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Star Wars filibuster - Parks and Rec. (Patton Oswalt)

TYT - Drone Strikes - Is Rand Paul a Constitutional Hero?

VoodooV says...

Rand is proof that Republicans just really are incapable of learning from their mistakes.

McCain/Palin didn't win. Let's go further Right!!

The Robot and the Ayn Rand disciple didn't win, Let's go even further Right.

Republicans have moved the goalposts countless times that they have lost all perspective and are completely out of touch with the american public.. In reality, Obama is a moderate conservative but to the right, he's a flaming socialist muslim dictator.

The right is its own worst enemy. The party of Lincoln?? That hasn't been true for a long fucking time.

Rand was grandstanding for publicity. period. his filibuster was a huge strawman

TYT - Drone Strikes - Is Rand Paul a Constitutional Hero?

chingalera says...

Oh, and to the so-called Democrats that we're disappointed that the TUrkJerk supported Rand's Filibuster?? -You're a bunch of COMPLETE morons! Clueless morons. What is a democrat but a meaningless word, anyway??

TDS 12/10/12 - Mitch McConnell's Self-Filibuster

alcom says...

What makes no sense? The point here is that Mitch McConnell attempted to pass a bullshit, sarcastic bill as an insult to Democrats. By itself, this is a foolish, immature waste of time. But when called to task, he sheepishly backtracked. I was hoping since there is no danger of Obama being re-elected in 2016, then these filibuster games would end and your representatives could go back to work on real bills for the next 4 years. Sadly, the games go on. Hey look, I agree! It makes no sense.

quantumushroom said:

Makes no sense. Just let the taxocrats have their tax increases. Make them OWN the failures they create. The 2016 obama depression is on the way and not even the King's loyal thugmedia will be able to blame Bush then...

littledragon_79 (Member Profile)

TDS 12/10/12 - Mitch McConnell's Self-Filibuster

Little Grey Penis

alcom says...

Mickeleh states he has no illusion that Obama will have an easier term this time around, but I am hopeful that it will. At least now the Rep's don't have to waste time and energy preventing another term for Obama. I just hope the Conservative scorched-earth tactics of filibustering and blocking all progress while attempting to attribute the blame to "the worst president in history" will finally cease.

Bill O'Reilly is Stupid

Yogi says...

>> ^alcom:

If Reps have a better sense of "how the world works," then why didn't they anticipate the mortgage-backed security crisis? Regulation is necessary, taxation is necessary and the freedom to marry who you want to marry is necessary to build a balanced and prosperous society. The Rep contradictions of "less gov = more freedom EXCEPT for marriage rights, women's bodies and more military spending" have been exposed to the majority as the fraud that they are. Obama endured relentless personal attacks, pointless filibustering and not a small amount of outright racism, lies and disrespect in a futile attempt to make him out to be the "worst president in history."
The people have spoken. Obama still came out on top, consistent to his values and gracious as he congratulated Romney on a hard-fought campaign. Taxing the top earners in the country a little more and cutting spending would be an effective way if paying down the deficit. How is this an illusion?
The Republican party needs to regroup. Their tactic of leaning further and further to the right (except in the last weeks) has soured too many right-of-center voters. If they argue now that they would have won "if only they had someone MORE conservative running," then they will surely lose again and again.

Apparently you have reading comprehension problems. I didn't say anything about republicans having a better sense of how the world works. I said that propaganda dictates how most people in this country seem to think. That if you talk to anyone they have no idea what Obamas real policies are or what they mean. I meant that mostly on the republican sides but it's true for democrats as well.

But go ahead, read what you want.

Bill O'Reilly is Stupid

alcom says...

If Reps have a better sense of "how the world works," then why didn't they anticipate the mortgage-backed security crisis? Regulation is necessary, taxation is necessary and the freedom to marry who you want to marry is necessary to build a balanced and prosperous society. The Rep contradictions of "less gov = more freedom EXCEPT for marriage rights, women's bodies and more military spending" have been exposed to the majority as the fraud that they are. Obama endured relentless personal attacks, pointless filibustering and not a small amount of outright racism, lies and disrespect in a futile attempt to make him out to be the "worst president in history."

The people have spoken. Obama still came out on top, consistent to his values and gracious as he congratulated Romney on a hard-fought campaign. Taxing the top earners in the country a little more and cutting spending would be an effective way if paying down the deficit. How is this an illusion?

The Republican party needs to regroup. Their tactic of leaning further and further to the right (except in the last weeks) has soured too many right-of-center voters. If they argue now that they would have won "if only they had someone MORE conservative running," then they will surely lose again and again.

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Drachen_Jager:
Actually, far from stupid I found him really on the point here.
Candidate A will "Give them things" ie. make their lives better.
Candidate B says, "Screw you, my rich friends need MORE!" ie. make their lives worse.
Why did anyone vote for Romney again? It's been shown time and again, Democratic Presidents have a better record on the economy, AND debt levels than Republicans. Yet this illusion remains that somehow by focusing 90% of their energy on helping 5% of the population the Republican will magically shrink the debt and make everything work, in spite of the fact that it's been tried numerous times, and it's failed every single time.

If you hear people talk about Obama and his policies they are simply uninformed about them. They're uninformed about everything whether it's what the deficit means to history to how the world even works. The PR industry works hard on producing massive amounts of propaganda and it does work. This is how you do things when you do not have the big stick like in a Totalitarian society, you have to manufacture everyone's consent.

Obama On The Tax Plan

Fairbs says...

Thanks for the link. I'm drafting an email to state my case for Obama to send to my R relatives. I have a lot on the why not Mitt, but not so much on the Yes Obama so this helps.

>> ^volumptuous:

For you douchebags who keep spouting the "He's done nothing he promised he would do" horseshit, here's a list of 200 accomplishments during his first term, with citations:

And as for your "he had filibuster proof majority for two years", you are either lying to push your bias, or uneducated.

Obama On The Tax Plan

Best political ad ever-but then the opponent is weak

rychan says...

>> ^bobknight33:

Ok you got me. Obama has been office for 3 years 6 months. Your too smart for me.
The Democrats still have full control of the senate and lost control of the House.

No. The Democrats had "full control" (filibuster proof majority) for perhaps 5 months, but even that is debatable because it depends on support from independents.

Romney's Harshest Jabs At Obama

PostalBlowfish says...

Obama has divided the nation all by himself, has he?

Let's never mind the do-nothing House. Never mind the Republican nominee with positions like "the solution is to do the opposite of whatever Obama is for." Wow, nuanced! Never mind the Republican pow wow where they decided they were going to put politics ahead of progress, and then all that time they put politics ahead of progress.

Obama asked them to pass legislation _they_ invented! They _still_ said no. Sounds to me like he was trying to work with them, but all they wanted to do was program people to talk about how divided the President has made the country. Mission success! If you want to see politicians that are dividing the country, look no further than the House. Take a gander at the Senate filibuster statistics. A huge spike coincides with '08 that hasn't abated. Take a look at Wisconsin, where unions are being destroyed. Take a look at half a dozen or more states where the Republican state houses are trying to stop poor non-Republicans from voting. NOPE! NOT A PROBLEM!

Obama is literally hitler! If this President went into a burning orphanage and rescued every single orphan in there, people who think he's the problem would find a way to have a problem with that.

The real culprit of divisiveness is all cable news. Turn off the Fox and MSNBC and get real news.

Mitt Gets Worse: A visit to the Guv'nor

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Filibuster politics? Call me a stickler for the proper use of language, but a filibuster is the blocking of legislation in the Senate by forcing a failed cloture vote. That has not happened a single time since Obama took office. Certainly not in 2008-2010 when the Democrats controlled both the House AND the Senate with iron-clad majorities.

Which isn't to say that the Republicans aren't doing everything they can to stall Obama's legislation. To which I say, "Good". The majority of Americans are opposed to Obama's legislative efforts. The GOP wouldn't be doing thier job if they weren't slamming on the brakes. That's what the opposition party is supposed to do. Democrats did it to Bush when they could, and I didn't hear any Boo-Hooing about "filibuster politics" from the peanut gallery at that point. Such "filibuster politics" was rather lauded as I recall when it was Bush on the business end of it. In fact, I recall clearly the Neolibs were all upset and hysterical that the Democrats didn't do a lot MORE "filibuster politics" when they were in the minority.

Mitt Gets Worse: A visit to the Guv'nor

PostalBlowfish says...

Everything is the President's fault! Filibuster politics had nothing to do with it. Republicans putting politics ahead of recovery had nothing to do with it. Being a moderate Republican was not good enough - he did not convert to batshitism so filibuster everything.

Obama did not give me my flying car god damn it! SOCIALIST

Go ahead, genius. Be the problem.

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