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Her Boobs are so big, she didn't feel a thing.

Her Boobs are so big, she didn't feel a thing.

Disappointed with Civ 5 (Blog Entry by jwray)

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^marinara:

/me played civ I to death. loved/hated it. IMHO best was alpha centauri. you could design your own units, terraform land, lots of nice stuff.
i actually bought civ IV, but was real frustrated. I played the CIV V demo and was impressed that they fixed a lot of the CIV IV crap. I feel you with the interface clunkiness.
I'm still playing Sins of a solar empire. if you can stand the longish games, it's a pretty good strategy games.
Oh, master of magic.

Sins is great, I highly recommend the expansions. They added in star bases, so late game, you don't have to be constantly running your main fleet around the edges of your empire. The game bogs down my machine multiplayer though. Can't have more than 4 star systems before it slows to a crawl.

thegrimsleeper (Member Profile)

Mi1ler says...

Thanks for the heads up.

In reply to this comment by thegrimsleeper:
If you want to embed videos from Vimeo you have to use their old embed code. Go to a video on Vimeo, click "embed" and at the top you should see a link that says "Use old embed code instead" click that (you probably have to click it twice) and then you should be able to post the videos here.

The old embed code is much longer than the new one and should start with "object" but the new one starts with "iframe"
Hope this helps.

In reply to this comment by Mi1ler:
just watched the 4 or these videos last night, then i couldnt get the embed of Epic Fleet to work

Mi1ler (Member Profile)

thegrimsleeper says...

If you want to embed videos from Vimeo you have to use their old embed code. Go to a video on Vimeo, click "embed" and at the top you should see a link that says "Use old embed code instead" click that (you probably have to click it twice) and then you should be able to post the videos here.

The old embed code is much longer than the new one and should start with "object" but the new one starts with "iframe"
Hope this helps.

In reply to this comment by Mi1ler:
just watched the 4 or these videos last night, then i couldnt get the embed of Epic Fleet to work

Beach Rumble

Give A Little Love - Noah And The Whale

GDGD says...

Well I know my death will not come
'Til I breathe all the air out my lungs
'Til my final tune is sung
That all is fleeting
Yeah, but all is good
And my love is my whole being
And I've shared what I could
But if you give a little love, you can get a little love of your own
Don't break his heart
Yeah if you give a little love, you can get a little love of your own
Don't break his heart

Well my heart is bigger than the earth
And though life is what gave it love first
Life is not all that it's worth
'Cause life is fleeting
Yeah, but I love you
And my love surrounds you like an ether
In everything that you do
But if you give a little love, you can get a little love of your own
Don't break his heart
Yeah if you give a little love, you can get a little love of your own
Don't break his heart
Yeah if you give a little love, you can get a little love of your own
Don't break his heart
Yeah if you give a little love, you can get a little love of your own
Don't break his heart

Well if you are (what you love)
And you do (what you love)
I will always be the sun and moon to you
And if you share (with your heart)
Yeah, you give (with your heart)
What you share with the world is what it keeps of you

Low Flying 747

Low Flying 747

mintbbb says...

I did a little web search:

'Until tomorrow, folks in the San Fransisco area are able to enjoy Fleet Week 2010. From their website: “The mission of San Francisco Fleet Week Association (SFFWA) is to honor the dedication to duty and sacrifices of the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces and to conduct and offer disaster preparedness training.”

To help celebrate, United Airlines flew one of their Boeing 747-400′s by the Golden Gate bridge. Pretty frek’n sweet, if you ask me. Over at The News Blog for Bay Area Travellers, they explained they have heard negative feedback about the fly over. Some say it is too similar to 9/11 and others are asking why a private airline is at a military celebration. Oh please.

First off, this is nothing like 9/11, it is a celebration with a bunch of different aircraft (including military) flying over the bay. If seeing a bunch of FA-18′s can fly by the bridge, why can’t a Boeing 747? Secondly, yes, United is not part of the military, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help to celebrate what the military does for our country.'

Armadillo Aerospace Super Mod rocket free flight

enoch (Member Profile)

bleedmegood says...

very niiiice.... have some of this... .....I'm sure you've heard hundreds of remixes of this song(including this one)....everytime I hear that melody I get this euphoric rush and memories of a simple care-free uninhibited era of self-exploration wash over me....brief and fleeting moments of unadulterated bliss....

In reply to this comment by enoch:

Fareed Zakaria Criticizes 'Disproportionate' Afghanistan War

NetRunner says...

@kronosposeidon, I also don't think it helps when we have a solid bloc of Congress that demands the resignation of anyone who says, even fleetingly, that the war is a bad idea.

If you deleted all the Republicans from Congress, the wars would end.

Hell, if you eliminated the organized manipulation of the press by conservatives, it wouldn't just be a moderate majority opposed to the war, it'd be at least 80%.

F-15 Strike Eagles Low Fly Through Mach Loop

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^rottenseed:

Dude I hear this every day at my office. I work 2 miles from Miramar MCAS. It gets really really annoying. However, sometimes they do cool things like fly a 20 helicopter fleet overhead. Fleet? Is that the right word? Swarm? School? Flock? Taxpayer waste?

I think the technical term is either a fuck ton, or in the case of the prop heads, an ass load.

F-15 Strike Eagles Low Fly Through Mach Loop

rottenseed says...

Dude I hear this every day at my office. I work 2 miles from Miramar MCAS. It gets really really annoying. However, sometimes they do cool things like fly a 20 helicopter fleet overhead. Fleet? Is that the right word? Swarm? School? Flock? Taxpayer waste?

Justice: What's a Fair Start? What Do We Deserve?

mgittle says...


For one, saying Netrunner's rsponse is "interesting" sort of indicates you didn't pay a lot of attention to the video, because that's exactly what was discussed in the lectures.

You're still missing the argument, I think, and it seems that is because you don't respect the dignity of those people you see as "STD-collecting hippies". That's your right, but I'm willing to bet that's based on a vast misunderstanding of those people rather than any facts or moral judgement. Yeah they seem like crazies, and yes I'm sure you've seen some videos, but you're generalizing and stereotyping, which is annoying as hell in moral arguments because it obfuscates the issue with subjective crap. You're also making the assumption that the people who attend the burning man thing do nothing the rest of the year.

Also, the whole "I pay more taxes" thing doesn't hold water. If you own a business and your taxes pay for a bus system you don't use, someone who works for you might use that bus system. If you own a business that has a fleet of 100 trucks, you're using up the roads a lot faster than the average person. There are a ton more examples that apply to all sorts of situations. Your success is built upon the people who make less than you, and you benefit from their existence whether you think they're lazy scum or not. Not to mention, they purchase products as well, which increases demand for things.

I mean, why do you think cheap credit has been such a problem in the US/UK? Real wages haven't increased for most people in decades, but cheap credit and rising home prices allowed people to keep buying things. But, the credit bubble just burst and people are trying to live within their means...hello recession. So, keep on with your philosophy, but realize it bites everyone in the ass.

As for "unequal contributions", that was discussed in the lecture as well. Your "contribution" to society depends on your skill set. Which skills are valued depends on the society and local culture. So, in a given society (especially one where success is defined by profit), some skills will be inherently valued more than others. Therefore, some people will gain more money than others. But, if you eliminate people and/or their ways of thinking from your society, what happens when a new demand arises for their skills in some unforeseen way?

What happens when a company like Lehman Bros. fires people who say things like, "Housing prices can't always go up!" and replaces them with more people who go with the flow? We know the answer to that. ...and your brain control comment, that's just awful. Are you suggesting those people will be eliminated from society through some sort of forced brain manipulation? Where will the money for that come from?

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