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newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

newtboy says...

In reply to Chingalera:
And more ranting, insistence that you control others, insistence that YOUR issues are others issues, not yours, and completely ignoring of the fact that it is Ching that is the unwanted, vulgar, insulting, and always angry poster here, that instigates fights with anyone not in lock step with his insanity, and constantly and vulgarly insults all those that won't capitulate to his outrageousness. Too bad buddy, it's still not working for you, and it pushing others towards actual ACTION rather than simple cajoling. Is it not true you've been banned 5 times already Choggie?
Is there anyone NOT on the ching shit list? Sounds like a badge of honor from where I sit.
It's astonishing that your lack of self examination allows you to spout such insanity as " It is YOUR actions against me and the entire site's users," which was not an English sentence, and the sentiment you were attempting to state is 100% backwards. It's YOU who is outrageous, vulgar, insulting at every turn, and completely lacking respect or honor. I have never had trouble with another user on this have trouble with at least 3 right now that you've listed by name, and far more that I know of right now, and at least 10 more in the past if you've really been banned 5 times (as I think you have). D'oh!
Really, were you really trying to lure a 13 year old girl alone from over seas to your home for 'vocal training'?!? Just plain OMG! That's what your post seemed to have said you wanted, I went way back to read it. D'oh!

For the sift, and perhaps @dag, is it time for at least hobbling here?
I have tried to ignore this user, to no avail. We agreed together to no longer 'private message' each other on our profile page long ago, an agreement Ching was wholly unable to fulfill, as he constantly posts outrageous, insulting, vulgarity filled private messages to my profile (and in public in response to most of my comments, which he seems pathologically incapable of not insulting or degrading with outrageous vulgarity and vitriol). Sometimes he realizes he has gone way too far and tries to edit away the vulgar insults before they're immortalized, which is at least in part what hobbling is about right? Ching is unable to not personally insult, personally attack, or to be reasonable or respectful for more than one short post at a time (followed by at least a day of ranting insults, attacks, and vulgarity).
I often do comment about Ching's behavior/posts, but not his person. I don't know him, I only know his actions here.
I've also been a sifter since near the onset of the site, and I've never been banned! I just didn't sign up for a membership for years while I 'lurked'. I don't see how that makes a difference, this is about behavior. Ching's behavior is far beyond site guidelines....until now I've let that slide with only my words to him in response. Because he is now ramping it up again, any further "private" message, or trolling my comments will have me begin a push for actual action against Ching. He's just getting out of control and his vitriol is building. He alone is making the sift a far less pleasant place for many.
Consider this, I or others may be on the autism spectrum, is ridiculing the mentally challenged with vulgarity and personal insult proper or respectful?
I'm still really wondering how on earth Ching was allowed back on the site after being banned 5(?) times!?! Second chance...OK, 5th chance and still doing his best to be annoying and vulgar to all, WTF?!?
I made a promise to no longer private message Ching...I am a man of my word, and I intend to never allow his rantings on my profile to remain, ching, are well aware of this, it was at your request, and you've been reminded repeatedly, so your whining about it is called out as the completely fabricated BS that it is. If he doesn't want to hear from me about his insanity laden cursing fit's of posts, publicly, he could just as easily stop making them directly to or about me and he would be ignored by me, but that is not happening.

chingalera said:


"IF THERE'S ONE THING I'VE LEARNED ABOUT MYSELF FROM MY TIME HERE AT THE VIDEOSIFT since the place was about 4 months old, for anyone who hasn't that fact plugged the fuck into their meat yet (THE HARD WAY), it is this:"


Take that fellas, to yer private little shat-parties, and play with yourselves all-day-long, and if you can stand to admit your own failings, we may very well get along some day.

Until then you are all on the standard choggie shit-list. That fucking clear enough for the sycophantically bewildered whose best-interest if it be in mind would be to get a clue??

I'd also reiterate for the slow and cumbersome, that I do not ignore rather, I engage. It is YOUR actions against me and the entire site's users, that I remind the accused of these facts.

This is the LAST public statement on the matter I will post here, and again, I'd ask these users to respect my wishes that any future comments y'all feel so compelled to make in response to my interaction with you be marked "PRIVATE" on my personal profile, as I extend to ALL the same courtesy as a matter of course. These users have gone the opposite direction to their own detriment and embarrassment, and it is for this that I am the most empathetic towards them, and where my sympathy and heartfelt desire for their healing resides.

chingalera (Member Profile)

chingalera says...


"IF THERE'S ONE THING I'VE LEARNED ABOUT MYSELF FROM MY TIME HERE AT THE VIDEOSIFT since the place was about 4 months old, for anyone who hasn't that fact plugged the fuck into their meat yet (THE HARD WAY), it is this:"


Take that fellas, to yer private little shat-parties, and play with yourselves all-day-long, and if you can stand to admit your own failings, we may very well get along some day.

Until then you are all on the standard choggie shit-list. That fucking clear enough for the sycophantically bewildered, whose best-interest if it be in mind would be to get a clue??

I'd also reiterate for the slow and cumbersome, that I do not ignore rather, I engage. It is YOUR actions against me and the entire site's users, that I remind the accused of these facts.

This is the LAST public statement on the matter I will post here, and again, I'd ask these users to respect my wishes that any future comments y'all feel so compelled to make in response to my interaction with you be marked "PRIVATE" on my personal profile, as I extend to ALL the same courtesy as a matter of course. These users have gone the opposite direction to their own detriment and embarrassment, and it is for this that I am the most empathetic towards them, and where my sympathy and heartfelt desire for their healing resides.

dannym3141 (Member Profile)

Obama's secret plan for nuclear war with Russia

dannym3141 says...

@VoodooV far be it from me to side with choggie, but he's spot on about major political parties being "the same." Even with 3-4 parties to choose from in Britain, what we actually get is a change of figurehead. What we refer to as "democracy" in both our countries is not fit for purpose and does not represent the best interests of the people.

There's a wonderful indictment of British politics that i've seen floating around. It shows the political debate over changes to the welfare system and the chamber is empty save for 5-6 people. The debate about proposed increases to MP's pay shows a picture of an utterly packed house. That's a modern politician.


Obama's secret plan for nuclear war with Russia

VoodooV says...

Thanks choggie, your predictability is always good for a laugh, but that was a literal LOL

dance heckler, dance!

If choggie heckled Obama, how long do you think he'd be patient with him before choggie would inevitably say something to get him tased by the secret service?

Obama's secret plan for nuclear war with Russia

newtboy jokingly says...

Choggie....damn, he beat me to my guess!

VoodooV said:

say what you will about Obama, I love how he doesn't shy away from hecklers or he even lets them have their say.

so lets see if we can keep in the spirit of calling out hecklers. which sift troll will be the first to parrot some fox news talking point to try and change the subject? Lantern? Bobknight? Surely QM has something to say about his ears. Or will choggie dismiss it all with how the parties are all the same in his usual style of sound and fury, signifying nothing?

all in today's episode of...NAME THAT HECKLER!

Obama's secret plan for nuclear war with Russia

chingalera says...

Say what you will about Obama, I have no idea who and what he is or represents and I'd vote for him just for a chance to ride his cock. I love how he's a better actor than he is any sort of leader, just follow his lead and the world will ooze jelly donuts-filling and Pop Tart pastries in your favorite flavor will fall right off the trees and into your toaster!

So let's keep the spirit of complete douch-nozzle, spit-popping cuntitude going shall we?? (all five of my buddy-crew here who can do nothing else including think, without being told how and what to think about) y'all chime-in.

Which sift asshole piece of shit will be the first to think for themselves without having the television dictate how much of a complete cunt to be, and try to squash and render this asshole's newsspeak into the fertilizer it was meant to be, exposing for what it truly is, pusillanimous, robotic-script drivel, who can pssibly and effectively change the subject?

Lantern? Bobknight? Surely QM has something to say that I can call him out simply to shit upon him? ME, ME, ME, motherfuckers, nothing else matters but FUCKING ME!

Or will one of the few people who knows me better than I know myself, dismiss it reiterating how the parties are all the same in it's usual style of calling shit for what it is, identifying correctly, the crux of the biscuit???

(In case you haven't heard voodoovovovoovo, choggie ain't around here anymore. He was fired.)

*edit: OOPS! Forgot to hit the sar-chasm button. <(lying)

VoodooV said:

say what you will about Obama, I love how he doesn't shy away from hecklers or he even lets them have their say.

so lets see if we can keep in the spirit of calling out hecklers. which sift troll will be the first to parrot some fox news talking point to try and change the subject? Lantern? Bobknight? Surely QM has something to say about his ears. Or will choggie dismiss it all with how the parties are all the same in his usual style of sound and fury, signifying nothing?

all in today's episode of...NAME THAT HECKLER!

Obama's secret plan for nuclear war with Russia

VoodooV says...

say what you will about Obama, I love how he doesn't shy away from hecklers or he even lets them have their say.

so lets see if we can keep in the spirit of calling out hecklers. which sift troll will be the first to parrot some fox news talking point to try and change the subject? Lantern? Bobknight? Surely QM has something to say about his ears. Or will choggie dismiss it all with how the parties are all the same in his usual style of sound and fury, signifying nothing?

all in today's episode of...NAME THAT HECKLER!

Happy 8th Siftiversary (Sift Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Tiring and satisfying, brutally rich in manure...ahem, fertilizer.

One mans shit is another man's cornrows, thanks for putting up with all comers....kind of.
From choggie, chingalera, Sallyjune, blsomething, something, eliza, Peckinpaw, others....

To all the ladies of the sift, we salute each and every one

Still got me a little a bone to pick with chicco though, you ain't done bruhh...

You Can't Say That: What's Happening to Free Speech~(2000)

Sarah Silverman Hurt By Jonah Hill's Roast Jibes

chingalera says...

Yikes. I suppose what hurts worst for yourself is your sincerity. Oh and, I know I could never be as funny as her, ain't got the heritage and bloodline there Yogi....

Oh and uhhh, Yogi?? If you'll recall or not, I was the 1st or second user on this site to have been roasted, AFTER I began the fucking tradition, which is now about as dead as your exhortation.

Yogi said:

Shut the fuck up ya dumb cunt, you will never be as funny as her. You try sooo fucking hard but you're not funny. You're a should be suicide and you know it.

Food Channel Contest Time (Food Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Oh and lilithia, it's fine the amounts and all, I can wing that shit with my eyes closed, AND...
After i read your recipe, it inspired me to write these lyrics to a tune I shall flesh-out in studio (as i have been prone to be up-in lately recording hillbilly music) this punk tune, and here's the gyst and general set up and far (and yes, you Lilithia, inspired this song, as will be reflected in the credits)

I Steal Cookies - words and music by Chingalera, Choggie Kendall esq., BMC © 2014.

I steal cookies
It's something that I do
I steal cookies
Gonna steal some for you

I steal cookies
and hide'em in my shoe
I steal cookies,
yer gonna steal me some TOO!

(instrumental break and bridge)

I steal cookies
I steal em from the zoo
feed'em to the zebras
fed em to the, eeem-uuuu's

Gonna give you some cookies
if that 's what you wanna doooo
EAT SOME COOK-AhhhHHHS! (emphasize shouting)!


(insert head-banging lead, two more bridges, and resolve here)

finished composition, less than 10 mins
(all these dern cookies will take wayyy longer to bake!)

13 Year old girl sings a live cover of the Beatles'

chingalera says...

Well I think she's adorable and would benefit tremendously from private musical instruction and I'd be happy to personally oblige.(free room and board and air-fare included)....Please contact me at for arrangements.
-Choggie Kendall

Even Pat Robertson Attacks Young Earth Theory As A "Joke"

BoneRemake says...

If that was true then we would not really have a problem with Choggies bullshit tin foil ranting, calling it another perspective. That fucker calls bullshit multiple times a day and has made nothing but a joke of himself, he is not right at all during the day. ... or night.

Fantomas said:

Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Tracey Spicer on society's expectations of women

gorillaman says...

You can sign me up @bareboards2. If there were some broad agreement on terminology I would switch to gender neutral language instantly. Fucking sick of it.

Coincidentally I was thinking about this just this afternoon, because luckily I have nothing better to do at work than stand around contemplating gender politics; pleased and proud as I am of genderqueer crusaders trying to wrestle pronouns into shape, I've been generally unwilling to join them. For fuck's sake, I spend enough time every day arguing about the excess syllable in the number sev, I can't afford to multiply that by every sentence with a person in it.

Singularising plural pronouns is offensive to me on a practical and aesthetic level, Spivak's no damn good, you've got your zes and your hirs and your hens, it's a pain in the ass but as soon as we get some consensus and momentum it's going to be cool.

Can't see that feminism really has anything to do with all this, well, I have trouble seeing that feminism has anything to do with anything. Not to go all Trancecoach here with male world problems but they're similarly told that to be professional they have to knot a piece of cloth around their neck for no reason or slice the hair off their face every day for no fucking reason. The situation is that we have a bullshit tribal culture with endless absurd customs and arbitrary rituals which is perpetuated by morons.

So we should always be rationalising - language, culture, behaviour, expectations.

Gender neutrality is obviously the way to go. If you get shoved in a box you don't become the champion of the box and work to make your box the best box it can be; you break out and start beating your captors over the head with box fragments.

I don't give a fuck about women's problems; I don't give a fuck about women, but I'm glad to consider anyone who stops wearing makeup a part of my team because I don't wear makeup for the same reason I don't shave my stupid face.

Anyway that was my choggie impression for the day. Too much caffeine, not enough sleep, not enough time spent bathing in the blood of my enemies.

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