able to see higher than 30 fps, but I don't live life (or drive cars) at 30 fps like a flip book. Your eyes don't give you an accurate picture of the world, they only give you a useful one.

Real life runs @ ∞ fps and htz. I'm not asking for anything close to that, just make the choice available or don't ban me for hacking when I go into my config file and try to change my fov and fps limit manually.

"Yes but it gives those players who change those settings an advantage"


Fuck you.

Sacha Baron Cohen Kills Award Presenter

Lady Gaga Goes Nude On Video!

chingalera says...

Pretension ain't genius and Gaga's output rates mediocre at best.
Again, Trey Parker's voice adjusted to Cartman frequency produces a more pleasing rendition of "Poker Face" than the original artist formerly known as Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, who as far as I can tell is a little full-of-herself, Sicilian/Canadian narcissist whose upper west side Manhattan upbringing has spilled-over into her horrible taste and run-of-the-mill musical offerings.

Her wiki page touts her many self-labeled endeavors, all of which appeal to her sense of self as the center of the universe.

She's a hag.

Yogi said:

Well I've watched it...both Lady Gaga and Marina are weird. They both seem very interesting, I will never tolerate anyone who calls either one a Genius though. Those that do are ignorant, being creative and inquisitive does not equal genius.

notarobot (Member Profile)

Is Heroin Worse For Someone's Health Than Marijuana?

scheherazade says...

Problem is this...

Every drug, used IN MODERATION so as to not be harmful, is [by definition] harmless.

You can't answer a "more/less harmful" question in absolute terms, because individual usage patterns will determine the specific 'harm/danger' posed by each substance.

There is no "standard dosage and regiment + standard metabolism + standard body weight" that you can use to compare substances.
You can pick such numbers, but you'd be pulling them out of your butt.

It's obvious she's giving the stock answer that aligns with her agency's official stance. But even if she were to give a "scientific" response, it would not be black and white.

The answer would be "it depends".
"How much Heroine? How much Coke? How regularly used? etc".

This isn't TV. Just like IRL car crashes rarely result in explosions, IRL drug use rarely results in tragedy.

The simplest example is prescription pain killers. Literally variations on heroine. People are given them for broken ribs, etc. They take them for a while, and then they're done. No harm done.
They could have taken heroine in stead, in the same effective dosage and frequency, and had literally the same experience.



spawnflagger says...

This guys points are very valid.
I'd be happy to see a modular standard (like ATX) for notebooks/laptops, but there is none.

Truth is - for portable devices consumers demand them to be smaller, cheaper, and have better battery life. PhoneBloks would be larger, more expensive, and more power hungry than the highly-integrated designs for portable electronics nowadays.

I think a practical starting point would be a standard "socket" for an SoC, which could be upgradeable. The part you keep would be the screen, pcb, antennas, etc. The SoC could itself be an MCM, with multiple stacked layers. You would have to upgrade this "base" once in a while too, but only with release of new wireless standards that work at different frequencies.

Having a standard size & voltage lithium battery for phones would be nice too. Could anyone imagine how much it would suck if AA and AAA batteries didn't exist for other electronics?

I also vote microSDXC as standard for flash storage.

eric3579 said:


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