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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Caleb Miller- under arrest for driving a truckload of 16-17 year olds to the polls in Jacksonville Fl to harass and intimidate Harris voters and after surrounding a pair with trump flags screaming at them ended up attacking a 71 year old woman and a 54 year old woman with A FUCKING MACHETE…on camera.

Also Nicolas Farley- another racist maggot arrested for intimidating poll workers and voters with anti Semitic threats and attempting to hit them with his car in Florida. Hate crime enhancement has been triggered.

newtboy said:

Daniel Miller- Another maggot caught committing voter fraud already, used the absentee ballot for her dead mother to vote for the felon in Minnesota.
Once again, lots of instances of individual voter fraud already found this election, so far all of them maga.

Jesse Lutzenberger- repeatedly punched a 69 year old poll worker for telling him to remove his campaign hat at the polls (wearing campaign gear or signs at polls is a crime in Texas). He’s by far not the only one…fat ugly bitches removing their ”I’m voting for the felon” shirts to vote in their underwear while cursing and spitting at poll workers is the norm for your fat ugly disgusting women.

Valerie BianCanello- The RNC official arrested at the Pennsylvania polls for repeatedly harassing voters in line to vote and screaming at them about who they have to vote for.

Charles Pierce - Redding Ca landlord who stole 4 tenants ballots and used them to vote for the felon then was stupid enough to brag about it on Twitter.

Seems a lot of you understand there’s no way you can win the election without massive frauds and violent intimidation….and even with them chances are increasingly slim.

The Hydrodynamics of Marbling Art

STONE TREK (Ep. 1) - "The Deadly Ears"

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith on Donald Trump indictments

newtboy says...

Yes you are.
A convicted rapist, repeatedly convicted fraud, and admitted child abuser worshiper. You drank the flavorade years ago and it caused brain death. You are in the child sex cult, buddy, not me.
I guess you need more evidence.

126 KY GOP state legislator Dan Johnson accused of sexual assault of 17-year-old. Killed himself

127 OR GOP state senator, Jeff Kruse, subjected two women senators to unwanted sexual touching

128 Pennsylvania Republican state rep Nick Miccarelli - domestic violence

129 Republican CO state senator Randy Baumgardner - sexual harassment,

130 OH state representative, Republican Wes Goodman — inappropriate behavior

He was also accused of fondling an underage boy

131 MN state rep Tony Cornish - sexual harassment

132 AZ state rep Don Shooter - sexual harassment

133 FL state senator Jack Latvala - sexual harassment, assault

134 KY state rep Jeff Hoover — sexual harassment

135 Idaho GOP state rep Brandon Hixon - child molestation, committed suicide

136 Republican Ohio state senator Cliff Hite — sexual harassment

137 Cumberland County Commissioner Bruce Barclay is not included because he hired male and female prostitutes every week. He’s included because he taped them without their knowledge.

138 GOP Congressional candidate Derek Walker - broke into ex’s house to tape her having sex

139 Franklin Graham, partisan religious leader, uses his family name & father’s credibility to protect child molesters and sexual predators, including Trump, Roy Moore, and Kavanaugh

140 Republican Judge Alex Kozinski, Brett Kavanaugh’s mentor: sexual harassment

141 Trump Deputy Chief of Staff for Communication Bill Shine - an expert at protecting and covering up sexual harassment and abuse.

142 How did I forget GOP Sen. Bob Packwood - serial sexual misconduct

143 Republican Columbus Mayor Dana Rinehart was never indicted for molesting 13-year-old babysitter, but years later it was discovered cop spied on her and family and worked to protect him from an indictment

144 Samuel Barstow Kent Republican Judge - sexual assault. By the way, he thinks prison is unfair

145 MO Gov Eric Greitens - consensual affair, BUT he took nude photos and threatened to publicize them. Yes, charges dropped, but only because the prosecutor was also a witness which is not allowed. Also, stealing from charity Additionally, His ex-wife accuses him of domestic violence toward her and their son

146 Montgomery Co GOP Chair Robert Kerns - rape pled to indecent sexual assault

147 Edison Misla Aldarondo, Republican Speaker of the House in Puerto Rico, rape of 17-year-old girl, molesting stepdaughter, plus corruption

148 Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas - sexual harassment. He lied to the Senate. Senate Judiciary did not allow other accusers to testify.

149 GOP Candidate for ME House, James
indicted for rape in Rhode Island, stayed in the race, won the primary, lost general, pled no contest and got probation.

150 Alabama RW religious leader - Ralph Lee Aaron - child molesting Consecutive life

bobknight33 said:

Koolaid drinking dreamer

MTG makes Biden For President Ad

surfingyt says...

Republican Tim Nolan, chairman of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in Kentucky & Former Campbell County Judge, Served as a judge, school board member and city solicitor, forced 19 victims to perform sex acts, including seven who were minors under 16. Pled guilty on February 11, 2018 and was sentenced to serve 20 years in prison.

Republican George Nader, Trump Foreign Policy Adviser, sentenced to 10 years in prison for possession of child pornography and transporting a minor into the United States for sex.

Republican Ralph Shortey, a former Oklahoma state senator & Trump’s Oklahoma campaign chair, was indicted on four counts of human trafficking and child pornography. Pled guilty to a federal charge of child sex trafficking after hiring a 17-year-old boy for sex. Sentenced to 15 years in prison, in addition to ten years of supervised release and ordered to pay $125,000 in restitution.

Republican Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Illinois Congressman and one of the highest-ranking U.S. politicians to ever go to prison, molested at least four boys as young as 14 years of age when he coached wrestling at an Illinois High School. He was sentenced to 15 months in prison, two years' supervised release, and a $250,000 fine. A civil case was due back in court for a status hearing on Jan. 8, 2021 at the courthouse to further address the jury trial.

Republican Minnesota State Representative Jim Knoblach Drops Out Of Race After Daughter Says He Molested Her For More Than Ten Years 22 Sep 2018

Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.

Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.

Republican Joseph Dendy, Cobb County GA Republican Party Chairman & Sunday School Teacher,was sentenced to life in prison after being convicted on four counts of child molestation, four counts of first-degree cruelty to children, three counts of enticing a child for indecent purposes, and one count each of aggravated sexual battery and aggravated child molestation.

Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida.

Republican director of the “Young Republican Federation” Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison.

Republican Kentucky state Representative & pastor Dan Johnson, committed suicide after an exposé revealed his serial lies, suspected arson, criminal church, racism, accused rape of a teen and more.

Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.

Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.

Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.

Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8 and 10-year old girls.

Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter.

Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl

Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.

Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded "a return to traditional values", was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.

Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.

Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.

Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.

Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).

Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to molesting a male child.

Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters.

Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.

Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in prison

Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet.

Republican city councilman Mark Harris, described as a “good military man / church goer,” was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Republican Brandon Hixon, Idaho State Representative, resigned while under criminal investigation for molesting two girls, including a young female relative for more than 10 years, then killed himself three months later, shortly before his ex-wife and two others were to testify before a grand jury.

Republican Tony Yocham, Hamilton, TX Chief of Police, was arrested by Texas Rangers on charges of continuous sexual abuse of a child.

Republican Nathan Larson of the Virginia House of Delegates is a self-confessed pedophile and white supremacist. Was arrested on felony charges for kidnapping, child abduction, soliciting child pornography from a minor and meeting a child for the intention of sex.

I got over 1,000 more repubs @bobknight33 if you realllllly wanna play. But for now lets see you do a list of Democrats LOLOLOL

newtboy said:

MAGA is now a child sex offender, every one of you and especially you. Again, don’t be surprised if you have a knock on your door and a LONG vacation. What you did by reposting the revenge porn is also a felony.

The Media's Failure on the Trump Indictment

luxintenebris says...

don is gone.

rather turn the channel & watch sumin' else.

all those stories 'bout the GOP going on full fascist. those are stories that hint of happier endings.

TN Reds are cooking their own goose. The Christian right is being treated as wrong in many red states. FL's Mussolini wannabe Governor's vexation, over being (invariably) outfoxed by Disney, has revealed his reserve is that of a nest of jostled hornets. Flying spittle ain't a good look for a leader. Out of control is a big voter turn-off. Ask Don. 7 millions times.

Heck. Even Fox is going on record as an opportunistic conniving lie oriented enterprise. A simple boycott of 10% of cable subscribers has the possibility of Rupe changing the format to all children's programming.

Angery dumb men, doing dumb things in anger, has a high likelihood of causing a great deal of harm to others, & in return to themselves.

TN has handed the left the future (see WS). FL governor is given Disney free reign for the coming decades. Women & youth are nullifying the SCOTUS' best-laid plans.

Don is gone. Red is the land of dread.

FBI Seize Gaetz’s Phone Amid Sex Trafficking Investigation

bobknight33 says...

No Charges: Gaetz Sex-Trafficking Case Crumbles As Prosecutors Doubt Witness Credibility.

Justice Department prosecutors have recommended against charging Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) in connection with a long-running sex-trafficking investigation.

Dodge Viper Crashes During Street Race || ViralHog

BSR says...

Back in 2014 I worked for a company in Naples FL that is owned by Jack Roush. The job was mostly road testing new cars before they started hitting dealer lots. We would travel on specified routes for 8 hours. There was day and night shifts. I mostly drove nights. The routes were on Interstate and city roads. Every test vehicle had a Black Box.

We had three 2015 Vipers. The thing I liked the most with that car is that it felt like you were sitting in the hand of God. I cannot tell you how hard it was to keep to the speed limit. It was so hard that I got written up just for "touching" 100 mph for 2 seconds.

Me and Viper

Nov 3rd, 202, Atlanta’s State Farm Arena Fulton County

US sues to block TX abortion law

noseeem says...

Hee Hee.

It's just good fun. You pretend to know facts, so why not fight mud with mud?

Look, you're answer is no answer. Calling it murder makes you look unconscionably devoid. It has no merit. Also is an insult to the whole matter.

If life - other people's unformed, potential children - matter that much...then why not support Democrats?

They are the only ones seriously taking about national healthcare. NO GOP PLAN - isn't that true?

If you w/the holy staff, want children to be carried to full term, then prenatal care is a necessity. Data shows that the bulk of terminations are single parents with children. As a citizen of the USA, you KNOW that's tough enough. But no guy, no religious fart, that talks about "personal responsibility" yet offers no aid is sewer fodder.

Even adoption is a lie. Poll anyone at your church (if you do that sort of thing and are not independently enlightened) how many have adopted, bet it's not that much...if any.

It's a hard sell, amigo.

But do know there are foreseeable unintended deaths coming because of this bill if left in place - GO DOJ!!! Blissful Bob and his ilk will claim it did no such thing either.

Mean you no ill will (the devil you say) but your intent isn't being served by this notion that banning means solving.

[BTW: do you remember when the state of FL and Jeb Bush lost ~10,000 children in the foster care system? Sometime later he glowingly said they accounted for 99% of them? Meaning 100 kids could have been sex slaves, dead, or dating Matt Gaetz.]

bobknight33 said:

Using my words? from some other posted Video.

Fake news personnel also at this site?

Why should I be surprised.

Cancer Patient’s Husband Has A Message For Anti Vaxers

luxintenebris says...

FL & TX account for 40% of all the new hospitalizations. Yet, they are against mask mandates. Against their fellow lawmakers, citizens, and school administrators who KNOW masks are necessary. FOR THE GOP it is a political weapon.

What is poignant is all the teachers that have and will die. IF given a thought for a moment, the flu season was unusually low last season. In our area, it was almost non-existent. We know masks check the spread of the COVID virus but now there is a possibility it could cut the flu infection risks, too!

Now isn't it worth it? Because COVID attacks the lungs and has already spun off a lambda variant. Why double up the chance parents, teachers, and their children could get at a double shot of respiratory illnesses?!

THINK OF IT: all those immune-compromised folks who got their shots. If it was so dangerous, then where was the storm for Gramma? If it doesn't work- who is in the hospitals? If it's a 'freedom' issue then what freedom will be there for those infected? Didn't we just come from a shutdown? Why is this EVEN A DEBATE?!!! Why is doing so OBVIOUSLY right so anti-right?

Don't let what you don't know to keep you from doing what you do know is the right way to go.

After all, folks like myself have to live w/the risk of new GOP members living to vote, to make more awful laws, and how many of them will mirror what we have now? The horror...the horror...

DOPESICK Official Trailer (2021)

luxintenebris jokingly says...

maybe, the idea is to meet logic with insanity. wear down the resistance and install the weirdness until all are weary, worn down, and helpless to resist.

none of the DC GOP, red-hand media can seem to undo their doings. the black-hearted voo-doo of foo has set into the rigid minds of their prey.

FL & TX are leading the nation in new hospitalizations (40% together). yet 'new sheriff in town' Abbott is trying to lock up folks for trying to keep masks on children's faces. and DeSastre calls summer, "covid season", when it was previously a winter thing. both are anti-mask.

none of it makes sense.

one would think people's kids would be their most treasured gift...but their song of 'no mask mandates' could be their swansong. with masks, the last flu season was unusually low and some areas a rarity. the real fear was flu and covid, but w/all the covid cautions it was largely avoided.

but maybe not this time. mix a regular flu season and new strains of covid in the vastness of unvaccinated, unventilated rooms of children?

if fear sells, let's hope this 'terror' becomes the top seller. save all of us.

BTW: am totally sold on masks. even if covid disappear today, they stop transmissions and truly could be an answer to flu season of the future. not a republican. hate being miserable.

newtboy said:

How long before Hulu makes a movie about insane anti vax cultists who don’t believe COVID is dangerous but when they get COVID are over running the medical systems in red states where vaccinations are falling behind to the point that no other illnesses or emergencies can be dealt with and even responsible vaccinated people are dying from lack of medical care, dying from non life threatening injuries and illnesses that minimal care would have prevented, but hospitals are full and clinics closed because their personnel were needed at local hospitals?

Can we please create a policy that, without a vaccine “passport”, no patient is allowed in any hospital that takes a dime in public funding? Let the right wing denier cultists die from the disease they deny exists, they said they gladly would, but in the quarantine cages set up in parking lots, not at home, not in hospital beds, but under freeway overpasses and lower level subterranean parking lots. No responsible vaccinated citizen should be turned away to serve the deniers like is happening in red states today, but they can’t be allowed back in public for weeks at a minimum.

Emails Reveal Trump Planned Coup with Loyalist Jeffrey Clark

luxintenebris jokingly says...

gonna have to explain 1/2 truths? after all video, audio and witness testimony of crimes committed...are you saying the other half of truth is what you believe?

is truth, for you, like one of those black and white cookies? if you don't like one end, ya' flip it to the other?

no. if it's not true then it's false. there is truth. truth can be proven. truth isn't a choice.

- the president tried to lead a coup. he failed. the uprising HAPPENED. no camera tricks. no 'deep-fake' poo smeared on the walls of congress.

- COVID is killing. Delta is turning FL & TX into a breeding ground of new strains (Delta + is already out before Windows 11).

Those are real.

When you hear..."GOOD LORD! Lambda variant is heading from Peru! forget the Mexicans! the next llama you meet might be your last!!"...only one truth in there. the rest is hyperbole or pure conjecture.

'cause there are no half-truths. only truth covered in lies. kinda like eating fish. you pick out the bones. avoided swallowing it whole.

Your Grandma Shouldn't Be Attractive. Cam Bertrand

BSR says...

Neil Armstrong's Last Words On The Moon-

When Apollo Mission Astronaut Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon, he not only gave his famous “One small step for man; one giant leap for mankind” statement, but followed it by several remarks, including the usual COM traffic between him, the other astronauts, and Mission Control. Before he re-entered the lander, he made the enigmatic remark “Good luck, Mr. Gorsky.”Many people at NASA thought it was a casual remark concerning some rival Soviet Cosmonaut. However, upon checking, [they found] there was no Gorsky in either the Russian or American space programs.

Over the years, many people have questioned him as to what the “Good luck, Mr. Gorsky” statement meant. On July 5, in Tampa Bay, FL, while answering questions following a speech, a reporter brought up the 26- year-old question to Armstrong. He finally responded. It seems that Mr. Gorsky had died and so Armstrong felt he could answer the question. When he was a kid, Neil was playing baseball with his brother in the backyard. His brother hit a fly ball which landed in front of his neighbors’ bedroom window. The neighbors were Mr. and Mrs. Gorsky. As he leaned down to pick up the ball, he heard Mrs. Gorsky shouting at Mr. Gorsky, “Oral sex? Oral sex you want? You’ll get oral sex when the kid next door walks on the moon!”

Track Coach Fired After Refusing To Make Athletes Wear Masks

Mystic95Z says...

Good for him on standing up to dumb assery... Masks are overrated unless you are in close proximity to others for extended periods of time... I've not wore one outdoors for the entirety of this pandemic and have yet to contract the virus... I'm a fan of theme parks and I'm not going back until there are no mask requirements, but its hot here in FL during the summer and fuck all that... I got vaccinated, that should be enough.

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