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Obama Has Dicked Us Around For Four Years, Now It's Our Turn

Presidents Reagan and Obama support Buffett Rule

VoodooV says...

I totally agree that Affirmative Action needs to die. The question is, of course, when?

5 years ago, I would have said that Aff. Action needs to die. But after seeing the level of hate and disrespect for Obama? I'm not so sure.

Just because a law says everyone is equal...doesn't make it so. I think we still have a long ways to go. Quite honestly, I don't think things will change until the people still old enough to think it was OK that blacks used separate water fountains shuffle off this mortal coil. There's simply too many people in positions of power who remember when it was totally acceptable to visit violence upon the "colored folk"

I'm totally ok with giving minorities a boost until we fucking grow up enough to see past petty shit like ethnicity. Maybe you do run the risk of someone completely unqualified getting put into a job, but if no white EVER got a job they weren't qualified for. was completely unheard of until Aff. Action came into being. /sarcasm

We fucking killed and enslaved these people for centuries. And even when we freed them, we still treated them like shit. I'm totally cool with cutting them some slack for a while. Yeah, someday we're going to have to take away Aff. Action...but that day isn't today.

Bill Maher On George Zimmerman: He's a BIG FUCKING LIAR!

VoodooV says...

If you think about how blacks have been historically treated in this country, up to and including modern day. Yeah it's understandable that they tend to commit more crime than whites. We treat them like shit, we treat them like second class citizens. If the situations were reversed and it were whites that were slaves only up until the last 100+ years, you might understand why.

Racism *IS* slowly dying. More and more people inter-marry. More and more people grow up living and playing with friends of a different race. Every generation will be more tolerant than the last. But racism is not dead yet. It never will be completely dead. there is always going to be someone who pre judges.

Sad truth is though, that if you are an old person, odds are you were raised in a time where it was perfectly acceptable to treat "the colored folk" like scum and you drank out of separate water fountains. That mentality doesn't go away just because a law says that they have equal rights.

We fell in love so fast (Ultra Slow-Mo Experiment)

Christianity's "Good News" Summed Up Perfectly

shinyblurry says...

Religion is poison, and unfortunately a large part of the church has become a mere religion, but that isn't what Christianity was in the beginning. Christianity is about a man who claimed to be God, who came to Earth to take away the sin of the world. A man who proved it when He rose from the dead and ascended into Heaven to sit at the right hand of power. What Christianity is about is having a personal and experiential relationship with the Creator of the Universe, being forgiven for your sins, and being adopted into the family of God as a son. It is about having the right to call God your Father. It is about unity, and family. It is about love. When you become a Christian, you become a new creature in Christ, being indwelled by the Holy Spirit, and transformed and regenerated.

Enlightenment through spirituality is attempting to make the imperfect perfect. It is trying to take a shattered piece of glass and glue it back together. It is trying to fix an undefined problem with an unknown solution. Jesus told us what the problem is, which is sin. That we've all done wrong things and transgressed Gods laws, and we need to repent of those things and seek Gods forgiveness. That we are living in a fallen world with a corrupt nature due to this and that sickness and death was not always the true order of things.

Jesus Christ is the only one to solve the problem. He defeated death on the cross and made the way for every person to receive eternal life. The solution is not to try to repair a broken spirit and heart, it is to receive a new spirit and heart from the only perfect man who ever lived. To be enlightened you must be born again. You can only be born again by the Spirit of God who comes to dwell within you. You need to be washed clean, so draw near to the fountain of living water. Pray to Jesus and ask for forgiveness of sins, and to be your Lord and Savior, and you will never thirst again.

>> ^Auger8:

TYT: Have Republicans stopped pretending they're not racist?

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Ron Paul doesn’t just oppose affirmative action, he opposes all civil rights measures, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964 - you know, the one that allows black people the LIBERTY to drink out of drinking fountains not marked colored? He voted against MLK day. ( He even voted against recognizing the Brown vs. Board of Education ruling on its 50th anniversary, which is beyond petty. He wants to dissolve all civil rights protections and allow government sanctioned discrimination at the state level, giving a new meaning to the term "state"-ism.

Why do you think he flip flopped on Gay rights in 2010? If this guy has been so ‘consistent’, fair and unprejudiced, why did it take him until 2010 to get on board with tolerance towards gay people? Is it possible that this deity among men could just be doing some old fashioned political pandering? Of course not! We must not challenge the Ron Paul hive mind!

Let’s take down your last two points (Ron Paul on the UN, Ron Paul is rational) with one stroke.

Ron Paul opposes the UN because he thinks it is a New World Order plot to steal our guns and take over America.

Let me say that again. Ron Paul opposes the UN because he thinks it is a New World Order plot to steal our guns and take over America.

One more time. Let the inanity of this sentence wash over you like a tropical shower. Ron Paul opposes the UN because he thinks it is a New World Order plot to steal our guns and take over America.

Does any of this seem rational to you?

chris hedges on secular and religious fundamentalism

shinyblurry says...

I am very open-minded to new ideas, even though it might not seem like it in my comments here, but that's entirely because no one has yet presented any new ideas with any shred of evidence or backup other than, for instance, the bible which is not a credible source. @shinyblurry, I'm looking at you.

Have you ever read the bible? I've found most critics of the bible haven't actually even read it, much less understood it. Generally, the average atheist will pick through it and find a few things he doesn't like and then turns off his brain at that point. The intellectual scholarship of Christianity is much greater than you understand, and if you studied the bible for an entire lifetime you still wouldn't know everything there is to know that is in it. It is inexaustible.

I'll give you a few reasons why I think the bible is credible. The first two are personal. One, that revelation was given to me about certain facts in the bible, before I ever read or understood it, so that when I did read it, it was instantly confirmed to me as being divinely inspired.

Two, by following the words of Jesus Christ, my life has been completely transformed for the better in every tangible way. I stopped doing many unhealthy things I formally did not have the willpower or inclination to stop doing, and these near instantaneously. There was also a transformation of my character, and a 100 percent cure to any depression that I experienced, that being replaced with joy. None of this was accomplished by hard work on my part; I simply believed in Gods promises and followed His word and it all happened supernaturally through the Holy Spirit. The experience I've had matches the promises to the letter.

Three, the bible accurately describes the human condition. It lays bare the nature of man and describes the fundemental dichotomies of his existence. It accurately predicts human behavior and describes in finite detail the mechanisms that create those behaviors.

Four, the bible accurately describes the moral realm. It shows that right and wrong is intuitive to human nature, being that each of us has a God given conscience that knows right from wrong. This matches the universal norms of morality we see in all human civilizations. It also matches my experience, that although humans can justify any kind of behavior, that there is a sense of absolute right and wrong which precedes any intellectual calculation. It further illustrates the moral responsibility we have to our Creator, because sin transgresses His moral law. That the guilty conscience you have is foremost because you have offended a holy God, and the things you think you have gotten away with are really the chains that bind you.

Five, the bible has much fulfilled prophecy, starting with all of the prophecies of the Messiah, which Jesus fulfilled hundreds and in some cases over a 1000 years after they were written. There are also prophecies about israel going into captivity at certain times down to the year, the destruction of Jerusalem, the recent reformation of Israel, accurately predicting even the very currency it would be using.

Six, that it is historically accurate, and has been verified by archaelogy literally 10s of thousands of times. The people, places and civilizations in the bible have been confirmed as being real and existing as described, and this over much scoffing and skepticism over the centuries.

Seven, that it contains certain facts about the world that simply could not have been known at the time, such as information about the hydrologic cycle, ocean currents and springs, the right day for circumcision (on the 8th day the chemicals for blod clotting are at their highest peak), that the earth is free floating in space, the uncountable number of stars (at the time they thought that they could put a number to it by counting the ones we can see), etc..or at the most basic, that it says the Universe had a beginning, which science didn't figure out until more recently..and scientists actually used to use their belief in an eternal Universe to discredit the bible..

One of the biggest confirmations was that I received the Holy Spirit. That alone confirms everything Jesus said is true. It is something tangible and is an experiential experience that isn't simply wishful thinking. More than an experience, it is to know God personally, because His Spirit dwells within you.

Lastly, and most importantly, is the person of Jesus Himself. His words outrank by a vast degree any earthly wisdom, and expose the vain philosophies of man as foolish and futile. His words are a fountain of life, living and active, and they set the standard for all human discourse. Indeed, they are the words this civilization is built upon. The transforming power they have had on the world and in the hearts of men is beyond dispute, and direct proof of their pure truth. To follow the example of Jesus is the most difficult thing any person could ever try to do (indeed it is impossible without supernatural help) and it is also the most rewarding (as in eternally). In truth, they are the only words that lead to life. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

So, these are a few reasons I think the bible is credible. What I can tell you is that without the Holy Spirit you will never understand it, because it is truth that comes by supernatural revelation. Feel free to disagree, but I was once in your position, and believed much the same things about the bible. You just cannot imagine how far off you are from understanding it until that veil is removed from your eyes.

>> ^gwiz665

Horrible Christian Music Video - God's Backhand

Horrible Christian Music Video - God's Backhand

A Movie Montage of the "God's Eye View" Shooting Angle

lucky760 (Member Profile)

"Jackpotfishypoopypants"- (Michele Bachmann Bad Lip Reading)

Barseps says...

>> ^TheFreak:

OK, we get it...we've heard all this ideological stuff from Bachman before.
When will she actually put forward some policies? I thought we might finally get some substance out of this video when she started on her policies concerning milk at prison parties...and then she just veered right off into sugar fountain fairies. We don't need to hear your views on sugar fountain fairies...the entire GOP field is towing the conservative line on sugar fountain fairies!
And please Bachman, no more about the chinese shooting fricken' laser beams at our satelites.
That just makes you sound crazy.

Ha ha ha.......oh man, you should write the scripts for these people

"Jackpotfishypoopypants"- (Michele Bachmann Bad Lip Reading)

TheFreak says...

OK, we get it...we've heard all this ideological stuff from Bachman before.

When will she actually put forward some policies? I thought we might finally get some substance out of this video when she started on her policies concerning milk at prison parties...and then she just veered right off into sugar fountain fairies. We don't need to hear your views on sugar fountain fairies...the entire GOP field is towing the conservative line on sugar fountain fairies!

And please Bachman, no more about the chinese shooting fricken' laser beams at our satelites.
That just makes you sound crazy.

Italian Kid Loves Him Some Zeppelin

my15minutes says...

you know how i hate cutesy shit, but i just finished watching this for the 4th consecutive time and it just gets funnier.

if you could bottle the look on his face when his song comes on, you'd have the fountain of youth.

Kids Create Bellagio-style Water Show in Pool

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